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1、届高考英语第一轮综合能力训练题1综合能力训练卷(一)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1The story of Li Tianyi, the son of _ famous military singer, driving a BMW without a licence and attacking a couple on the road has drawn the attention of _ public.Athe; the B/; the Ca; an Da

2、; the2Dont _ personal information such as your name, telephone number and address until you feel comfortable.Agive in Bgive off Cgive out Dgive up3The Education Department says that school safety has set off alarm bells with frequent reports of serious accidents _ students got injured or killed.Aaft

3、er which Bin whichCby which Dfor which4With a lot of assignment _, little Tom still feels very easy.Ado Bdone Cdoing Dto do5Do you have any idea what your former boss would say about you? I dont know,_.Aso do I care Bso I dont careCnor I dont care Dnor do I care 6It was announced that only when the

4、fire was under control _to return to their homes.Athe residents would be permittedBhad the residents been permittedCwould the residents be permittedDthe residents had been permitted7As there was no one she could_, she felt very helpless.Aturn to Bturn on Cturn off Dturn over8National Day _ people si

5、nging and dancing happily in the street.Asaw Bwatched Cobserved Dfelt9Tom took the police to the spot _ the accident happened.Awhich Bthat Cwhere Dwhen10After graduation, she wanted to _ her own business.Aset up Bturn up Cfix up Dmake up11_ by his look, he doesnt think much of our plan.AJudging BJud

6、gedCTo judge DBeing Judged12_ children whose parents had died in the earthquake _ sent to other families.AA great number of; was BA large number of; wereCThe great number of; was DThe great number of; were13How do you find the new book by Mary?_. I guess she is out of her talent.AVery good BBy accid

7、entCIn the library DVery boring14You can _ him not to smoke but you may not _ him.Aadvise; advise Badvise; persuadeCpersuade; advise Dpersuade; persuade15She couldnt wait _ home after such a long and tiring journey.Agoing Bto go Cgo Dwent第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I

8、t was her giggling that drew my attention.Note taking really wasnt all that funny.Walking over to the offender, I asked for the_16_.Frozen, she refused to give it to me.I waited, all attention in the classroom on the quiet_17_between teacher and student.When she finally_18_it over she whispered, “Ok

9、ay, but I didnt draw it.”It was a handdrawn_19_of me, teeth blackened and the words “Im stupid” coming out of my mouth. I managed to fold it up calmly.My mind,_20_, was working angrily as I struggled not to_21_.I figured I knew the two most likely candidates for drawing the picture.It would do them

10、some_22_to teach them a lesson, and maybe it was high time that I did it! Thankfully, I was able to keep myself_23_.When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture.They were all silent as I told them how_24_this was for me.I told them there must be a reason_25_and now was

11、 their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me.Then I let them write silently while I sniffed in the back of the classroom. As I_26_the notes later, many of them said something like, “Ive got nothing against you,” or “Im sorry you were hurt.” Some kids said, “Were_27_of you.” But two no

12、tes, from the girls who I_28_were behind the picture, had a list of issues.I was too_29_, too strictReading those notes, I realized that over the course of this year, instead of_30_my students, I had begun commanding them to_31_.Where I thought I was driving them to success I was_32_driving them awa

13、y.I had some apologizing to do.But the next day in the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a card.The one_33_by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke.The one from the girls asked for_34_. This was a lesson for both the kids and me.Forgiveness does not change the past, bu

14、t it does enlarge the_35_.16A.note Badvice Creason Dhelp17A.battle BcompetitionCargument Dconversation18A.took Bthought Cturned Dhanded19A.statue Bgraph Cpicture Dposter20A.otherwise BhoweverCtherefore Dbesides21A.leave Bcry Cexplain Dargue22A.good BharmCfavor Dpunishment23A.amused BcontrolledCunint

15、erested Drelaxed24A.meaningful BforgetfulCregretful Dhurtful25A.aside Babove Cbeneath Dbehind26A.wrote Bfinished Cread Dcollected27A.proud Bfond Cafraid Dashamed28A.figured BpromisedCconcluded Dconfirmed29A.talkative BmeanCclumsy Dconsiderate30A.forcing BencouragingCcomforting Dteaching31A.appreciat

