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form 3reach docchineseenglish ve11785.docx

1、form 3reach docchinese english ve11785符 合 性 声 明(S)Declaration of Compliance(S)我司(公司名)深圳市兴富利实业有限公司 为确保符合欧盟REACH法规(第1907/2006号)以及它随后的修正案之目的,对所有提供给建辉塑胶电子(深圳)有限公司的产品/物料(包括在签署此符合性声明之前交给建辉的物料)作出以下第 项声明:Pursuant to ensure comply with the Regulation(EC)No 1907/2006(The REACH regulation)and its sub

2、sequent amendments, We (insert Company name here) SHENZHEN CITY XING FULI INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD hereby declare that, as of the date hereof, all products or materials manufactured for shipment to JianHui plastic & electronic (ShenZhen) industry co(Include the products or materials have delivered to Jia

3、nhui before sign this declaration of compliance),. statement of below-1 所有物料都不含有REACH法规第7条1(b)款中所定义的可释放物质All merchandise and/or material do not contain Released substances as defined in Article 7(1b) on REACH regulation. 供应的物料中含有REACH法规第7条1(b)款中所定义的可释放物质, 详细情况参见附件Some merchandise and/or material con

4、tain Released substances as defined in Article 7(1b) on REACH regulation, details as appendix 2. 所有物料都不含有REACH法规第57条中所定义的高关注物质All merchandise and/or material do not contain Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) are defined in Article 57 of REACH regulation.供应的物料中含有REACH法规第57条中所定义的高关注物质, 详细情况参见附件 So

5、me merchandise and/or material contain Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) are defined in Article 57 of REACH regulation, details as appendix 3. 所有物料都不含有REACH 法规附件十七的受限制物质 All merchandise and/or material do not contain restricted chemicals in annex XVII on REACH regulation.供应的物料中含有REACH法规附件十七的受限制

6、物质(详细情况参见附件),并能够符合附件十七的限制要求. Some merchandise and/or material contain restricted chemicals in annex XVII on REACH regulation (detail as appendix restricted chemicals list) ,and comply with the restricted requirement for annex XVII 4. 所有物料都不含有化学物质三氯生(CAS 代码:3380-34-5) All merchandise and/or material

7、do not contain triclosan(CAS No.:3380-34-5) 供应的物料中含有化学物质三氯生(CAS 代码:3380-34-5),详细情况参见附件. Some merchandise and/or material contain triclosan (CAS No.:3380-34-5),detail as appendix.5. 所有物料或产品都不含有附件TABLE 1内的过敏性芳香剂. All merchandise or material do not contain allergenic fragrances in TABLE 1 供应的物料中或产品含有附件

8、TABLE 1内的过敏性芳香剂., 详细情况参见附件使用限制物质成分清单 Some merchandise or material t contain allergenic fragrances in TABLE 1, detail as appendix.注意: 若REACH法规有更新, 本声明适用于新的版本,此保证书在下次更新前有效。Note: If there are any amendments for the REACH Regulation, this declaration applies in new version. This guarantee letter is vali

9、d until next change.我司为确保所提供产品或物料能满足以上相关要求:To guarantee merchandise and/or materials in compliance with above related requirements, we would A. 将以上有关要求通知原材料供应商, 并采取有效措施保证供应商提供物料符合相应要求。Inform raw and processed materials vendors of above concerned requirements, and take effective measures to ensure th

10、e materials in accordance with the correspondence request.B. 建立追溯系统并保存相应记录, 如果建辉有需要可按REACH法规第四篇供应链上的信息要求, 及时向建辉公司提供相关的有关物质信息。Establish related traceability system & keep records to provide the information of substance in all merchandise and/or material to JianHui according with information in the su

11、pply chain on title IV in REACH Regulation if necessary.我司同意补偿建辉公司任何因我司原因而违反或不符合上述相关法规而导致的所有损失。We confirm that we accept full responsibility for the integrity of our merchandise and any claims that arise with respect to non-compliance with the above Regulation公司责任人签名: (Authorized signature) 职位(Title

