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1、六级听力高频词场景一 校园Part 1 校园中的地点university junvst 综合性大学真题例句He was travelling on a scholarship from Delhi kld 学院真题例句Provincial colleges were taken over by larger universities.campus kmps 大学校园真题例句Get apart-time job on campus before graduation.canteen kntin 食堂真题例句She is tired of the food i

2、n the canteen.cafeteria kftr 自助餐厅 真题例句 The food served in the cafeteria usually lacks variety. dormitory dmt()r 寝室真题例句The man is unlikely to move out of the dormitoryadmissions office dm()n 招生办公室真题例句Rod was in charge of the admissions office.lounge lan(d) 休息室真题例句The lounge is not a place for him to

3、study in.Part 2 各种各样的人president prezd()nt 大学校长真题例句In an era of $20,000 academic years, college presidents can no longer afford to ignore the creeping rot at their core.dean din 系主任真题例句The dean should have consulted her on the appointment.professor prfes 教授真题例句Professor Stevenson, as an economist, ho

4、w do you look upon the surging Chinese economy?lecturer lekt()r 讲师真题例句There are several factors that students consider when choosing a lecturer.tutor tjut 导师真题例句Ill talk to my tutor Dr. Garcia first and see what she thinks.teaching assistant sst()nt 助教真题例句Her teaching assistant would grade the exam

5、papers.graduate grdt 毕业生真题例句Who thinks Philosophy graduates have limited job opportunities?undergraduate ndgrdjt 本科生真题例句 The course isnt open to undergraduates.postgraduate ps(t)grdjt 研究生真题例句Hes published dozens of books so far, once been recommended as a textbook for postgraduates.Part 3 课程相关&作业 ma

6、jor med 主修,专业真题例句After high school, Id like to go to college and major in business administration.curriculum krkjlm 总课程 真题例句The need for greater cultural diversity in the school curriculum.coursebook krsbk 课本真题例句Buy a few coursebooks.deadline dedlan 截止期限真题例句The deadline is drawing near.optional cour

7、se p()n()l 选修课真题例句You took an optional course this semester didnt you? How is it going?assignment sanm()nt 作业真题例句Neither of them has finished the assignment yet.paper pep 论文真题例句One should choose a broad topic for a research paper.essay ese 小论文真题例句Finish reading Chapter 5 and 6, and write an essay ba

8、sed on chapter 3 and 4.presentation prez()nte()n 展示真题例句Remember, its your turn to give presentation next Monday.thesis iss 本科生毕业论文真题例句Sherry, how are you doing with your thesis?field trip 学生实地考察旅行真题例句The woman should have gone on the field trip.brush up / review rvju 复习真题例句Brush up on her French.真题例

9、句The teacher reviewed a previous lesson.Part 4 大家最爱的moneyscholarship sklp 奖学金真题例句To apply for a scholarship.tuition tju()n 学费真题例句The unreasonably high tuition is beyond their expense kspens 生活费真题例句 He can save on living expenses.场景二 工作Part 1 找工作recruit rkrut 招聘真题例句Recruiting and trainin

10、g new staff.want ads 招聘广告真题例句They usually look for a job by searching the Want Ads in the newspapers.position pz()n / post pst 职位真题例句He has left his position in the government.真题例句How does Simon get to know about the companys available posts?opening p()n /vacancy vek()ns 空缺职位真题例句I think there are st

11、ill a few openings suitable for seniors like you.真题例句Although Sue took longer to complete her projects than John and both were equally successful on the assignments they completed, Sue was given the first promotion when there came a vacancy.apply for a job pla 找工作真题例句How to apply for a job. job appl

12、icant plk()nt 求职者 真题例句Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good impression on a potential employer.resume rezme 简历真题例句I received your job resume last week, and it was very impressed.常用搭配hand in/cast a resume 投简历application form plke()n 申请表真题例句She filled in an application form.intervie

13、w ntvju 面试真题例句You seem very confident about the job interview, dont you?interviewer ntvju 面试者真题例句He should show respect for the interviewer.interviewee ,ntvjui 应试者真题例句Who is the interviewee in a clinical interview?candidate knddet 候选人真题例句Hire the most suitable candidates to work for them.short list

14、最终候选人名单真题例句Get to know the candidates on the short list.offer f 录取通知真题例句I got two letters this morning with job offers.contract kntrkt 合同真题例句The conditions of work are very different: The Polytechnic is offering two-year contract which could be renewed, but the Language School is only offering a yea

