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1、现在分词作状语现在分词作状语授课目的:讲解现在分词作状语及区分不定式、现在分词作状语的异同重点难点:1.现在分词和不定式作状语时, 其逻辑主语一般应与句子的主语保持一致。2.分词作状语时, 要看它同句子主语之间的关系, 以确定是现在分词还是过去分词。3.注意非谓语动词与句子谓语动词的时间关系, 以确定分词的时态形式4、弄清非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的关系,以确定非谓语动词的语态形式 .5.连词 +分词形式(分词作状语的省略问题)6.不定式作结果状语和现在分词作结果状语的差异。7.现在分词的独立主格结构和议论性状语Step 1 lead in朗读下面一首 xx,找出其中的现在分词形式Thinking

2、 in the Silent Night 静夜思现在分词作状语Before my bed there is bright moonlight 床前 xxSo that it seems that frost on the ground. 疑是地上霜Lifting my head, I watch the bright moonlight. 举头 xxLowering my head, I dream that I m home.低头思故乡Step2 现在分词作状语的意义动词的现在分词作状语,修饰动词,相当于状语从句,在句中表示时间、原因、结果、条件、退步、行为方式或陪同情况及独立成分等,作时间

3、、原因、条件、退步状语时多位于句首;作结果、陪同情况状语常常位于句末。一. -ing 分词短语作时间状语,代替一个时间状语从句 ( 引导词有when ,while )xx提示:1现在分词所表示的动作与主句的动作一般是同时发生,有时可由连词 when, while 引出。2现在分词所表示的动作一发生,主句的动作就立刻发生时。如:Whenshe saw those pictures ,she rememberedher childhood.现在分词作状语=Seeing those pictures, she remembered her childhood. 看到那些画,她想起了自己的童年。As

4、soon as he heard the good news, he jumped with joy.=(0n)Hearing the good news, he jumped with joy.他一听到这个好信息,就快乐地跳起来。二 -ing 分词短语作原因状语,相当于一个原因状语从句。 ( 引导词有 because ,as ,since)如: As he was ill, he didnt go to school yesterday=Being ill, he didnt go to school yesterday. 由于生病,他昨天没有上学。三 -ing 分词也可作条件状语和退步状语

5、,相当于一个条件状语从句。 ( 引导词有 if,unless,once)If you work hard, you will succeed.=Working hard, you will succeed.若是你勤奋一点,你就会成功。If you turn to the left, you will find the path leading tothe school.现在分词作状语=Turning to the left, you will find the path leading to theschool.若是你 xx,你就会找到到学校获取路。四表示退步,相当于退步状语从句(引导词有al

6、though,though,even if ,even though )Although they knew all this ,they mademepay for the damage.= Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. 尽管知道了所有情况,他们还是要我赔偿损失。五现在分词能够做方式状语、陪同状语,表示行为方式、陪同情况或补充说明,是主语的另一个、较次要的动作,相当于一个由 and 引导的并列结构。She came into the house,and carried a lot of books.=She came i

7、nto the house, carrying a lot of books. 她捧着好多书走进了房间。He lay on the grass, and stared at the sky for a long time.=He lay on the grass, staring at the sky for a long time.他躺在草地上,长时间地望着天空。现在分词作状语xx提示:陪同状语出现的条件是由一个主语发出两个动作或同一个主语处于两种状态, 或同一个主语发出一个动作时又陪同有某一种状态。六现在分词表示主句的动作所带来的必然结果, 相当于一个并列谓语His father died

8、, and left him a lot of money.=His father died, leaving him a lot of money. 他父亲死了,留给他好多钱。She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, and broke it into pieces.=She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces.她特别生气,把玩具扔在地上,摔成了碎片。Step 2 考点解读分词作状语应注意的问题A.分词作状语的首

9、要条件是分词的逻辑主语是句子的主语。现在分词作状语动词的分词形式作状语时, 其逻辑主语一般应与句子的主语保持一致。Entering the classroom, I found nobody in it. 走进教室,我发现里面没人。(entering 的逻辑主语是 I ,相当于 whenI enteredthe classroom, I found nobody in it. )如分词表示的动作不是句中主语发出或承受的,那就是误用。课堂牢固练习:判断以下句子正误1.从窗户看出去,我们看见一个漂亮的花园。a.Looking out through the window, the garden w

