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小学教育 二年级英语综合课堂.docx

1、小学教育 二年级英语综合课堂New Star Junior English Level 3 Unit1Teaching Contents教学内容: Listen and talkMom: Do you want some chicken?Henry: Sure.Mom: Lets get some.Lets readIts a hot summer day. A mother duck sits on her eggs. Wow! The ducklings come out one by one.Lets spellcat rat bat hatWords summer egg ham ch

2、icken Teaching Aims教学目标:语言知识目标:Listen and talk:能完整流利地输出口语教授内容,进行句型替换,并能根据活动设计进行活动与交流。Lets read: 能独立完整流利地进行阅读,并根据书上内容进行故事叙述,完成书上习题,。Lets spell: 能独立完成单词直拼,了解单词意思,并进行单词描红(练习册)。 备注:字母的描红在少儿二册已经有练习(详见少二练习册) Words: 能识记词形,进行造句。情感价值目标:通过学习,增强学生在本课口语表达方面的运用能力,重在突出学生在不同场景下运用口语的能力。通过各种教学法,将童话剧的教学重心转向阅读,提高学生独立完

3、成阅读以及习题的能力,丰富学生的解题技巧,并依此训练学生的思维能力,观察能力,团队协作能力。Key Points教学重点:句型学习:Do you want some chicken? Its a hot summer day. A mother duck sits on her eggs. Wow! The ducklings come out one by one.能力培养:1. 教授学生在购物时候如何用英语表达自我想法。 2.尝试对学生解决阅读习题能力的引导。 3.教授学生如何进行单词直拼。Difficult Points教学难点:发音难点: some chicken sits 教学开展:

4、 如何替换情景训练学生表达购物用语(lets check) 如何引导学生进行阅读习题解答 如何帮助学生理解直拼词技巧Teaching Steps教学过程:Step 1 Greetings and warming up(3 min)Teaching steps教学步骤Teaching instructions教学指导Purpose目的1.Greetings Free talk with students2.sing a songWhat do you want to eat?操作方式老师播放与课文主题相关的律动或者歌曲,提前给学生进行输入,并且活跃课堂。通过与主题相关的律动、歌曲的学习,引出本课

5、口语学习的主题,同时多方面训练学生的听,说,唱,动作,达到全面感知的能力。组织语言Now, please listen to the radio.Lets sing a song together.And then try to tell me what food you can hear.准备物料音频 (少儿二册歌曲 )What do you want to eat?Step 2 Listen and talk(40 min)Teaching steps教学步骤Teaching instructions教学指导Purpose1.story telling 故事导入 (围绕图片进行新知导入以讲

6、解故事方式进行),导入次数:2-3次导入句型:Do you want some? Sure/ No thanks.操作方式第一步:学生展示食物图片,让学生对于肉类有一个大致的了解。 如:chicken pork beef ham fish (lets check部分的单词)第二步:老师围绕口语的情境图进行故事导入,围绕重点句型,以情景的讲解的方式让学生进行理解帮助孩子积累语言信息量,训练孩子对于情境的理解能力,技巧地达到会意目的.备注:故事导入过程中导入的单词以lets check中涵盖的单词量为准。组织语言(模仿Henry)Hi, Im Henry.(老师充当Henry)(模仿Henry )

7、: Im so hungry. Lets go to the supermarket, mom?(模仿妈妈): Sure.Look, there is so much meat.Whats this? Its pork.(模仿妈妈): Henry, do you want some pork?(模仿Henry ): No, thanks. I dont like pork.Look, this is beef. (模仿妈妈) : Henry, do you want some beef?(模仿Henry ): No, thanks. I dont like beef.And what abou

8、t chicken?(模仿妈妈) : Henry, do you want some chicken?(模仿Henry ):Sure!准备物料口语的情景图(或者开书)2.situation imitating情景输入(创设超市购物情境,在情境当中输入本课重点句型),输入次数:2-3次导入句型:Do you want some? Sure. / No, thanks. 操作方式黑板画上货架,贴满不同肉类食物的图片,T准备篮子与学生一起去购物。边采购边问学生:Do you want some? Sure / No, thanks.意在达到输入量的同时,让学生产生思维的训练,情景的理解,以及对语言功

9、能性的初步接触,技巧地达到会意目的。备注:情景输入过程中导入的单词以lets check中涵盖的单词量为准。组织语言Now, lets go to the supermarket together. Get your basket please.Whats this? Its beef.Do you want some beef?准备物料黑板上画上的货架购物篮子一个不同肉类的图片若干 chicken pork beef ham fish3.Practice:flash cards 练习单词:pork beef chicken ham (lets practice 板块的单词) 发音定位 /:/

