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最新The way to rainy mountain 修辞格分析.docx

1、最新The way to rainy mountain 修辞格分析The way to rainy mountain 修辞格分析The way to rainy mountain 修辞格分析内容摘要:The way to rainy mountain was written by N.Scott Momaday. His descriptive writing vividly portrays a person,place,and the things in a lyric way by using many different figures such as Simile ,Metaphor

2、 ,Metonymy ,thus make his work an excellent piece of prose.关键字: 明喻 转喻 提喻 夸张 渐进法 拟人首先,介绍一下文章涉及到的几种修辞的定义1、明喻(simile)定义:是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。基本格式:A 像 B比喻词:介词 as, like, of 连词 as if/ though,what, than, and 动词 seem, compare /treat to 词组 may as wellas, as it were, no more thanBeaut

3、y is as summer fruits ,which are easy to corrupt and cannot last美者犹如夏日鲜果,易腐难存2、暗喻(Metaphor)定义:不通过比喻词,直接将A当作B来描写,AB之间的联系和相似之处是暗含的。基本格式:A 是 BA new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。3、提喻(Synecdoche)定义:同性质、同种类、同一体的事物中,大小互代、部分和全体互代、抽象和具体互代、原料代替所构成的成品等,反之亦然分类:部分和整体互代抽象和具体互代个体代替整个类以材料代替事物They share the same roof.

4、他们住在一起。以部分代全体,即用roof,表示house)4、转喻(Metonymy)定义:A被B替换A 可是单词或词组B 与A有着紧密联系转喻的重点不是在“相似”;而是在“联想”.The kettle boils . 壶水开了 (用the kettle壶,表示 the water in the kettle 壶水)5、拟人(Personification)定义:指把物(包括物体、动物、思想或抽象概念)拟人,使其具有人的外表、个性或情感的这样的修辞手段。拟人可以通过形容词、动词或名词表现出来。Thirsty soil drank in the rain.饥渴的土壤在雨中畅饮。6、夸张(Hype

5、rbole)运用丰富的想象,过激的言词,渲染和装饰客观事物,以达到强调的效果。He is an artist to his fingertips.他是个地地道道的艺术家7、渐进法,层进法(Climax)这种修辞是将一系列词语按照意念的大小.轻重.深浅.高低等逐层渐进,最后达到顶点.可以增强语势,逐渐加深读者印象.例如:I am sorry, I am so sorry, I am so extremely sorry.接着,我对这篇散文进行一下修辞分析:Winter brings blizzards, hot tornadic winds arise in the spring,and in

6、summer the prairie is an anvils edge. The grass turns brittle and brown,and it cracks beneath your feet. There are green belts along the rivers and crees, linear groves of hickory and pecan, wilow and witch hazel. At a distance in July or August the steaming foliage seems almost to writhe in fire. G

7、reat green-and-yellow grasshoppers are everywhere in the tall grass ,popping up like corn to sting the flesh,and tortoises crawl about on the red earth, going nowhere in the plenty of time。1、“the prairie is an anvils edge ” 是暗喻,把大草原说成是铁砧,即大草原像铁砧一样热。没有通过比喻词,直接将大草原当作铁砧来描写,两者之间的联系和相似之处是暗含的。 2、“brittle

8、and brown, wilow and witch Great green-and-yellow grasshoppers”是头韵,头韵是在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。brittle 和 brown都以“b”开头,wilow 和 witch均以“w”开头,还有Great green-and-yellow grasshoppers,出现相同的“g”.本文频繁运用头韵修辞,表现了作者对语言的韵律、发音很感兴趣。使读者读起来朗朗上口。下文也多处出现头韵3、“At a distance in July or August the steaming foliage seems

9、almost to writhe in fire”.是拟人修辞,把树叶说成是在火里挣扎,即即将树叶拟人化。生动的描写了七八月份的雨山酷热无比。“popping up like corn to sting the flesh”是明喻修辞,将高草里的蚂蚱的突然跳跃说成是像玉米花爆裂开一样,刺得人痛。本句话有明显的“like”喻词。My grandmorther was spared the humiliation of those high gray walls by eight or ten years,but she must have known from birth the afflict

10、ion of defeat,the dark brooding of old warrior. “those high gray walls”代指上文所说石头畜栏。运用了提喻修辞两性质相同的事物进行互代。生动形象They accuired horses,and their ancient nomadic spirit was suddenly free of the ground .“the ground”意指这些游牧人曾经没有马只能用脚走路的山地生活。运用转喻修辞。转喻的重点不是在“相似”;而是在“联想”通过联想,用the ground表示大山生活。The skyline in all di

11、rections in close at hand ,the high wall of the woods and deep cleavages of shade.There is a perfect freedom in the moubtains,but it belongs to the eagle and the elk,the badger and the bear.The Kiowas reckoned their stature by the distance they could see,and they were in the wilderness.“the eagle an

12、d the elk,the badger and the bear”根据上文分析,可明显看出,这两词组属于头晕修辞。Descending eastward,the highland meadows are a stairway to the plainThe great billowing clouds that sail upon it are shadows that move upon the grain like waterthey could see the dark lees of the hills at dawn across the Bighorn River ,the pr

13、ofusion of light on the grain shelves,the oldest deity ranging after the solstices.Not yet would they veer southward to the caldron of the land that lay below;they must wean their blood from the northern winter and hold the mountain a while longer in their view.1、“Descending eastward,the highland me

14、adows are a stairway to the plain”这句话用了夸张修辞。使人印象深刻。2、“The great billowing clouds that sail upon it are shadows that move upon the grain like water。”明显看出,这句话有喻词“like”,所以属于明喻修辞,把云比作水。3、“Wean”原意是“断奶”,这里意指Kiowas停下来,而不是继续向东南行进,因为他们想花一些时间适应天气的变化以及其他身体条件。所以这个词属于暗喻修辞。At the top of a ridge I caught sight of

15、Devils Tower upthrust against the gray sky as if in the birth of time the core of the earth had broken through its crust and the motion of the world was begun.There are things in nature that engender an awful quiet in the heart of man;Devils Tower is one of them.1、“Devils Tower upthrust against the gray sky as if in the birth of time the core of the earth had broken through its crust and the motion of the world was begun”是明喻修辞,因为这里有喻词“as if”.2.“awful quiet”代指人们心中的对自然界奇特的事物的敬畏,所以是转喻修辞。There,in a very little while,wood takes on the appearance of great age.The

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