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1、高中英语写作讲座高中英语写作讲座比较下面两段文字 1: I got up very early this morning. I went to visit a farm with my classmates. We walked to the farm. The workers welcomed us at the gate and we went to many places. They were very beautiful. And then we had a picnic lunch. We were dancing and singing in the party. Finally

2、we said goodbye to the farmers there. 2: I got up very early this morning because I would pay a visit to a farm with my classmates. After about twenty minutes walk, we arrived at the farm, where some workers gave us a warm welcome. Then they showed us around the farm so that we enjoyed the beautiful

3、 scenery and the harvest there. At noon, we had a picnic lunch and after that we held a party, singing and dancing happily. When the sun set , we said goodbye to the workers. This visit really left me a beautiful memory.高分作文策略 1、结构清新合理: 一篇好的书面表达要有合理的段落层次,让人感觉条理清新,易得高分。每一段落要有一个主题句和几个支撑句。一般文章有三段:主题段提出

4、问题或论点;发展段围绕主题讨论、论据或列举;结尾段得出结论,即论证。 2、用词准确得体: 我们常常提到“亮点词汇”,这不等于使用频率较低的偏词、怪词或大词;而是要使用生动具体形象的词汇,关键是要准确得体。如:The Musuem is very beautiful中的beautiful很抽象;改为The Musuem is magnificent就更形象具体; 说The job is very difficult to do不如说The job is very challenging. 词汇彰显深厚的语言功底。要注意阅读中留心积累富有表达力的词汇。I decided I would pione

5、er a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature. I read all the books I could find that threw light upon these matters. Located in southern Austria, Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers. Even though the altitude of the city is not enough to guarantee snow,

6、 the good weather and breath-taking scenery make it a world-class ski resort. 3、语句简洁流畅: “简洁流畅”不等于句子简单呆板,无变化,而是指意思表达清楚,语言地道精练,读起来通畅上口。高考书面表达要求100词左右,所以不能说废话、说糊话;每句话都必须精练。例如: Li Hua is a student. He comes from Wuhan. He speaks Wuhan dialect. We find it hard to understand. 这段话看似简洁,其实很呆板。可以修改如下:Li Hua ,

7、 a student from Wuhan, speaks Wuhan dialect, which we find hard to understand. 修改后的句子,除了简洁流畅,更加地道精练,句中既有同位语,又有非限定性定语从句,表达灵活,富有变化,体现了良好的语言表达技巧。 4、逻辑衔接自然: 为了使文章结构紧凑,自然流畅,段落之间要使用适当的过度语;句子之间要使用合理的逻辑衔接词。如:It was very noisy, I could hardly go to sleep.这句话可以修改为:It was so noisy that I could hardly go to sle

8、ep / I could hardly go to sleep because it was very noisy / As a result of the noise, I could hardly go to sleep / Wirh so much noise, I could hardly go to sleep 等等。 5、表达灵活多变: 一篇好的文章,要尽可能使用较多的词语和句式结构,如:定语从句、插入语、倒装句、强调句、被动结构和其他常见句型。如:Many people believe that we should keep our own tradition可以换成It is

9、widely believed that we should keep our own tradition. We know very little about the accident 可改进为Very little is known about the accident. This is the best hotel you can find here可以改为You cant find a better hotel here或Nowhere else can you find a better hotel. We can solve the problem only when everyb

10、ody takes action改为Only when everybody takes action can we solve the problem会更好。 6、深刻的引语: 在文章的开头和结尾适当使用名言和谚语,可以起到画龙点金、深化主题的作用,提高文章品味。Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the image of a city.

11、On the other hand, the rest 40% think that fees should be charged, because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. They suggest, however, fees should be charged low. Everything has two sides. In my opinion, fees should be charged as long as the price is

12、reasonable. Yours truly Li Hua书面表达常用步骤一、审题;定要点:注重表达要点的用词。 用词体现语言基本功。用词要生动具体形象;避免抽象普通词汇。二、连句;串要点:注重连词和句式变化。 句与句之间尽可能使用连接词,使文章连贯流畅;尽可能使句子多样化,避免呆版。三、组篇;重结构:注重过度语和主题句。 适当分段和过度语使结构紧凑,思路清晰。示例讲解 最近一项调查显示,我们学校40%以上学生不吃早餐。 原因:熬夜,早晨没有胃口;早晨时间来不及;女孩为保持身材。 危害:课堂精神不振,打瞌睡;影响身体和学习。 建议:自己写范文参考 A recent survey shows

13、that over 40% of students in our school go without breakfast, which is indeed a worrying problem. Different reasons account for this phenomenon. On the one hand, many students have the habit of staying up too late at night, as a result, they are not so spiritual and have no appetite for breakfast th

14、e next morning. A lot of girls, on the other hand, starve themselves on purpose just for keeping a good shape. Ignoring breakfast is very harmful to both our health and study. For one thing, they are still growing , for another, they cannot concentrate their attention in class through lack of sleep.

