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牛津译林版高中英语必修2Unit 3Amazing Peopleword power学案1.docx

1、牛津译林版高中英语必修2Unit 3Amazing Peopleword power学案1Unit 3 WORD power1difference (n)make a/ no/some etc difference(tosb/sth)对某人/ 某事物有,没有,有些.作用或影响The rain didnt make much difference to the game.It makes no difference to me what your say. Im not going.It wont make much difference whether you go today or tomo

2、rrow.different (adj)be different from与.不同/ 有区别American English is quit different from British English.2 accumulate(v)积累,聚集(某物) 聚集而成(某物)accumulate books, a library accumulate enough evidence to ensure his guilty增加Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.accumulation(n)the acc

3、umulation of money / knowledge/ experience.金钱,知识,经验的积累an accumulation of unwanted rubbish.多余的废物成堆accumulative(adj)3 topicTopical(adj) 时兴的,热门话题的/ 实事性的 topicly(adv)4 nativenative(n)当地人,本国人 A native of London/ Wales/IndiaWhen were on holiday in Greece, we live like the natives.native(adj)出生地的,与出生地有关的On

4、es native land, city ,etcHer native language /tongue is German.当地人的native customs, rituals(指品质)与生俱来的,天赋的,天生的He has a great deal of native intelligence, ability, charm etc(指动/植物等) 原产于某地的Plants native to America生来就说某种语言的人 native speakerA native speaker of French母语 native language 5 accent(n)重音In the w

5、ord today the accent is on the second syllable.民族,地方,或个人的腔调,土腔Speak English with a foreign accent (对某事物的)强调,重点In all our products the accent is on quality6 unbelievable (adj)unbelievable facts, luck, experiencebelieve(v)/ belief(n)/believable(adj)believe in sth/doing sth 相信某人/某事物的存在; 相信某人/某事物; 肯定某事物

6、的价值或正确性I believe in God.I believe in his good character.He believe in getting plenty of exercise.believe sb 相信某事物的真实性;认为某人的话属实I believe him/what he says.Im innocent, please believe me.7 tradition (n) 传统,信仰或风俗的世代相传 traditional(adj)/ traditionally(adv)By tradion , people play practical jokes on 1 Apri

7、l.They decided to break with tradition.Its traditional in England to eat turkey on Christmas Day.In England, turkey is traditionally eaten on Christmas Day.8celebration (n)celebrate(v)庆祝,祝贺celebrate Christmas , sbs birthday / a wedding anniversary/victory/success,etccelebrated(adj) famous著名的,出名的a ce

8、lebrated actress/ writer/ pianist,etccelebration(n)birthday celebration / a day of celebrationin celebration of= in order to celebrate庆祝.A special gift was given to them in celebration of their success.9settler(n)移民者,安居者Welsh settlers in America settle(v)定居,安家落户After years of travel, we decided to s

9、ettle here.settled (stable ) 不变的,不大可能改变的,稳定的a settled spell of weather.持续一阵的天气lead a more settled life过着安定些的生活10 embarrassing(adj)令人尴尬的,困窘的embarrassing question/ mistakeembarrassed(adj)(自身感到)尴尬的,困窘的embarrassed people/ expressionembarrass(v)使某人觉得不自然,怩忸,尴尬或害羞Are you trying to embarrass me?I was embarr

10、assed by his comments about my clothes.embarrassment(n)窘,局促不安,焦急, 忧虑He suffered much embarrassment in his youth.令人困窘,不安,焦虑的人或事物He is an embarrassment to his embarrassment 财务困难11 clarify (clarified/ clarified )(使某事物)清楚,易懂;澄清Clarify a remark, statement澄清一项意见,声明I hope that what I say w

11、ill clarify the situation.去除杂质Clarified butter 已除杂质的黄油Clarification( n)澄清,被澄清The whole issue needs clarification12participate (v)参加,参与(某活动)participate in ( take part in) participate in a competition , discussion ,meetingHow many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games?Participant(n) 参加者

12、 participation (n)参加All participants in the debate had an opportunity to speak.13 reception 招待会;接待;接受receptionist接待员 reception desk 服务台14 alcohol (n)alcoholic (adj/n) 酒精的/酗酒者15 adjust(v)adjust to sth/to doing sth / oneself to sth使适应/适合former soldiers who have difficulty in adjusting to civilian life

13、.The body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature.It took her a long time to adjust living alone in America.Adjustable(adj)可调节的,可调整的 Adjustor/adjuste(n) 调整者 Adjustment(n) 调节/调整adjustable seat-beltsIve made a few minor adjustments to the seating plan.16 log in (电脑上网时的)注册,登记log off (电脑上网时的)注销

14、, 下线log(v)达到(某速度/距离等)的记录The pilot had logged over 200 hours in the air.原木(圆木), 短的木材(尤指)木柴Birds nesting in a hollow log.Put another log on the fire.logging伐木业 logbook航海或飞行日志17analyse(v) 分析 analysis(n)18 excite (v)excited /exciting (adj) excitement(n)19 misunderstand (misunderstood/misunderstood)(v)误会

15、,误解; 对某人/物看法有误Dont misunderstand me / what Im trying to say.She had always felt misunderstood.misunderstanding(n)误会/误解There must be some misunderstanding.不和,争执clear up a misunderstanding 20 summary(n)总结,摘要,概要A two-page summary of a government report.A news summary/ Here is a summary of the s

16、ummary总的说来;归纳起来In summary, the campaign has been a great success.Summarize(v)总结;概括(某事情)a talk summarizing recent trends in philosophy.21habit be in the habit of doing sth 有的习惯,经常爱fall into/get into the habit of doing sth 养成的习惯Hes not in the habit of drinking a lot .Ive got into the habit of switchin

