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3B Unit1教案.docx

1、3B Unit1教案泰州市城东中心小学(辅导区)20112012学年度第二学期 三 年级 英语 学科备课教案纸课 题3B Unit1 My school bag设计者指导者送审时间审阅人执教者执教时间教 学 目 标1.The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance :“tape, knife, crayon. Come here. Excuse me. Oh, I see. Whats this/that in English? Whats in /on the .?Its a/an. 2.To encourage the Ss to

2、talk in English .教学重点难点 1 1.The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance :“tape, knife, crayon. Come here. Excuse me. Oh, I see. Whats this/that in English? Whats in /on the .?Its a/an. 2.To encourage the Ss to talk in English .课 前 准 备教 师PPT,课前设置好光盘学 生课时安排第一课时教 学 过 程教学随笔Step 1 .Warm-up :Free

3、 talk Hello! Hi! Good morning /afternoon.How are you?Welcome back to school. T可以走到学生中间和学生聊聊新学期他们都得到了什么新的学习用品。期间,教师可以提前渗透Whats this/that? Its 句型。 Step 2 . Presentation and practice .1. 教学Whats this/that in English?及Come here. T: Whats that?(T指着ppt上的图片让学生猜测) S1:Its a zebra.教学Whats that?句型,并引导学生回答 Its

4、a/anT:Whats that in English? (这里在Whats that?的基础上加上 in English短语,学生不难理解)教学in English,领读句型Whats that in English? T:Whats this?(T手里拿着一个书包问学生)教学Whats this?句型以及单词school bag。同理在Whats this?的基础上加上 in English短语,学生不难理解T: Oh, there are some stationery in my school bag. (T摇摇书包,里面传出哗里哗啦的声音。) Look, whats this in

5、English?(T从书包里拿出一支铅笔)S2: Its a pencil.T: Whats this in English?S3: Its a ball pen.T邀请几名学生到前面来,模仿老师的样子,随意从书包里拿出一个文具用品,问下面学生Whats this in English? 在邀请的过程中,教师可以反复地说come here短语,并进行教学。2课文教学。T: Well, Miss Peng has some stationery, Wang Bing has some stationery, too. What kind of stationery does Wang Bing

6、have? Lets watch and choose. a. Watch and choose看动画,选出你所看到的文具用品 正确答案是教学以上四个新单词.b. Listen and answer听录音,回答问题Questions:1.Whats that on the desk?2.Whats this in the pencil box?在让学生听录音之前,教师必须先带着学生看一下这两个问题,讲解on the desk和in the pencil box的意思。只有学生读懂了这两个问题,才能很好地带着问题去听录音,达到好的听的效果。T: Whats that on the desk?S4

7、: Its a tape.T: Whats this in the pencil box?S5: Its a pencil sharpener.c. Read, circle and discuss默读课文,圈出你不理解的单词、短语或句型,然后小组间讨论。给学生至少5分钟的时间,让其找出问题,探讨问题。T: Have you finished? Now, Ill ask you.Ppt 打出A部分剩余的生单词、短语和句型让学生试着来读,来猜意思。如下:Excuse me.Oh, I see.your pencil boxd. Happy reading. 学生跟光盘读课文。 学生跟教师读课文。

8、 分角色读课文。 表演课文。Step3. Homework:1.Read and act the part A after class.2.Copy the new words. tape crayon knife school bag教学后记课 题Unit1 Part B, C设计者彭月婷指导者送审时间审阅人执教者执教时间教 学 目 标1.To understand and say the words : tape, knife, crayon,school bag,pencil sharpener,storybook, copybook, stapler.2. To understand

9、and say the sentences: Whats this/that in English? Its a/an.Whats this/that in/on? Its a/an.3To encourage the Ss to learn English.教学重点难点1.To understand and say the words : tape, knife, crayon,school bag,pencil sharpener,storybook, copybook, stapler.2.To understand and say the sentences: Whats this/t

10、hat in English? Its a/an.Whats this/that in/on?Its a/an.3.To encourage the Ss to learn English.课 前 准 备教 师PPT,课前设置好光盘单词卡片学 生课时安排第二课时教 学 过 程教学随笔Step 1. Warming-up:1.Revisiona. 通过几个简单的问题,帮助学生回忆课文部分的主要内容Questions:1.What kind of stationery does Wang Bing have? 王兵都有哪些文具用品?2.Whats that on the desk?3.Whats