10、 /i:/ /t/ 游戏:magic eyes操作方式老师翻出卡片,不停翻动卡片。学生要根据卡片上呈现的词形读出单词 pork beef chicken ham模拟练习新知,达到从多方面了解熟记新知,并尝试运用新知的目的备注:单词操练中操练的单词以lets practise中涵盖的单词量为准。组织语言Please look at the cards. Read it out when you see the word.准备物料卡片:pork beef chicken ham 4. Practice: gestures and English 练习句型:Do you want some chic

11、ken?1 发音定位 / /t/2 游戏:gestures and English操作方式老师将单词词形贴于黑板上,并带读。老师做出动作: 猪, 牛, 鸡 ,鱼 ,腿(lets check部分的单词)学生根据这三个动物,指出黑板上的词形,并说出句型:Do you want some?模拟练习新知,达到从多方面了解熟记新知,并尝试运用新知的目的备注:词代句操练中操练的单词以lets check中涵盖的单词量为准。组织语言Please read after me and do gestures.And then Ill say English, you please do gestures.At

12、last Ill show you gestures, you please say English.准备物料词形:pork beef chicken fish ham 5. Practice: Ask and answer Dialogues between teams A:Do you want some chicken/ beef / pork/ ham/ fish? B: Sure. / No, thanks.操作方式老师展示图片,学生根据图片进行分组问答通过分组问答进一步熟悉口语内容,进行最基本最简单的交流。备注:词代句操练中操练的单词以lets check中涵盖的单词量为准。组织语

13、言Look at my cards, Team1 please ask: Do you want some?Team2 please answer.准备物料卡片 :chicken beef pork fish ham 6.lets practise Do you want some chicken / beef/ ham?操作方式翻开书上lets practise 部分,老师指图片,学生进行句型输出。通过句型运用替换,加深重难点句型操练的程度,灵活运用句型组织语言Look at the pictures. Lets say it together.Do you want some?准备物料书上

14、lets practise部分 7. practice : catch game 练习句型: lets get some1 pronunciation /m/ game: catch game操作方式老师准备一串葡萄,学生们用手去抓葡萄,边抓边说:Lets get some.模拟练习新知,达到从多方面了解熟记新知,并尝试运用新知的目的组织语言Here are some grapes. Are you hungry?Lets get some grapes. Okay? Please say: lets get some.准备物料一串葡萄8.Listen and repeat 跟读口语音频,跟读

15、次数:35遍操作方式老师播放录音带,孩子们跟读口语内容的音频。通过跟读音频,模拟练习,精确孩子们的发音,积累语流语感,感知语言情景,训练用英语思维的能力。组织语言T: Now, listen to the tape.Point on the book and imitate. Read after the tape. Follow the tape, try to imitate.准备物料DVD碟片机一个,碟片一张. 9. Lets check (2) take an order操作方式模拟餐厅的情景,让学生在餐厅中进行点单。学生分组,四-五个人为一组,每组内有一成员充当waiter.以活动的

16、形式,使本课口语句型得到一个替换与延伸。让孩子们在真实情境中运用口语,理解口语句型的功能运用性。组织语言Now, you are divided into groups. Each team will have a waiter.Lets go to the restaurant.Please take an order.Waiter: Do you want some?Guest: Sure. / No, thanks.准备物料书上lets check 的表格10.picture talking 主要练习句型:Do you want some? Sure. / No, thanks.操作方式

17、老师用手指着书本,讲述故事(故事导入中使用的语言)学生,指图片,并跟着老师尝试说出句子。讲解的故事以810句为宜。)让孩子跟着老师尝试进行口语表达。扩大学生的语言说出量,丰富口语表达能力。递进式的引导学生说出词到学生说出简单词组再到学生跟着老师说出句子最后到学生自由发挥进行看图说话 组织语言(模仿Henry)Hi! Im Henry.(老师充当Henry)(模仿Henry ): Im so hungry. Lets go to the supermarket, mom?(模仿妈妈): Sure.Look, there is so much meat.Whats this? Its pork.(

18、模仿妈妈): Henry, do you want some pork?(模仿Henry ): No, thanks. I dont like pork.Look, this is beef. (模仿妈妈) : Henry, do you want some beef?(模仿Henry ): No, thanks. I dont like beef.And what about chicken?(模仿妈妈) : Henry, do you want some chicken?(模仿Henry ):Sure!准备物料口语情景图(或者开书)Step 3 Lets read (30 min)Teac

19、hing steps教学步骤Teaching instructions教学指导Purpose 1.presentation: story telling Its a hot summer day. A mother duck sits on her eggs. Wow! The ducklings come out one by one.操作方式第一步:老师通过带学生们看童话剧故事图,讲解故事,讲解故事过程中对于本课中的重难点单词进行理解。1 hot summer day(备注:已于少儿二册学习过hot summer)2 mother duck3 eggs / ducklings第二步:老师放

