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高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Global warming习题 新人教版选修6.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Global warming习题 新人教版选修6Unit 4Global warming【热点话题】The world and the enviromnent (世界与环境)投诉东方红化工厂污染环境体裁:投诉信写作思路:写信目的污染情况治污建议【美文诵读】Dear Mayor, Im sorry to write to you,but I_feel_it_my_responsibility_to_do_so,because we should pay attention to our living environment while_developing_our

2、_economy.Yesterday we were organized by our school to visit the Dongfanghong Chemical Factory, which is a large factory and a main source of tax in our city. However,when we came out from the factory, we saw that the environment nearby was so badly polluted. The water in the river was as black as in

3、k and there were no living things in it.Whats_worse,the trees and the grass were covered with a thick layer of dust.The crops as well as the people living there seemed unhealthy.We_request_that_our_government_order_the_factory_to_take_measures and deal with the waste before they let it out into the

4、environment.Only_in_this_way_can_we_live_a_healthy_and_happy_life.Thank you!Yours,Li Ming【学海拾贝】按要求完成或翻译下列句子。1我认为用钱奖励孩子欠妥。(it作形式宾语)I_think_it_wrong to reward children with money.2过马路的时候,你一定要小心。(分词短语作状语)While_crossing_the_street,you must be careful.3天开始下雨了,更糟糕的是我没有带伞。(whats worse)It began to rain.What

5、s_worse,I_had_no_umbrella_with_me4他要求我们别那么吵闹。(request)He_requested_us_not_to_be_so_noisyor:He_requested_us_that_we_should_not_be_so_noisy5我们该采取措施防止这条河被污染了。(take measures)Its high time that we took_measures_to_prevent_the_river_from_being_polluted.按要求写出下列单词1提倡,拥护,主张v.advocate2种类,范围n.range3图表n.graph4普

6、遍的,分布广的adj.widespread5平均的adj.average6发动机n.motor7燃料n.fuel8温室,花房n.greenhouse9资料,数据n.data10核的,原子核的adj.nuclear11消费,消耗v. consume消费者n. consumer12平稳的,稳固的adj.steady 平稳地,持续地adv.steadily 13生存,存在v. exist 生存,存在 n. existence14电的,与电有关的adj.electrical电力n. electricity电;电的,电动的n.& adj. electric15结果,后果,影响 n. consequenc

7、e随之发生的,由此引起的adj.consequent用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Many people do not believe the existence of the ghosts,but some young children doubt that there_exist all kinds of ghosts in the world.(existence)2When we got there,the electricity went off.The local told us that the electrical power there was not enough.(elec

8、trical)3He refreshed himself and walked out of the room to buy some fresh vegetables.(fresh) 4The storm tends to hit our city,but we will observe the tendency of it closely.(tend)5Yesterday evening a big fire destroyed several buildings in the business town.It is reported that the_destruction of it

9、was a big loss to the province.(destroy).翻译下列短语1反对be_opposed_to2发生;造成come_about3同意;订购subscribe_to4大量的 quantities_of5上升,增长go_up6大体上,基本上on_the_whole7代表一方on_behalf_of8忍受,容忍put_up_with9只要as_long_as10继续 keep_on选用上述短语完成下列短文。The school librarian planned to (1) subscribe_to some new books and magazines,but

10、the headmaster (2) was_opposed_to the plan saying that there were (3) quantities_of magazines in the library.The librarian said it was true,but (4) on_the_whole the books and magazines were too old and they should buy some (5) as_long_as the school could afford the new books.重点句型1Some byproducts of

11、this process are called “greenhouse” gases,the most important one of which is carbon dioxide.(p.26)这个升温过程的一些副产品就叫做“温室”气体,其中最重要的是二氧化碳。the ofwhich/who.其中最的She has three brothers,the most excellent one of whom works for a club.她有三个哥哥,其中最优秀的供职于俱乐部。模仿造句用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)应采取有效措施防止生存环境进一步恶化,其中最重要的

12、措施之一就是限制过多的私家车的使用。Some_effective_measures_should_be_taken_to_keep_our_living_environment_from_getting_worse,the_most_important_one_of_which_is_to_limit_the_use_of_private_cars.(2)这里有很多的卡通片,其中我最喜欢的是喜羊羊与灰太狼。(Happy Sheep and Gray Wolf)Here are many cartoons,the most favorite one of which is Happy Sheep

13、 And Gray Wolf.2Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.(p.27)即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在未来几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。even if(也作even though)“即使;尽管”,引导状语从句。Even if you are right,you should be modest.即使你是对的

14、,也应该谦虚。模仿造句用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)即使你对此事一言不发,我也能感受到你的失望。Even_if_you_said_nothing_about_it,I_still_felt_your_disappointment(2)即使我不同意你的观点,我也会认真倾听你的声音。Even_if_I_dont_agree_to_your_opinion,_I_will_still_listen_to_you_carefully3It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using itif not,turn i

