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1、自考0795综合英语二基础班课程讲义全下册Lessom5Lesson five:First Principles打印本页I. Outline of the TextPart 1: (Paras. 1-3)Christmas was over, and Emily Wade felt grateful to and proud of her daughter Laura.Part 2: (Para. 4)Emily thought sending Laura to a good, expensive private school proved a right decision.Part 3: (

2、Paras. 5-20)A month before Christmas, they found themselves in a tight corner. And Emily suggested celebrating Christmas in an economical and meaningful way.Part 4: (Paras. 21-24)The family had a memorable Christmas in the countryside with the help of their daughter Laura.Part 5: (Paras. 25-28)Recal

3、ling how marvelously Laura had behaved in the crisis, Emily wished her daughter a beautiful future. Text No family had ever had a nicer Christmas, Emily Wade thought happily as she drove the children to school for the first time after the holidays, and, of course, it had been largely Lauras doing. 译

4、:我们的家拥有最好的圣诞节,当Emily在节日之后第一次送她的孩子去学校的时候,她很快乐地想着这些事情,当然,这主要归功于劳拉。no + 比较级 这是最的 it had been largely Lauras doing英文解析:it was chiefly due to Lauras understanding.She glanced at Laura, a slim, dark-haired girl of fourteen, sitting beside her, and felt warm with that most comfortable of parental emotions,

5、 gratitude to ones own child. glanced at 看一眼 graditude to sb. for sth. 为某事而感激某人译:她看了一眼坐在身旁的劳拉,一个苗条、黑发的14岁女孩。感激自己的孩子这种令父母最舒心的情绪油然涌上心头,使她觉得温暖。The air was soft with the vapors of melting snow, and almost fragrant. as if some delicate flowers were blooming near at hand. Its like spring, isnt it? she sai

6、d to Laura, And tomorrow well probably have a raging sleet storm.near at hand :nearbybloom: 盛开 sleet: 冰雹raging: violent 译:雪融化时所产生的水气使空气柔和,几乎散发出香味,好像娇嫩的鲜花在近处怒放。就像春天一样,不是吗她对Laura说,但明天可能就会有大风暴了。King Claudius weather , said Laura, looking prettily shy as she made the literary allusion. It can smile and

7、smile and still be a villain.Villain: 坏蛋 it can smile and smile and still be a villain英文解析:the weather is just like a smiling villian that cheats. No matter how warm it was and how the snow is melting, its winter still. Just like Claudius smiles, cant change the fact of being a villian.allusion: 典故i

8、llusion: 幻觉,错觉 译:Claudius式的天气,劳拉说,使用这个文学典故时,她那不好意思地表情使她更加可爱。它满脸堆笑,但坏蛋的本性不改。3.Exactly, Emily agreed. She wasnt sure for a moment who King Claudius was, and then she saw a copy of Hamlet among Lauras books.译: 母亲不知道谁是Claudius,但随后她就在女儿的书中发现了Hamlet, 她才明白。She thought her heart would burst with pride (imag

9、ine a child saying that!), and thought how wise she and Henry had been when theyd decided to make every possible sacrifice for the sake of Lauras education. burst with 爆发;充满imagine doing :想象 For the sake of : make sacrifice for 译:她感觉她的心里充满了自豪感(想象一个孩子能说出这样的话!),她感到她和亨利决定为劳拉的教育做出一切必要的牺牲,真是明智之极。4.Laura,

10、 who was in first-year high, had gone to the same public school that her brothers now attended, but this year she was a pupil at Green Valley Academy, a small country day school on the outskirts of the first-year high: in first-year senior high 上高中一年级Outskirts: 郊区译:Laura是高中一年级学生,本来在她的兄弟们现在正在