16、e BapologizeCcompromise Dachieve32A.actually BnormallyCimmediately Dgenerally33A.decorated Boffered Csigned Dbought34A.thankfulness BforgivenessCcompensation Dcommunication35A.friendship BeducationCknowledge Dfuture第二部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ABEIJINGPharmacologist Tu

17、 Youyou has become the first scientist on the mainland to win Americas respected Lasker Award for her discovery of a new approach to malaria (疟疾) treatment.The 81yearold was presented with the medical prize by the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation on September 23, 2011 in New York.Tu, a scientist at

18、 the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing, was praised by the jury (评判委员会) for her “drug therapy (治疗) for malaria that has saved millions of lives across the globe, especially in the developing world,” according to a statement on the foundations website.In early 1969, Tu was appointe

19、d head of a government project that aimed to eradicate(消灭) malaria, and it was then that she began applying modern techniques with Chinese traditional medicine to find drug therapy for malaria.After detecting (检测) 380 extracts (提取物) made from 2,000 candidate recipes, Tu and her colleagues obtained a

20、 pure substance called “Qinghaosu”, which became known as artemisinin in 1972.An artemisininbased drug combination is now the standard regimen (养生法) for malaria, and the World Health Organization lists artemisinin and related agents in its catalog of “Essential Medicines”, said a statement from the

21、foundation.The Lasker Awards are given annually to people who have made major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of human diseases since 1945.Lasker Awards are known as “Americas Nobels” for their knack (熟练技术) of gaining future recognition by the Nobel committee

22、. In the last two decades, 28 Lasker laureates (得奖者) have gone on to receive the Nobel Prize, and 80 since 1945.36Which of the following statements about Tu Youyou is FALSE?AShe is the first scientist on the mainland to win Americas respected Lasker Award.BShe is a scientist at the China Academy of

23、Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing.CShe is the first scientist in the world to win Americas respected Lasker Award.DShe began applying modern techniques with Chinese traditional medicine to find drug therapy for malaria in 1969.37Lasker Award is awarded by _.ANew York FoundationBthe Albert and Mary

24、 Lasker FoundationCChinese Medical SciencesDAlbert and Mary38Whats the influence about Tu Youyous “drug therapy for malaria”?AIt has surprised the people in the world.BIt has reduced malaria.CIt applied modern techniques with Chinese traditional medicine.DIt has saved millions of lives across the gl

25、obe, especially in the developing world.39Whats the main idea of the passage?ATu Youyou won Lasker Award for malarial drug discovery.BAn American won Lasker Award for malarial drug discovery.CAmericans founded the Lasker Foundation.DTu Youyou discovered artemisinin.BAsk savvy investors(投资者) how they

26、 learned their first lessons about money, and theyll probably tell you lessons their parents taught them.The money values we learn as children stay with us the rest of our lives. If you are a parent, teaching your children the value of saving and investing will benefit them the rest of their lives.

27、Heres what you can do:Help your child begin to save. Open savings accounts for your children, and teach them how the bank adds interest to their savings that makes their money grow. Encourage your children to save a little from every bit of money they receive, such as allowances, birthday gifts, etc

28、. You may even want to set up a matching program, contributing fifty cents for each dollar your child saves.Teach your child about stocks(股票). A child in elementary school can start learning about how businesses work. Once your child understands the basics, ask him or her to think about some of the

29、businesses that might be good stock investments. Then use Morningstar Mutual Fund Guide(available at your library)to find a quality mutual fund that holds some of these companies, or a mutual fund that caters to children such as the Stein Roe Young Investor Fund. Many funds accept regular monthly in

30、vestments as low as $50 a month, so these funds can be a good way to teach children about the stock market while saving for their college education.Encourage early IRA(个人退休金账户)saving. The new Roth IRA is a great way for children who are working in summers or after school to begin saving for their fu

31、ture. Imagine how much money youd have today if you had saved $3,000 a year since you were a teenager!Let your kids handle their own money. We all learn by doing, so letting your kids manage a segment of their budget(预算)will let them earn valuable financial lessons.They may make mistakes, but they will be small mistakes that may help

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