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仁爱英语七年级下册Unit8 Topic 1教学案例设计.docx

1、仁爱英语七年级下册Unit8 Topic 1教学案例设计仁爱英语七年级下册Unit8 Topic 1教学案例设计 Unit 8 教学目标语言知识类别内 容课次要求词汇weather, spring,warm,season,summer,mountain,winter, cold,rain,ground,snow1A掌握cloudy, snowy, sunny, windy, rainy, bright, quite,wet, dry, low, temperature,, remember, wear, part, sun, shine, brightly,

2、shorts, suddenly, spend, as, the same as,travel,overcoat,if,report1Ccome back to life,busy,leaf1Dsoon, hope, together, stay, places of interest,each2Aanytime, fantastic, expensive, camera, famous, tent, raincoat, notebook, whom, prepare2Benter, take off, point, touch, finger, arrive, gift money, pap

3、er, pass, person, May Day, during, had, be different from2Cgreeting, foreigner, polite, into2Dfestival, Spring Festival, Christmas, get together, potato, mark, sweet, luck, riddle, stay up, honor, family get together, Mid-autumn Festival,send,believe3Ainside, shout, chocolate, candy, grape3Binternat

4、ional, labor, race, National Day,capital,flag,hang3Cwhole, greet, lucky, burn, god3Dgo hiking1A理 解foggy, degree centigrade1Bsoftly1Chopeful, heavily, crop, ripe, harvest, strongly1Dlocal, Germany, France, New Zealand, Egypt,India,Russia2Aexciting, backpack, the Palace Museum, Mount Tai2Bcustom, Braz

5、il, Indonesia, Muslim, Thailand, Korea, Italy, wrap, Tibet, temple,Tibetan2Cnecklace, impolite, earn2Ddragon, Thanksgiving, roast, turkey, Lantern Festival, Lunar, eve, midnight, fool, adult, mooncake, Christian, Easter, Christ, colorful3AHalloween, scary, broomstick, witch, ghost, apple bobbing, pu

6、mpkin, treat, trick or treat, Jewish, honey3Bnormally, decorate, stocking, fireplace, Santa Claus,exchange3Cevent3D语言知识类别内 容语法1. 一般过去时的特殊疑问句How was your trip?It was wonderful.How long were you there?Only five days.What places did you visit?We visited some famous temples.2. 动词过去式(不规则变化)bewas/weredodi

7、dhavehadbuyboughtsendsentgetgottelltoldhanghung功能和话题1. 季节和天气及相关的活动Whats the weather like in summer?How is the weather in winter?What do you think of the weather today?Whats the temperature,do you know?Which season do you like best,spring, summer,fall or winter?Whats your favorite season?It is a good

8、 season for hiking.Its a good time to climb moutains.We can make a snowman in winter.2. 旅行计划和谈论度假I want to go to Australia.I plan to travel around the country and take pictures of the local people.I would like to travel to some places of interest.I hope to get together with then.Whats the best time

9、to go there?Whats the weather like in Kunming?Is it expensive there?What places should I visit in Yunnan?Where did you go on holiday?What did you do last Sunday?How was your trip?3. 文化、风俗习惯When you travel in other countries,you should know the customs of those countries.In Japan,when you enter someo

10、nes home,you should take off your shoes.In Brazil,people never go out with their hair wet.In Indonesia,you mustnt point to anything with your foot.Dont touch a child on the head in Thailand.Before the Chinese New Year,many Chinese families burn the old picture of kitchen god, Zao Shen to bring good

11、luck.4. 节日庆祝Chinese people make dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances.People in many countries celebrate Christmas and give each other presents.They often wear scary clothes and knock on their neighborsdoors and shout,Trick or treat?Best wishes to you.Topic 1Section AThe main activities are 1

12、a and 3.本课重点活动是la和3。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn the words of seasons and the words describing the weather and activities: weather,spring, summer, fall, winter, warm,season,cold,rain, ground, snow, go hiking, swimming, climb mountains, make a snowman2. Learn how to describe weather: Whats

13、 the weather like in summer?Its hot. We can go swimming.How is the weather in fall?It is cool. Its a good time to climb mountains.3. Learn to use the comparative and superlative forms to express preference about seasons: I like spring better.Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or win

14、ter?I think I like summer best. Teaching aids 教具四张教学挂图。每张的上方分别标有春、夏、秋、冬四个英语单词。挂图背面标有暖、热、凉、冷四个英语单词,下方有hiking,swimming, climb mountains, make a snowman 短语。挂图背面的下方为四季活动的图片。图与词应是相对应的。作为教学挂图的纸张应为纸板式,有一定硬度。. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)1.(师生互动问好导入复习呈现。)T: Good morning, class

15、.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: What day is it today?Ss: Its Tuesday.T: So we will learn a new section today. But first I would like to know the date today.2.(找一学生协助导入复习。)T: Whats the date today?S2: Its June 11th.(找学生2。)T: When were you born?Ss: September 21st.(找学生3。)T: Whats the 11th month of the yea

16、r?S3: November.3.(活动继续,同时老师分栏板书月份名称在黑板上。)March June September DecemberApril July October JanuaryMay August November February1 2 3 4T: There are twelve months in a year.But there are four seasons in a year, too.Look at the blackboard. What are the four seasons?Listen to 1a, find the answers and tell

