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1、高考英语写作备考指南2018高考英语写作备考指南Writing (句子写作结构使用指导)(一) 难题回顾 从英语行文的结构上说,除了修饰名词的定语和修饰动词的状语外,千变万化的句子可归纳为五个基本的句式,我们将在第一模块中重点依次没复习这几个句型。 A 第一基本句型S(主)+Vi(不及物动词)(谓)S(主语)Vi(不及物动词)其他1234TimeSheWeShe and Iflies.singswentwill bebeautifully. Adverbial (副词)on a trip. Prep. phrase (介词短语)swimming. Participle (分词)各例句的黑体字是

2、主语,斜体字是谓语动词,请注意“其他”栏目中形式的多样性。注:“There + be (Vi,) + S. ”也是属于第一基本句型。例:At the top of the hill there are stands an old temple.B.第二基本句型S(主)+ V(谓)(lv.)(系动词) + P (表)(主)lv. (系动词)P (表) carThe flowersClassThe kidMy friendisissmellis looksbecomesMonday. N. (名词)Mine. Pron. (代词)sweet. Adj.(形容

3、词)over. Adv.(副词)like his father. Prep. phrase (介词短语)excited. Participle (分词)在此句型中,除了be系动词外,还有一些动词也可以用作系动词,如:1)表感官的动词,feel , smell , taste , sound , look , appear , seem 等。2)表转变、变化的动词,become , get , grow , turn , go 等。3)表延续的动词,remain , keep , seem , hold , stay , rest 等。4)表瞬时的动词,come , fall , set , c

4、ut , occur 等。5)其他动词,eat , lie , prove , ring , run , shine , sit , stand , continue , hang 等。注:下列常见“It”句式也是属于第二基本句型。1)“It + be + adj./n. + to do (不定式)例1:It is your duty to take care of your mother.2)“It + be + adj.+for/of + sb. + to do.例2:It is easy for us to finish the project in two days.(二)巩固复习 请

5、用英语翻译以下句子,注意句子结构。1)昨晚你睡得好吗? 2)这本书很畅销。 3)奶酷切起来很容易。 4)机器出问题了。 5)问题一直未解决。 6)她渐渐地变得很沉默。 7)保护环境人人有责。 Key:1) Did you sleep well last night?2) The book sells well.3) Cheese cuts easily.4) The machine is out of order.5) The problem remains unsolved.6) Gradually she became silent.7) It is everyones duty to p

6、rotect the environment.8) C第三基本句型S(主)+Vt.(及物动词) (谓) +O (宾)(主)Vt.(及物动词) (谓)O (宾) kidThe thiefIam studyingloveswantsdoesnt knowadmittedbelieveEnglish. N. (名词)him. Pron. (代词)to go there. Infinitive.(不定式)where to do. Wh-Word+Infinitive.(wh疑问词+不定式)stealing the money.Gerund(动名词)tha

7、t there is nothing wrong.That-clause (that从句)注意:1)S+Vt.+Infinitive(不定式),如:He pretends to sleep. 常用于这句型的动词有:attempt,dare,decide,desire,expect,hope,intend,learn,need,offer,pretend,promise,propose,refuse,want,wish等。 2) S + Vt. + Wh-Word + Infinitive(wh疑问句+不定式),如:He knows how to answer the question. 常用于

8、这句型的动词有:ask,consider,decide,discover,explain,find out,forget,guess,inquire,know,learn,remember,see,tell,think,understand,wonder等。3) S + Vt. + Gerund(动名词),如:He avoided being asked wuch a question. 常用于这句型的动词有:admit,advise,avoid,consider,defend,enjoy,excuse,finish,forbid,mind,miss,practice,risk,suggest

9、,give up,cant help,look forward to等。4) S + Vt. + That-Clause(that从句),如:I dont think (that )he is right.常用于这句型的动词有:admit,believe,command,declare,demand,deny, doubt, expect,explain ,feel(觉得),hear(听说),hope, imagine, intend, know,mean, mind(当心),notice, propose, request ,report, say, see(看出),show, sugges

10、t,suppose, think, understand, wish, wonder(觉得奇怪)等。(二)巩固复习 请用英语翻译以下句子,注意句子结构。1)他能够用英语流利地表达。 2)你介意等我几分钟吗? 3)我很难相信他竟然准时参加了会议。 4)你知道何时出发吗? Key:1) He can express himself in English fluently.2) Do you mind waiting for me a few minutes?3) I can hardly believe that he an attend the meeting on time.4) Do you

