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1、国家十一五规划英文Authorized to release: Guidelines of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development(Full Text)The Guidelines of the Eleventh Five-Year (20062010) Plan of the Peoples Republic of China for the National Economic and Social Development is compiled according to the “Su

2、ggestions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Formulation of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development” and its main purpose is to clarify the national strategic intention, define the key emphasis in the government work and guide the behavio

3、ur of market subject. It is the magnificent blue print of Chinas economic and social development, it is the common program of action of our people of all nationalities and it is the important basis for the government to fulfil the responsibility of economic adjustment, market control and surveillanc

4、e, social management and public service. Part 1 Guiding Principle and Development ObjectiveChapter 1 The Critical Period of Building a Well-off Society in an All-Round WayThe Tenth Five-Year Plan period was extraordinary five years. The overall national strength of our country was enhanced significa

5、ntly, the peoples living standard was considerably improved and international standing was apparently raised. In the face of complicated and varied foreign and domestic situations, with the joint effort of the people of nationalities, we effectively suppressed the unstable and unsound factors occurr

6、ing in economic operation, successfully defeated the challenge of SARS epidemic situation and major natural disasters and calmly responded to the new change following the accession to WTO. National economy was continuously and rapidly developing and the major development objectives determined in the

7、 Tenth Five-Year Plan were achieved ahead of schedule. Industrialization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization steps were accelerated and economic restructuring was constantly deepened. Foreign trade stepped forward, national financial revenue was greatly increased, total price level

8、 maintained basically stable, urban and rural peoples lives were further improved, national unity was continuously consolidated, various social causes and national defence and army construction made new progress and socialist democratic political and spiritual civilization construction continued to

9、be strengthened. The more important is that the Party Central Committee proposed the major strategic concept. These have laid a solid foundation for the development in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period. Looking forward to the future, we are standing on a new historical start point.Special Column 1:

10、 Achievement of Major Indicators in the Tenth Five-Year Plan Indicator2000Objective of Tenth Five-Year Plan2005Annual average growth in the Tenth Five-Year Plan (%)Annual average growth of gross domestic product (%)79.5Additional jobs in cities and towns in the five years (10,000persons)40004200Tran

11、sfer of agricultural labor force in the five years (10,000persons)40004000Registered rate of unemployment in cities and towns (%)3.154.2General level of pricesBasically stable1.4Total export import volume of goods (100 million USD) 474368001422124.6Proportion of appropriation expenditure in research

12、 and test development in gross domestic product (%) enrollment ratio of higher education (%)11.51521Gross enrollment ratio of senior high school (%)42.86053Gross enrollment ratio of junior high school (%)88.69095Total national population (10,000 person)1267431330001307566.3Reduction of

13、 total discharge of major pollutants (%)1010Annual average growth of per capita disposable income of urban residents (%)59.6Annual average growth of per capita net income of rural residents (%)55.3Per capita residential building area of urban residents (m2) 20.322265.1Note: the proportion of appropr

14、iation expenditure in research and test development in gross domestic product was 1.55% according to the data before general economic survey; those marked with are accumulated values in the five years. The Eleventh Five-Year Plan period is the critical period of building a well-off society in an all

15、-round way and has the historical status of linking the preceding and the following. It both faced rare opportunities and had austere challenges.China has the favourable conditions for maintaining stable and rapid economic development and harmonious social progress. The accelerated upgrading of cons

16、umption structure of urban residents will drive the rapid industrial restructuring and rapid urbanization development and thus the market potential is enormous. China has abundant labour force resources and relatively high rate of national savings. Its infrastructure is continuously improved, indust

17、rial ability to provide the auxiliary items is relatively strong, scientific and technological education has relatively good foundation and long term social and political stability is maintained. Its reform is advancing in depth and socialist market economic system is gradually improved, which will

18、further excite social vitality and development impetus. Peace, development and cooperation become the tide of the present time and the comparison of world political power is conducive to maintaining the overall stability of international environment. Economic globalization trend is developing deeply

19、, scientific and technological progress changes quickly and production element flow and industrial transfer are accelerated. The interrelation and mutual influence between China and world economy is increasingly deepened, the two markets, domestic and world, and the two resources compliment each oth

20、er and external environment as a whole is favourable to Chinas development.Still main difficulties and problems exist in our advancing road. China is and will be in the preliminary socialist stage for a long time, the productive force is not developed and some endured deep level development-restrict

21、ing contradicts still exists: farmland, fresh water, energy and important mineral resources are relatively insufficient, ecological environment is relatively vulnerable, economic structure is irrational, the task to resolve the three dimensional rural issues is very arduous, employment pressure is s

22、till great, the independent scientific and technological innovation ability is not strong and system and mechanism obstruction affecting the development needs urgent resolution. In the rapid development of the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, some new major problems emerged: uncoordinated investment and

23、 consumption relationship, blind expansion of some industries, superfluous capacity, slow transformation of economic growth mode, excessive energy resource consumption, aggravated environmental pollution, continuous expansion of development gap between urban and rural areas and between regions and i

24、ncome difference between some social members and backward development of social causes; there are still many factors affecting social stability. international environment is complicated and changeful and the unstable, indeterminate factors affecting peace and development are increased, the pressure

25、that developed countries have the whip hand in economy and science and technology will exist for a long time, unbalance of world economy development will be aggravated, competition in resources, markets, techniques and talents will be more intense and trade protectionism will have new manifestation.

26、 All these will challenge Chinas economic and social development and safety. In the critical period with the coexistence of strategic opportunity and contradiction, we must have high historical sense of responsibility, strong awareness of hardship and broad international sight, accurately grasp the

27、phase characteristic of Chinas development, base ourselves on scientific development, put forth effort to innovate independently, improve system and mechanism, promote social harmony, fully enhance Chinas overall national strength, international competitive capacity and anti-risk ability, open un a

28、new situation of socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction, and lay a solid foundation for the smooth development in the next ten years and do all we can to push forward Chinas characteristic socialist cause.Chapter 2 Implement the Scienti

29、fic Concept of Development in an All-Round WayThe Eleventh Five-Year Plan period will promote the national economy to develop continuously, rapidly and healthily and the society to progress in an all-round way. We shall be guided by Deng Xiaopings Theory and the important thought of Three Represents

30、 and command the overall social development with the scientific concept of development. Adhere to that development is the fundamental principle. Adhere to giving priority to the development in governing and rejuvenating the country, adhere to concentrating on economic growth and adhere to resolving

31、the problems cropping up on our way forward through development and reform. Development must be scientific development. We shall keep human as fundamentality, change development concept, innovate development model, improve development quality and implement the “Five Overall Planning” and turn the ec

32、onomic and social development onto the track of comprehensive and coordinated sustainable development. We shall adhere to the following principles:Maintain stable and fast economic development. We shall further expand domestic demand, adjust investment and consumption relationship, rationally control investment scale and enhance the driving action of consumption on economic growth. Correctly comprehend the change of economic development trend, main

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