17、me.(导入下步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)1. T: Now, tell me the answers.Ss: Spring, summer, fall and winter.(学生根据录音模仿,老师板书在黑板上相应位置,同时纠正。)T: Listen to the tape again, finish lb, try to find the words describing the weather.2.(放录音1a第二遍,学生听,完成1b。)T: Can you find the words describing the weather?Ss

18、: Yes.T: What are they?Ss: They are warm, hot, cool and cold.3.(学生模仿录音机发音,老师板书,纠正。)T: Listen to the tape for the third time. Find the sentences of doing activities.Ss: All right.4.(放完录音,师生商讨核对答案,然后老师板书重点句型在黑板上。)T: What are your answers?It is a good season for hiking.Ss:I like swimming in the river.I

19、ts a good time to climb mountains.We can make a snowman in winter.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)1.(小组活动。一边看课本Page 77的四幅图画,两人互问互答,熟练掌握句型。学生重点操练句型,除了黑板上呈现的外,还有以下。)Whats the wether like in spring?Its warm.How is the weather in fall?Its cool.2.(让学生不看课本,借助黑板上的关键词,复述对话内容。)Step 4Practice第四步练习(时间: 10分

20、钟)1.(完成2,听对话,填表格。)T: Listen to 2, complete the chart.T: Here are the answers, please check it.NameFavorite SeasonFavorite ActivityZhou Weilunsummergo swimmingMariaspringfly kites2.(学生两人对话,仿照4,表达自己对季节的喜好和原因。)T: Work in pairs. Follow the example to make a dialog. 3.(完成3。)T: Listen to 3, read and find

21、Kangkangs and Janes favorite season. And why?(学生听,读,找答案。)T: Now, tell me your answers.(找一学生检查填写情况及的短文理解程度。)S: Jane likes summer best. Because she likes swimming very much.Kangkangs favorite season is winter. Because when it snows, the ground is white with snow and he can make snowmen. He likes doing

22、 that very much.4.(四人小组活动。讨论自己最喜欢的季节及原因。并且需要对本季节的天气进行描述。)T: Now, work in four. Discuss about your favorite season.Describe the weather and your favorite activities.Example: S1: I like spring best. It is warm. I can go hiking. I like hiking very much.S2: My favoriter season is winter. It is cold. It

23、is not very cold. It often snows in winter. All is white. I like white. I like making snowmen with snow.S3: I like summer better. It is hot. It is not cold. I can go swimming in the river. I like swimming very much.S4: I like fall better. It is cool, not very hot and not very cold. I can go climbing

24、 mountains. Thats my favorite activity.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 15分钟)1.(班级比赛活动。全班分成男、女两组。每组一次一人。挑出自己最喜欢的季节,取出相应的教学挂图,藏在身后,不让对方看到。然后互相猜。猜中了要描述天气和适宜的活动情况。每人有三次机会。猜不中的被淘汰,记零分。最后哪组得分最多,算赢家。)T: Now, Lets play a game.Boys are the first group. Girls are the second group.One boy and one girl work in a

25、small group.They must guess the others favorite season, then describe the weather and activities. Each can guess three times.Lets see which group can be the winner.Example: (第一小组)A1: Is your favorite season spring?B1: No.A1: Is your favorite season summer?B1: No.A1: Is your favorite season fall, eit

26、her?B1: Yes.A1: It is cool in fall. Its a good time to climb mountains.(换过来)B1: What is your favorite season? Is it winter?A1: No.B1: Is it fall?A1: No.B1: Is it winter?A1: Yes.B1: It is cold. We can make a snowman in winter.(第二小组)A2: Which is your favorite season? Spring or fall?B2: I dont like spr

27、ing. I dont like fall, either.A2: Is it summer?B2: Yes.A2: It is hot. It is a good season for swimming.(换过来)B2: I guess your favorite season is summer, too.A2: Yes. It is right.B2: It is hot. It is a good time to go swimming.(第三小组)A3: Your favorite season is summer?B3: No.A3: Spring?B3: No.A3: Winte

28、r?B3: No.(A3被淘汰。换过来问。)B3: Which is your favorite season, spring, summer, fall or winter?A3: Spring.(B3出乎意料地运用妙计一次性猜中。)(活动继续,直到完成。)2.(完成Page 78 5)T: Now, Lets chant.(全班同学一齐大声朗读歌谣The Seasons。教室里一片欢快的气氛。)3.(留作业。写一篇不少于五句的短文,和天气、季节有关。)T: This is your homework.Write a short passage about weather. You shou

29、ld have five sentences or more in your passage.(附本课板书: )Unit 8 The seasons and the WeatherTpoic 1 Whats the weather like today?Section AMarchAprilMayspringwarmIts a good seasonFor hikingJuneJulyAugustsummerhotI like swimming in the river.SeptemberOctoberNovemberfallcoolIts a good timeTo climb mounta

30、ins.DecemberJanuaryFebruarywintercoldWe can make a Snowman in winter.Whats the weather like in spring?How is the weather in winter?It is warm.It is cold.Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn words of describing weather: cloudy, snowy, foggy, sunny, windy, rainy,bright, quiet, wet, dry, low, temperature2. Review the simple past tense and present continuous tense: How was the weathe

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