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1、供应商品质改善成果发表作业程序BPI Operation Procedure廠商品質改善成果發表作業程序1. Purpose目的 The purpose of this procedure is to define in general the method about how to operate the BPI. 此程序的目的是定義開展BPI活動的步驟與方法.2.Scope範圍This procedure applies to the key suppliers of all sites within Silitek (Key suppliers including: Injection,

2、 Stamping House, PCBA factory and Gift Box plant and etc.)此程序應用於旭麗各工廠的主要協力廠商(主要協力廠商包括注塑,成型工廠,PCBA工廠,彩盒廠等)3.Reference參考資料 3.1 JIT(JQR) Management Procedure JIT(JQR)管理程序 3.2 JQR Agreement JQR協議4.Definition定義 BPI: Business Process Improvement 廠商品質改善成果發表會 VQM: Vendor Quality Management 協力廠商品質輔導部 QRA: Qu

3、ality & Reliability Assurance 品保部 ENG: Engineering Department 工程部 PRO: Procurement Department 采購開發部 5. Details of Procedure 詳細程序 5.1 Responsibility 權責 5.1.1 VQM conduct the BPI VQM主導BPI活動 5.1.2 QRA/ENG/PRO managers are invited as appraiser on the presentation of BPI QRA/ENG/PRO部門經理擔任BPI發表會的評委 5.2 De

4、tails of Procedure 詳細程序 5.2.1 VQM issue the notice to relevant vendors for BPI. VQM在BPI發表會前一個月給參加BPI的廠商發通知. 5.2.2 VQM is responsible for training these vendors how to prepare and present their BPI. VQM負責培訓參加BPI發表會的廠商怎樣準備與發表他們的品質改善成果. 5.2.3 These vendors who will present their BPI hand in their BPI d

5、atum to VQM one week before the BPI presentation. 參加BPI的廠商在發表前一個星期,將他們的BPI資料交給VQM檢討. 5.2.4 VQM review these BPI datum and arrange the vendor presentation sequence for the formal BPI. VQM檢討廠商BPI資料並安排BPI正式發表的廠商順序. 5.2.5 VQM issue a letter inviting top management and relevant department managers as app

6、raisers to attend the BPI presentation. VQM發邀請函請高層領導及擔任評委的相關部門經理參加BPI發表會. 5.2.6 VQM host BPI presentation, appraisers rate the vendors according to its demonstration and its contents when she presents their BPI . VQM舉辦BPI發表會,相關廠商對他們的品質改善成果進行發表,評委根據各廠商發表的各項表現進行評分. 5.2.7 Award the vendors within ranki

7、ng 5th. 對獲得評分前五名的廠商進行頒獎.6. Attachment 附件6.1 BPI Story Notice(Sample) BPI 通知(樣板) 6.2 BPI Template(Sample) BPI 大綱 (樣板)6.3 Application Matrix for QC Tools 品管工具應用矩陣圖6.4 Rating Card 評分卡6.5.BPI Thought Template BPI 思考模式6.6 Steps and Skills of Process Improvement 制程改善之步驟及技巧BPI Story Notice(Sample)Vendors:

8、The JQR activity has been developing for three months. In order to review the effectiveness of JQR organization, push JQR activity to be developed effectively & continuously and bought in your company. Silitek VQM is going to conduct the “BPI presentation” at the end of December, 2000 and request yo

9、u QA section head to present your improvement milestone in Silitek. Some details as follows:1. Presentation Time2. Presentation Place3. Key Points of Presentation a. Select a Case, Describe its improvement process wonderfully (Possible several cycles of its improvement, such as check(Analysis)-Actio

10、n -re-check(re-analysis) -re-action finally to reach its goal .b. The application of diagram is more useful than a lot of words, that must be brief if necessary . c. Capture the current status, set up its goal , and plan its future . 4. Awarding methods: one vendor for the medal of first level; two

