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1、,Unit 6 Deixis 指示语part,Content,1、指示语用法Deixis usage2、地点指示词 Place Deixis3、语篇指示词 Discourse Deixis4、社会指示词Social Deixis,Deictic Usage指示语的用 法,gesture use and symbolic usedeictic use and non-deictic use,A.手势用法(gesture use)当听话人在场的情况下,以说话人在说话时刻所处的位置为基 准的空间位置,它是说话人可以用手势向听话人指点出来的方 位或地点,伴随一定手势,远指/近指,例:A:Which f

2、inger did he bite?B:This little finger on the right.Please put the bags here,not here.Write the name on this board,and their titles on that board.Come over here.,B.象征用法(symbolic use),指包括说话人所处位置在内的一个比较笼统的空间 或地域单位,它是听话人熟悉或可想象出来的地点例:I just came back from there.Will you go to that city with me next time

3、.Everybody gathers at that place.(老地方),A comparison between gesture use and symbolic use:when i am giving a lecture in our university:this lady,this university,Examples,I know youll enjoy reading my book.I am writing to say Im having a wonderful time here.Hello!How are things there?I know more about

4、 pragmatics now than I did before.,2、指示用法和非指示用法,指示用法(deictic use):指示语在语句中的含义以语境为转移。语 境明确时,含义明确。非指示用法(non-deictic use):指示语在话语中无需有特定的指称 对象,普遍适用。(包括泛指、前照应、后照应)泛指ExamplesYou never know whether to read every chapter or skip one or two.You是泛指,不能确定这个you的所指。You cannot lose what you never had.不以语境为转移而适用于任何人泛

5、指的you/your在正式场合由one/ones来替代,但当one/ones多次重复,由he来替代。One cannot lose what one/he never had.,anaphoric use and cataphoric use:,前照应 Examples1.John got home late and he was very tired.He是一个前照应,与先行词语所指称的John互指(co-reference)2.I was born in London and have lived there ever since.There作为前照应,与in London互指3.My f

6、ather died in 1964;he was still young then.He作为前照应与my father互指,then作为前照应与in 1964互指 后照应 Examples1.Here is the 9 oclock news 2.I bet you havent heard this story.,4.All for one,one for all,5.He is my brother.,1.I want you to put it here.手势用法,2.(A telephoners utterance:)Is Johnny th象er征e?用法3.I was born

7、in London and have lived thereever since.前照应,非指示用法,泛指,指示用法,6.I bet you havent heard this story,.后照应,place deixis(地点指示语),Place deixis(space deixis):refers to the place or spatial location that related to the speech event.,地点指示语指话语涉及的地点或空间位置。In English,location adverbs and demonstratives such as:here,

8、there,this,that,left,right are typical place deixis.Besides,pairs of motion verbs such as come and go,take and bring also are components of place deixisEquivalents of these words can be found in Chinese,that is:这儿,那儿,这个,那个,左和右,来和去,带走和拿来。,除此之外,地点指示语可以是表示空间位置的副 词,或由“介词+方位名词”组成表示空间位置的 介词短语,或者是“介词+物体”等组

9、成的表示方位 的介词短语。,英语中的come和go可以表示言语时间参与者的 移动方向不同:,He is coming.He is going.Hurry up,Peter,we are leaving.Go ahead,I am coming.,“礼貌的观点转移”:说话人不以自己为参照点,而把参照点转移到听话人所处的方位,以示礼貌,I am going,I am coming,部分表示移动的动词,存在不同的方位指示。如英 语中的come/go,bring/take,汉语中的“来”和“去”,“拿来”/“拿走”等等,1、表示移动起点的,如去(go)、离开(leave)、带去/带走(take)2、表

10、示移动终点的,come、arrive、bringEg:The teacher went home around midnight.(强调起点)The teacher came home around midnight.(强调终点)3、不明确表示起点或者终点的,如:旅行(travel)Eg:People keep coming and going all day(例子中的come和go克服缺点没有明确表示移动的终点和起 点,但仍可以感到两个动词的不同移动方向。),Attention1:它们的语用意义取决于具体的语 境;人或物空间位置的确定必须以其他的人 或物为参照点。(随说话人或听话人作为观 察

11、者在说话时刻所处的不同位置而有所变化),when estimating the certain meaning of a place deixis,there are 2 points need to pay attention:,例1:John lives upstairs.听话人会理解John是在说话人说话时刻所处地点的楼上,只 有在前述话语中曾提及某个其他地点,才会对upstairs产生 别的理解Harry lives nearby.除非在前述话语中曾提及某个其他地点,否则听话人只会 把nearby理解为说话人说话时刻所处地点的附近。例2:A、B两人在院子里围着一棵树相对而立,面对着A这

12、一边的树下有一只猫,这时如果A作为视察者,他会怎 么说?但如果换了B做为观察者,他会怎么说?aThere is a kitten in front of the tree.bThe kitten is behind the tree.例3:“Here is snowing.”,Attention2:地点指示常以说话人为中心参照点,this近指:靠近说话人之物 that远指:远离说话人之物,基本地点 指示用法,But:近指远指意义的区别不明显,在一些场合中可以互换,情感上的接近:用this不用that 情感上的疏远:用that 不用this,莱昂斯的情感指示(emphathetic deixis

13、),Discourse deixis(语篇指示),语篇指示互指关系co-referential语篇指示与互指关系的区别,一、语篇指示,Discourse deixis concers the use of some expressions that encode reference to a certain portion of the unfolding discourse containing the current utterance.语篇中某些词被用于指包含这句话在内的整个语篇的某 一部分,或者是达到语篇衔接的目的.,There are types of words used in d

14、iscourse deixis:,time deixis,place deixis or some words or phrases that represent the intersentential relationship.(such as:but,therefore,in conclusion,to the contrary,still,however,anyway,well,besides,after all and so on.),In the next paragraph,we will find something pretty interesting.next指示的就是下一段

15、中要传达的信息,或是后述部分要 传达信息的那个篇章部分。In the last chapter we learnt what is so called stream of consciousness.last指示的是上一章中讲述意识流的信息,或是传达该信 息的篇章部分I bet you havent heard this storythis指示接下来要叙述的故事,或是叙述故事的那个篇章部 分。,Now I wonder through my garden indecisively,trying to hold on to the last days of late summer.Now主要的是

16、起到语篇的衔接作用Here we choose to 指示的是这部分要叙述的内容,二、语篇指示-Anaphora(回指照应),Anaphora is a referring expression(usually realized as a pronoun)refers to the same referent as some prior terms.(用代词来代前面说到的的内容),Harrys a sweet heart,hes so considerate.he的指称对象是上文中的HarryJohn got home late.He was so tired that he soon fell asleep.he的指称对象是上文中的Harry他那时候窘得似乎甲板上的人都在注意他,心里怪鲍小姐做得太出,恨不能说她几句。围城当你回到家时,你的狗一见到你就会扑到你怀里,不停地舔你,它 似乎知道有好事要降临了。,三、The distinction between discourse deixis and anaphora,In this part of the

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