12、): 责任人姓名正楷体: 日期(Date): 公司印章:Appendix(附页)SVHC List高关注物质成分清单Company Name:公司名称:Sequence No.序号Product no./name产品编号/名称Substance物质名称CAS#CAS编号EC numberEC编号Classification物质分类Concentration产品中的含量Purposing物质用途Remark(S)备注Remarks: 1. 物质名称Substance: 原则上须采用标准的化学名称 standard chemical name 2. 物质分类Classification: 确定物质

13、的危害性和等级, hazard and classification identification 3. 物质用途Purposing : 物质在产品/材料中的功能, the function of this substance in this product/ material 4. 如有需要可另行添加页数 Use additional pages as necessaryPage(页数): Appendix(附页)Released Substance List可释放的物质成分清单Company Name:公司名称:Sequence No.序号Product no./name产品编号/名称Su

14、bstance物质名称CAS#CAS编号EC numberEC编号Classification物质分类Concentration产品中的含量(W/W)Purposing物质用途Remark(S)备注Remarks: 1. 物质名称Substance: 原则上须采用标准的化学名称 standard chemical name 2. 物质分类Classification: 确定物质的危害性和等级, hazard and classification identification 3. 物质用途Purposing : 物质在产品/材料中的功能, the function of this substa

15、nce in this product/ material 4. 如有需要可另行添加页数 Use additional pages as necessaryAppendix(附页)Restricted Chemicals List使用受限制物质的成分清单Company Name:公司名称:Sequence No.序号Product no./name产品编号/名称Substance物质名称CAS#CAS编号EC numberEC编号Classification物质分类Concentration产品中的含量(W/W)Purposing物质用途Remark(S)备注Remarks: 1. 物质名称S

16、ubstance: 原则上须采用标准的化学名称 standard chemical name 2. 物质分类Classification: 确定物质的危害性和等级, hazard and classification identification 3. 物质用途Purposing : 物质在产品/材料中的功能, the function of this substance in this product/ material 4. 如有需要可另行添加页数 Use additional pages as necessary第一批SVHC 清单/ The first SVHC listCAS No.

17、/CAS 编号EC No./EC 编号Substance物质possible application可能的应用101-77-9202-974-44.4-二氨基苯基甲烷/4.4-Diaminodiphenylmethane聚安脂中二异氰酸酯的生产原料,主要用在环氧树脂的固化剂,粘合剂./ Raw material to produce diisocyanate for PUR (main application).Hardener in epoxy resins, adhesives81-15-2201-329-4二甲苯麝香/5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylen

18、e(musk xylene)化妆品和皂用香料/Cosmetic and soap spices85535-84-8287-476-5短链氯化石蜡/Alkanes, C10-13,Chloro(Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins)金属加工的润滑剂,皮革加脂剂,纺织品,橡胶,涂料,密封剂,粘合剂内的阻燃剂/ Metal working lubricants, fat liquoring of leather, Flame retardant in textiles, rubber, paint,sealants, adhesives.120-12-7204-371-

19、1蒽/Anthracene来源于煤焦油蒸馏及其它原料的合成/From coal tar distillation. Raw material for other synthesis.1303-28-2215-116-9五氧化二砷/Diarsenic pentaoxide染料工业,冶金,(固化剂铜,铅,金) 特殊玻璃,木材防腐剂/Dying industry, metallurgy (hardener copper, lead, gold), special glass, wood preservation.1327-53-3215-481-4三氧化二砷/ Diarsenic trioxide玻

20、璃和瓷釉的脱色剂, 玻璃和铅玻璃工业用途,木材防腐,/Decolourizing agent for glass and enamels,application in glass and lead glass industry,wood preservation, produce other chemicals117-81-7201-557-4邻苯二甲酸二(2_乙基)己酯/Di (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate) (DEHP)树脂,聚合体中的增塑剂(主要是PVC)/Plasticizer in resins and polymers (mainly PVC).56-35-9204