17、g on the TV as soon as I get home.fall/get into bad habits养成坏习惯fall / get out of the habit of doing sth 去掉做某事的习惯Ive got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast.22custom风俗,习俗Its difficult to get used to another countrys customs.个人的习惯It is my custom to rise early.A custom(adj) car定制的汽车Customer顾客

18、,主顾Customs进口税,关税the Customs海关23expectation 期望,期待expect(v)/ expected(adj)/unexpected(adj)be expected to = be supposed to Theres no expectation of snow tonight.She had high expectations of what university had to offer.against/ contrary to (all) expectation(s)出乎意料,意想不到a gold medal against all expectati

19、on24youth 青春,青春时期,青少年时代/ (总称)青年,青少年The youth of today 当代的青年youthful年轻的;朝气蓬勃的;洋溢青春活力的25approval (n)赞成,认可,满意,同意Give ones approval 表示同意 / a nod of approval首肯Do the plans to meet your approval?approve(v)approving(adj) 赞许的,赞成的 approvingly (adv)She received mang approving glances.26ambition(n)/ambitious(a

20、dj)/ambitiously(adv)野心(的), 野心勃勃(的)filled with ambition to become famousambitious plans to complete the project ahead of schedule27phrases of take take on雇佣/呈现(外观) take off 脱下, 起飞 take over 接管 take in吸收 ,受骗take away 收拾(物品)/ 减去(数目) take up 占时间/地方 ,从事(职业)take down记下 ,取下,拆除 take back 收回,使.回忆起28phrases o

21、f givegive off释放(气体.射线) give away泄露,赠送 give up 放弃 give back 归还 give in 屈服29remark(v)谈论或评论某事物,评述I couldnt help remarking on her youth.The similarity between them has often been remarked on.remark(n)评论,评述pointed ,cutting remarksmke a few remarks about sb/on a subjectremarkable(adj)值得注意的;不寻常的;独特的A rema

22、rkable person, event, bookA boy who is remarkable for his stupidity30 concern(V)是某人的事;对.有重要性, 关于某事物Dont interfere in what doesnt concern you.a report that concerns drug abuseas /so far as sb/ sth is concerned就某人/某物而言As far as Im concerned, you can do what you like.The car is fine as far as the engin

23、e is concerned but the bodywork needs a lot of concerned with/ in与.有关be concerned about 对.关心Her latest book is concerned with youth unemployment.Were all concerned about her safety.concerning : about 关于a letter concerning your complaint31interact相互作用/影响Chemicals that interact to form a

24、new compound.Ideas that interactInteraction(n) interactive(adj)一起活动或互相合作的Increased interaction between different police forces could improve the rate of solving crimes.interactive groups32equally(adv)/ equal(adj)/ equality(n)Theyre equally clever.Women are still struggling for equality with men.equa

25、l to sth/ doing sth 对某事物有力量,勇气,能力等;能胜任She feels equal to the task .Hes equal to the occasion.equal 和自己相当的人或事物Hes my equal in strength . She is equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned33swap(v)以某物交换他物, 以此物代替彼物swap sth with sb swap (sb)/sth for sth swap sth over/ round Your book looks

26、more interesting than mine; do you want to swap with me?She swapped our chair round , so I had hers and she had mine.I wouldnt swap places with him for anything.swap(n)交换,交易,交流As you like my dress and I like yours, shall we do a swap?34 carve(v) 雕刻The statue was carved out of stone.carve ones initia

27、ls on a tree trunkcarve sth out (for oneself)靠勤奋创业或树名声等She carved out a name for herself as a reporter.Carve sth up将某物分割成份或片; 瓜分The territory was carved up by the occupying powers.carver 雕刻者 carving雕刻品,雕刻术34 spiritual(n)灵魂,精灵/spiritual(adj)精神上的,心灵上的,神圣的govern(v)统治/ governor(n)管理者,地方长官/government(n)政

28、府,统治ancestor(n祖先)/ ancestral(adj)祖先的35weave(wove/ woven)编/织/ 编造cloth woven from silk and wool / weave a basket from strips of willowweave a plot / weave ones ideas into a story weave(n)编法/织法/编织式样a corse, fine ,loose tight etc weaveweaver 织布工 weaver-bird 织布鸟36 wrap包或裹某物/将(一块材料)缠绕或围住某人/某物加以遮盖或保护Ive wr

29、apped the parcels and theyre ready to be posted.The Christmas presents were wrapped in colourful paper.wrap a scarf round your neckunder wraps/secret保密/隐藏The documents will stay/ be kept under wraps for ten more years.wrapper 包装材料(通常指纸) wrapping用以遮盖或包裹某物的东西The wrappings round a mummy37flat(adj)平坦的,平

30、的The countryside is very flat here.People used to think that the world was flat; now we know it is round.枯燥的,平淡无味的,单调的Speak in a flat voice He felt a bit flat after his friends had gone.生意清淡的,萧条的,不景气的The market has been flat today. flatness (n) flat-bottomed平底的38 roast(v/adj)烤,烘焙roast a joint of mee

31、t / a chicken/some potatoesroast beef 烤牛肉we are going to lie in the sun and roast for 2 hours.roasted (adj)烤过的 roasting(adj) 极热的,炎热的 Its roasting today./ The weather is very hot.39account(n) 报道,叙述,描写,帐户,帐目She gave the police a full account of the incident.Dont believe the newspaper accout of what happened.The accounts show that business is improving.on no account / not on any account 决不可以,切莫Dont on an

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