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1、改错题总结19.王琰,王鹏-课本40页改错题VIDear Student,We the faculty take no pride in our educationalachievements with you. We have prepared you fora world that does not exist, indeed, that must not 1.canexist. You have spent four years supposing thatfailure leaves no record. You have learned thatwhen your work goes

2、 poorly, the painless solutionis to drop out. But start now, in the world 2.startedwhich you go, failure marks you. Confronting difficulty 3.goby quitting leaves you changed. Outside the college,quitters are no heroes.With us you could argue about why your errorswere not errors, why mediocre work re

3、allywas excellent, why you could take pride in routineand slipshod(不严谨的)presentation. Most ofyou, after all, can look back on honor grades formost of what you have done. So, here grades canhave meant little in distinguishing the excellentfrom the ordinary. But tomorrow, in the world towhich you go,

4、you had best not defend errors butlearn them. You will ill-advised to demand 4.frompraise for that does not deserve it, and abuse those 5.whatwho do not give it. For years we created an altogether forgiving world, in which whatever slight effort you gavewas all that was demanded. When you did not ke

5、epappointments, we made new ones. When yourwork came in beyond the deadline, we pretendednot to care.Worse still, when you were boring, we acted as if you are interesting. When you were garrulous 6. were(喋喋不休的) and talked to hear yourselves talk, we listened as you were saying something important. 7

6、. if When you were dull, we pretended you were smart. When you were predictable, imaginative 8.unimgaginativeand routine, we listened as if to new and wonderful things. And all this why?Inspite your fantasies, it was not even that we 9.Despitewanted to be liked by you. It was that we did not want to

7、 be bothered, and the easy way was pretense: 10.outsmile and easy Bs.21.薛磊,杨晨-课本90页改错题I strongly disagree with some peoples assessment of the disadvantages of children growing up without access to computers and the internet.Somehow, generations of people if all races and economic backgrounds tried 1

8、. managed to succeed without computers. I am a child of the50s and graduated from college in mid 1970s, without 2. thethe aid of a computer or even a calculator. We used our brains to add and abstract and slide rules(计算尺) for more complicated math. We learned to spellwords, not use spell-check; we l

9、earned to diagram(用图解法分析) sentences,not click on the grammar-check. We learned penmanship so out handwriting 3. handwrittenpapers could be read. I grew up with two sisters on the “wrong side” of my hometown (you know, the poor side ).My parents graduated during the Great Depression with eighth 4. ei

10、ghtgrades of education and worker hard for meager wages. We had a telephone, butwe did not have television until 1968.I guess we were deprived. Did it affect me? No. My sister and I are successful because our parents struggled to scrape up for the tuition to send us to private school. They cared 5.

11、for删去enough to make sure we learned out factions, our spelling words an our sentencediagrams .They instilled in us the love of books and reading. I became computer illiterate at 30,.I an a curious soul, so I learn new applications 6. literatethat improve my work and home environments. I am not in th

12、e dark ages when it comes to technology. I embraced it. But computers and software are simple tools. The are not answers to a deeper problem. Dont blame the lack of computer and/or Internet access to poor student 7. forperformance. Computers and software will not make a student better if the basic s

13、killsand parenting involvement are not part if the equation. 8. parental Get a grip(请冷静),folks. Teach children to add subtract. Teach them to live education, to be curious about whats around the bend(转弯处),over the horizon.Teach them respect for our countrys values, the history. Teach them a sense be

14、tween 9. ofright and wrong. An old saying goes something like this: Give a man a fish and he eats today; teach himto fish and he will eat for life. Why not change it to read: Give a child a computer and she learns to double click. Teach her to read, write, spell and subtract, and the doors for 10. t

15、oknowledge open wide.24.臧坤,姚海龙-课本185页改错题Without his wife Jane, Hawking has always emphasized,his career might never soared, She married him shortlyafter he had diagnosed with ALS, fully aware of the dreadful , 1. _progress nature of the disease, giving him hope and the will to 2. _carry with his stu

16、dies. They had three children in the early stages 3. _of their marriage, and later, as he became increasingly disabled, she devoted herself to satisfy his every need. 4. _ After years of apparent harmonious marriage, however, 5._serious disagreements began appearing. As the awards poured 6._in for S

17、tephen ,Jane-competent and intelligent herself -began to resent living in his shadow. Deeply religious, she wasalso offended by his belief in the existence of God. Particularly 7._annoyed to her was his concept that the universe might be 8._completely self-contained, have no boundary or edge, no 9._

18、beginning or end. If that were true, he asked provocatively,“What place, then, for a creator?” Still, friends were shockedIn 1990 when Hawking abruptly ended their 25-year marriage,moving in with one of his nurse. 10._答案:1.had后been 2.progressprogressive 3.withon 4.satisfysatisfying5.apparentapparent

19、ly 6.去掉the 7.beliefdisbelief 8.annoyedannoying9.havehaving 10.nursenurses26.张明星,张正孝-课本214页改错题The United States has a major racial problem on its hands. The only way to solve is through education . 1. Blacks should know about the contribution that black individuals and groups have done towards buildi

20、ng 2. America. This is of vital importance for there self-respect; and it is perhaps even more important for white people to know. Yet if you believe that a man has no 3. history worth mentioning, it is difficult to conclude 4. that he has no value as a man. Many people believe that, since the achie

21、vements of the blacks do not appear in historical books, they did 5. not have any. Little has been written about the 5,000 American blacks who fought in the Revolution against The British ,and they were in every important battle. In 6. the Civil War , for example more then 200,000 black troops fough

22、t in the United States forces . How , then , did the image of the blacks as brave fighting people appear? 7. To justify the institution of slavery , slaveholders Had to create the myth of the slow- witted black , incapable of self-improvement ,and even dissatisfied with his 8. lot . Nothing could be

23、 further from the true .The slave 9. fought for his freedom at every chance he got , and there was a great number of risings. 10. 答案:1. is前加it 2.done改为made 3.Yet改为For 4.difficult改为easy 5.historical 改为history 6.and改为but 7.appear 改为disappear 8. dissatisfied改为satisfied 9.true改为truth 10.was改为were28.朱朝旭,

24、代永霞-课本236页改错题Im a great admirer of the Japanese because they know where theyve come from, they know wheretheyre at, and they know where theyre going. And most important ,they have a national strategy to get them there.They also know to make good cars. During the 26. 1970s, their cars were actually b

25、etter than ours. Thatsnot true any longer, but many Americans still believe it.How did Japanese cars get so good? It starts withthe workers. To begin , labor costs over there are much 27. higher than ours. Japanese workers earn about 60 28. percents of what American counterparts take home. 29. They

26、dont have automatic cost-of-living increases tie 30. to the Consumer Price Index, as American workers do. And they dont have the same array of company-paidmedical benefits that saved the consumer several 31. hundred dollars a car. Japans workers are also more productive than ours. I dont mean that t

27、hey are better ,merely that theyoperate by a different set of rules. There are really only two job classification s in Japan: skilled and unskilled. Depending on that needs 32. to be down on a given day, a worker may perform a variety of job. If the floor is clean , hell pick up a 33. broom and sweep it without worrying about thats part 34. of his job definition. Naturally this sense of responsibility leads to much great efficiency. 35. 答案:26. (know)how 27. (begin)with 28. higherlower 29.percentspercent30.tietied 31.savedcost 32.thatwhat 33.cleandirty34.(about)whether thats 35.greatgreater

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