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1、黑龙江省双鸭山一中高三英语上学期期末考试试题双鸭山市第一中学20142015学年度高三上学期期末考试英语试卷第I卷(选择题)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D),选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIf you go to Ethiopia, youll find a strange palm-like structure, which is called WarkaWater. It gathers water from fog and condensation(水珠)and is in

2、vented by an Italian firm.When Italian designer Arturo Vittori and Swiss architect Andreas Vogler first visited Ethiopia in 2012, they were shocked to see women and children forced to walk miles to access what, for them, had always been within easy reach, water. Only 34 percent of Ethiopians have ac

3、cess to a reliable water supply. Some travel for up to six hours a day to fetch some or, even worse, has to use pond water polluted by human waste, subject to the spread of disease. Worldwide, about 768 million peopletwo and a half times the U.S. populationdont have access to safe drinking water. So

4、 just imagine if we could just pull water out of thin air? Thats what Vittori and Vogler asked once they saw the severe problem and promised to take action. Their firm, Architecture and Vision, has since come up with WarkaWater, a grand palm-like structure that may look like something youd see in a

5、modern art museum, but its been designed to harvest water from the air.WarkaWater, which is named after an Ethiopian fig tree, is composed of a 30-foot bamboo frame containing a fog-harvesting nylon net that can catch water easily, can be easily lowered for repairs and allow communities to measure t

6、he water level. Collecting water through condensation is hardly a new technique, but the creators of WarkaWater say their tree-inspired design is more effective, maximizing surface and perfecting every angle to produce up to 26 gallons of drinkable water a dayenough for a family of seven.Western org

7、anizations have been working to provide clean water access in Africa for decades, so WarkaWater joins a very long list of earlier attempts. So far, high-tech solutions, like the once promising Playpump, have failed, mostly due to high costs and maintenance issues.This is where WarkaWater stands apar

8、ta lower-tech solution that is easy to repair and far more affordable than digging wells in the rocky Ethiopian plateau. 1. What does the underlined phrase “subject to” in the third paragraph most probably mean?A. Owing toB. Opposite toC. Sensitive toD. Giving rise to2. WarkaWater is designed mainly

9、 to _.A. gather clean water efficientlyB. reduce water supply costsC. simplify maintenanceD. preserve water supplies3. According to Paragraph 6, what caused Playpump to fail?A. Lack of advanced technologyB. Unsuccessful designsC. Lack of money and maintenance issuesD. Unreasonable structuresBEDINBUR

10、GH, Scotland (AP) they arrived before polling stations even opened, dressed for the school day in striped ties and blazers, dress slacks and tartan skirts, book bags over their shoulders and, for the first time in British history, ballot (选票) cards in hands on September 18.Scotlands experiment of al

11、lowing more than 109,000 Scottish teenagers aged 16 to 17 took part in the Scottish independence referendum (公民投票), in which Scotland finally decided not to become independent. The age group only made up a small part of the 4.29 million total voters, but they have “demonstrated how the youngest vote

12、rs can be some of the most enthusiastic in a mature democracy”, commented The Associated Press. Casting their ballots, they were “proud and passionate” to help their nation decide whether to break away from the UK after 307 years in union.At age 16, Scottish residents are allowed to join the militar

13、y, get married, and work. Eighteen is the legal drinking age, as well as the UKs voting age. But in 2013, Scottish law was changed to allow 16- and 17-year-olds in Scotland to vote in the referendum. The government pushed for the change because “younger voters are more likely to vote with their hear

14、ts, not their headsand embrace fundamental change by voting for the pro-independence Yes Scotland campaign”, NBC News said. But when the decision was handed down, some worried that high school students might not be as informed as adult voters. However, many experts said that assumption was wrong. Pr

15、ofessor Jan Eichhorn of the University of Edinburgh insisted that Scottish teenagers were as likely to read newspaper articles and campaign materials as their parents. They would simply get these resources through social media. “Theres no evidence to suggest that theyre less capable than adults of v

16、oting, from a research point of view,” Eichhorn told NPR. Scotlands move to let younger teenagers vote in the referendum has led to a discussion about whether the voting age ought to be lowered to 16, both in the UK and the US. “By 16, most people have about as stable an ideology (思想意识) as they are

