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4a unit7教案.docx

1、4a unit7教案Unit 7 Its late一、 教学目的和要求:1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.2、 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:Its late. What time do you? At .3、 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:Whats the time? Its.4、 了解辅音字母n和p在单词中的读音。5、 会唱歌曲Go to school.二、 教学重难点:1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词one, two, three,。2、 四会句型Whats th

2、e time? Its.三、 教学难点:1、 单词1到100的拼写规则,特别是其中个别拼写特殊的单词,如:fourteen, forty, fifteen等。2、 句型Whats the time? Its. /What time do you? At .的运用。四、 课时安排:六课时。第一课时一、 教学要求:1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词one, two, three,。2、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句子Whats the time?及其回答Its.3、 Play a game.二、 教学重点、难点:1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词one, two, three,。2、 能听懂、

3、会说、会读和会拼写Whats the time? Its.三、 教学准备:录音机,磁带,数字卡片。四、 教学过程:Step 1: Revision1、 Free talkT: (show something ) Whats this in English?T: Whose pen is this?T: Whose gloves are they?T: Try them on.2、 Ask some students to recite “Read and say” of Unit 6.S: Its a pen.S: Its s.S: Theyre s.reviewStep 2: Present

4、ationLearn the numbers from one to a hundred.1、 Learn the numbers :110. Show the cards of the numbers. Teach one as an example:Read the words team by team.T: Can you spell it?T: Good. Lets spell it together.Teach the other numbers in the same way .2、Learn the numbers: 11100.Teach the rules of the sp

5、ellings.1)Show the cards of 1319. Read from 1319.T: Can you find anything? 1319在个位数词后加teen. 2)Show the cards of 20,30,40,.T: Can you also find ? 整十位数在有关个位数词后加ty.3)Show the cards of 57,38,97,. T: Can you read these numbers? T: Twenty-five. 中间用“-”连字符连接。3、 Read these numbers together.S: One. O-N-E.S: T

6、hirteen, fourteen, fifteen,.S: -teen.S: Thirty, forty, fifty,.S: -ty.S: Twenty-five.By showing the cards leads to the number learning.Conclude the rules.Step 3: Play a game.T: Now lets play a game. Count from one to one hundred. Dont say the multiples of 3. Say hello.By playing the game to consoidat

7、e the numbers.Step 4: PresentationLearn the sentence: Whats the time? Its ?1、T draws a clock on the Bb.T: Whats the time?T: Whats the time?T: Whats the time? Practice in pairs.Ss: Its nine oclock.Ss: Its ten fifteen.Ss: Its eleven thirty-four.By drawing a clock let them have the visible conception.S

8、tep 5: Practice Ask and answer1、Students look at the pictures.2、Talk about the pictures.3、Say the pictures.Picture 1: Whats the time, please?Its seven fifteen.Picture 2: Whats the time, please?Its eleven thirty.Picture 3: Whats the time, please?Its three fifty.Picture 4: Whats the time, please?Its n

9、ine twenty-five.Practice the sentences.Step 6: Homework1、 Copy the new words.2、 Preview Read and say.五板书设计: Unit 7 Its late one a hundred two twenty three thirteen thirty four fourteen forty nine nineteen ninety Whats the time?twelve Its .第二课时一、 教学要求:1、 继续巩固四会单词one, two, three, four, five, six, seve

10、n, eight, nine, ten.2、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:Its late. What time do you? I at .At .3、学习Learn and say. 二、 教学重点难点:1、 Learn and say.2、日常交际用语:What time do you? I at . At .三、教学准备:录音机,磁带,数字卡片,挂图。四、教学过程:Step 1: Revision1、 Free talk.T: Hi, how are you? T: Whose watch is this?T: , heres your watch.T: Whats the time

11、?2、 Review the numbers.1) Play a game.Bound the ball. Count the numbers.2) Present the number cards one by one quickly. Ss say them out.S1: Fine, thank you.S1: Its s.S2: Thank you.S2: Its .Review the knowledge.Step 2: Presentation1、T shows a clock.T: Look, whats this?T: Whats the time? 2、T shows som

12、e pictures and ask Ss to say the phrases. T: Look, I have some pictures. Please say some phrases according to these pictures. Learn the phrases: get uphave breakfastgo to schoolhave lunchgo home-come herewatch TVgo to bedSs read the phrases and explain them.3、T presents the clock and a picture.T: I

13、get up at six. What time do you get up?(拨动时钟)T presents another picture.T: I go home at five. What time do you go home? Ss: Its a clock.Ss: Its .S1: I get up at six thirty.S2: I go home at four thirty.By showing a clock leads to the preSenTation.Using a clock that can move the time.Step 3: Practice

14、Part D Work in groups.T: Now lets do a survey. Ask your classmates What time do you ? Then write down the answers in your book.1、T gives and example.2、Ss do it.3、Talk to the others.By doing the survey to pracitce the sentence.Step 4: PresentationT: Today well learn Unit 7 Its late. T: Whats the mean

15、ing of Its late?1、 Now, lets look at the pictures and listen to the tape. Please listen carefully. I will give you three questions.1) Whats the time? (7:35)2) What time does Mike go to school? (7:40)3) What time does Mike come home? (4:15) 3、Ss listen to the tape two times and answer the questions.1