21、-211-0氧化双三丁基锡/Bis(tributyltin)oxide(TBTO)防污涂料中的杀菌剂和其它生物杀生剂,同样也可用于工业用途/ Biocide in anti-fouling paint and other biocidal uses, also for industrial use.85-68-7201-622-7邻苯二甲酸丁卞酯(BBBP)/Benzylbutyl ppphthalate增塑剂(主要是PVC),粘合剂,油墨,油漆,一些包装及使用的化妆品/plasticizer(mainly for PVC),adhesives, inks, lacquers, some us

22、e in packages, cosmetics7646-79-9231-589-4二氯化钴/Cobalt (2+)dichloride吸收剂, 硅胶中的湿度指示剂,生产的维生素B12,用于玻璃工业的煤燃剂,固体润滑剂,催化剂,隐形油墨,干燥剂,生产的非金属,电镀,橡胶生产中的添加剂/ Absorber for gases, humidity indicator (e.g.,silica gels), to produce vitamin B12, dye mordant for glass industry, solid lubricant,catalyst, invisible inks,

23、 drying agent, production of non-ferrous metals, electroplating, additive in rubber production.84-74-2201-557-4邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(BP)/Dibutyl phthalate树脂和聚合体中的增塑剂(主要是PVC),也用于油墨印刷,粘合剂(如纸张和包装),密封剂/灌浆剂,硝化纤维,薄膜涂层,玻璃纤维和其它的消费品/ Plasticizer in resins and polymers (mainly PVC). Also used in printing inks, adhesives(e

24、.g. paper, packages), sealant/grouting agents, nitrocellulose paints, film coatings, glass fibres, and consumer products.25637-99-4247-148-4六溴环十二烷(HBCDD)和所有主要的非对映异构体/Hexabromocyclododecane(HBCDD) and all major diastereoisomers identified(x-HBCDD,B-HBCDD,Y-HBCDD)阻燃剂(主要是PS内),建筑内, 建筑物,也用于纺织品和电子/电器中/ Fl

25、ame retardant (mainly in PS). In construction, buildings, also in flame-retard textiles and E&E products.7784-40-9232-064-2酸式砷酸铅/Lead hydrogen arsenate木材防腐(淘汰),杀虫剂,玻璃制品,电子&电器产品,PVC./ Wood preservation (phased out), pesticide, glass goods, E&E products, PVC.7789-12-0234-190-3重铬酸钠/Sodium dichromate di

26、hydrate生产的其它铬产品如铬酸盐颜料,使用的涂料和塑胶着色剂,金属的防护,生产的维生素K内,有色玻璃和陶瓷釉料的配制品,木材配制品,精油和香水/production of other Cr-products as chromate pigments,use for paints and plastic colouration,corrosive protection for metals,in vitamin k production,preparation of coloured glass and ceramic glazes,in wood preparation,in produ

27、ction of essential oils and perfumes.es15606-95-8427-700-2三乙基砷酸酯/Triethyl arsenate木材防腐(淘汰),杀虫剂,玻璃制品,电子&电器产品,PVC./ Wood preservation (phased out), pesticide, glass goods, E&E products, PVC.第二批SVHC 清单 / The second SVHC list序号/Sequence NO.物质名称/ SubstranceCAS 编号/CAS No.EC 编号/EC No.可能的应用/ Possible applic

28、ation1.蒽油/ Anthracene oil90640-80-5292-602-7蒽油包含在多环芳烃内,主要应用于生产染料,炭黑,医药品,木材防腐,屋顶防水膜沥青,工业 粘度改进剂/ These Anthracene oils consist of PAH. They are mainly used as intermediates to produce pure Anthracene that is used to producedyes. Also used in carbon black, pharmaceuticals, woodpreservatives,waterproof

29、membranes for roofing, asphalt, industrial viscosity modifier.2蒽油,蒽糊,轻油/Anthracene oil , anthracene paste, distn . Lights91995-17-4295-278-53蒽油,蒽糊,蒽馏分/Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction91995-15-2295-275-94蒽油, 少蒽/Anthracene oil, anthracene-low90640-82-7292-604-85蒽油,蒽糊/Anthracene oil, anthracene paste90640-81-6292-603-26

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