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Book2 Unit 7 So much to do before we travel.docx

1、Book2 Unit 7 So much to do before we travelBook2 Unit 7 So much to do before we travel!永州市工商职业中专学校英语导学案设计方案 授课日期: 星期: 方案设计: 方案审核: 备课节次: 第 节 课 题 Book2 Unit 7 So much to do before we travel! 课 程 目 标 教学 目标 Unit 7 So much to do before we travel! 教学 重难点 Lead in, listening and speaking, Words: bathing sui

2、t umbrella suggest opera wish entire hostel credit card backpack 教学 方法 多媒体教学法,小组讨论学习法,自主学习法 课 堂 教 学 设 计 学 习 程 序 教学材料补充或采用措施方法 一、练习回顾 Read the following words and translate. bathing suit umbrella suggest opera wish entire hostel credit card backpack brochure cash camera 二、 自学讨论 Read the following phr

3、ases and translate them into Chinese life ring food for animals comfortable shoes call a travel agency make a shopping list book the hotel book flights mountain climbing 三、 交流提升 What about travelling together?我们一起去旅游怎么样? How about talking a trip together? 翻译: what about= how about 用于提建议,意为“怎么样”。 eg

4、How about Friday? 翻译: 这个周末去游泳怎么样?翻译: Oh,big cities are too tiring.啊,参观大城市太累了。 tiring adj.“引起疲劳的,累人的” eg It was a very tiring work. 翻译: Manual work is tiring. 体力劳动是很累人的。 注意:tiring 与tired意思与用法的不同。“物”做主语一般用“tiring”:“人” 做主语用“tired”,意思是“疲乏的(with)”;(对感到)厌倦(of) eg He is tired of this life.这是很累人的工作。 类似的用法还有

5、如:interesting,interested; surprising,surpristed ; exciting,exciting等 What do we need to take with us? 我们需要带些什么? need 在这里是及物动词,是“需要”的意思。 eg I need some help.翻译: 你需要吃点药。 Shall we book a hotal?我们订饭店吗?book此处不是“书”,而是动词“预定”的意思。 eg 这家饭店的房间全预订全预订出去了。 四、 巩固练习 Match Column A with B. 1. This is Room 423.Id lik

6、e to order some wine. ( ) 2. Id like to book a flight. ( ) 3. Give me a wake-up call at 6:00a.m. ( ) 4. I need to check out. ( ) 5. Whats the rate for a car? ( ) A. Sure B. What wine would you like? C. 90 Yuan per day. D. Where to? E. Its afternoon.Youll have to pay for another day. 五、 拓展延伸 阅读短文,判断正

7、误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown work in the same office (办公室).One day Mr. Jones says to Mr. Brown, “I will have a small party at our house on Monday evening. Would you and your wife like to come?” Mr. Brown says, “Thank you very much. Id love to, but let me ask my wife first. ” So Mr. Bro

8、wn goes to the other room and telephones his wife. Then he comes back and looks very worried. “Whats the matter?” asks Mr. Jones. “Is you wife there at home?” “No,” answers Mr. Brown. “She isnt there. My small son answers the telephone. I say to him, Is your mother there, David? and he answers No, s

9、he isnt in the house. Where is she? I ask , She is somewhere outside(在外面) . Whats she doing? She is looking for me.” ( )1. There is a party at Mr. Joness house on Monday evening . ( )2Mr. Jones asks Mr. Brown and his wife to go to the party. ( )3The telephone is in Mr. Browns office. ( )4Mr. Brown s

10、peaks to Mrs. Brown on the telephone. ( )5Mrs. Brown is looking for her son. 六、 作业布置 练习册P71-XI 七、 教学反思 永州市工商职业中专学校英语导学案设计方案 授课日期: 星期: 方案设计: 方案审核: 备课节次: 第 节 课 题 Book2 Unit 7 So much to do before we travel! 课 程 目 标 教学 目标 Unit 7 Grammar focus: 时间状语从句 教学 重难点 Vocabulary, structure and translation Grammar

11、 focus:时间状语从句 Some phrases 教学 方法 多媒体教学法,小组讨论学习法,自主学习法 课 堂 教 学 设 计 学 习 程 序 教学材料补充或采用措施方法 一、练习回顾 Translate the following new words into Chinese: dull window shopping backpack opera show fresh excellent Sydney entire credit card wish 二、 自学讨论 Read the following phrases and translate them into Chinese cl

