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1、完整版英语连词 连词的分类 1264 从形式上看,连词可以分为简单连词(Simple Conjunctions),如:and,but,if;副词连词(Adverbial Conjunctions),如:then,besides,still;短语连词(Conjunction-Phrases),如:asyet,or rather,on the other hand;和关联连词(Correlative Conjunctions),如:sothat,eitheror,not on-lybut间或后面跟某种副词,如:andas well,but all the same。 1265 根据用法,连词可以分

2、为并列连词(Coordinate Conjunc-tions),如:and,but,besides,和从属连词(Subordinate Con-junctions),如:than,then,if。 并列连词 A 并列连词的一般特点 1并列连词连接单词、短语或分句 1266 并列连词(下面的黑体字)用来连接两个或更多的a单词; b短语,c单词及短语,d分句(见下面的斜体字); ahe is healthy and handsome(单词与单词) He came and sat down and spoke to me bThe butterflies flew over our heads an

3、d about the flowers(短语及短语) They want to win the war,but to pay no price We lived in the countryside,merely reading novels,( or)playing games,or telling stories cI feel funny and out of sorts(单词及短语) I declare this seriously and with confidence I devote my spare time to music,books,or playing ten-nis

4、(分句及分句) I played the violin and she sangdI want to go to college but my parents want me to getmarried Do not move or you are a dead man I know that he has been arrested and that he is in prison(名词从句及名词从句) eLets take him to the hospital or something(分句及单词)(少见) You can do anything you like and welcome

5、 2并列连词连接同一级别的词 1267 从上面例句中可以看出,并列连词必须连接同一词类的词:在a组例句中连接形容词与形容词,动词与动词,副词与副词;在b组例句中,连接介词短语与介词短语,不定式短语与不定式短语,分词短语与分词短语;在c组例句中,连接单词与短语形容词与形容词短语,副词与副词短语,名词与名词短语;在d组例句中,连接分句与分句,名词从句与名词从句;在e组例句中,连接单词或短语与分句,但这种连接法是例外情况。 3关联连词 1268 a关联连词(下面例句中的黑体字)必须放在它所连接的两个词(组)中间,b除了连词外,还有某些副词或副词短语(见下面斜体字)可放在第一词(组)之前,c这些副词或

6、副词短语间或放在第二词(组)后面。这种与副词或副词短语一起用的连词称为关联连词。 aJohn and Mary are my children He looks dirty but happy bHe is at once honest and clever One must be either hard-working or economical He is not only(or not just) a soldier,but also a writer On the one hand he tried to smuggle drugs,and on theother he tried t

7、o bribe the officials I have never(副词可以放在分句内而不是放在它前面)been in Africa,nor has my brother too,He is honest and clevercThat is not cheap and not useful either He had failed several times,but he persisted in his plan allthe same 4并列连词前的标点 1269 在并列连词前应用什么标点? a单纯的简单并列连词为数不多,只有and,but,or(nor),so在它们连接较长句时,前面

8、通常加一个逗号: I went and he return但是I went to Europe on businesslast spring,and he returned from Europe this summer It is neither easy nor difficult但是Neither can I expressmy opinion,nor can he say anything b副词连词是那些同时用作副词和连词的词。它们只用来连接分句,而不连接单词或短语。(但前面若有单纯连词,它们也可以连接单词或短语。)它们前面可加逗号或分号: He rarely meets peopl

9、e,或;therefore he feels shy He is young,或; however he knows more than he seemsto He has lived on this island for thirty years,或; besides he has married a native woman He has seen much of the world,或; still he is eager tosee more 单纯连词常可放在副词连词前面,这时它前面可加逗号: He rarely meets people,and therefore he feels

10、shy He has seen much of the world,but still he is eager to seemore 但若两个分句(或其中一个)中有一逗号,则应用分号代替逗号: He rarely meets people,either boys or girls;therefore hefeels shy Hes young; however,he knows more than he seems to Unlike his brother,he has seen much of the world; still heis eager, to see more,if poss

11、ible副词连词和短语连词(不包括and,but及or)有时可放在主语后面。这时这个主语前面应用一个分号,甚至句号: John is seriously illSome of his best friends and relatives,therefore,are coming to see him The storm was terrible;few houses,however,were damaged He made many mistakes;his younger sister,on the other hand,made very few Not only her son died

12、;she herself went mad,too(or as well)(这两个词特意放在句末) c并列连词若有意把前面一系列句子(看作一个整体)和后面的一个或几个句子(看作一个整体)连接起来,则此并列连词前面还可用句号: Bob got up at five every morning He would read newspapers while eating his breakfastIt was about eight when hestarted for the office But today is SundayHe wants tosleep as much as possibl

13、e d有时一串平行的短句可用逗号连接起来,而不用连词,看起来是像逗号的滥用,然而却是对的: We need wisdom,we need money,we need power One child isnt enough,two are just right,three are toomuch Paupers want to be rich men,rich men want to be kings,kings want to be gods B连系连词 1270 并列连词有6种,它们是:连系连词(Copulative Conjunctions),选择连词(alternative Conjun

14、ctions),相反连词(Adversative Conjunctions),推论连词(Illative Conjunctions),解释连词(Explanatory Conjunctions)和列举连词(Particularizing Conjunctions)。 1271 连系连词,亦称“and-连词”,表示“加上”。 1连系连词可连接单词或短语: aHe is honest(形容词)and intelligent(形容词)(and连接同一 词类的词)He did it quickly(副词)and effectively(副词) Honesty(名词)and wisdom(名词) are

15、 essential tosuccess We talked(动词)and laughed(动词)and drank(动词) Our government is of(介词) the people,(and)by(介词) the people and for(介词) the people bA novel must be interesting and instructive 连接三四样东西有几种方式,and用( 注意语调。)A novel must be interesting, and instruc-tive exciting A novel must be interesting, tive,excitinginstruc A novel must be interestingand structiveand inexciting A novel must be interestingand ,instrucexcitingtive and encouraging cHe b

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