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本文(优质小学英语人教PEP版六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now Part B优质公开课教案3.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

优质小学英语人教PEP版六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now Part B优质公开课教案3.docx

1、优质小学英语人教PEP版六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now Part B优质公开课教案3Unit 4 Then and nowPart B教案第一课时【教学目标】1.语言技能:(1)能够听懂、会说、认读词组或单词:different, grade, go cycling, exercise, change.(2)完成听力任务,正确选择Mike的有关信息。(3)能够在现实生活中正确运用句型“How did Mike change? / Before, I was. Now, Im .”来谈论自己或别人的改变。2.语言知识:(1)能在具体的语境中进一步理解“一般过去时”的表意功能。(

2、2)学会有关“一般过去时”的句型, 并能在现实生活中运用。3.情感态度、学习策略与文化意识:(1)能够积极参与课堂讨论,大胆开口,表达不怕出错误。(2)能够主动对新学的知识进行总结与归纳。(3)能够在学习英语的过程中,初步体会中西文化的异同之处。【教学重点】1.句型:How did Mike change? / Before, I was quiet. Now, Im very active in class. / Before, I was short, so I couldnt ride a bike well. Now, I go cycling every day. I like it

3、 very much. / Thats good exercise.2.词汇:different, grade, go cycling, exercise, change.【教学难点】1.人成长的过程,有些变化较为抽象,需要借助语言或者其他方式帮助学生理解。2.一般过去时在日常生活中的具体应用。【教学用具】1.教师准备与本课时相关的图片、课件、录音机与录音带。【教学过程】Step 1:warm-up1.Greeting.师生用英语互相问候。2.Lets try.(1)Read and describe the tips.(阅读与讨论课文中的听力提示与两道题目,了解大致信息,解决难点词汇。)Mi

4、kes friends are visiting his home.What are they talking about? ( A.Mikes hobby. B.Mikes old photos.)What grade was Mike in? ( A.Grade 1 B.Grade 5.)(2)Listen to the tape and choose the right answer.(听录音,选择正确答案)3.Sing a song“Do you want a basketball?”.唱一首英文歌谣。Do you want a basketball? Yes, do.Do you w

5、ant a basketball? Yes, do.Do youwant? Do youwant?Do you want a basketball? Yes, do.Step 2:Presentation1.Lead-in(1)Free talk.(了解学生最喜爱的运动,引出新词汇“go cycling”) T:Whats your favourite sport? Basketball? Football? Ss:.T:Before, I didnt like riding my bike. Now, I like riding my bike. Its interesting. I go

6、cycling every day.2.Listen, read and answer the questions.(听录音,看课文,找答案)Q1:What are they doing? (They are looking at Mikes photos.)Q2:What is Mike wearing? (He is wearing a pink T-shirt.)Q3:Does Mike like pink now? (No, he doesnt.)Q4:How did Mike change?(Before, he was quiet. Now, he was very active

7、in class.)Q5:How did John change? Before, he couldnt ride a bike well. Now, he goes cycling every day.3.Listen, repeat and analyze the text.(听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调跟读,然后分析文章重点)4.Read and act.(分组、同桌表演对话)Step 3:Practice1.Talk about your friends or your family members.(How did they change?)Features 1Features 2w

8、asnt tall / .(身高)didnt like maths / . (科目)had long / . hair (头发的长短)didnt like cats / . (动物)didnt wear glasses / . (是否戴眼镜)didnt like eggs / . (食物)2.Exercise for you.(将下列句子改写为否定句) (1)He liked pink before. (2)She lived in Beijing before. (3)Sarah took pictures yesterday.(4)We could use the Internet bef

9、ore.(5)John ate good food yesterday.3.Make a summary.T: What did we learn this class? 教师和学生一起总结本课时的教学重点,先由学生谈谈自己学了什么,教师再进行总结。Step4:Homework1.听录音,熟读P36 Lets talk内容。2.以书面形式,写一写寒假你去过的地方、发生的事情等等,不少于5句话。第二课时【教学目标】1.语言技能:(1)能够听懂、会说、认读与默写词组或单词:go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton.(2)能够在日常生活中正确运用句型“I didnt

10、 like winter before. / I thought it was too cold, and I couldnt go cycling./ Now, I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.” 2.语言知识:(1)能在具体的语境中进一步理解“一般过去时”的表意功能。(2)能在现实生活中运用“一般过去时相关句型”。3.情感态度、学习策略与文化意识:(1)能够积极参与课堂讨论活动,遇到困难时能大胆求助。(2)能够主动对新学的内容进行总结与归纳。(3)在学习英语的过程中,了解西方国家比较著名的体育活动。【教学重点】1.句型:I didnt like