10、as beautiful.b.Looking out through the window, we saw a beautifulgarden.2.我看着晚报的时候,一只狗开始叫起来。a. Reading the evening newspaper, a dog started barking.b. I was reading the evening newspaper when a dog started barking.3.听到这个信息,我的眼泪忍不住流下来。a. Hearing the news, tears ran down her face.现在分词作状语b.Hearing the

11、news, she cried out sadly.4. 等公汽的时候,一块砖头砸在我的头上。a.waiting for the bus , a brick fell on my head.b.waiting for the bus ,I was hit by a brick on the head.5.打开窗户,一只蝴蝶飞进来了。a. Opening the window, a butterfly flew into my room.b. Opening the window, I saw a butterfly flying into my room.6.若是你努力学习,你的梦想必然会实现

12、。a.Working hard with a strong will, your dream will certainly come trueb.Working hard with a strong will, youll certainly make your dream come trueB.独立结构分词的逻辑主语如不能够和句子中的主语保持一致,该 -ing 形式必定有自己的逻辑主语,平时有名词或代词来担当 , 成为独立主格结构,独立结构能够表示陪同动作或情况 , 表示时间、原因、条件等。现在分词作状语但要注意主格词和主句的主语不能够表示同一看法, 主格词和分词的动作是主谓关系结构是:形式

13、:主格词 +doing主格词 +being +adjthere being +n,鉴识正误由于天气好,我们下周将举行运动会。a. Being fine, we will have the sports meeting next week.b. It being fine, we will have the sports meeting next week.练习:把下面句子改成独立主格形式1.If the weather permits, we ll go out on an outing.=Weather permitting, we ll go out on an outing.天气 xx

14、的话,我们就去郊游。2.Because it is Sunday, we neednt go to school. =It being Sunday, we neednt go to school.由于是星期天,我们不需要上学。现在分词作状语3.Since there was no buses,we had to walk home .=There being no bus ,we had to walk home .由于没有车,我们不得不走回家。4.As the boy led the way, we had no trouble finding the village.The boylea

15、ding the way, we had no trouble finding the village.由于有这个男孩带路,我们绝不费力地找到了这个乡村。小结:当主从句主语不一致时, 分词和逻辑主语构成 . 独立主格 .比方: Time permitting, the football match will be playedon Friday. 天气赞同的话,足球赛将在周五举行。( permitting的逻辑主语是 time ,而不是 the football match )The professor being absent ,the lecture had to be put off.教

16、授缺席了,演讲不得不推迟。The meeting being over, they all left the meeting room.会议结束了,他们都走开了会议室。课堂牢固练习现在分词作状语1._,I will go over all these lessons before theexam.A. If time will permit B. Time permits C. Time permitted D. Time permitting2.I carefully poured the liquid into the water , my classmates _anxiously be

17、side me to see what would happen.A. stood B. standing C. to stood D. were standing注意:有一种 表达作 价性状 ,表示 人的 度, 点和看法等,就不用考 与主句的主 之 的 关系, 因 者就是分 的 主 ,它 的 主 能够和句子的主 不一致必背:分 或分 短 作独立成份(作状 或插入 )Generally / Frankly / Roughly speaking 一般 来 / 爽快 /大概地 , judging by/from 从来看,依照来判断,seeingthat 考 到, allowing for 于, 及

18、到, talking/speaking of 及, Taking into consideration 把考 在内现在分词作状语其中的 considering 于 / 考 到,following 此后,concerning 关于, regarding 关于, respecting 关于, owing to 由于就是介 )比方:Generally speaking, boys are more interested in sciencethan girls. 一般 来,男孩比女孩 科学更感 趣。Judging from his accent, he must come from . 从他的口音看

