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1、文献综述学术论文写作课程论文文献资料目录及综述表学生姓名 学号 200908014221 专业 英 语 文献综述完成时间 年 月文献综述题目 关于 “On Chinese Classics Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Translation Theory” 的文献综述 引用文献情况:中文 6 篇 英文 13 篇 其它语种 0 篇其中期刊 5 种, 专著 5 本, 其他 9 种(本)文献时间跨度 1979 年 2012 年文献资料目录(不少于10篇)1 Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture M

2、. London & New York: Routledge, 1994:1-38,202-232.2 Chen Yanqin. Constructing Chinas Cultural Identity through the Translation of Chinese Classics D. Fujian: Fujian Normal University, 2012.3 Cao Huajing. Research on Lawrence Venutis Translation Theory with a Case Study of Wang Rongpeis The Peony Pav

3、ilion D. Chongqing Normal University, 2011-4:1-9.4 Hu Yingen. A Comparative Study on the Translation of Li Qing-chaos Eight Ci-poems: A Perspective of Cultural Context D. Hunan University of Technology, 2012-6:33-46.5 Kenneth Roxroth and Ling Chung. Li Qing-chao: Complete Poems M. New York: New Dire

4、ction Books, 1979.6 Li Congli. On Lwarence Venutis Translation Theory: A Case Study of Yangs English Version of Hongloumeng D. Central South University, 2008-5:1-17.7 Lawrence Venuti. The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,

5、 1997:202.8 Lawrence Venuti. The Translators Invisibility: A History of Translation M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2006:148.9 Pei Ajuan. C-E Translation of Chinese Classics Through Coordination D. Shanxi: North University of China, 2012:1-5,16-22.10 Pan Tian. Three Central O

6、rientations in English Translation of Chinese Classics D. Shanghai: Shanghai Normal University, 2012:47-48.11 Shen Hui. Construction of Cultural Identity from the Perspective of Postcolonial Translation Studies D. Zhejiang Technology and Business University, 2011-12:12-17.12 Yang Minzi. On Chinese C

7、lassics Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Translation Theory D. Changsha: Changsha University of Science & Technology, 2012:13-26.13 Yang Guodong. Fluency and Prominence-A Study of Strategies of Translating Chinese Classics D. Henan: Henan University, 2007.14 霍跃红. 典籍英译:意义、主体和策略J. 外语与外语教学出

8、版社, 2005.15 郦青. 李清照词英译对比研究M. 上海:华东师范大学出版社,2009:74.16 潘文国. 译入与译出谈中国译者从事汉籍英译的意义J. 中国翻译,2004(2):40-43.17 王斌斌. 试论汪榕培先生的典籍英译思想J. 赤峰学院学报, 2011(9). 18 王岳川. 新世纪中国身份与文化输出J. 广东社会科学,2004(3):5-13.19 汪榕培. 古典名著汉译外是我国文学翻译领域的短线J. 外语教学与研究,1995(1):9-10.文献综述(600字以上) Chinese classics translation, a concentrated reflect

9、ion of Chinese traditional culture, aims to construct global cultural diversity and to maintain ethnic cultural identity. The profound Chinese Civilization has a long history which is unique in the world. Chinese classics, the essence of Chinese Civilization, are of spiritual value to the whole worl

10、d. Chinese people should not only take advantage of these classics, but also accept the responsibility of propagating them to the world. Recently, many scholars and translators conduct research on Chinese classics translation. Although they have taken great steps forward, there are still many proble

11、ms. An overview of the Chinese classics translations both at home and abroad, especially the overseas ones, show that there are a substantial portion of Chinese classics analyzed, comprehended and translated on the basis of the standard of western philosophy, theology and moral philosophy. These tra

12、nslations cannot reflect the history of the Chinese nation and Chinas development faithfully. Besides, they cannot follow closely the theme and inner rule of Chinese value and ideology. Therefore, how to introduce our Chinese culture to the Western world becomes a major debate. However, because of t

13、he limitations of manpower, these glorious Chinese classics are still largely unknown by many. According to the statistics, there are about 35,000 classics in China altogether, but only 2/1000 of them have been translated into foreign languages. The current situation is that about 106,800 western cl