11、vendors for the medal of second level; two vendors for the medal of third level. 協力廠商品質改善成果發表會(BPI Story)通 知各協力廠商: JQR活動在各協力廠商已經展開有近3個月的時間了,為了檢驗JQR組織的有效性,並推動JQR活動有效持續地深入發展,在各協力廠商開發結果,Silitek VQM計劃在十二月下旬主辦”協力廠商品質改善成果發表會”,界時邀請貴司課長級人員前來Silitek進行發表,有關事宜通知如下:1. 發表時間:2.地點:3.供應商品質改善成果發表的要點:a. 選準題目(案例),精彩地再

12、現改善過程(可能有多次的改善循環,如 分析-改善-再分析-再改善- 最終達到目標);盡量多用圖表,少用文 字敘述,必不可少的文字必須簡練;b.分析現狀,定下目標,規劃未來.4.獎勵辦法(獎牌):分別評出一等獎一名;二等獎兩名;三等獎二名.各獲獎牌. (旭麗協力廠商品質改善成果發表獎)一枚. BPI Template-BPI大綱一.Quality improving process since three months or half a year 過去三個月或半年品質改善的歷程 1.Throughbroken Point (Case selected)-問題點(選題) 2.Descriptio

13、n of improvement process-改善活動的過程描述 3.Analysis Tools as below(For Example)-分析工具如下: 1)Seven QC Tools 2)SPC QC七大手法 統計過程控制 3)G R&R, Linear Regression 4)Flow Improvement 量具的重復性與再生性,線性回歸 流程改善 5)Motion Analysis-動作分析 4.Improvement activities as follows(For Example): 改善活動如下: 1)QC Circle 2)Training 品管圈 培訓 3)5

14、S Activity 4)Technology upgrade 5S活動 技術提升 5)Tooling Modification 6)EC Proposal 修模 工程變更建議二.Planning about quality improvement half a year or one year in the future 未來半年或一年品質改善活動的規劃1. Capture Current Quality Status(Summary) -目前的品質狀況(概述)2. Catch the neck bottle of Quality improvement(Selecting)-品質改善的瓶頸

15、是 什麼(選題) 3.Set up the Goal in the future -未來改善要達成的目標 4.Future improvement planning (Strategy deployment)-未來改善的計劃(策略展開)Application Matrix for QC Tools Application Approach QC ToolsNamePDCA1.Case Selected2.Goal Set-Up3. Schedule Set-Up4.Current Status Capturing 5.Analysis6.Action7.Do&Check8.Confirm It

16、s Effectiveness9.Standardization10.Action&Improvement1.Gantt DiagramSimple Tools2.Flow Chart3.5W1H,5M4.Fool-Proof5.Radar Diagram6.Statistical Diagram7. Run-Chart8.Cause&Effect DiagramOld Seven QC Tools9.Pareto Diagram10.Check List 11. Stratification12.Scatter Plot13.Control Chart14.Histogram New Sev

17、en QC Tools15.Relation Diagram16.Systematization Diagram17.KJ Method18.Matrix Diagram19.Arrow Diagram20.Process Decision Program Chart21.Matrix Data Analysis Prioritized Possible 活動步驟及手法的活用 圈活動步驟 QC手法名稱PDCA1.主題選定2.目標設定3.活動計劃擬訂4.現狀把握5.解析6.對策擬訂7.實施及檢討8.效果及確認9.標準化10.檢討及改進1.甘特圖簡易手法2.流程圖3.5W1H,5M4.愚巧法5.雷

18、達圖6.統計圖7.推移圖8.特性要因圖舊七手法9.柏拉圖10.查核表11.層別法12.散布圖13.管制圖14.直方圖新七手法15.關連圖法16.系統圖法17.KJ法18.矩陣圖法19.箭頭圖法20.PDCA法21.矩陣資料解析法 特別好用 可用 Rating Card評分卡 Rating Item 評分主項 Rating Regulation 評分細項Actual Score 實際得分 Value of case(20 points) 案例價值(20分)1.Is the subject selected clear?(5 points) 選題是否明確?2.Is the case selecte