19、,他必然来自 xx。Supposing it rains ,what will you do 若是下雨,你会怎么 呢?Talking of cleaning, it s about time you cleaned theclassroom. 到打 生, 你打 教室了。C非 作状 ,要看它同句子主 之 的关系。和句子主 构成主 关系 , 用 在分 作状 , 和句子主 构成被 关系 ,用 去分 作状 比 :现在分词作状语a._from the top of the building, we saw the houselike a match box.b._from the top of the

20、building, the house lookslike a match box.A. Seen B. Seeing C. To see D.See鉴识正误:1.由于 xx 了白色,房子看起来更美了。a. Painting white , the house looks more beautiful.b. Painted white ,the house looks more beautiful.2.碰到他的话的激励,我开始认真学习。a.Encouraging by her words, I got down to studying hard.b. Encouraged by her wor

21、ds, I got down to studying hard课堂练习1.The secretary worked all night long, _ a long speechfor the president.A. to prepareB. preparing C. preparedD. was preparing现在分词作状语2._ to hospital in time, the wounded soldiers were saved at last.A. TakenB. TakingC. Having takenD. Being taken比较以下句子3. 1)._one of th

22、e leading poets in today,he hasalso written a number of books and plays.2)._the price ,the car is worth buying .3).All things _,the plan trip will have to be calledoff.A. be considered B. considered C. considering D. havingconsidered4.1 )the first place in the maths examination, liufang got another

23、first in the English contest.2).The professor entered the lecture hall ,by manystudents.3).Many students entered the lecture hall ,_theprofessor.A. following B. followed C. to follow D. being followed现在分词作状语D.分词或分词短语作状语时,前面能够加上连词,但是分词短语和句子之间不能够用并列连词 ( 如 but ,and,so ,or) ,由于并列连词接的是两个并列成分, 而分词短语可是全句的一

24、个状语部分, 分词和主句之间可用逗号。鉴识正误: 1. 尽管被见告了好多次,但是他依旧不能够理解。a.Having been told many times, but he still couldn tunderstand it.b.He was told many times, but he still couldn t understan dit.c. Having been told many times, he still couldn tunderstand it.d. Though he had been told many times, he still couldn tunde

25、rstand it.e. Though he had been told many times, but he stillcouldn t understand it.2.由于生病了,所以他被立刻送到医院去。a.Being ill ,so he had to be sent to the hospital at once.现在分词作状语b.He was illc. Being ill,so he had to be sent to the hospital ,he he had to be sent to the hospitalat once.E. 不定式和现在分词作结果状语

26、的差异不定式作结果状语表表示料之外的结果, xxonly 连用现在分词作结果状语表示主句的动作所带来的必然结果,常何 thus 连用xx提示:要掌握好现在分词短语作结果状语的用法,须注意以下几点:a. 句子的主谓部分与分词之间含有逻辑上的因果关系, b. 这种作结果状语的现在分词短语的逻辑主语能够是句子的主语, 也能够前边的整个句子 .比方 ;The bus was hold up by the snow, thus causing the delay.公汽被大雪阻住了,结果引起延缓。His car was caught in the traffic jam ,causing him to b

27、elate.现在分词作状语他的车坠入了交通拥堵,结果引起他迟到了。He dropped a plate on the ground, breaking it into pieces.他把盘子掉在地上,结果摔碎了。At the age of three his parents died, leaving him an orphan.三岁的时候他父亲母亲去世了,留下他一个 xx。He was caught in the rain, thus making himself catch cold.他撞上了雨,结果使他感冒了。.He didn t come today, making it necess

28、ary for us to findsomeone to do his work.他今天没来,所以我们必定找人干他的工作。比较:不定式作结果状语He made a long speech, only to show his ignorance 。他公布了长篇大论,结果显示出他的无知。He lifted up a stone only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸自己的脚。现在分词作状语He went to the seaside only to be drowned 。他到海边去结果淹死了。Yesterday a street -beggar bought a lottery ticket , to make him a millionaire overnight .昨天一个街头乞丐没心买了一张彩票结果使他一夜间成了一个百万富豪。牢固练习1)The storm left ,a lot of damage to this area .(2005 年全国卷 )Acaused B to have caused C to cause D having caused2)European football is pl

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