11、 know when to set off?Writing (句子结构使用指导)(一) 难点回顾D第四基本句型: S(主)+ Vt. (谓) + I.O.(间接宾语)+D.O.(直接宾语)S(主语)Vt.(谓语)I.O.(间接宾语)D.O.(直接宾语) fatherMy uncleHesentgaveboughtbroughtcan informhim (N. 名词)Mary (Pron. 代词)me (Pron. 代词)my brother (N. 名词)you (Pron. 代词)a book.a nice gift yesterday.a story

12、 book.a new watch.where the teacher lives. (从句) 本句型的谓语动词所发出的动作有两个对象,一为“人或动物等”,称为间接宾语,另一为“物或事”,称为直接宾语。本句型也可以把“D.O.”置于“I.O.”之前,如框中的第4句,注意应用介词to或for,句型为:S + Vt. + N / Pron. + To / for-phrase。如:1) I sent him a book. 本句型可变为:I sent a book to him.2) My father bought me a story book. 本句型可变为:My father bought

13、 a story book for me.*间接宾语前需要加to的常用动词有: bring, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, permit, promise, read, sell, send, show, teach, tell, wish, write等。*间接宾语前需要加for的常用动词有:bring, buy, choose, fetch, get, make, order, paint, play (演奏), save, sing, spare 等。(二)巩固复习 请划出句子成分,并把间接宾语改为介词引导的

14、短语。1) Mother gave Mary a nice gift yesterday.2) Her mother cooked us delicious food.3) My American friend, Jack, wrote me a letter the other day.4) My uncle brought my brother a new watch.5) He handed me a cup of coffee.Key: 1) Mother gave a nice gift to Mary yesterday.2) Her mother cooked delicious

15、 food for us.3) My American friend, Jack, wrote a letter to me the other day.4) My uncle bought a new watch for my brother.5) He handed a cup of coffee to me.Writing (句子结构使用指导)(一) 难点回顾E. 第五基本句型S(主)+ Vt.(谓) + O(宾)+ OC(宾补)S(主语)Vt. (谓语)O(宾语)OC(宾补)1Wenamedour daughter N. / Pron.Mary. (N.)2He madeour gar

16、den N./ Pron.very beautiful. (Adj.)3Shekeepseverything N./ good order. (Prep. phrase)4Iaskhim N./ help me. (Infinitive)5I caughthim N./ Pron.cheating in the exam. (Participle)6Jackhadhis watch N./ Pron.stolen last night. (Participle)此句型中的动词叫做可以跟复合宾语的动词,后面的宾语补足语是说明宾语的情况的,宾语和宾语补足语一起被称做

17、复合宾语。这个句式是英语中比较复杂的一个句式,因为复合宾语的构成内容较多,见上表。注意:1) S + Vt. + N. / Pron. +N (主语+谓语+名词/代词+名词)常用于这句型的动词有:appoint, call, choose, elect, find, make, nam等。2) S + Vt. + N. / Pron. + Adj. (主语+谓语+名词/代词+形容词)常用于这个句型的动词有:beat, cut, drive, find, get, hold, keep, leave, like, make, paint, see, set, turn, want, wash,

18、wipe, wish等。3)S + Vt. + N. / Pron. + Infinitive (主语+谓语+名词/代词+不定式)常用于这句型的动词有:a) 不定式带to的词:advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, choose, command, decide, encourage, expect, force, get, hate, invite, know, leave, like, love, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remain, request, teach, tell, want, warn, wish等。 b)

19、不定式不带to的词:feel, have, hear, know, let, listen to, look at, made, notice, see, watch等。4)S + Vt. + N. / Pron. +Participle (主语+谓语+名词/代词+分词)常用于这句型的动词有:catch, feel, find, get, have, hear, imagine, keep, leave, listen to, look at, notice, observe, see, set, smell, start, watch等。此句型的难点是判断用现在分词还是用过去分词作宾语补足语