11、就读的公立学校上学,但今年她已经成为绿谷学校的学生了,一所小的在郊区的非全日制的私立学校。It was a very good school and a very expensive one, and most of the Wades friends thought they were being rather fansy in sending Laura there.译:这是一所很好的学校,学费很贵,Wades家的大多数朋友都认为他们送Laura送到那所学校去念书简直是异想天开(太不符合实际情况了)。They knew Laura was smart, of course, but som

12、e of the other Balimore private schools for girls were excellent and had lower tuition, and even the public high schools were all right.译:他们当然知道Laura很聪明,但巴尔第摩的其它私立女校也很出色,而且学费也不那么贵,即使是公立学校也不错。 Lots of nice kids, whose fathers had twice as big an income as Henry Wade, went to them .译:许多在普通学校上学的不错的学生,他

13、们的父亲的收入几乎是Henry收入的两倍。Besides, you werent doing a girl a favor when you encouraged her to develop tastes she couldnt afford to gratify. do sb. a favor: help sb. 帮的忙afford to do sth. 负担的起gratify = satisfy 满足译:此外,让一个女孩子培养过于奢侈而无法满足的趣味对她并没有好处。英文解析:Also, it wont do her any good if she picks up a refined w

14、ay of living or extravagent habbits, because she would feel disappointed or even bitter, when she finds her parents arent rich enough to pay for these ways and sb. any good = help sb.refined 优雅的,高贵的extravagent 过度的,奢侈的You either spoiled her or made her bitter.译:这不是把她惯坏,就是让她感到痛苦。These argume

15、nts were cogent, Emily Wade admitted, but they simply didnt apply in Lauras case. Nothing was too good for that child.Cogent: 有说服力的。她承认这些观点很有说服力,不过劳拉的情况决不会是这样,为这个孩子无论做什么都不过分。 Nothing was too good for that child.英文解析:She deserves whatever parents did for her.Moreover, it was Emilys theory that childr

16、en learned love as well as discipline by family example; if you did all you could for them, keeping their best interests in mind, they wouldnt let you down in a crisis. And events had certainly proved her theory.discipline: 纪律keep in mind: 记在心里in a crisis: in an urgent situation 在危机时刻译:此外,艾米莉的理论是,孩子

17、通过家人的榜样去爱别人,学会自律;如果你把他们的最大利益挂在心上,事事为他们尽力而为,在紧要关头就不会叫你失望,事情的发展确实证明她的观点是对的。5.How true that had been, thought Emily, driving slowly because she had a quarter hour to spare and she might as well give Laura time to study.译:她的那个观点实在是太准确了,艾米莉想,因为还有一刻钟的时间,她车开得很慢,这样也可以让劳拉有时间学习一会。Her mind went back to that bl

18、ack moment , a month before, when shed met Henry for lunch in a restaurant and hed told her that he was out of a moment :depressing 令人沮丧的时刻out of job/work = unemployment 失业译:她的思绪回到了一个月以前的那个倒霉的时刻,那天她和亨利约好在一家餐馆午饭,他告诉她说他失业了。 The branch sales office hed been managing had been absorbed by a lar

19、ger firm, and its whole staff was out in the cold without so much as a months salary to tide them over.absorb: take over 兼并,合并in the cold = ignored 被忽视 staff: 集体成员 tide sb. over: help sb. go through the difficulty译:一家更大的公司兼并了他经营管理的那个销售处,销售处的全体员工一下子全都没有了工作,连相当于一个月工资帮助他们渡过难关的遣散费也没得到。英文解析:None of the e

20、mployees of the branch sales office was employed by the firm that had taken it over. They didnt even get a month salary an employee is usually given when he is fired. Now they found themselves with nothing to help them through the difficult period.He was pretty sure he could get another and a better

21、 position;译:他确信他能够找到一份更好的工作there was a firm that had been making overtures to him, and only a sense of loyalty to his old firm had made him ignore them up to this point.make overtures to sb.: advise sb. to do sth.up to: until this point: now译:有个公司曾多次对他表示过(希望他过去工作),只是出于对原单位的衷心,他才一直没有理会他们的表示。(他不是没动过心)