14、assics have been translated into Chinese in the 20th century, but only 1000 Chinese classics written in the 20th century have been translated into other languages (王岳川, 2004:10). This fact proves that Chinese classics translation is our foremost weakness in the field of literary translation (汪榕培, 19

15、95:9). Introducing, spreading and translating Chinese classics are a tough and perennial work which needs our persistent efforts from generation to generation. Yang Minzi argues in his paper On Chinese Classics Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Translation Theory, that the world culture i

16、s getting involved in an unprecedented struggle for cultural power. With economic, scientific and technological superiority, western countries, having entered into post-modern era, are promoting their commodities and values to the whole world. Facing the invasion of western cultural hegemony, the lo

17、ss of national cultural memory seems to become the cost which the third world countries have to pay for adapting to economic globalization. In terms of the Chinese cultural situation, Chinese and Chinese literary language has become “Europeanization” and “Comedown” gradually. If things continue this

18、 way, not only can the Chinese nations cultural memory accumulation of 5,000 years be destroyed, but the cultural heritage belonging to the whole of human beings will be damaged as well. In the era of multi-culture clashes, Chinese scholars should face new challenges with positive attitudes and pay

19、more attention to keeping their national cultures own characteristics. At the same time, national cultural memory should be re-acknowledged and transmitted. Therefore, Chinese classic translation has its deep meaning and purpose from the perspective of cultural transmission.In his paper Three Centra

20、l Orientations in English Translation of Chinese Classics, Pan Tian says that the translation principles should be a dynamic, correlative and holistic whole. In practice, translators tend to stick to a certain orientation, no matter fidelity, readability or creativity. That is to say that the transl

21、ators of Chinese classic should make their own creative efforts to balance the three central orientations of fidelity, readability and creativity in order that the readers could understand or even appreciate the ideological content and the style of the original writing. He also expresses through stu

22、dy that translators competence and performance of both the target and source languages also plays a dominant role in the course of translation besides the application of appropriate translation principle. Contemporary translators who have failed to have a good command of Chinese language and culture

23、 could not faithfully interpret the rich cultural connotation of the original texts. Therefore, to learn the Chinese language well proves to be the necessity for the majority of Chinese classics translators.Whats more, Pei Ajuan talks about her opinions about English translation of Chinese Classics

24、in her paper C-E Translation of Chinese Classics through Coordination. Translation is a cross-linguistic, cross-cultural, cross-social communication. The limitation of the translation lies in cultural particularities, if the possibility of it is based on the cultural generalities. As a result, more

25、attention should be paid to the differences between languages and cultures involved in translation. There are many different objects of translation study. The Chinese classics translation, which is the embodiment of Chinese philosophy and the quintessence of traditional culture, has influenced Chine

26、se and world economy, philosophy, religion, literature, art and so on during the past two thousand years. And the world civilization brings great rich cultural classics in the long process, whose translating and transmission is the important way for the civilization of human being. As one of the fou

27、r ancient civilizations, China has left descendants numerous cultural classics which have been written into the history books. Therefore, it is the C-E translation of Chinese classics under the guidance of the Coordination Theory which is an important way to realize the exchange of C-E culture and t

28、o fuse the global culture.Currently, many countries in the world attach great importance to soft power when they try to enhance their hard power like politics, economy, and military. For quite a long time, there is a lack of understanding or even misunderstanding toward Chinese traditional culture i

29、n the western world. And it requires us to rebuild our complete and authentic cultural image through translating Chinese classics. In the background of economic globalization, the communication between the East and the West is becoming more frequent and the voice improving the balance between the Ea

30、st and the West is also growing. Only culture is classic and only classic is eternal. This makes sense. If we want to maintain cultural diversity in the background of global integration, the only way is that we have to translate varied kinds of culture to the international standard language (English

31、) so that we can make it to be a part of the global culture. If there is no translation there is no world(潘文国, 2004:42). It is an important task for Chinese scholars to spread our culture essence to the world. According to the studies, Classics translation has become a very popular topic recently. H

32、ow to spread our culture essence to the world is still the Chinese scholars major task. Chen Yanqin discusses about this respect in her paper Constructing Chinas Cultural Identity through the Translation of Chinese Classics. With the flooding of the translation of western works into China, only a small number of the translation of Chinese classics found their way into the international market due to the weak demand of translation works in foreign book markets. The outlook is not promising, for most contemporary

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