15、 To solve this problem, we should have a scientific study plan and keep a balance between study and relaxation. Only in this way can we guarantee a happier life and better study.经典赏析1 In Western countries, the dragon is an evil (邪恶的) animal. It often kills good people. So, a Shanghai professor said

16、that the dragon was no longer a suitable symbol for China. He thought the image of a dragon might lead Westerners to have a negative opinion of China. What do you think of this issue?Please write an article of no less than 100 words entitled “Is the Dragon a Suitable Symbol for China?” Organize your

17、 writing in the following pattern: 1. Present(呈现) the problem 2. Give your opinion or attitude and explain your reasons 3. Draw a conclusion Recently there has been a heated discussion on whether we should continue to use the dragon as Chinas symbol. Opinions vary from person to person; some people

18、claim that the dragon is no longer a suitable symbol for China. Whereas others dont think so. Those who hold the former view think that it shouldnt be the symbol of China. For one thing, in western countries, the dragon is an evil animal. It often kills good people. For another, they think the image

19、 of a dragon may lead westerners to have a negative opinions of China. In spite of all the mentioned above,some people still believe that the dragon is beneficial to other symbols. On the one hand, dragon has been a symbol of China since thousands of years ago. Its part of Chinese culture. On the ot

20、her hand, in China, dragon means the most powerful things. Weighing the pros and cons, Im inclined to side with the latter view. There is no denying that we shouldnt change our culture because of others thoughts. It is obvious that its just the differences between Chinese and Western cultures!经典示例赏析

21、2 下面是2001-2004年某市交通事故死亡人数的坐标图(graph)以及原因调查。请你以A Worrying Problem为题,为21世纪英语报写一篇110字左右的英文报道。反映图表内容,说明造成死亡的原因。文章开头已给出,不计入总字数。Deaths from car accidents have been climbing rapidly year after year. From the graph above, we can see that in the year 2001, about 800 people died from car accidents; in 2002, t

22、he number of deaths nearly doubled. By the year 2003, the number reached as many as 2600, and in 2004, it was already over 4000, which is indeed a worrying problem. Study shows that the most contributing factors for the increasing deaths have been the sharp growth of family cars and new drivers in r

23、ecent years, many of whom lack strict training. Whats worse, some drivers pay little attention to traffic rules. I hope the local authority will take effective measures to solve the problem.经典示例赏析3 起点考试23分作文 You impressed me at first sight, and I was convinced that I could learn a lot from you. From

24、 that time on, you really did teach us a lot and always cheered us up. Its undoubted that your class is fascinating, not only because of your terrific teaching skills, but also how you made us learn. Lots of extracurricular activities were organized to arouse our interests to study English, in which

25、 everyone was glad to take part. It is still in my mind that every profound sentence said by you like “Will you ever learn to speak English”, which is from Jazz Chant, stimulated our confidence to speak English; “Never say you cant”, which is always on your lips, gave us remarkable impression. Moreo

26、ver, your “Team Spirit” concept made us communicate and share. And I am looking forward to your advent to China again.写作技能的培养 词汇表达技能的培养 句子表达技能的培养 篇章结构技能的培养一、词汇表达技巧的培养1、用精确形象的词汇代替普通抽象的词汇: I like animals / birds / parrots. He is a good/honest/ generous/sympathetic/selfish person After the match, peopl

27、e ran / poured out of the stadium. The cover of the book is very nice /artistic. His new job is very difficult / challenging. Heavy snow is interesting / exciting.2、避免不必要的词汇: Have you received the letter that I mailed to you on the 15th of April? Have you received my letter of April 15? The reason t

28、hat Paul failed in the exam was because of carelessness. The reason Paul failed in the exam was carelessness. He gave many reasons for the failure, but the reasons he gave were not convincing. In my opinion, I think your plan is practical.There was a pine tree that stood like a giant on the top of t

29、he mountain. It towered over the trees around it.-The giant pine tree on the top of the mountain towered over the trees around it.Mr. Smith usually likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France.-Mr. Smith prefers wines produced in France.Mr. Smith prefers French wines.3、尽量使用习语: The p

30、roblem is being discussed. The problem is under discussion. He is finding a new job. He is hunting for / in search of a new job. Most Chinese like tea better than coffee Most Chinese prefer tea to coffee. He enjoys learning knowledge. He is thirsty for knowledge.4、尽可能使用修辞 My love for you is very str

31、ong. My love for you is like a red rose. Im too busy at present. Im as busy as a bee. Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949. The year 1949 saw the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. 二、句子表达技巧的培养1、注意句子的完整性 Those who against the plan raise your hands. Nobody likes being laughed. There w

32、ere many students attended the lecture. The people went there were mostly students.2、主意使用正确的语法结构 It was reported that another coal mine accident has happened. With time passed by, technology became more complex. To keep up with the times, English and computer must be learnt. Looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach. Last weeken

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