20、。此时,要注意宾语补足语之间的主动或被动关系,如果二者之间是主动关系,就用现在分词作宾补,如果是被动关系,则用过去分词作宾补。例如:I can hear them singing in the next room. (them 与sing是主动关系)I often hear the song sung. (the song与sing是被动关系)(二)巩固复习 请用英语翻译以下句子,说出做宾补部分的词法,注意句子结构。1)他们认为玛丽是个诚实的孩子。2)您建议我做什么?3)他们把她置于一个重要的位置。4)你注意他进来了吗?5)我看到钢琴被抬到了楼上。6)我发现她正在和南希谈话。7)我们选他做我们

21、班的班长。8)史密斯先生发现他的新工作很枯燥。Key: 1) They consider Mary to be an honest student.2) What do you advise me to do?3) They place her in an important position.4) Did you notice him come in?5) I watched the piano carried upstairs.6) I found her chatting with Nancy.7) We chose him as monitor of our class.8) Mr.

22、Smith found his new job boring.Writing(副词、连接词使用指导)(一) 难点回顾连接词是英语中的一个重要组成部分,它们连接英语的句子和段落,使英语句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间的关系一目了然。鉴于学生在应用英语(尤其是写作)的时候常常犯连接词错误,我们有必要专门讲述连接词。英语中连接词分为两大类:副词性连接词和连词性连接词(即连词)。副词性连接词,副词性质的连接词不能连接两个分句或引导从句。它们引导的句子与前面的句子之间要用分号或句号分开,而它们与引导的句子之间往往用逗号分开。(二) 巩固复习请指每组词在句子或段落中起什么作用,把相应的字母代号填在括号内。A

23、、表示对比关系子 B表示因果关系 C表示转折关系 D表示举例 E表示时间、顺序的关系 F表示结论 G表示个人观点 H表示空间 I表示解释、说明关系 J表示递进、强调关系( )1)but , however, on the contrary, while, while, in spite of, otherwise( ) 2 ) namely, for example, that is to say, in other words, to tell the truth, according to this( ) 3) instead of, on the other hand, in spite

24、 of, unlike, just like( ) 4) in my opinion, from my personal point of view, as far as I am concerned, as for me ( ) 5) therefore, thus, so, as a result, owing to, due to, thanks to, as, for, on account of( ) 6) beyond, to the right, below, in front of, far from, outside( ) 7) for one thing, for anot

25、her thing, first, in the second place, then, next, finally, eventually( ) 8) besides, also, furthermore, whats more, in addition, moreover, worse still, above all, to make matters worse, what is worse( ) 9) such as, for example, for instance, like, and so on( ) 10) in short, to sum up briefly, in a

26、word, in general, as far as I know, on the whole, all in all, above all, in conclusion2选用所给的连词补全句子。as, such as, furthermore, even so, however, therefore, while, instead1) My sister loves Chinese films. _, she loves films at the centre of which there is a love story.2) My son loves American films _ W

27、ar of the Worlds.3) I live in Beijing, _ my sister lives in London.4) In the end, we didnt go to the cinema. We went to a restaurant_.5) _it was my parents birthday; my sister flew over to meet us in Beijing.6) My sister doesnt like horror films._, she loves romance.7) The weather was bad last night

28、. _, we still decided to spend the evening outdoors.重新排列以上的句子,使之成为一篇文章。Key: (二) 1. 1)C 2)I 3)A 4)G 5)B 6)H 7)E 8)J 9)D 10)F2、1) Furthermore 2) such as 3) while 4)instead 5)As 6)However 7)Even so However 3); 5); 7); 1); 2); 6); 4);Writing (副词、连接词强化训练)1、 根据句子意思,把第一部分的句子与第二部分的句子连接起来。1) He has to take p

29、hotos of the places he visits.2) Not everybody thinks the building is ugly.3) He thought the talk was fascinating.4) The smoke started coming up the stairs.5) Business has been very bad this year.6) We could ask him now.A. Meanwhile, they were still sleeping peacefully.B. On the other hand, we could

30、 wait until tomorrow.C. On the contrary, some people say it looks marvelous.D. As a result, we have had to close one of our factories. E. In addition, he is writing a report of his journey.F. His friend, however, fell asleep halfway through it.2、 使用所给的连接词补全下列文章。As, as well, but, by that time, however, more than, not just, or, regardless of, such as, therefore, unless, when, whether, which.Stress is one of the main reasons why heart disease now kills 80,000 women a year 1._ cancer 2._ any other disease. Women may be shocked 3._ they re

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