17、going to get,” Professor Jason Brennan of Georgetown University wrote for CNN, arguing that the US should also think about allowing younger US citizens to vote.4. The Scottish independence referendum was held on Sept. 18 _.A. to encourage youngsters to be concerned with politicsB. to lower the minim

18、um voting age to 16 for the referendumC. to decide whether Scotland would become independent from the UK D. to elect who would be the new leader of Scotland5. According to the passage, we can learn _.A. Scotland gained its independence from the UK eventually.B. It is possible for the USA to lower th

19、e voting age to 16 in the future.C. All the people in Scotland thought highly of the governments decision to lower the voting age to 16. D. Scottish teenagers aged 16 are allowed to join the military, get married, work and drink alcohol now. 6. What does the underlined word “embrace” (in para.4) pro

20、bably mean?A. Admit toB. Object toC. Know aboutD. Approve of7. What is Jan Eichhorns opinion of the Scottish teenagers aged 16 to 17? A. They are as informed and capable as adults of voting.B. They make no difference to the voting result.C. They are too enthusiastic to make informed decisions.D. The

21、y are unwilling to be involved in the decision of the countrys future.CNowadays, girls are so mean to each other. Many girls are becoming the victims of the harmful behaviors of the female bully. Emma Tracey was a popular 17-year-old and a well-liked athlete who had already won a soccer scholarship

22、to college. But none of that stopped Emma from becoming the target of online girl on girl bullying (欺凌). Emma began to receive hundreds of online unpleasant comments via the latest social networking site called . In March 2011, Emma committed suicide and although all agreed that the online bother wa

23、s not the single factor that led to Emma death, everyone did agree that it was a contributory factor.Unfortunately, Emma story is not unique. A 2010 study conducted by the Cyberbullying Research Center states: “Cyberbullying victims were almost twice as likely to have attempted suicide compared to y

24、outh who had not experienced cyberbullying. Girls are 57% more likely to be victims of aggressive cyberbullying and 92% more likely to be the criminals.”Suicide is obviously the extreme and no one can minimize the tragedy of it. However, there are other damages that occur as a result of aggressive b

25、ullying. It can damage self-confidence and lead to feelings of worthlessness, and also increase social isolation and make victims become withdrawn, depressed, anxious, and unsafe. So what causes girls to be so unkind towards each other? A term known as relational aggression may best describe the cau

26、se of girl on girl bullying. It starts with a clique (派系) usually led by a girl with a high level of social status and popularity. In order not to lose her position, she will control girls within the clique and take action if she feels threatened. At the leaders directive the girls within the clique

27、 will spread rumors and lies and annoy other girls continuously. The bullying starts at school but will quickly go to cyberbullying due to anonymity (匿名) and lack of punishment. Girls will easily do so in the anonymity of the Internet. Finally the cause will be summarized as the unsafety and jealous

28、y of one girl and the twisted loyalty of members within her clique. Underneath the confident exterior (外表) of a female bully lie desperate unsafety.8. The example of Emma Tracey is given to show .A. popular youth are not easy to become the target of bullyingB. todays youth dont like to study any mor

29、eC. suicide is a serious problem among youth D. cyberbullying is quite common among teenagers 9. The bullying will quickly go to cyberbullying mainly because .A. its free to post comments onlineB. the bullies dont have to give their names online C. it will not attract much attentionD. it will not af

30、fect their real life10. Which of the following is NOT the cause of bullying?A. Lack of safetyB. The twisted loyalty of members within a cliqueC. Jealousy of othersD. Trying to be friendly11. We can infer from the last paragraph that a female bully .A. has strong self-confidenceB. has strong leadersh

31、ip skillsC. is actually weak insideD. is usually good at studyDAs we enter into this new age of cities in which more than half the worlds population will live in an urban area, we must also take a hard look at how we will care for the significant increase in our elderly population. While many will b

32、e living longer, they will be doing so with age-related health issues and disease. Of special concern, the number of people living with dementia(痴呆)worldwide is set to treble by 2050. Alzheimers Disease International reports that 44 million people live with the disease now but that figure will increase to 135 million by 2050. With this added pressure to health systems,technology is the critical factor to success.

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