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1、二年级下册英语教案全册7二年级下册英语教案全册(7)Unit2一、教学重点:复习现在进行时,并继续学习进行时及五个口令。二、教学难点:五个口令发音较难,教师要鼓励学生多说,敢练。三、教具准备:1、 教师准备 Point up! Point down! Touch the sky! Touch the ground! Turn around! 的五张短语卡片。2 、教学课件(包括歌曲和动画)。四、教学过程:1、热身复习 (Warm-up)(1)师生进行问候。(2)让学生起立,师生共同表演小唱,边做边唱。如:唱 Up up stand up. Down down sit down. Point p

2、oint point to your nose. Point point point to your head.(3)游戏:教师做动作,让学生猜意思,导出新知。2、呈现新课 (Presentation)(1)教师继续进行以上的游戏,并把卡片拿出,让学生跟读。(2)让学生边读边做动作,加深对短语的印象。(3)播放课文第一部分的动画课件, 让学生边看边小声跟读。教师还可请学生来操作课件,训练学生的听力,认读及动手能力。(4) 在学生学完五个口令之后都很累的时候,教学生一首新歌。介绍两个拓展单词: shake stamp。3、趣味操练 (Practice)(1)游戏:短语接力教师让一个学生任意说一个

3、短语,请他后面的同学做动作,然后这个同学再任意说一个短语,请下一个同学做动作,以此类推。(2)学生边听录音,边做动作。做动作时教师要努力示范动作夸张的同时强调短语的发音。(3)教师打开动画课件,让学生跟读:(4)让学生在自己的课本上指出句子读。(5)找一名学生上讲台下口令,教师和其他学生一起来做动作,让学生感受到老师也是他们当中的“大朋友”。4、课堂评价 (Assessment)做活动手册本单元的练习。5、扩展性活动(Add-activities)将学生带到室外,让学生用这五个口令做游戏。6、板书设计:Module8 Unit2 Were turning around.Point up! Po

4、int down! Touch the sky! shakeTouch the ground! Turn around! stamp五、教案点评:本课时教材通过Listen and do. 和 Sing a song 两部分的内容分别复习了所学的五个口令。两部分内容的复习均通过游戏的方式展现,学生在玩中学、玩中练,避免了复习的枯燥和单调。教师在教学过程中每一个 环节都精心设计和组织,照顾了不同层次的学生,让每个学生都真正参与到活动中来,达到了复习和巩固知识,提高学生多方面能力的目的。Module9Unit1Aims教学目的1. Enable the students to listen ,sa

5、y and read the new word :straight turn, right ,left wear lake roadSentence: Where is lake road?Go straight on.Turn left.Turn right.2、Raise their interest to learn English .Encourage the students to have good cooperation with each other and learn form each other.Focus教学重难点1、Important point :Students

6、can read and say these words: straight turn, right ,left wear lake road2、Difficult point: Students can read, say and use these sentences freely and correctly.Aids教学准备CAI Picture Cards Tape RadiosTeachingProcess教学过程Feed backTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityRe-preparation1、 Warning up and Revision Gr

7、eetings.Eg :Nice to see you again. How are you? etcTeacher might give students some order, students must listen carefully and do it.Eg: Turn around, Point up, Point down, Point the sky. etc2、Leading-inCAI shows out a picture of simple map.T: I want go to the school , but Im lost ,Who can tell me how

8、 to walk?Today ,Sam visit his friend Daming . But hes lost , too.Lets go and see whats wrong with Sam.Show the picture3、Listening & Reading Activities.Before do the Activity 1 write these sentences on the blackboard .Learn to the new wordsPlay the tapePlay the tape againPractise(1)Say the same sente

9、nces(2)Do and say:Turn around, Point up,Point down, Point the sky.(1)Students free talk how to walk in Chinese.(2)students listening carefully ,make clear the aims.(3)look at the picture and think(1) look and guess(2)read and use(3)Children open your books ,listen and point.(4)Listen ,point together

