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本文(上海暑期英语八升九新初三新九年级讲义牛津版9AUnit5宾语从句反义疑问句五.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、上海暑期英语八升九新初三新九年级讲义牛津版9AUnit5宾语从句反义疑问句五学员编号: 年 级: 新九年级 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英 语 学科教师: 授课类型T-9Au5C-宾语从句C-反义疑问句授课日期及时段教学内容 一、同步知识梳理一、词汇Words1agree v. 同意1 agree with sb 表同意某人或者某人的(思想,想法,分析和解释),即持同意观点:e. g. I dont agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。What he does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。2 agree to + sth 表一

2、方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作:e.g. We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。 She agreed to marriage. 她同意结婚。3 agree on 表双方就。达成协议,取得一致意见e.g. We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。【注意】:(1) 后接表示人的名词或代词时,一般只用 agree with。 (2) agree 不能接不定式的复合结构,所以汉语的“同意某人做某事”,不能直译为 agree sb to do sth, 而应根据情况改用其它结构: 他们同意我去。 e.g.T

3、hey agreed to let me go. They agreed to my going. They agreed me to go. 2. injure vt.损害,伤害 injure 指在事故中受到的意外伤害或情感,名誉上的伤害。e.g. Tom had an accident and injured his brain last week. 汤姆上周出了车祸,脑子受伤了。hurt 指肉体或精神上的伤害,创伤,强调伤害造成的痛苦。e.g. She was deeply hurt and shocked by what Smith had said.史密斯的话深深地伤害了她,并使她震

4、惊。harm指对人或事物的危害。e.g. There is a warning that the product may harm the environment . 有一则这个产品可能会危害环境的警告。damage 指因损害而使之失去使用价值,用途等。e.g. He damaged the car with a base bat. 他用棒球棍砸坏了这辆车。wound 指利器或者武器给人体造成的伤口和伤害。e.g. The soldier wounded in the war , and unluckily he lost a leg . 这个士兵在战争中受伤并失去了一条腿。destroy 指

5、有目的有意图地破坏。 e.g. The earthquake destroyed a lot of houses and made them homeless. 这场地震摧毁了很多房子,让他们成为了无家可归的人们。3. essential adj. 重要的,必须的 【知识拓展】短语:be essential for 对.是必要的 e.g. Food is essential for life. 生命离不开食物。 【同义词】:important, necessary【副词】:essentially 批注:我们可以先通过 be necessary for这个以前学过的短语来记住这个新的短语。4.

6、memorize v. 记住 【指点迷津】memorize 和remembermemorize 指的是“记住,熟记“,是将原本无记忆的东西通过某种手段而化作记忆。e.g. He studied the map, trying to memorize the way to Roses street. 他研究那个地图并努力记住去萝丝家那条路。remember 指的是“回忆,记得”,是将原来记忆中的东西挖掘出来。e.g. I didnt remember to close the windows after school. 我忘记放学后关窗子了。5. link v.联合,联结e.g. The two

7、 towns are linked by a railway. 这两个城镇是由一条铁路连接起来的【常用搭配】link A to B, link A together with B 将A和B连接在一起e.g. The new bridge will link the island to the mainland. 新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。6. be angry with sb对某人生气 【指点迷津】 be angry with,be angry at1 两者都表示“对生气”的意思2 前者常表示对“人”生气,后者常表示对“事”或“物”生气。e.g. Father was angry wi

8、th my sister because she broke his favorite cup. 爸爸对妹妹非常生气,因为妹妹打破了他最喜欢的杯子。I was angry at what Tom said, because he cheated me. 我对汤姆所说的话很生气,因为他欺骗了我。7.various adj. 各种各样的,不同种类的 e.g. Their hobbies are many and various.他们的业余爱好五花八门。 【知识拓展】 variety n. 种类 variety of =(different) kinds of 各种各样的,不同种类的 批注:我们不但

