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1、初中英语牛津上海版8A阅读理解回答问题类专项讲解及练习2有答案阅读D篇【回答问题考查点】1.考查阅读理解能力:2.考查对信息的搜寻能力3.考查在具体的语境中灵活运用语言知识的能力:4.考查根据试题内容进行正确的判断分析和总结概括的能力。回答问题答题步骤1.快速浏览全文一了解大意;2.根据问题进行正确的回答(怎么问怎么答);3.关注回答问题的句子的人称,时态,以及语法搭配是否正确,以及一些常 见的回答模式,如时间地点介词不能省略。D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):Passage 1 (二二二)Afternoon tea, which is associ

2、ated with ( l -j 联系在一起) English people, is considered to be an mtegrated (融合白勺)part of their 丘 fe. It is a light meal or a snack traditionally sensed around 4 p.m. between lunch and dinner. Afternoon tea usually includes scones (烤饼),sandwiches,biscuits, and many kinds of cakes.Drinking tea in the af

3、ternoon first became popular around1840. A Duchess (公爵夫人)called Aima first introduced1afternoon tea in England. It was said tliat die Duchess often became hungry at around four oclock, because at that time dinner was served at eight oclock. On one occasion, tlie Duchess asked servants to bring tea,

4、bread and butter, sandwiches and cakes to her room at 4 p.m. Tliis became her habit and she soon began inviting &lends to join her.Queen Victoria in the 19tli century strongly supported die idea; and afternoon tea soon grew popular across England. Indeed. Queen Victoria was well-known for her crazin

5、ess about tea. She tlirew her tea cup across the room if she found the tea not up to standaid(达到标准)! Tlierefbre, tlirougli the upper society (上层社会).Afternoon tea became a fashionable social event where tliey would change into long gowns (礼丿阪)gloves and hats for afternoon tea.Traditionally afternoon

6、tea consists of many delicious pastries (糕点).Tea is brewed (,包) and poured from sih-er teapots into delicate (精致)porcelain cups (瓷杯).Today howe-er, an afternoon tea is likely to be just a piece of bread, biscuit and a mug of tea or just a cup of tea using a tea bag.1.Is afternoon tea thought to be a

7、 part of English peopled life?2.Who first introduced afternoon tea in England?3.When did drmking tea in die afternoon first become popular?4.What did the Duchess ask servants to do?5.Why did Queen Victoria strongly support die idea?6.What did Queen Victoria do if she was not pleased with the tea?7.W

8、hat do you think of afternoon tea?【答案】l.Yes, it is.2.A Duchess called Anna3.Il first became popular around 1840.4.She asked the sen-ant to bring tea, bread and butter .sandwiches and cakes to her room at she was crazy about the tea6.She threw her tea cup across her room7.Its a pleasur

9、e to sit back with a cup of tea and I feel a little relaxed at tea time, (any possibleanswers can be accepted.)D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答卜列问题):Passage 2 (二二)There was a poor student. He lived in a small room near a restaurant. His room was at the back of the kitchen. Tlie restaurant owner was

10、 a very selfish (自私的)man. But he was a good cook and die food in his restaurant was delicious, so many people canie to his restaurant to eat and drink.One day when the owner was in his kitchen, he heard the poor student talkuig with liis friend. kYou arent very happy, are you? 5 asked his friend. fc

11、Oh, no, I am very happy. said the student, I am interested in my room. But you have no money to buy nice food to eat. Yes, its true. I eat only rice. But the smells from the kitchen make the rice nice indeed/ said the student.The restaurant owner was angry. Tlie student was stealing the smells Horn

12、his kitchen! He decided to take him to court (法庭).Everybody lauglied when the selfish man finished his story. But the judge said seriously, 八The student was wrong. Tlie restaurant owner was happy and tlie poor student was a&aid very much. What could he do? He had only a few coins.The judge asked the

13、 student if he had money. The student took out four coins and gave them to the judge.Let the coins fall into your left hand/ said the judge. The court was very quiet and everyone heard die sound of die coins as they were falling into the students left hand.Well: said die judge to the restaurant owne

14、r, youve heard his money. Youve been paid for yoiir smells/1.Where did the student live?2.How was the food in tlie restaurant?3.The student was happy living in the small room, wasnt he?4.When did the restaurant owner take die student to court?5.Why did die student feel afraid?6.How did die judge sol

15、ve the students problem?7.What do you tliuik of the judge?(答案】l.In a small room near the restaurant.2.The food was delicious/ good3.Yes, he was.4.After he heard the students talk with his &lend.5.Because the judge said he was wrong. / he had no money.6.By making the restaurant owner hear the sound o

16、f the falling coins7.He is very smart/ clever. (Any possible answers can be accepted.)HomeworkPassage 3 (二二 )Grow up or grow, oldWhen the new tenn came, 1 had a new classmate, a little old lady with a warm smile. She said、HI handsome! Im Rose. Tin 87 years old. Can I give you a hug? I said heartily,

17、 Of course!Why are you in college at such an age? I asked.She joked, HFm here to meet a rich husband, get married, hate children, and then travel around.,fNo, seriously.H I asked.I always dreamed of havmg a college education. Now Pm getting one!H she told me. Over the year. Rose became an icon (偶 像)

18、.She easily made friends wherever she went. She krved to dress up and she enjoyed the attention from other students.At the end of the term we incited Rose to speak at our banquet (宴会)Ill never forget what she taught us.nWe do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.

