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届外研版必修2一轮复习Module2No Drugs单元教案13页.docx

1、届外研版必修2一轮复习Module2No Drugs单元教案13页Module 2 No Drugs 单元教案I教学内容分新 本模块以“No Drugs”为话题。学生通过本模块的学习,要对drugs和smoking有所了解,并通过深人探讨认识到drugs和smoking对身体健康的害处,以及它们引发的社会问题。学生通过学习可以树立远离香烟和毒品的意识,养成良好的生活习惯,关爱社会,关心他人,并可以运用所学知识以恰当的方式来规劝他人远离香烟和毒品。 Introduction首先让学生通过对有关吸烟数据的判断,初步认识吸烟的危害,然后让学生学习有关香烟、吸毒和其危害性的词汇,并通过对三个问题的讨论

2、对其进一步理解和巩固。 Reading and Vocabulary学习另外一些毒品的名称及相关的词汇。通过学习一篇外国年轻人吸毒、戒毒的文章和另外一篇关于毒品危害性的文章让学生掌握这些相关词汇;通过完成相关的阅读练习来培养学生的阅读能力,让学生深刻体会到毒品对人心身的危害。 Grammar J学习动词不定式作目的状语,并弄清in order to和SO as to的用法。 Function学习SO,as a result of和as a result表示“结果”的用法,并通过练习来巩固所学内容。 Listening and Vocabulary首先让学生了解和学习有关犯罪的词汇,然后采用回答

3、问题和完成句子的形式来对听力内容进行检测,培养学生的听力能力。 Grammar2由练习引出引导结果状语从句的词,并弄清SOthat和suchthat的区别,然后通过练习来巩固其用法。 Pronunciation通过听力活动学会在日常交际中如何表达个人情感。 Speaking通过回答问题的形式讨论吸烟带来的危害。 Writing首先为一封有关戒烟话题的email选择合适的题目,然后对其内容做出讨论,最后在讨论的基础上写一封回信。 Everyday English学习同意或不同意的表达法,并通过模拟真实语境来练习运用。 Cultural Corner首先介绍美国一些组织如何给吸烟者提供帮助,然后让

4、学生对提出的问题进行讨论,从而使他们认识到吸烟的危害,把自己培养成为一个有坚强意志的人。 Task以小组活动的形式让学生就吸烟的危害性进行讨论,然后在讨论的基础上提交一份调查报告。 Module File对整个模块的学习内容进行小结,巩固本模块的知识。II教学重点和难点1教学重点 (1)本模块的生词和短语。 (2)弄清楚动词不定式作目的状语的用法;学习结果状语从句。 (3)谈论有关吸烟和吸毒危害的话题。2教学难点 (1)学会谈论吸烟和吸毒的危害。 (2)了解一些有关身体健康的信息。 (3)学写email。III教学计划 本模块分为五个课时: 第一课时:Introduction,Speaking

5、Cultural Corner 第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary 第三课时:Grammar 1,Function,Grammar 2 第四课时:Listening and Vocabulary,Pronunciation,Everyday English 第五课时:Writing,Task,Module FileIV教学步骤 Period 1 Introduction,Speaking,Cultural CornerTeaching Goals:1To enable Ss to discuss the dangers of smoking2To help Ss learn

6、 how to talk about the dangers of smoking3To let Ss realize smoking is harmful to their healthTeaching Procedures:Step 1IntroductionPurpose:To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about smoking1Leading-in Show the pictures about the cigarettes or cigarsAsk Ss to talk about smoking,and let them realiz

7、e the harm of smoking (图221) (图222)2Pair work Ask Ss to go through some facts about smoking in Activity 1 on P1 1,and then discuss with their partners which answers are rightSuggested Answers:(1)21 million(2)10(3)121,000(4)every hour(5)200:2,00031nmvidual Work Ask Ss to choose some of the words in t

8、he box in Activity 2 on P1 1 to fill in the blanksSuggested Answers: (1)death(2)die(3)cigarette, tobacco (4)bronchitis, cancer, heart disease (5)injured 4Group workAsk Ss to make sentences with the new words in the box in Activity 2For your reference: people who often take cigarettes or other forms

9、of tobacco will easily have diseases such as canner or bronchitisStep 2Speaking Purpose:To enable Ss to discuss the dangers of smoking Discuss the following questions: Q1Why do people smoke cigarettes? Q2Where do people smoke? Where Cant they smoke? Q3Is there any anti-smoking advertising in China?

10、。Suggested Answers: Various answers are acceptableStep 3Cultural Corner Purpose:To let Ss realize smoking is harmful to their health1Skimming Ask Ss to go through the passage quickly,and then try to find out what are the four Ds and what are the ideas to help people stop smoking? Four Ds Some ideasS

11、uggested Answer: Four Ds Some ideas Delay Make a plan Distraction Set a date Drink water Keep busy Deep breathing Develop new interests2DiscussionAsk Ss to discuss the questions on P19Suggested Answers: Various answers are acceptableStep 4Homework1Ask Ss to write a list of the dangers of smoking(Abo

12、ut 7 to 10 sentences)2Preview Reading and Vocabulary on P12 Period 2 Reading and VocabularyTeaching Goals:1To get Ss to master the reading skills of scanning and skimming2To enable Ss to talk about the harm of drugs3To help Ss to learn how to express their feelings and opinions4To let Ss gain more i

13、nformation about the harm of drugsTeaching Procedures:Step 1Leading-inPurpose:To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about smoking Ask Ss to discuss these following questions with their partners: (1)Has anyone been to your school to talk about the dangers of smoking? (2)Are your friends and family m