9、要求学生记住其名词形式,还要求熟悉运用结构。8. concentrate v. 集中(思想、注意力等) 其后跟宾语时要加介词 on/upon e.g. I must concentrate on my new job. 我必须专注于我的新工作。 He concentrated his energies on his study. 他把精力专注于研究。 【知识拓展】 n. concentration 注意力9.dramaticadj. 1. 戏剧的;剧本的 2. 戏剧般的;戏剧性的;充满激情的 n. drama 戏剧,剧本adv:dramatically e.g. They gave a won

10、derful dramatic performance. 他演出一场非常精彩的戏剧。 Recently, there are dramatic changes in the international situation. 最近,国际形势发生了戏剧性变化。10.method n. 方法 e.g. The best method of keeping fit is to to exercise regularly.最好的保健方法就是有规律地锻炼。 【指点迷津】method,way(1)这两个词都有“方法”或“方式”的意思。而method表示的做事的具体步骤或程序,也可指抽象概念“条理”。e.g.

11、 To do this , scientists have to devise methods using radar and underwater television.为此,科学家还要设计出使用雷达和水下电视的方法。 (2)way比较随意,多出现在固定词组中,具备不同的含义,如: In this way, you can work out the problem. (方式,方法) On the way to the office, he came across an old friend.( 在去某地的路上) By the way, have you been there? (顺便问一下)

12、 Water is very important in many ways. (方面) Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the theatre? (路线) 批注:这里我们可以把method和way比作两个人,method好比是个严肃正经的老头,而way好比是一个随意生活的潇洒哥来进行区别他们。11.imagine v. 想象,设想 e.g. Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity?你能想象出生活中没有电会是怎么样的吗? 【近义】suppose v.假设,推

13、想 guess v.猜测,猜想 【知识拓展】imagination n.想象力批注:这里我们可以先告诉学生imagine这个单词的用法,即imagine doing sth, imagine ones doing以及imagine +从句的用法。二、重要句型1. If you want to memorize something, you should make a piture in your mind. If the picture is silly, strange and colorful, you will remember it better. If someone says, y

14、ou will 画线部分是有if引导的条件状语从句,时态为一般现在时。而主句则使用一般将来时。【主将从现】 e.g. If it rains tomorrow, Ill stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我将会呆在家里。 If you feel cold, put on the warm coat. 如果你感到冷,就穿上这件暖和的外套。 【注意】如果表示自然规律,客观事实,主句和从句都为一般现在时。 e.g. If you take a fish out of water, it dies. 如果你让鱼离开水,它就会死去。批注:在讲这个的时候,我们可以适当的给学生归纳一些可用主将从现的

15、结构,比如:when, until, unless,as soon as 等,可以让学生总结好,并自己给每个结构造个例句。2., but we can still remember things that happened a long time ago. 这里划线的部分在句子中是定语从句,用来修饰前面的things,而that在这里就叫做引导词。定语从句定义:在复合句中作定语,修饰主句中某一名词或代词的从句。定语从句的结构:先行词+关系词+定语从句先行词:被其后面紧跟的从句修饰的词关系词:引导定语从句的关系代词有:that,which,who(whom ,whose) 关系副词有:when,

16、 why, where, how e.g. Do you know the girlwho/that is standing under a tree?你知道站在树下的女孩是谁吗? She got a computerwhich/that her parents bought for her.她有一台电脑,这台电脑是她父母买给她的。 This is the schoolwhere my mother works.这就是我妈妈工作的那所学校。 Could you explain the reasonwhy you were late?你能解释下你迟到的原因吗? 批注:这里的定语从句,我们可以简短

17、的介绍下它的定义,结构和句型。对先行词一定要告诉学生是名词或 者代词,因为学生有时候会把它看做是宾语从句了。对于引导词的选用,尤其是which,that,who这三个, 我们可以在专题中给予具体的讲解。先不要让孩子产生为难情绪,先以介绍接触为主。3.An easy way to do this is to imagine there. 这个句子中有两个不定式短语,但他们作用不同。第一个to do this 是用来作定语修饰前面的an easy way, 而第二个的 to imagine在这里是做表语。 批注:to do 不定式是好多学生的头疼题,我们这里化繁为简,主要给学生一些结构,让他们可以