16、、 Read after the tape.2、 Read by themselves.3、 Practice in pairs.Act the dialogue.Ss: Unit 7 Its late.S: 迟到了。With questions when they listen to practice their listening.Step 5: Homework1、 Copy the sentences.2、 Act and recite the dialogue.五、板书设计:Unit 7 Its late What time do you get up ?have breakfast

17、go to schoolhave lunchgo home-come herewatch TVgo to bed I at . 第三课时一、 教学要求:1、 继续巩固所学的单词、句型及日常交际用语。2、 Learn Read and act.3、 初步了解辅音字母n和p在单词中的读音。4、 会唱歌曲 This is the way二、 教学重点难点:1、 巩固四会单词和句型。2、 Read and act.3、 字母n和p在单词中的读音。三、 教学准备: 录音机,磁带,数字卡片,挂图。 四、 教学过程: Step 1: Revision1、 Free talkT: Whats this? Wh

18、ose pen is this? Whats the time? What time do you?2、 Ask some students to recite and act Read and say.3、 Play a game.Review the knowledgeStep 2: Read and actPresent the picture.T: Who are the two girls? T: What can you see in the picture?S: A clock, a bus and a cinema.1、 Ss look at the picture and l

19、isten to the tape.2、 Ss answer the questions:1) Whats the time?2) How do they go to the cinema?3、 Read after the tape two times.4、 Ss read it by themselves.5、 Read in pairs.Make new dialogues.S: Nancy and Yang Ling.Ss look at the picture and listen to the tape.Ss readBy presentIng the Picture leads

20、to the dialogue learning.Step 3: Ask and answer.Whats the time?Its 7:15. Its time to go to school.1、 Whats the time?Its 11:30. Its time to have lunch.2、 Whats the time?Its 3:50. Its time to go home.3、 Whats the time?Its 9:25. Its time to go to bedSs answerTo practice the sentence structure.Step 4: L

21、isten and repeat.1、T: Now lets look at the blackboard. (Write down four words on the blackboard: name, new, panda, Peter.) 2、Present some other words. (让学生更好的体会这两个字母在单词中的发音。)pen ten pencil pleaseSs: (Listen to the tape and read the four words after the tape. Let Ss know that the letter n in the word

22、s name and new pronounced /n/. The letter p in the words panda and Peter pronounced /p/.)(Read after the tape.): The new pandas name is Peter.Learn the n,ps proNounciation in the words.Step 5: Sing a songSs listen and sing the song: This is the way.Ss singSongs are their favourite.Step 6: Homework1、

23、 Recite and act Read and act.2、 Make dialogues.五、板书设计:Unit 7 Its lateWhats the time? /n/ name newIts . pen tenIts time to . /p/ panda Peterpencil please第四课时一、 教学要求:1、 通过复习,能熟练掌握本单元所学的词语和句型。2、 能较熟练到在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。3、 Fun house 1: Look and read.二、 教学重点难点:1、 能综合运用本单元学过的词语、句型和日常交际用语。2、 能正确拼写数词。三、

24、教学准备: 录音机,磁带,数字卡片。 四、 教学过程:Step 1: Revision1、 Review the words.1) Ss count the numbers from one to a hundred.2) Ask some students to spell some numbers.T: (Present a number card)T: Good. Can you spell fifteen?3) Let students to say the spell rules of the numbers.2、 Review the dialogue.1) Some studen

25、ts recite and act the dialogues.2) Ss act the dialogues they made.3、 Sing the song.S: Fifteen.S: Yes. F-I-F-T-E-E-N. fifteen.Review the words. Step 2: Fun house1、 Teach the students how to express the numbers from one to ten with their fingers.T: Look, I can express the numbers with my fingers. Now

26、follow me, please.2、 Ss read Look and read by themselves. Know its meaning and the humorous.3、 学生之间互相出加法题进行问答,再次复习巩固数词。The students are very interested in the teachers this finger activity.Step 3: listen, find and circle. (Workbook)Teach Ss look at the pictures and say them in English. Then listen a

27、nd circle.1、 Have breakfast, please.2、 Its time to go home.3、 Its time to go to bed.4、 A: What time do you watch TV?B: At seven.5、 A: Whats five and twenty-five?B: Its thirty.Try the shorts on, please.Ss look at the pictures and say them in English. Then listen and circle.Check the understandingStep

28、 4: Listen and respond.Ss look at the pictures first. Then respond in pairs.1、 Whats the time, please?Its nine fifteen.2、 This dress is for you?Oh, its too short.3、 Whats four and three?Seven.4、 Thank you.Not at all.5、 What time do you get up?At six thirty.6、 Look at my toy lion.Oh, how nice.Some of

29、 the questions have different answers.respond in pairs.Pair work is also very important to practice.Step5: Look, find and complete.1、Practice: Whats the time? Its time to .2、Ss do the exercises.3、Check the answer: 1) Six ten, get up2) Seven thirty, have breakfast.3) One fifteen, go to schoolFour twenty, go homeDoing the exercise is a way to check.Step 6: Homework1、 Finish doing the exercises on the workbook.2、 Copy all the words and sentences of this unit.3、 Preview Unit 8.五、板书设计:Unit 7 Its late 1 + 1 Whats the time?one and one 1

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