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1、学年七宝中学高二年级第二学期月考卷上海市七宝中学2017学年高二第二学期4月月考试卷II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the

2、other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)The Bennets had made plans to dine with the Lucases. And during the main part of the day Miss Lucas was kind enough to spend a lot of time listening sympathetically to Mr. Collins. Elizabeth made sure to thank her, but Charlotte assured her fri

3、end that she was happy to be useful, and (1)_ this was worth the little sacrifice of her time.This was very kind, but Charlottes kindness went further than Elizabeth (2)_ imagine. Charlottes purpose was nothing less than to prevent Mr Collins from proposing marriage again to Elizabeth, by encouragin

4、g him to proposing marriage to (3)_. Miss Lucas would have felt almost certain of her plans success if Mr Collins did not plan to leave so very soon.But here she underestimated him, because the very next morning he rushed to Lucas Lodge to swear his love to her. In as short (4)_ time as Mr. Collins

5、long speeches would allow, Miss Lucas accepted his proposal of marriage, and everything was settled down between them.Charlotte did not think highly of men, but marriage (5)_(always be) her only goal. It might not always bring happiness, but it was the only way (6)_ _ a well-educated young woman who

6、 was not rich could live a secure and prosperous life.What she liked the least about the arrangement was the surprise (7)_ would give to Elizabeth Bennet, (8)_ friendship she valued beyond that of any other person.In a private meeting with Elizabeth, she told her of the news.Elizabeth was so astonis

7、hed that she could not help but (9)_(cry) out: “Engaged to Mr. Collins! My dear Charlotte-thats impossible!” “Why should you be so surprised, my dear Eliza? Do you think it is unbelievable that any woman could be attracted by Mr. Collins, (10)_ he was not lucky enough to succeed with you?”【答案】1. tha

8、t 2. could 3. herself 4. a 5. had always been 6. in which 7. that 8. whose 9. cry 10. though【分析】1. 考察宾语从句关联词,第二句宾语从句中不缺乏句子成分及句意,填写连词that;注第二句宾语从句连词that不可省。2. 考察情态动词。主谓之间填写情态动词,根据句意填写could3. 考察代词。根据句意可知是叫Mr. Collins和Charlotte 自己结婚,故填反身代词herself4. 考察冠词。本题考查词组搭配in as short a time as .这里a time 表示一段时期。5.

9、 考察时态。Charlotte并不钦佩男士,但一直以来结婚都是她唯一的目标,强调延续性,故填had always been6. 考察定语从句练习。先行词为the way,定语从句连词为in which/that/,本题有两空。故填in which.7. 考察定语从句。定语从句缺主语,先行词为the surprise。故填that/which。8. 考察定语从句。定语从句缺定语,故填whose。9. 考察词组。could/ can not help but do sth. 不得不做某事;情不自禁做某事。10. 考察连词。本句是转折关系,故填though。(B)I was born in the

10、year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family. My father was a foreigner of Bremen, who settled first at Hull and became a successful merchant.After retiring from his trade, he moved to York, where he married my mother. I had two brothers, one of (1)_ was a colonel in an English foot patrol unit

11、in Flanders, and was killed in battle near Dunkirk against the Spaniards. Being the third son of the family, and (2)_(not train) in any trade, I began to be filled very early with wandering thoughts.My father wanted me to study law, but I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea. My attracti

12、on to this led me to study law, but I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea. My attraction to this led me strongly against this will of my father.(3)_ seemed to be something fateful in that tendency of my nature, leading directly to the life of suffering which was to come to me.My father,

13、 a wise and grave man, gave me excellent advice. He told me it was either desperate men, or ambitious ones, who went abroad on adventures, (4)_(succeed) by taking chances and make themselves famous. These things were all either too far above me or too far below me, for mine was the middle state - on

14、e of (5)_ might be called the middle class. He had found, by long experience, that this was the state most suited to human happiness. He also told me I had my elder brother for an example, whose young desires had led him (6)_(go) into the army, where he was killed. He went so far (7)_ _ say to me th

15、at if I did take this foolish step, God would not bless me.In a word, he would do very kind things for me, if I would stay and settle at home (8)_ he directed. He did not want to bring troubles upon me by giving me any encouragement to go away. He warned me that I would one day remember (9)_(ignore)

16、 his advice, when there might be no one to help me. I saw tears run down his face especially when he spoke of brother who was killed.I was sincerely moved by this speech. Indeed, who could have remained unaffected. I decided not to think of going abroad any more, but to settle at home according to m

17、y fathers desire.But, alas! After a few days, I changed my mind. Not until almost a year after this (10)_ I break loose and run away from him.【答案】1.whom 2.not trained 3.there succeed 5.what go to 9.having ignored 10.declared【分析】1. 考查连词。本句为定语从句,先行词是brothers,介词后填关系代词宾格whom2. 考察动词。逗

18、号后为非谓语动词,通过句意判断为没有被训练,因此前not trained3. 考察There seems to be 句型,意为似乎,有如.4. 考察动词。可由.and make.得知,后面为and并列的目的状语,所以填不定式5. 考察连词。介词后的宾语从句,缺少主语填连词what6. 考察动词。lead sb. to do sth 导致、致使某人做某事7. 考察so as to 结构,意为以便,为了.,后面跟动词原形8. 考察介词。as本句意为按照他的指示9. 考察动词。记得已经做过某事remember having done sth10. 考察连词。not until . that 直到.