15、rs contract, and thats a definite minus. It could be renewed, but you never know.article tk()l 条款真题例句Nothing comes to mind right now, but Id like to go over all the articles of the contract once more before signing it.hire ha 雇用真题例句It would cost at least $50 a month to hire someone to do the work, s

16、o I do most of it myself.employer mpl 雇主真题例句 In the mid-1970s, critical legislationmandated access to education, public transportation, and public facilities, and prohibited employment discrimination by federal agencies or employers receiving federal funds.employee empli 雇员真题例句An employee in the cit

17、y council at Birmingham.Part 2 福利&薪酬welfare welfe / benefits bnft 福利真题例句A new policy on pensioners welfare. 真题例句Attractive wages and nr()ns 保险真题例句Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance.paid vacation vke(

18、)n 带薪假期真题例句Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations.salary slr /wage wed /income nkm 工资,收入真题例句Bridge the salary gap between specialists and primary care physicians真题例句The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one reinforcing the other.真题例句They tend to be low in educat

19、ion and in income.bonus bns 奖金真题例句Any salesperson who sells more than the weekly quota will receive a bonus.pension pen()n 养老金 真题例句The pension she had just drawn was stolen.make ends meet 收支平衡真题例句If he had accepted the offer, he wouldnt be able to make ends meet.Part3 工作变动promotion prmn 升职真题例句I hear

20、d about your promotion, you must be thrilled.transfer trnsf 调任真题例句I made an effort to get my supervisor to transfer me to another department, but he urged me not to complain too fa /dismiss dsms /lay off 开除真题例句Two employees that Chris hired were stealing, and he had to fire them.真题例句She

21、has been dismissed for her poor performance.真题例句Last year, Andreas husband, Rick, a miner in Nevada was laid off.resign rzan 辞职真题例句She has made up her mind to resignunemployment nmplm()nt 失业真题搭配unemployment rate 失业率真题例句Computers will increase the unemployment rate of young blacks.retire rta 退休真题例句Si

22、mon, how does it feel to be retired?Part 4 相关表达work overtime vtam 加班真题例句Junior employees being made to work overtime.overwork vwk 过度工作真题例句She has been overworking for a long time.workload wkld 工作量真题例句He finds the huge workload unbearable.odd job d 临时工作真题例句Theyll do odd jobs together at the school li

23、 efficiency f()ns 工作效率真题例句The goal increase peoples work efficiency.workforce wkfs 劳动力真题例句The urgent need of a diverse workforce.staff stf 员工真题搭配 full-time staff 全职员工supervisor supvaz 主管真题搭配It falls short of her supervisors expectations.colleague klig 同事真题搭配creates conflicts among colleagu

24、es场景三 交通Part 1 交通工具及相关表达taxi tks 出租车真题例句They cannot earn money as taxi drivers yet.ferry fer 渡轮真题例句How do commuters respond to plans for the future of the ferry?coach kt 长途大巴真题例句In a coach to the city. plane/ airplane eplen 飞机真题例句The planes departure time remains unknown.真题例句It is an indispensable d

25、evice on an airplane.parking lot 停车场真题例句She was robbed near the parking lot.driving license lasns 驾照真题例句The reason London taxi drivers are so efficient is that they all have gone through a very tough training period to get special taxi driving license.road condition knd()n 路况真题例句In the coming years,

26、 instead of radio reports about road conditions and highway traffic, news reports will talk about traffic jams in the sky.rush hours r 交通高峰期真题例句More than half of them cross the bridge during the morning and evening rush hours.break a traffic rule 违反交通规则真题例句The woman has broken a traffic rule.fine fa

27、n 罚款;罚金真题例句He was fined for speeding.ticket tkt 交通罚款单真题例句The careless man received a ticket for speeding.Part 2 各种交通状况.traffic jam / heavy traffic trfk 交通堵塞真题例句In addition to pollution and traffic jams, auto safety is a critical issue in developing nations.真题例句more roads were built to bypass the hea

28、vy traffic.accident ksdnt 交通事故真题例句Karens mother died in a car accident.when traffic is so heavy the trip is not crash kr 撞车真题例句he died in that car crash in California in 1955.plane crash 撞机真题例句The German authorities are sending investigators to discover the cause of the plane crash late yesterday on the island of Tenerife.crashed into 撞上。真题例句The plane, a Boeing 737, taking German holiday makers to the island crashed into a hillside as it circled while preparing to land.真题例句Mr. Wilson, you said you saw the bus crash into the truck. D

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