20、音频,学生边听音频边看图片,老师带领学生跟随音频指读图片,同时对于提出本课的问题Which season is it, summer or fall?对于问题进行第一次铺垫。通过情景化的故事讲解与重难点单词的理解,对于后面的童话剧引入进行铺垫,让学生们更容易理解。组织语言Look, which season is it? Its summer.It is hot in summer. A hot summer day!Who is she? She is mother duck.Who are they? They are eggs. (做一个孵蛋的动作)A mother duck sits

21、on her eggs.Look, ducklings come out! (蛋孵化出来了,变成了小鸭子)准备物料卡片 summer/ mother duck/ eggs / ducklings2.practise: story learning学习句型: Its a hot summer day.Pronunciation :/ / /ei/操作方式第一步:老师拿出少二学习过的summer winter spring fall的图片,让学生们回忆起四季的概念。第二步:老师展示Unit1童话剧图片一,通过炎热的太阳向大家讲解hot summer的含义。第三步:game (trick game)

22、 老师带读,同时进行游戏的完成。学生们看到summer就说 its a hot summer day .看到其他的东西,则不读。分句理解与学习,通过老师的引导加深学生对于每一句童话剧内容的理解,练习以及拓展学习。备注:此处通过再次提出书上问题 :Which season is it, summer or fall?帮助学生理解组织语言Step1:Look, which season is it? Its summer. Which season is it? Its winter. Which season is it? Its spring. Which season is it? Its

23、fall. Step2:(指着太阳) Its summer. It is very hot! A hot summer day.(指着雪) Its winter. It is very cold! A cold winter day.Step3: Read after me! Its a hot summer day. Lets play a game. The trick game. When you see the word summer, please read Its a hot summer day. When you see other things, do not read.准备

24、物料四季图片,少三第一单元童话剧图片一,单词summer 3. Practice: story learning学习句型:A mother duck sits on her eggs.Pronunciation :/ / / / / i / /e/操作方式第一步:老师拿出mother duck的图片,先进行理解,再进行练习。第二步:老师展示eggs的图片,先进行理解eggs,再进行练习。第三步:game (wood man)老师带读加表演A mother duck sits on her eggs.学生边带读边表演,老师说woodman的时候,学生不动,老师利用各种方法逗笑学生,始终不懂的学生

25、赢。分句理解与学习,通过老师的引导加深学生对于每一句童话剧内容的理解,练习以及拓展学习。组织语言Step1: Who is she? She is mother duck. Please read after me, lets say hello to mother duck. Who wants to be friend with mother duck?Step2: What are these? They are eggs. Look, please make an egg like me. (做egg动作) and read after me : on her eggs!Step3:

26、Lets play a game-woodman. Please read after me and do actions like me. (A mother duck sits on her eggs.) Freeze yourself when I say : Woodman准备物料Mother duck图片,eggs的图片 4. Practice: story learning练习句型: The ducklings come out one by one.Pronunciation :/ / / m/ / au / 操作方式Step1: 介绍the ducklings,让学生们了解du

27、cklings是小的鸭宝宝,同时进行带读与操练。Step2: 通过图片展示 come out的含义,让大家理解come out的意思是什么,同时进行带读与操练。Step3: 通过童话剧图片展示one by one的含义,老师数数one two three小鸭子出来的情景,让大家了解one by one 的含义,并进行带读与操练。 Step4 :game (hatch the eggs)学生们用双手环抱做一个鸡蛋的形式,一起有节奏的大声说ducklings come out one by one. 老师变成鸭妈妈,鸭妈妈去轻拍哪一只蛋,那一只蛋就必须孵化出来。分句理解与学习,通过老师的引导加深学

28、生对于每一句童话剧内容的理解,练习以及拓展学习组织语言Step1: Who are they? They are ducklings. A baby duck is called a duckling. Please say hello to ducklings. Who love ducklings? Please touch the ducklings.Step2: Look, the ducklings come out. Do actions with me , come out (做动作,从鸡蛋里出来)Step3: Look at the picture, how many duck

29、lings come out? One, two they come out one by one. One two three, the ducklings come out one by one.Step4: First, please read after meThe ducklings come out (手势带读) one by one(手势带读)Now, everyone you can be an egg. Please do as an egg.Im mother duck. Id like to see my baby.Please come out!准备物料无5.Liste

30、n repeat and readIts a hot summer day. A mother duck sits on her eggs. Wow! The ducklings come out one by one.操作方式第一步:老师播放录音带,孩子们跟读童话剧内容的音频,以35遍为宜第二步:请同学们打开书lets read部分,要求学生们看图或者文字来进行一个课文的输出,老师可适当给予提示。第三步:学生回答书上问题:Which season is it, summer or fall?通过跟读音频,模拟练习,精确孩子们的发音,积累语流语感,感知语言情景,在这个环节可以进行一个输出与阅读,同时对于书上的问题进行输出。组织语言Step1: Now, listen to the tape. Point on the book and imitate. Read after the tape. Follow the tape, t

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