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1、中考初中英语主谓一致复习习题带答案中考初中英语主谓一致复习习题(带答案)中考英语主谓一致习题(含答案)1. Miss Huang together with her friends _ shopping every Sunday evening. A. go B. went C. going D. goes2. The United Nations _ in 1945. A. are set up B. were set up C. was set up D. is set up3. The nations of Western Europe _ worth learning from. A.

2、 is B. are C. has D. have4. How many students are there in your class? - _ the students in our class _ over fifty. A. The number of; is B. The number of; are C. A number of; is D. A number of; are5. There _ some foreign visitors talking a walk in the park. A. is B. are C. has D. have6. Everyone exce

3、pt Tom and John _ there when the meeting began. A. was B. were C. is D. are7. Each of the students _ a dictionary. A. have B. has C. is D. are8. The bread and the butter _ their main food. A. is B. are C. has D. have9. The Greens _ France since the spring of 1990. A. have been to B. have been in C.

4、has been to D. had been in10. How many teachers are there in your school? - About 150. One third of them _ men teachers. A. have B. has C. are D. is11. When and where to go for the holiday _ yet. A. have not been decided B. is not decided C. are not decided D. has not been decided12. How time flies!

5、 Three years _ really a short time. A. is B. are C. was D. were13. Do you know _ the population of Yunnan_ ? - Yes. Its about forty-three million. A. how many; is B. what; is C. how much; is D. what; are14. Your trousers _ dirty, you must have _ washed. A. is, them B. are, it C. are, them D. is, it1

6、5. Not only the student but also Mr. Smiths _ tired of having one examination. A. is B. are C. was D. were16. My brother asked me ten questions. The first five were easy, but the rest _ difficult. A. were B. are C. was D. is17. The poor _ happy; but the rich _ sad. A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D

7、. are; is18. Gone with the wind _ very great. A. have B. has C. are D. is19. Each boy and each girl _ hard. A. are working B. has worked C. is working D. haved worked20. Many a man _ had that kind of experience.A. have B. has C. is D. are21. No food and no water _ in the house. A. is B. has C. are D

8、. have22. John and his uncle _ going hiking tomorrow. A. be B. am C. is D. are23. When _ the United Nations founded? A. is B. was C. are D. were24. Either my friends or I _ going to the library on Monday. A. is B. be C. am D. are25. Why did you choose English instead of Japanese? - Because Japanese

9、_ as popular as English. A. isnt B. arent C. has been D. have been26. Only one and a half oranges _ on the plate. A. is B. are C. be D. was27. Nowadays more and more the young _ fond of pop music. A. are B. is C. were D. was28. To save time _ to lengthen life. A. are B. was C. were D. is29. There _

10、a football match and two table tennis matches between Class Eight next week. A. will have B. has C. is going to be D. are gone to be30. The Chinese _ peace but they arent afraid of war. A. love B. loves C. loved D. loving31. There _ no orange juice in the fridge. Could you get some for me, Dick? - A

11、ll right, Mum. A. is B. are C. was D. were32. How time flies! Ten years _ passed. A. have B. are C. is D. has33. Chinese sports stars Yao Ming and Liu Xiang _ Good will Ambassadors for Shanghai. A. have been named B. have named B. has been named D. has named34. Nothing _ difficult in the world, _ it

12、? A. are, are B. is, isnt C. are, arent D. is, is35. On the east of the river _ three buildings. A. lies B. stands C. stand D. are standing36. Xiao Dong is one of the best students in his class who _ by their teacher. A. praises B. is praised C. praise D. are praised37. Swimming in the pool with the

13、 children _ very interesting. A. has B. have C. is D. are38. On every piece of the paper _ pictures of some horses. A. is B. are C. has D. have39. No news _ good news. A. am B. are C. is D. be40. John with his uncle _ going hiking tomorrow. A. be B. am C. is D. are41. Jimmys family _ a large one. Th

14、e whole family _ watching TV. A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is42. In our city _ of the people _ to Han Nationality. A. three fifths, belong B. three fifth; belong C. three fifths; belongs D. three fifth; belongs43. More than one idea _ put up with at the class meeting. A. have B. has C. h

15、as been D. have been44. Whether you will learn English well or not _ your hard work. A. depend on B. depend C. depends D. depends on45. With the help of people the number of pandas _ mere and more. A. is getting B. are getting C. got D. hasnt got46. _ that pair of new _ Tonys? A. Are; shoes B. Is; s

16、hoes C. Are; shoes D. Is; shoe47. _ politics difficult for you to learn. A. Are B. Do C. Does D. Is48. Half of the apple _ bad. A. are B. is C. were D. has49. Neither Wei Hua nor his brother _ a few cities in the south since they were 20 years old. A. will visit B. has visited C. have visited D. vis

