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《X战警 天启》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

1、X战警 天启完整中英文对照剧本X战警 天启(xx)完整中英文对照剧本 变种人 与生俱来拥有特殊能力 Mutants, born with extraordinary abilities. 然而 他们却也像孩童一般 And yet still, they are children 在黑暗中蹒跚前行 寻求正确的方向 stumbling in the dark, searching for guidan _. 天赋 经常也是一种诅咒 A gift, can often be a curse. 若他拥有翅膀 就可能飞得离太阳太近 Give someone wings and they _y fly t

2、oo close to the sun 若他们能预言未来 Give them the power of prophecy, 就可能对明天充满恐惧 and they _y live in fear of the future. 若他们拥有至高无上的天赋 Give them the greatest gifts of all, 超乎想象的强大能力 powers beyond i _gination, 他们就可能认为自己应该统治世界 and they _y think they are meant to rule the world. 尼罗河谷 公元前 3600 年 -恩沙巴奴尔 -恩沙巴奴尔 -

3、En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur. -恩沙巴奴尔 -恩沙巴奴尔 - En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur. 从此您将永世主宰 我的主人 Now you will rule for eternity, my lord. 沉睡吧 Sleep. 开始转移 Let the transferen _ begin. 当心 Watch out! 杀死伪神 Death to the false god! 金字塔 金字塔要塌了 The pyramid! The pyramid is collapsing! -跑 -快跑 - Run. - Run, quickly. 保

4、护主人 Protect him! X 战警 天启 和平集♥会♥发生骚乱 1973 年 1 月 28 日 巴黎 众所周知 变种人首次曝光是在 As everyone knows, the existen _ of mutants was first discovered 1973 年越战结束后巴黎和平协议签订大会上 during the Paris Pea _ Aords after the Vietnam war in 1973. 6 天后 我们都目睹了变种人中的一员 6 days later, we all watched as one of those muta

5、nts. 俄亥俄州 1983 年 埃里克兰谢尔 在白宫草坪上 Erik Lehnsherr, attacked the president and the cabi 袭击了总统和内阁官员 on the lawn of the White House. 另一位年轻的变种人出手相救 化解了危险 Their lives were saved by a young mutant, who stopped him. 如今兰谢尔依然在逃 Now, Lehnsherr escaped 他是世界头号♥通缉犯 and became the worlds most wanted fugitive.

6、而那位救人者也失踪了 And as for her, she disappeared as well. 但她成了新时代的象征 But, she has bee the symbol of a new age. 标志着世界将从此 The fa _ of a world that will never. -截然不同 -你在朝我宝贝抛媚眼吗 - .be the same again. - You winking at my girl? 没错 世界陷入了恐慌 Yes, the world is panicked. -你的宝贝 -许多人仍抱有偏见 - Your girl. - . and there i

7、s still some prejudi _. -你看上去的确够老 -但是如今 - I guess you do look old enough - But today, -能当她爹了 -变种人已融入社会各行各业 - to be her father. - mutants are found in all walks of life. 先生们 你们有什么想法 Excuse me, gentlemen, is there something that you would like 要和全班同学 _吗 to be sharing with the rest of the class? 我能去厕所吗

8、 Can I please go to the bathroom. 眼睛难受得要死 I think theres something seriously wrong with my eyes. 去吧 斯考特 弄完之后 Fine, Scott, and afterwards, why dont you stop by 顺便到校长办公室解释一下 the principals offi _ and explain 你为何总要破坏课堂纪律 to him that youre disrupting the class again. 办公室知道怎么走吧 I trust you know the way.

9、-知道 -那就好 - Yeah, I do. - Okay. 等一下 等一下 Oh. Hang on. Hang on. 我知道你们大部分人 Now, I know most of you were what? 那时候只有 7 岁左右 Around 7 years old at that time. 萨默斯 Summers! 我知道你在里面 I know youre in here. 你在哭吗 Are you crying? 我还没揍你呢 I havent even kicked your ass yet. 萨默斯 想看我马子是吗 Summers. You want to eyeball my

10、 girl? 萨默斯 Summers. 萨默斯 Summers. 东柏林 连♥战♥十场 Ten fights waged. 十场全赢 Ten fights won. 我们的银翼战士 The Winged Warrior. 猛禽之王 死亡天使 The Bird of Prey. The Angel of Death. 天使 Angel! 请掌声欢送肥佬 Lets hear it for the fat _n! 下一位挑战者 Our next challenger. es straight. 慕尼黑♥马♥戏团 from the Munich

11、Circus. 第 11 场 打啊 Fight 女士们先生们 La _s and gentlemen, 唯一能和天使旗鼓相当的 the only one that could take on an Angel. 就只有恶魔了 is the Devil himself! 向大家隆重介绍 I give you. 惊艳非凡 the a _zing. 无以伦比的 the fantastic. 夜行者 Nightcrawler! 警告 有高压电哟 Caution. High voltage. 抱歉啦 变种人 Sorry, mutants! 小姑娘 你迷路了吗 Did you get lost littl

12、e mouse? 表演在那边 The fight is over there. 打啊 不然我们都得死 Fight! Or theyll kill us both. 大家都是来找刺♥激♥的 And its about to get exciting. 你是指这样吗 Ah, you mean this? Yes. 夜行者 Nightcrawler! -夜行者 -夜行者 - Nightcrawler! - Nightcrawler! 对不起 对不起 Im sorry. Im sorry! 跟我走 Come with me. 站住 Hold it! 他们朝那边跑了 They

13、 went that way! 你能变形 You can transform. -你是她 那个英雄 -我谁也不是 - Youre her, the hero. - Im nobody. 不是什么英雄 快离开这里 Im not a hero. Lets get out of here. 波兰 普鲁什库夫 回家睡个好觉 亨里克 Have a good night, Henryk. 你也是 米洛什 You too, Milosz. 亲爱的 Hi, my love. 今天还好吗 Good day? 现在好多了 Better now. -妮娜呢 -在后院 - Wheres Nina? - At the

14、back. 和她的小伙伴们在一起 With her friends. 别担心 Dont worry. 大家都够吃 There is enough for everyone. 闭上双眼 Close your eyes now. 快快睡觉 Go to sleep 美梦相伴 and have a sweet dream. 是谁教你这首歌♥的 爸爸 Where did you learn that song, Papa? 我的爸爸妈妈教我的 I learned it from my parents. 他们的爸爸妈妈教他们的 And they learned it from their p

15、arents. 再往上也一样 And them from theirs. 总有一天 你也会唱给你的孩子听 And one day, you will sing it to you children too. 他们怎么了 你的爸爸妈妈 What happened to them, your parents? 他们被人带走了 当时我还很小 They were taken from me, when I was a little boy. 集中营囚犯编号♥ 但他们永远在这里 在我心里 But, they are still here, inside. 还有这里 守护着你 And her

16、e. with you. 会有人来把你带走吗 Is someone going to take you away? 永远不会 Never. 我们或许比想象中更像兄弟 I guess were more alike than we thought. 他不听我们的 He wont listen to us. -他就是 -斯考特的作风 - He just. Hes been. - Scott. 我去和他说 Let me try. 泽维尔天才少年学校 很陈旧的感觉 这里是学校还是博物馆 Smells pretty old in here. Is this a school or museum. 还有一级 最后一级 One more, and last one. 走路请看路 Watch where youre going. 我没法看 I cant. -你在和谁说话 -我

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