11、winter before. / I thought it was too cold, and I couldnt go cycling./ Now, I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.2.词汇:go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton.3.“一般过去时”句型在现实生活中的具体应用【教学难点】1.“一般过去时”句型在现实生活中的具体应用【教学用具】1.教师准备与本课时相关的图片、课件、录音机与录音带。【教学过程】Step 1:warm-up1.Greeting.师生用英语互相问候。2.Free talk. 自由聊天,主

12、要目的是巩固本单元已经学过的句型。T:Good morning! How are you?S1:.T:How did you change?S1:.(引导学生谈论自己的变化)Step 2:Presentation1.Lead-in(1)Ask and answer.(Whats your favourite.?)Whats your favourite day?Whats your favourite food?Whats your favourite fruit?Whats your favourite drink?Whats your favourite season?Whats your

13、 favourite sport?2.Listen and repeat the words.(跟读,模仿录音的音调。)3.Describe the words.(分析词汇,将词汇分成几部分,并通过读音、含义与外形来记住词汇。)4.Ask and answer.(看图画,自问自答,比如看到拍照,就可以作以下问答)A:What did you do?B:I went cycling.Step 3:Practice1. Make a dialogue.(模仿对话,以两人为一组创编对话)A:I didnt like winter before. I thought it was too cold,

14、and I couldnt go cycling.B:How about now?A: Now, I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.B:Thats good exercise.2. Talk about the changes on P40.(谈论40页六幅图画的变化,感受生活中的变化。) It was raining. Now it was sunny. In summer, the tree was green. Now, it was yellow.There was a building before. Now there is only th

15、e grass.It was an egg. Now it is a hen.Chen Jie was short. Now she is 1.5 metres tall.The cat was on the chair. Now, it is under the chair.3.Make a summary.T: What did we learn this class?教师和学生一起总结本课时的教学重点,先由学生谈谈自己学了什么,教师再进行总结。Step4:Homework1.听录音,熟读课本P37的单词与句子。2.练习默写单词与句子。第三课时【教学目标】1.语言技能:(1)能够在语境中正

16、确理解小部分生词的含义,能够根据图片内容理解文字信息。(2)能够按照正确的语音、语调和语气朗读文本。(3)能够按照要求完成读后的阅读理解检测及书写任务。2.语言知识:(1)学会有关“一般过去时句型”的表达形式。3.情感态度、学习策略与文化意识:(1)能够积极参与课堂学习活动,遇到困难时能够做到大胆求助。(2)能够主动对课文内容进行总结与归纳。(3)知道英语国家主要的体育活动。【教学重点】1.词汇与短语:had a race, ran very fast, nothing, thought, said, give, felt, cheetah, tripped, fell, woke up.2.

17、能够按照正确的语音、语调和语气朗读文本。3.能够根据要求,针对课文完成读后的阅读理解检测及书写任务。【教学难点】1.该文本内容生词较多,读后的检测活动也较多,要合理安排好时间,确保课程的顺利进行。【教学用具】1.教师准备与本课时相关的图片、课件、录音机与录音带。【教学过程】Step 1:warm-up1.Greeting.师生用英语互相问候。2.Look and say the words. 看图片,说单词(没有课件,就借助图片,复习本单元核心词汇)Step 2:Pre-reading1.Look and discuss.(看图片,确定发生了什么事。)Wu Yifan woke up.Wu Y

18、ifan was running. Wu Yifan tripped and fell.Step 3:While-reading1. Read and fill in the blank.(阅读文章,将空格的内容进行补充) Wu Yifan _ with his father and Max. His father ran very _, but Wu Yifan could not. There was_ he could do. He was _.There was a _ race. There were many animals in that race. Wu Yifan _ lik

19、e a cheetah. He could win the _.But suddenly he _and _. Then he _ _.It was all a _.【设计意图】在这个部分,教师帮助学生理解并解决难点词汇。2.Listen, repeat and read.(听录音,看课文,一边跟读,初步感知课文内容。)3.Read and analyze the text.(师生共同赏读文章,学生可以在这个环节提出疑惑,全班同学一起解决问题,教师进行补充。)Step4: After-reading1.Number the pictures.(看图片,按照课文内容给图片正确排序。)2.Fini

20、sh the text.(帮助Wu Yifan完成空格上的内容,将对话补充完整。)W:Mum, I _ an interesting dream last night.M:What did you dream about? W:I had a race with Dad and Max, but I _ _ _.M:What happened then?W:Robin _ me some water. I _ it and then could run very fast. Suddenly I tripped and fell. Then I woke up.M:What a dream!3. Talk and write.I had a dream last night. In my dream, I .What a dream!Step 5:Homework1.听录音,熟读课本P38内容。2.复习第四单元,并完成英语练习册相对应的练习题。

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