18、自如的运用 在写作中,这样学生就会对其产生好感,容易接受:1 its+adj+ to do sth 2 its+n +to do sth3 its +adj for sb to do sth4 its+adj of sb to do sth5 To do sth is to do sth6 My ambition/hope/dream/wish is to do sth /to be .二、同步题型分析I.词形转换:1. To our _, she drew a huge painting in one night. (amaze)2. There was no _ between the t

19、wo events. (connect)3. She has become very _ of things these days. (forget)4. The building fell down from the _ of it. (basic)5. The audience were impressed by Mikes _ performance in the play. (drama)6. The garden is _ in spring. (colour)7. Science fiction is always full of _. (imagine)8. With the _

20、of science, peoples life is becoming more and more convenient.(improve)9. The hospital was full of the sick and the _. (injure)10. He will _ reach Beijing tonight. (probable)II.句型转换1. Oh, the banknote(纸币) is one thousand dollars. (保持句意) Oh, this is _ _ banknote.2. My daughter began to learn cooking

21、when she was fourteen.(句意相同) My daughter _ begin to learn cooking _ she was fourteen3. Peter often had some bread as supper. (句意相同) Peter _ _ have some bread as supper.4. Lily seldom goes to school late.(改为反意疑问句) Lily seldom goes to school late, _ _?5. The language is very important. (改为感叹句) _ _ imp

22、ortant language it is!Keys:词性转换:amazement, connection, forgetful, base, dramatic, colourful, imagination, improvement, injured, probably句型转换:a one-thousand-dollar, didnt until, used to, does she, What an 三、课堂达标检测 一. Choose the best answer.1. Janet, eighteen-year-old girl, got first prize of the Engl

23、ish reading contest. A. a; a B. a; the C. an; the D. the; the2. it was getting dark, many people were still waiting outside Shanghai Museum to visit the exhibition. A. Although B. Because C. When D. While3. He spoke for everyone in the class to hear. A. enough loud B. loud enough C. louder enough D.

24、 enough louder4. Mr. King has South Africa. He will be back next month. A. been to B. been at C. gone to D. gone in5. It was reported that of medical workers were sent to the earthquake-stricken(地震受灾的)area. A. hundred B. hundreds C. five hundred D. a hundred6. Mike a report when I telephoned him yes

25、terday. A. wrote B. would write C. written D. was writing7. All the street lights because of the power cut(断电)last night. A. went on B. went out C. went down D. went up8. After mission, Chinas second manned spacecraft Shenzhou returned to the Earth successfully. A. five-days B. a five-day C. five-da

26、ys D. a five days9. The tomatoes in the basket arent yours. belong to . A. They; me B. They; myself C. They are; me D. They are; myself10. Im free these days. You may come to see me . A. some time B. any time C. sometime D. some times11. Former US President Bill Clinton the Most Influential(具有影响力的)M

27、an in the World by Esquire magazine. A. will name B. was named C. named D. has named12. I dont think he will fail to pass the exam, ? A. do I B. dont I C. will he D. wont he13. Sally as well as some other students always ready to help others. A. is B. does C. are D. do14. Towards midnight, the wind

28、flew so hard that there people in the street. A. was less B. were few C. was little D. were a few15. You will catch a bad cold you dont put on more clothes in such cold weather. A. until B. unless C. as D. if16. Each of us must try our best to make our hometown more . A. beautiful B. beautifully C.

29、be beautiful D. be beautifully17. The little girl could the time when she was only five. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak18. What about fishing in the river this afternoon? A. to go B. go C. going D. goes19. How glad they were each other again in Hong Kong! A. to see B. see C. seeing D. seen20. She w

30、ent up she could see the words on the blackboard clearly. A. so that B. in order to C. such that D. so as to二. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.1. How long will the (connect) of the telephone take?2. Can you (imagination) life on the moon?3. This years car is an (improve) on last years model.4. Several children were hurt to (die) in the accident.5. I hope I didnt (injury) her feeling.6. We all know Tony has a good (memorize).7. She looks (health) than she was two years ago.8. The gi

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