17、ited50. Look! There _ playing with the children on Dongfeng Square. A. are a number of deer B. is a number of deer C. are a number of deers D. is a number of deers51. _ she or you going to Beijing next month? A. Was B. Is C. Were D. Are52. Ten kilometers _ way. A. are quite long B. are quite a long

18、C. is quite a long D. is a quite long53. What the students need _ good books. A. is B. are C. have D. has54. The singer and dancer _ yet. A. dont come B. didnt come C. havent come D. hasnt come55. One million dollars _ a lot of money for every one. A. are B. mean C. are thought D. isKey:1-5 D C B A

19、B 6-10 A B B B C 11-15 D A B C C 16-20 A B D B B 21-25 A D B C A 26-30 A A D C A 31-35 A A A B C 36-40 D C A C C 41-45 C A D D A 46-50 B D B B A 51-55 B C B D D 二、英语书面表达专项训练2写作“百善孝为先”,孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德。某英语报社正在举办以“弘扬中华传统文化”为主题的征文活动,请你以“We should honor our parents”为题,写一篇短文参加征文活动。内容包括: What do you often d

20、o for your parents? Why should we honor our parents? How should we honor our parents? 要求: 1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥; 3)词数:100词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数); 4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。We should honor our parents As we know, honoring our parents is an excellent tradition of China._【答案】We should honor our p

21、arentsAs we know, honoring our parents is an excellent tradition of China.I honor my parents.I often help my parents do housework in my spare time.I think its our duty to honor our parents.Our parents take much effort to raise us, so its important for us to honor them.They love us so we should love

22、and respect them. First of all, we should try our best to study hard to make them proud of us.Then, we can help our parents with some housework because they are tired after working.Next, we should respect them and never talk to them rudely.Wed better communicate with them patiently if we have differ

23、ent opinions.Its also important to tell our parents we love them.【解析】【分析】本题要求考生以“我们应该尊敬我们的父母”为题结合所给的内容要点,写一篇作文【详解】这是篇材料作文,主要内容要点已给,所以考生要围绕着要点,进行写作,不要遗漏,当然顺序可以适当调整。这篇作文又句型亮点,例如:As we know,众所周知;.I think its our duty to do sth等等,其次文章结构也比较清晰,例如第二段的衔接词,First of all,Then,Next,使用的简单而恰当。3假如你是Liu Bin,请用英语给笔友

24、Bob回复邮件。注意:1.文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2.要点齐全,语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3.词数100左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Bob,Im very glad to know that you will come to our school. Yours, Liu Bin【答案】Dear Bob,Im very glad to know that you will come to our school. Let me tell you something about it. Our school is very big and our

25、 classroom is very tidy. We go to school five days a week and have six classes every day. There is also an activity class in the afternoon. Usually I take exercise after school so that I can keep healthy and study better. Sometimes I listen to the music for a while, which is a good way to relax myse

26、lf. Of course, I help my parents with the housework at the weekends too.My classmates are very nice. We often help each other. Everyone has his own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness

27、.Im looking forward to your coming.Yours, Liu Bin【解析】【详解】这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如be glad to,listen to the music,five days a week,so that,prepare for,for a while,of course,at the weekends,help each other,look forward to等。而固定句型it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happ

28、iness and sadness.和Im very glad to know that you will come to our school./ Usually I take exercise after school so that I can keep healthy and study better./ Sometimes I listen to the music for a while, which is a good way to relax myself.等复杂从句结构的运用,丰富了短文内容,使表达多样化,是本文的亮点。在学习中注意总结牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当

29、引用,使文章表达更有逻辑性,也更富有条理。【点睛】书面表达题既不是汉译英,也不是可任意发挥的作文。它要求将所规定的材料内容经整理后展开思维,考查运用所学英语知识准确表达意思的能力。所以,考生不能遗漏要点,要尽量使用自己熟悉的单词、短语和句式,尽可能使用高级词汇和较复杂的句式结构以便得到较高的分数。4请你根据以下内容提示,以“The Story of Lingling”为题,为社区宣传专栏写一篇短文,介绍在玲玲身上发生的一件事。(1)上周晚饭后玲玲和妈妈一起出去散步,在社区的门口看见一个钱包;(2)玲玲把钱包捡起,发现钱包里有身份证和一些钱;(3)玲玲和妈妈把钱包交给保安,保安把这个消息发到小区的微信群中;(4)失主看到消息后,过来取回钱包并对玲玲和妈妈表示感谢;(5)你觉得参考词汇:社区 community 身份证 ID card 保安 guard 微信群 Wechat group 失主 owner要求:(1)词数:80100个。(2)短文的题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。The Story of LinglingLast week_

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