19、d appropriate?(10points) 選題是否恰當?3.Is the case selected for Siliteks product?(5points) 選題是否針對旭基產品? Process Description(60points)過程展現(60分)1.Are QC Tools applied appropriately?(10points) 品管手法的運用是否恰當?2.Is the consequence logical?(20points) 邏輯推理是否嚴密?3.Times of cycle about analysis and action (30points) 分

20、析改善過程循環的次數 Presentation Skills(20points)發表技巧(20分)1.Is vocality of speaker clear?(5points) 語言是否清晰?2.Is thought clear?(10points) 思維是否清楚?3.Is presentation style serious ?(5points) 臺風是否端正? Total Score BPI 思考模式1.Organization:Select JQRT members ,deploy team activities daily or monthly. 組織: JQRT改進小組,團隊運作,

21、每日或每周的活動;2.Capture problemsAnalysisImprovementVerificationStandardization 發現問題分析改善驗證標準化(系統); 3.Applying Tools運用手法:1)Seven QC Tools QC七大手法;2)Seven New QC Tools 新QC七大手法;3)Brain Storming 腦力激蕩;4)SPC(Cpk, Control Chart, Correlation Regression , G R&R and Color Management) SPC(Cpk,管制圖,相關回歸, G R&R,顏色管理);5)

22、Design of Experience 實驗計劃;6)FMEA 失效模式與效應分析;7)5S 整理,整頓,清掃,清潔,素養;8)Job Improvement(Action, Process and Flow) 工作改善(動做,制程,流程);9)Check List 檢核表;10)Standard 標準化;11)Training 教育訓練. 4.Probe了解: Cause + Sake Result 因 + 緣 果 Not only one relation between them 其間並非單一關係 Root cause Medium Conclusion 真因 媒介 結果5.Estim

23、ation了解: Severity Occurrence Detection 嚴重性 發生率 檢測性制程改善之步驟及技巧主 題日 期 年 月 日項 目內 容檢核欄第一步驟發掘問題點決定問題點1)明確設定改善目的; 2)收集數據,發掘問題;3)評價數據,層別,明了事實;4)決定主要問題點所在. 第二步驟收集事實決定目標1)繪製特性要因圖;2)收集事實,調查比較各事實間相互關係3)使全體同仁參加,集合眾智;4)確定改善目標.第三步驟檢討分析1)以5W1H進行思考; 2)運用腦力激蕩術之技巧;3)檢討人,機械,方法,材料等4M; 4)研究改善之12要點途徑;5)研討3S(單純化,專門化,標準化);

24、6)簡化,減少不必要之勞力時間;1)詳細觀察現場實況(百聞不如一見),查看日常之數據;2)以統計方法分析:直方圖,柏列特圖,分層,檢核表,管制圖,相關, 檢驗,二項率紙,程序圖,圖表,時間系列,3)必要時應進行實驗,掌握效果,修正方法.分析事實檢討改善第四步驟擬定改善計劃方案1)整理各方案計劃; 2)將方案計劃呈主管上司核準;3)準備實施該方案所必須之項目;4)分配工作負擔.第五步驟試行改善1)依預定日程準備;2)將實施結果有關數據記錄收集起;3)追蹤結果,不完成不休止;4)注意其他因素之影響.第六步驟檢討試行結果,使之標準化1)將所有結果與改善前比較,到底何處已改善;2)如未獲確定之改善成果,則檢討分析其理由,回復至第三步驟 再檢討分析,以修正改善方法;3)把握改善效果,以金額表示之;4)了解其他因素之影響好壞程度;5)將操作方法標準化,而後以此為依據;6)熟習新的操作方法.第七步驟設定管理制度1)最少應預測一個間之改善效果;2)決定衡量此效果之必要數據資料之基楚上及入手方法;3)時時追蹤,擴大改善效果.記事:部 門制 表

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