14、ainly smokers or nonsmokers? (3)What is the public attitude to smoking in the place where you live? (4)Do you think you will be a smoker when you leave school and start work?Suggested Answers: Various answers are acceptableStep 2Pre-readingPurpose:To enable Ss to know the new words and expressions o

15、f the passage1 Ask Ss to out the following words in the box in the right place(1)Cannabis (2)crack cocaine (3)drug addict (4)cigarette(5)drug dealer (6)nicotine (7)steal (8)tobacco (9)thief smoking:_ drugs:_ crime:_Suggested Answers: smoking:(4),(6),(8) drugs:(1),(2) crime:(3),(5),(7),(9)2 Ask Ss to

16、 guess the meanings of the words in the boxand then use the proper words to fill in the blanks heart attack,heart rate,blood pressure,powerful,reduce He is a drug addictUsing cocaine increases his _ ,and his _is increasing tooAs a result he sometimes has _ So you can see cocaine is a _drugSuggested

17、Answers: (1)heart rate(2)blood pres$11re (3)heart attack(4)powerful Step 3While-reading Purpose: To enable Ss to master the reading skills To enable Ss to talk about the harm of drugs 1Skimming Ask Ss to read the opening paragraphs of two different articles on P1 2 and decide what the topic of each

18、article isChoose the topic from the list in Activity 2 on P12 Suggested Answers: Article 1:A Drag Addict and His Story Article 2:The Dangers of Using Cocaine 2Scanning Ask Ss to read the articles again,and then decide if these 8enterlees are true(T)or false(F) (1)Cocaine can be smoked and also injec

19、ted (2)People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles (3)Cocaine makes your heart go more slowy (4)Smoking era(3k cocaine can change peoples behavior (5)Crack cocaine is a powerfully addictive as cannabis (6)Drug addicts will feel terribly painful without drugs (7)All cocaine use

20、r8 have heart attacks (8)Adam followed what the doctor said (9)Now Adam works in a drug treatment centre Suggested Answers: (1)T(2)T(3)F(4)T(5)F(6)T(7)F(8)T(9)T 3Pair work Ask Ss to complete the questions and answer about Adam Rouse in Activity 6 on P13 Suggested Answers: (1)How old,15(years old) (2

21、)did he use,(He used)cannabis (3)did he buy,(He bought it from)a man in the streeta drug dealer (4)offeredsold him,(It was)crack cocaine (5)He broke into a house and stole things (6)to the police station (7)Yes,he did (8)does Adam,(He works)in a(:entre for drug addicts Step 4Post-reading Purpose:To

22、let Ss know the structure of the passage1 Ask Ss to fill in the following form in pairsThe main Topic(1)What is cocaine?(2)The ways to take cocaine(3)The dangers(41Suggested Answers: (1)The Dangers of Using Cocaine (2)Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug (3)Inject cocaine or smoke it (4)Increase h

23、eart rate and blood pressure;have heart attacks:have antisocial behaviorStep 5Language Points Purpose:To train Sslanguage capacity Ss are divided into four groupsAsk each group to discuss the important and difficult language points1used to do sth“过去经常做某事”,其否定式为didnt use to do sth,或者usednt to do sth

24、E.g. She didnt useusednt to make that mistake 拓展use的习惯用法 (1)beget used to sthdoing sth习惯做某事 (2)be used to do sth被用来做某事 (3)Its no use doing sth做某事没用2share sth with sb和某人分享某物 E.g.(1)Ill share joys and sorrows with you (2)Its rainingShall I share the umbrella with you93offer sb sth=offer sth to sb“给某人提

25、供某物”,其意义相当于“supplyprovide sb with sth” E.g.(1)He offered his life to the country (2)He offered me a job in his company,but I didnt accept it 拓展offer的相关词组 offer to do sth主动提出做某事 E.g. He offered to lend his bike to me offer sb money for sth向索价;还价 E.g. He offered 30,000 dollars for the house4take ones

26、advice=follow ones advice接受某人意见 E.g. Take my advicefinish the work like this 拓展advise vt.建议,通常有如下固定搭配: (1)advise doing sth. E.g. He advises me to go to the dentist without delay (2)advise sb to do sth E.g. He advises going to the dentistStep 6homeworkFinish the Vocabulary exercises on P74 Period 3 G

27、rammar 1,Function,Grammar 2Teaching Goals:1To get Ss to know the grammatical rulethe infinitive of purpose2To let Ss know how to talk about results3To enable Ss to know the adverbial of resultTeaching Procedures:Step 1Revision Ask Ss to review the phrases they have learnt in the last period (1)提供 (2

28、)分享 (3)有危险 (4)处于痛苦中 (5)破门而人 (6)吸毒 (7)毒贩 (8)接受建议(9)要求,请求(10)血压 (11)心率Suggested Answers:(1)offer sb sthoffer sth to sb(2)share sth with sb(3)be in danger(4)be in pain(5)break into(6)take drugs(7)drug dealers (8)take sbs advice(9)ask sb for sth(10)blood pressure(11)heart rate Step 2Grammar 1 Purpose:To

29、 get Ss to know the grammatical rulethe infinitive of purpose1Pair work Ask Ss to match the uses of the word to with the sentences in Activity 1 on P14Suggested Answers: (1)B(2)A(3)C(4)C 2Group work Ask Ss to make sentences by using toin order to and s0 as to (1)go there,help Tom out of trouble (2)d

30、o exercise,every day,keep healthy (3)do everything they can,save the drug addictSuggested Answers: (1)They go there to help Tom out of trouble They go there in order to help Tom out of trouble They go there so as to help Tom out of trouble (2)We do exercise every day to keep healthy We do exercise every day in order to keep healthy We do exercise every day so as to keep healthy (3)They do everything they ca

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