15、t off!(p.30)在用电器设备时你可以让它开着,如果不用就把它关掉!so long as(也作as long as)“只要”。I will feel happy so long as you are happy.只要你开心,我就会开心。模仿造句用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)只要你来就好,穿什么无关紧要。It_doesnt_matter_what_you_wear_so_long_as_you_come(2)只要你努力,就能成功。You_will_succeed_as/so_long_as_you_work_hard用上述句型翻译下列小片段。李大爷有四个儿子,最小的儿子非常富有,而其他三个


17、s_not_everything.You_should_be_grateful_so_long_as_you_are_healthy_and_can_live_an_ordinary_life_because_without_health,you_wont_be_happy_even_if/though_you_have_a_lot_of_money.” 上下义词复现:英语词汇的上下义是指词的总结和分解关系。上义词是总称词,下义词是被包含的个体或种类。如: food是bread,milk,rice的上义词,反之bread,milk,rice是food的下义词。语义关联:在英语中,有些词汇或表达

18、是围绕同一话题或统一场景出现的。如:patient,doctor,nurse,illness,headache,hurt,pain,cure等相关词汇是围绕hospital这一场景展开的。【例】 I knew that discs were very expensive,and I didnt have a lot of_to get started.AmoneyBtimeCenergy Dstrength解析:expensive与money属语义关联。答案:A【例】 In May,1934, terrible dust storms attacked _ as far as Washingt

19、on and New York.Astates BcitiesCvillages Dtowns解析:cities与Washington、New York属上下义词复现。答案:B运用所学的解题技巧完成下列微型完形填空题。(一)Lise was one of the mobile children,1from house to house in childhood.She longs for a sense of2,and so we have come Nova Scotia where my father and I were born and where our ancestors have

20、 lived for 200 years.1A.passedBraisedCmoved Dchanged 解析:“moved from house to house”与“mobile children”属语义关联。答案:C2A.home BdutyCreality Dschool解析:home 与下文内容构成语义关联。答案:A(二)Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer who was famous for his tales of mystery and horror. Poe never really knew his1.His father left

21、 the family early, and his mother passed away when he was only three. Poe went to2with his aunt and uncle. He and his aunt seemed very close, but he never quite got along with his uncle.1A.parents BrelativesCfriends Dfamilies解析:parents与father,mother是上下义词复现。答案 BliveCtalk Dargue解析:live与下文构成语义

22、关联。答案:B(三)Babies and children have a great ability to learn a second language, but that begins to fade as early as their first birthdays. Now researchers at the University of Washingtons Institute are1the brain structures,which contribute to babies 2at learning languages.They hope that the findings

23、could help adults learn a second language.1A.concluding BstudyingCfinding Dchanging解析:studying与researchers是语义关联。答案:B2A.movements BthoughtsCpurposes Dskills解析:ability与skill是近义词复现。答案:D(四)How large is an allowance appropriate? Experts say there is no right amount. Actual amounts differ from area to are

24、a, and from family to family. Set a1allowance for your child, and work up a weekly budget. Allow for2expenses on movies, snacks and parties. Next, include everyday expenses such as lunch money,bus fare and school BreasonableCgenerous Dsaving解析:appropriate与reasonable是同义词复现。答案:B2A.

25、education BroutineCentertainment Ddiet解析:entertainment与下文的“movies,snacks and parties”是上下义词复现。答案:C第一节阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。AParttime Weekend Boutique Assistants WantedAre you looking for parttime work on the weekend? If you are, we might be the right choice for you.From yoga clothes to ru

26、nning kit,ski to beach, gym wear to tennis wear; Sweaty Betty is the sports clothing brand of choice, with feminine (女性的) designs for better performance. With over 30 UK boutiques, as well as sales areas in worldfamous department stores and two new stores in the US, Sweaty Betty is beginning its nex

27、t exciting growth period!WHAT YOU LL BE DOINGAs a Boutique Assistant, working as part of the team,you will be responsible for delivering the outstanding customer experience for which we are famous.Driving forward salesBeing an expert on our productsProviding the best customer serviceHelping with the

28、 overall daytoday running of the shopMaintaining the company standardsKeeping good housekeeping, cleanliness and merchandisingOn occasion, when considered proper, you may be required to carry out other duties within your strengths.WHO YOU AREYou love to live an active life, with a passion for sports

29、.You enjoy being on the shop floor communicating with our customers with confidence while sharing your knowledge.Most importantly you are an ambassador (大使) and in love with our products.WHAT WE DO FOR YOUBonuses(奖金),50% off all Sweaty Betty goods,lots of workout classes,sample sales and lots more!H

30、OW TO APPLYPlease email us your CV & cover letter telling us why you want to work for Sweaty Betty.Well give you a call within two work days to ask you for a job interview if we think youre qualified.1What does the brand mainly sell?ASports clothes for both men and women.BFashionable clothes for young girls.CEverything related to sports.DSports clothes for women.2Which of the following might NOT be among the parttime assistants responsibilities?ATrying to increase sales.BHelping the store stay clean.CHelping design new products.

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