19、Here are the secrets of staying young. You hate to laugh and find humor every day. YouVe got to have a dream. When you lose your dieams, you die!” she said.There is a big difiereiice between growing old and growmg up. Anybody can grow old. Tliat doesnt take any talent or ability,H She added. But to

20、grow up. you have to find the chances in change. Hate no【egrets. We usually dont have regrets for what v亡 did. but ratlier for tlimgs we did not do/One week after graduation (申业),Rose dies peacefiilly in her sleep. She tauglit us by example that its never too late to be all you can possibly be. (288

21、)Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):1.The new school term has begun、hasnt it?2.Whats the new classmate like?3.What is her real dream to be in college at such an age?4.What did she love to do?5.Based on her speakmg, how do we stay young, to laugh or to cry?6.What did she teach us by example?7.Herve

22、you grown up after readmg the passage? Why?【答案】1 .Yes, it has.2.A little old lady with warm smile./ she is old.3.To have a college education4.She loved to dress up. / enjoyed attention from other students5.To laugh.6.Its never too old to be all you can possibly be.Passage 4 (二二二)Eppie Lederer and Pa

23、uline Phillips are identical twins.In 1955 Eppie Lederer won a contest. The prize was to write an advice colunm( $栏)for die Chicago Sim Tinies. In 1956 Pauline Plullips began writing an advice column for the San Francisco Cliroiiicle. Botli columns became very popular and were soon being published i

24、n many newspapers. Today each cohuim 八Ann Landers and Dear Abbyhas nearly 100 millionreaders around the world!Eppie Lederer (Ann Landers) and Paulme Phillips (Abigail Van Buren) have had a significant influence on individuals and on unportant problems. For example, Phillips has often called people w

25、ho sound very depressed(忧郁fl勺)in their letters. Tliey say, Youre calling me? After tliey start talking、I can suggest they get professional help. In this way, she has saved people s lives. In 1971, when die U.S. Congress (国会)was reluctant to pass a law dem oting money to cancer research, Lederer aske

26、d her readers to write letters. Congress received more letters than it had in its entire historyand passed die law.Over the years, both colunmists( &栏作家)say, peoples problems have reniamed basically die same. But the work is always interesting. Phillips says, 1 cant wait to get to work in the mommg.

27、,? For one thing, thens no typical letter writerwomen, men, teenagers all write about tlieir problems. And, as Phillips said in response to a question. Theres no reason to make up anything. There s notlimg weirder(神奇白勺)than what I get in the mail/* Above all, they are committed to helping their read

28、ers.Is it just coincidence 合)that these two famous advice-givers are twin sisters? Maybe but maybe not. Jeaime Phillips, Paulines daughter has helped write Dear Abby smce she was a teenager. Margo Howard. Lederers daughter now writes ail advice cohuim for the online magazme Slate. fcfcIt must be in

29、the genes: says Jeanne Phillips, only partly joking.1.When did Eppie Lederer begin to write an advice column for the Chicago Sun Times?2.What are the names of Eppie Lederer s and Pauline Phillips columns?3.How many readers do the two columns have?4.Why did Lederer ask her readers to write letters to

30、 The U.S. Congress?She did so ill order to make 5.Both Eppie Lederer and Pauline Phillip love their jobs, dont they?6.Whats die relationship(关系)between Jeanne Phillips and Margo Howard?7.What do you tliuik of a columnists work?【答案】l.In 1955. / After he won a contest.2.Ann Landers and Dear Abby.3.Nea

31、rly 100 million readers around the world.4.The Congress pass a law.5.Yes, they do.6.They arc cousins.7.(Any possible answers can be accepted.)翻译T巩固新词汇1 他被认为是个自私的人,因为他从来只考虑自己。(be considered as)2.小偷偷了他的钱包,他觉得去报警。(steal sth. from sb.)3.她一直梦想成为一个演员,最终她得到了一个机会。(dreamof)4.父母的所作所为对孩子有很大的影响o (have influence

32、 on )5.老师建议Alice在写作文的时候,多关注她的语法。(suggest sb. should do; pay attention to)【答案1 Hc is considered as a selfish man because he always thinks about himself.2.The thief stole the purse from him so he decided to report the police3.She dreamt of being an actress, and finally she got the chance4.What parents say and do has a deep influence on their children.5.The teacher suggested Al

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