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1、is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, peoples behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as v

2、alues. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civiliz

3、ation, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that persons value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate eve

4、ry community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlook, attitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the p

5、remise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating serve for one officer, the benefit of achievements, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of peoples performance. Achievement eva

6、luation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential fo

7、r sustainable development. Leave people to talk about values are worthless and leave people to talk about Outlook is not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichu

8、anyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful

9、in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualiz

10、ation needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the agricultural society,

11、people plant; in industrial society, man is an animal; the information society, return 一、项目基本概况和项目组织管理模式 1、项目基本概况 1.1 工程地理、环境概况拟建码头工程位于江苏省南京市,长江下游南京河段八卦洲汊道下游龙潭水道入口处左岸的西坝一带。该段岸线上距南京长江大桥约19.5KM,下距三江口约18KM,距扬子公司液体货物港区约11km。引桥桥头由大堤题顶道路(宽约5m)可以直接进入现场,码头部分由长江水路进场。码头全部位于水上,引桥除近码头端约60m位于水上外,其余均位于长江滩地上;滩地主要由

12、菜地和芦苇浅滩组成,地下水丰富。目前由于拆迁补偿标准事宜,引桥征地还未落实到位。通讯地址:南京六合区玉带镇小摆渡村蔡庄四组 1.2 工程规模概况本工程由引桥(920m)和两个50000吨级泊位(550m)组成,呈L型布置。合同造价14279.8953万元。合同工期为2008年11月12日至2009年9月11日。1.3 工程结构概况本工程包括两个50000吨级(水工结构兼顾70000吨级)通用散货泊位,其中码头为高桩梁板式结构,全长550米,宽度28米,局部33米,桩基采用PHC管桩和钢管桩,基本排架间距8m,平台上部结构由横梁、纵向梁系和迭合板组成;引桥1座,全长924.7米,宽18米,位于码

13、头下游,为桩柱空心板梁结构,基础采用1000高强预应力砼管桩及1000钻孔灌注桩,上部结构由钢筋砼横梁、预制20米/跨预应力砼空心板及面层等组成。主要工程量如下:项目型号单位数量码头引桥PHC桩1000根47634钢管桩1000根60钻孔灌注桩1000根172横梁榀6546纵梁榀582迭合板块972空心板先张预应力榀540面层m346751.4 工程水文及地质概况西坝港区位于长江下游感潮河段,水文特征受泾流和潮流的双重影响,潮水位变化呈不规则半日潮型。本河段汛期水位主要受泾流影响,潮差小,枯季水位主要受潮汐作用,潮差较大,由于距长江口较远,潮波上溯时变形较大,故涨潮历时远小于落潮历时。工程所处

14、地区地貌属长江中下游冲击平原及河床地貌,揭露土层主要为第四纪河流冲积粘性土、砂性土、混合土等组成,其中上部地层主要由松软的淤泥质土、粘性土、粉土等组成;中下部主要由中密密实的粉细砂、中粗砂、中粗砂混卵石等组成。1.5 工程特点、难点概况本项目属常规码头项目,无技术难度,但由于工程量大、工期短,施工组织强度较大。同时,由于L=920m引桥基本全部位于漫滩,地表水和地下水均较丰富,施工临时措施工作量大,因此引桥的施工组织难度较大。2、项目组织机构本工程按项目法组建项目经理部,设项目经理、项目书记、项目总工、项目副经理及工程部、质检部、测试室、合约部、安机部、物资部、财务部、综合办公室等“六部二室”

15、,具体详见项目部组织机构关系图。根据本工程的特点,项目部以“码头平台和引桥分别组织,平行流水施工;合理安排,环环紧扣,确保工程工期”为总体施工思路,按码头平台和引桥划分为两个工作段,引进两个劳务作业队,由项目部统筹管理,两工作段间相对独立、平行施工。项目部通过对各职能部门、岗位职责的划分,协调指挥各生产工段按期完成施工任务,完成质量、安全、环境目标。项目组织管理模式详见图1-1、1-2。图1-1 项目组织机构框图主蒸汽管道和高温再热蒸汽管道分别从过热器和再热器的出口联箱的两侧引出,然后汇成一根母管,到汽轮机前再分成两根支管分别接入高压缸和中压缸左右侧主汽关断阀和再热关断阀。Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from mass

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