19、才做某事Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. strikeB. fulfillingC. imaginationD. careerAB. beltAC. enlightenedAD. averageBC. posesBD. pocketCD. presentsABC.absolutelyWith a

20、career spanning(横跨) more than four decades, Steven Spielberg has a number of Hollywood box office hits under his (1)_. Whether its soldiers, dinosaurs, or aliens, the US director has a talent for bringing any character to life. As US author Dean Kowalski put it, “Few movie directors have had a great

21、er impact on popular culture than Steven Spielberg.”His latest work Ready Player One was released in Chinese mainland cinemas on March 30. The sci-fadventure scored 9.2 out of 10 on Chinese movie review platform Douban.The movie tells a story set in 2045 about people who escape their tough reality b

22、y visiting a virtual world where (2)_ is the only limit. Ready Player One (3)_ a question to its characters, and indeed to those who watch it: With a readily available world of fantasy to escape to, is it possible to (4)_ a balance between real life and virtual reality?In the film, people find it ha

23、rd to say goodbye to their virtual life every night, because “the world of 2045 can no longer provide the social interaction and human connection they crave(渴望)”, the Guardian noted.This is a typical way Spielberg reflects both reality and humanity through his movies, drawing attention to how societ

24、y could possibly change to work better. The director feels that one of the most (5)_ things in his career is having “the public discussing history again”, he told the National Endowment for the Humanities.One of Spielbergs best-known works, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), even (6)_ sentiments(观点)

25、 about the Cold War through the loving story of a child and an alien from outer space. “If a young boy can bond with a life-form from a distant world, there is (7)_ hope for one to be at peace with his fellow man, sharing the same small planet,” Matthew Honovic of Long Island Film Society commented.

26、To the (8)_ person, Spielbergs movies are nothing more than entertainment. “However different their subjects, his productions have a common thematic DNA of humanity, so we are (9)_ as well as entertained,” Tom Brokaw of Time magazine wrote. “The power of his films remained long after the closing cre

27、dits(片尾字幕), and so it is with his (10)_.”【答案】AB C BC A B CD ABC AD AC D【分析】1. 根据词性,应填一个名词,under his belt,意思是在以往的经历中。2. 那时人们为了逃避严峻的现实,前往一个充满无限想象力的虚拟世界。所以填名词imagination。3. 头号玩家向影片中的角色以及观众们抛出了一个问题,pose在这里解释为提出。4. 如果有这样一个能够供人逃避的幻想世界摆在眼前,人们还需要平衡现实生活和虚拟现实吗?strike在这里是一词多义,到达。5. 这位导演认为,他职业生涯中最有意义的一件事便是“让公众再

28、次探讨起历史,所以填adj,fuifilling的意思是令人满意的,令人高兴的。6. 斯皮尔伯格一大代表作外星人E.T.(1982)甚至通过一个孩子和外太空的外星人之间的有爱故事,呈现了对冷战的观点。这里present一词多性,呈现。7. 如果一个小男孩能和来自遥远星球的生命产生感情,那么人们也绝对有可能和平共处,共享这个小小的星球,此处不缺主干成分,所以填一个副词。8. 对于普通人而言,斯皮尔伯格的电影不过是消遣罢了。所以填average。9. 他的作品中都带着人性主题的基因,所以我们在消遣的同时也受到了启发。We are enlightened,受启发的。10. 他的作品所带来的力量依然长

29、久不衰,正如他长青的事业一样。career,事业。III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.ALeadership is a word getting a lot of attention these days. I

30、t appears in the title of new advice, how-to, and business books with amazing (1)_. Definitions vary, but most of the ones Ive seen dont help much. Its a totally (2)_ subject: You think A is a great leader; I like Bs (3)_ better. That is, you may not be able to (4)_ it, but you know it when you see

31、it. So this is my take on the elusive(难以捉摸的) concept: Years ago, leadership had (5)_ to do with a specific ability. “Leader” was the (6)_ given to the emperor of the organization. The person was the commander, the (7)_ with complete control. But (8)_ there is another way to establish yourself as a leader. Here is my definition: Leadership is the ability to get others to do what you want, need, or expect them to do, and feel good about doing it. It is the (9)_ part (feeling good about do

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