22、But the man hed have to see was out of town and wouldnt be back until the first of the year.译:但是他必须去见的那个人出差,要过了年之后才能回来Then, too, hed just had a letter from his brother in Ohio. It seemed that the whole family out there was shot to shot to hell: misfortune fell on灾难降临在译:正在此时,他收到了一封他哥哥的信,远在俄亥俄

23、的那一家人简直是陷入了绝境。His brother, who was a schoolteacher, was broke, his stomach ulcers were troubling him, one of his children had to have a serious operation, and his wife was about to have twins. He needed five hundred dollars.Broke: Penniless译:他的做老师的兄弟身无分文,他得了胃病,他的一个孩子要做手术,而他的妻子要生双胞胎了。他需要500美元来解决问题。Pe

24、nniless 身无分文6.I should think he would! Emily had said , Well have to send it to him.译:我想他确实需要500美元,艾米莉说,我们得把钱寄给他。 借出lend;借入borrowe.g. I lent him one hundred yuan. 我借给他100元e.g. I borrowed a book from him. 我向他借了一本书7.I guess if we let him have it , we can still eat, Henry had said ,brooding gloomily. B

25、ut it knocks Christmas into a cocked hat. I hate to borrow on my insurance.brooding gloomily: reflecting worried 一脸忧郁的表情knock into: change ones plan completely彻底改变译:我想即使给了他那笔钱,我们还能维持下去,亨利表情忧郁地说,不过那我们就得彻底改变圣诞节的过法了。我可不愿动用我的保险金 it knocks Christmas into a cocked hat.英文解析:We wont have much left for Chris

26、tmas, so we have to change our plan for Christmas completely.8.Oh, no! Emily had exclaimed. Well manage, we can cut our list to the bone and concentrate on the kids.cut .to the bone :reduce sth. to the minimum / as much as possible译:噢,不Emily叫道,我们会有办法的,我们要尽量压缩开支,把钱集中在孩子们的身上。 we can cut our list to th

27、e bone and concentrate on the kids.英文解析:well reduce our Christmas expenses to the minimum, and just gether things that children want.You know how they are - all they want is the illusion of abundance and cheerful confusion.译:你知道孩子是怎么一回事-他们要的是一种富足的感觉和热闹的气氛。 all they want is the illusion of abundance

28、and cheerful confusion.英文解析:all they want is to feel they have lots of presents and to find the house in a holiday atmosphere.9.That goes for the young ones, Henry had said, but what does Laura want?go for: apply to 适用,应用于译:小家伙们是这样的亨利说,可是劳拉想要什么呢?10.The only thing shes mentioned is a ballerina dress.

29、 Its priced at $ 125. Shes been invited to some parties by her friends at school. 她想要的唯一的一件礼物就是跳芭蕾舞的裙子。标价125元。她被学校的朋友邀请去参加聚会。be priced at 标价11.WellCouldnt you charge that? Henry had asked .Charge: 赊账译:哦,你能赊账吗?亨利问道。12.No , shed said .Im charged to the hilt already , and I dont want to risk being refu

30、sed. As a matter of fact Id planned to pay my bill today. She had sat silent for a moment, looking at Henrys discouraged face. The only thing to do, dear, shed said at last, is to return to first principles.charged to the hilt: charged to maximum 赊帐已经达到最大额 risk doing sth.: 冒险干某事 as a matter of fact: in fact事实上译:不行,她说,我已经赊到最高限额了,我可不愿冒这个险,让他们把我顶回来。事实上,我今天打算付帐单。她静静的做了一会儿,看着亨利沮丧的表情,亲爱的,唯一的办法,她终于说,就是回到首要原则上去。 charge .for: pay for 付为e.g. They charged only five dollars for moving the piano upstairs. chargeto ones account / charge ones account for sth. 赊账

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