12、imb a mountain go boating eat in a restaurant visit museums enjoy the beautiful view take photos go window shopping enjoy a show 三、 交流提升 时间状语从句 用表示时间的连词连接一个句子作状语,这样的主从复合句就是时间状语从句。连接时间状语从句的连接词有:when, before, after, while, as soon as, until, since. 这里要注意一点的是,如果主句是一般将来时,从句只能用一般现在时表示将来意义。 主要时态:主现从不限;主过从

13、四过;主将从现。 when, while和as的区别 when引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,又可以是瞬时动词。并且when有时表示“就在那时”。 When she came in, I stopped eating.她进来时,我停止吃饭。(瞬时动词) When I lived in the countryside, I used to carry some water for him.当我住在农村时,我常常为他担水。(延续性的动词) We were about to leave when he came in.我们就要离开,就在那时他进来了。 While引导的从句的谓语动作必须是延续

14、性的,并强调主句和从句的动作同时发生(或者相对应)。并且while有时还可以表示对比。例如: While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV. (was reading是延续性的动词,was reading和was watching同时发生) 。 I like playing football while you like playing basketball.我喜欢踢足球,而你喜欢打篮球。(对比) As表示“一边一边”,as引导的动作是延续性的动作,一般用于主句和从句动作同时发生;as也可以强调“一先一后。例如: We a

15、lways sing as we walk.我们总是边走边唱。(as表示“一边一边”) As we were going out, it began to snow.当我们出门时,开始下雪了。(as强调句中两个动作紧接着先后发生,而不强调开始下雪的特定时间) 四、巩固练习 用下列所给词语填空“will, will be, wont, wont be or shall”. 1. The foreigners visit the museum next week, will they? 2. There no classes this afternoon. 3. What I do? 4. We

16、free until 7:00 this evening. 5. Take a seat, you? 五、 拓展延伸 1. _ he comes tomorrow, I shall ask where he has been. 2. _ he was speaking, everybody listened carefully. 3. I saw her just _ she was getting off the train. 4. Have a good look at that man _ you pass him. 5. It was already eight oclock _ we

17、 got there. 6. I was about to go out _ a visit- tor came. 7. Well go to the country at the beginning of June, _ the summer harvest will start. 8. He learned to speak German _ he was in Berlin. 9. Henry is in charge of the office _ Mr. Smith is away. 10. I listen to the recorder _ I have time. 六、 作业布

18、置 练习册 P64-III 七、 教学反思 永州市工商职业中专学校英语导学案设计方案 授课日期: 星期: 方案设计: 方案审核: 备课节次: 第 节 课 题 Book2 Unit 7 So much to do before we travel! 课 程 目 标 教学 目标 Unit 7 Life and culture 教学 重难点 Life and Culture Words and phrases :travel more payless secret save hitchhike edge thumb pick up make friends 教学 方法 多媒体教学法,小组讨论学习法,

19、自主学习法 课 堂 教 学 设 计 学 习 程 序 教学材料补充或采用措施方法 一、练习回顾 Translate the following phrases into Chinese: travel more pay less secret save hitchhike edge thumb pick up make friends predict destination cheap 二、自学讨论 翻译下列句子: 1.Do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon? 2.Do you have a return ticket?

20、3.Excuse me, is this seat taken? 4.Can you keep an eye on my bag? 5.Where can I change the money? 6.Sorry, but you cant take photos here. 三、 交流提升 Important phrases: millions of a two-day tour plan go shopping go fishing must-do enjoy a show have a great time get close to 四、巩固练习 Match column A with B

21、 1. Royal Botanical Gardens a. enjoy a show 2. Bondi Beach b. get close to sea animals 3. Elizabeth Bay House c. climb to the top and see the whole city 4. Sydney Aquarium d. go shopping 5. Sydney Opera House e. relax and breathe the fresh air 6. Sydney Harbor Bridge f. lie on the beach 7. Opera Hou

22、se Market g. get to know 19th century life 四、 拓展延伸 阅读理解 American Students Education American school begins in September after a long summer holiday. Therere two terms in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second term is from February to June .Most American children b

23、egin to go to school when theyre five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school. High school students take only five or six subjects each term.They usually go to the same class every day, and they have homework for every class. After class, they do a l

24、ot of interesting things. After high school ,many students go to college(大学).They usually have to pay(付款)a lot of money. So, many college students work after class to get money for their studies. ( ) 1.In America, summer holidays begin in _. A. July B.September C.May D.February ( )2.Most American ch

25、ildren go to school at the age of _. A.five C.eighteen D.seventeen ( )3.High school students_after class. housework B.go to work baseball D.go interesting things ( )4.In order to (为了)_,many American college students work after class. their parents B.get money for their studies others D.learn some useful things ( )5.After high school , many students go to _. A.cities D.towns 五、 作业布置 练习册 翻译生活与文化 七、教学反思

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