10、 and repeat(5) Children say the dialogues in pairs.(6)Children Match by themselves, act in pairs.4、Further Development.Play the games. Use the cards ,Review the direction words.Do the exercise of part 3.Encourage the students to find another road and draw out .5、HomeworkWhole classPlan a game about

11、route.IndividualAct this story and encourage the best one.(1)Do their best to say sentences(2) Through the dice and compete.(3) Whose road is the best nearest, then encourage and reward.Unit2教学内容:学习短语a farm, a village, a flat,学习句型Where do you live? I live_.教学目标:能听、说、读、写本课短语。掌握本课重点句型。把所学知识能灵活运用到实际生活中

12、。教学重难点:本课重点短语、句型教学方法:引导法、讲解法、启发法学习方法:交流法、合作法、自主学习法教学用具:多媒体课件、图片、录音机、磁带Teaching steps :Step1 Warming upGreeting each other.Whats your name ? What class are you in ? Where are you from ?(Ss read countries namesone by one)Where do you live? Today well learn Lesson 3 Where do you live ?Step2 Lets learn1

13、,Play the tape,Ss listen and repeat.2,Learn the new words :Where do you come from ?= Where are you from ?Where do you live ?I live in Beijing .Learn new words :Paris ,London ,Hong Kong ,Moscow ,Learn new words: France,England Russia.Ss read them one by one.(With them instead of China,beijing )Step 4

14、 Practise in groupsSs ask and answer in groups. Drill and read the textStep 5 TextPlay the tape ,Ss read the text .Step 6 Lets chatWhere do you come from?Where are you from?I come from England. Im from England.Where do you live? Where do you live?I live in London,in London.Where does he come from?Wh

15、ere is he from?He comes from China.He s from China.Where does he live? Where does he live?He lives in Beijing,in Beijing.Ss read it together.Step 7 Extension拓展延伸1, Can you be like me?Good moring ,my little friends ,I am Mis Wang .I come from China .I live in Luohe.I like you .Do you like me ?Thank y

16、ou ,Good-bye!Have Ss say it like the teacher.2 , Do you know them?A,Show the screen about Pu Jing ,Yao Ming, Michael PhelpsDo you know the man ? Who can act him ?Who can ask him some questions ?B ,Ask your classmates about some questions.Step 8,SummaryModule10Unit1Teaching aim and requirement:Talkin

17、g about how to find places.Teaching main and difficult points:Learn to say: next to , in front of, cousin, supermarketLearn to ask:Where the supermarket? Its next to the park. Its in front of the school.Teaching aids:Tape-recorder, pictures, computerTeaching procedure:Warmer:1.Greetings.2.Say the ch

18、ant in last lesson: Left Foot.Guide to the text:The teacher tells the students :“Sam meets Daming and his consin Lin on the street. Daming is introducing Lin to Sam. At that time , someone is coming to ask the way of the city . Lin tells him the way clearly. Why does Lin know the way of the city so

19、well ? Lets learn the text together !”Activity 1 Listen and repeat.1. Put the picture of this lesson on the blackboard. Play the taperecorder and ask the students to listen to it while watch the picture.2. Play the cassette again. The children try to underline the new words and phrases and guess the

20、 meaning of them .3. Write “next to , in front of ”on the blackboard and ask the students to guess the meaning of it4. The teacher ask the students to practise to say the words of positions according to their seats.5. Read the new words after the teacher.6. Play the taperecord after each sentence an

21、d ask the students to read after it.Activity 2 Act out1. Divide the whole class into 5 groups .Each group act as a role. Ask the students to practise the text in groups.2. Play the taperecorder of Unit2, ask the students to read after it. Then practise the dialogue in pairs.Activity 3 Games and Activities1. Looking for treasures:2. Draw and say. Draw a simple map of a place that knowm well by oneself. Then introduce the map in groups.Writing on the Bb:Where is the supermarket?Its next to the park. Its in front of the classroom.

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