11、this in the pencil box?b. 背诵A部分。2. Free talk.T: Whats this/that in English?S1: Its a tape.T: Whats this/ that in/on?S2: Its a/anStep2 Presentation and practice .1.教学Whats this/that in English? Its a/an.及八个单词。a.T: Whats this? (T指着ppt 问学生)S3: Its a tape.T: Whats that?S4: Its a pencil sharpener. 通过课件上的

12、一只手及一长一短两个箭头让学生直观地感受到this和that的不同用法。同理还是通过Whats this/that?句型和一长一短两个箭头引出B部分的两个新单词:storybook,copybook。b. Touch and guess T拿出一个书包问Whats this in English? Ss: Its a school bag. 复习该单词的发音。 讲解in English的意思。 T: Lets play a game: touch and guess. 教师邀请几位学生到前面来摸书包里的文具,并猜猜是什么文具。 通过这个触摸的游戏,教学三个新单词:crayon,stapler,

13、knife。 crayon,knife 在A部分已接触过,这里简要复习,重点放在stapler上。c. T: Whats that in English? (T指着课件上的火车图片问) Ss: Its a T: Its a train. Ppt 再出示玩具火车的图片 T: Is that a train? Ss: No. T: Its a toy train. 简要比较一下train和toy train的区别。d.Magic eyes通过图片快闪的方式帮助学生及时巩固新教的单词。再一个单词一个单词地过一遍。2教学Whats this/that in/on?Its a/an. Ppt出示一只书包

14、,书包里放一把尺子。人离书包教近。 T: Whats this in the school bag? 教学短语in the school bag,教读并强调in表示在里面。 练读上面的句子。 Ppt出示一只书包,书包里放一把钢笔。不同的是,这次书包离人比较远。 练读句子:Whats that in the school bag? Its a pen. Ppt出示一张书桌,桌上放有一本故事书。人离桌子较远。 T:Whats that on the desk?教学短语on the desk,教读并强调on表示在上面。练读句子:Whats that on the desk?Its a storybo

15、ok.Ppt出示一张书桌,桌上放有一个订书机,人离桌子较近。练读句子:Whats this on the desk?Its a stapler. Ppt出示两只老鼠,一只钻到箱子里,另一只站在箱子上面,形象地再现in/on的区别。3进入C部分教学。、该部分采取教师先示范,然后好学生示范表演,最后放手让学生work in pairs.a. A: Whats this in English?B: Its a stapler.b.A: Whats that on the desk?B: Its a pencil sharpener.或者A: Whats that in English?B: Its

16、a pencil sharpenerc. A: Whats this on the chair? B: Its a storybook.d.A: Whats that in English?B: Its a toy train.Step3. Homework:1.Read and act the part C after class.2.Copy the new words. 教学后记课 题Unit1 Part D, E设计者 彭月婷指导者送审时间审阅人执教者执教时间教 学 目 标1. 能熟练运用C部分句型。2完成E1 部分习题。3会唱歌曲ABC song.教学重点难点1. 能熟练运用C部分句

17、型。2完成E1 部分习题。3会唱歌曲ABC song.课 前 准 备教 师PPT,课前设置好光盘学 生课时安排第三课时教 学 过 程教学随笔Step 1 .Free talkT: Whats this/that in English?S1: Its a tape.T: Whats this/ that in/on?S2: Its a/anStep 2 .Presentation .1. Sing a song: ABC song.第一遍先让学生听一遍歌曲的旋律,第二遍可以让学生哼唱,第三遍可以逐句进行教唱。2复习B部分单词a通过图片快闪的方式帮助学生及时巩固新教的单词。b一个单词一个单词地过一遍。c.完成E1部分的练习,听录音,圈出你所听到的单词图片。3. 复习句型:Whats this/that in English?Its a/anT: Whats this/ that in/on?Its a/an通过两张幻灯片帮助学生复习第一个句型,四张幻灯片复习第二个句型。 快速出示C部分图片,直接请几桌学生起来表演。4Play a game:完成书上E2部分的游戏。Step3. Homework.完成练习与测试上的相关题目。教学后记

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