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最新sonnet范文word范文模板 14页.docx

1、最新sonnet范文word范文模板 14页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = sonnet范文篇一:莎士比亚第30首sonnetWhen to the sessions of sweet silent thoughtI summon up remembrance of things past,I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,And with old woes new wail my dear times waste:Then can I

2、 drown an eye, unused to flow,For precious friends hid in deaths dateless night,And weep afresh loves long since canceled woe,And moan the expense of many a vanished sight:Then can I grieve at grievances foregone.And heavily from woe to woe tell oerThe sad account of fore-bemoaned moan,Which I new p

3、ay as if not paid before.But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,All losses are restored and sorrows end.译文:当我传唤对已往事物的记忆; 出庭于那馨香的默想的公堂; 我不禁为命中许多缺陷叹息, 带着旧恨,重新哭蹉跎的时光; 于是我可以淹没那枯涸的眼, 为了那些长埋在夜台的亲朋, 哀悼着许多音容俱渺的美艳, 痛哭那情爱久已勾消的哀痛: 于是我为过去的惆怅而惆怅, 并且一一细算,从痛苦到痛苦, 那许多呜咽过的呜咽的旧账, 仿佛还未付过,现在又来偿付。 但是只要那刻我想起你,挚友,

4、损失全收回,悲哀也化为乌有。 注释:1-2 这两行的正常语序是When I summon up rememberance of things past to the sessions of sweet silent thought。1 session 法律术语,(法庭的)开庭。2 summon 法律术语,传唤出庭作证。3 sigh 及物动词,哀叹。I sought 定语从句,修饰前面的thing。4 new 副词,重新,再一次。wail 及物动词,为.悲伤。5 drown an eye 哭泣。unused to flow 作定语,修饰前面的eye。flow (眼睛里)充满泪水,流泪。6 pre

5、cious 亲爱的,珍贵的。hid in deaths dateless night 这是以过去分词hid为中心词的过去分词短语,作定语,修饰前面的friend。dateless 无尽头的,无期限的。7 weep 及物动词,为.哭泣。afresh 重新,再一次。long since cancelled woe 早已被遗忘的痛苦。8 thexpense 等于the expense,两词缩合成一词是格律的需要。expense 丧失,loss。9 foregone 已经过去的。10 heavily 心情沉重地,痛苦地,不高兴地,愤怒的。tell oer 重复。11 fore-bemoaned 以前就

6、已哀叹过的。12 该行是定语从句,修饰第11行中的moan。new 同第4行中的new。pay及物动词,抚慰,平息。13 the while 同时。【欣赏】这首诗与第29首在情绪上的变换与表现形式等方面有相似之处,只是这首诗描述的是诗人在忆旧中感到了无限的悲苦:为得不到的追求而叹息,为亲人的逝去而哀伤;爱情消失,往事如烟,这一切恰似还不清的债务,不堪从头细数。但是到了诗的后部,诗人心情出现了瞬间变化:我若想到了你,亲爱的朋友,一切的损失便得到恢复,悲哀亦烟消云散,全部结束。 由此看出,本诗没有讲爱情,讲了朋友对自己的重要性,即一想到朋友,所有哀愁将会烟消云散。因此是讲友情的。十四行诗在莎士比亚

7、的全部作品中占有非常重要的地位,诗集收有154首诗,大致认为作于1592年至1598年,1609年于伦敦首次出版。诗集分为两部分,第一部分为前126首,献给一个年轻的贵族(Fair Lord),诗人的诗热烈地歌颂 了这位朋友的美貌以及他们的友情;第二部分为第127首至最后,献给一位“黑女士”(Dark Lady),描写爱情。十四行诗是源于意大利民间的一种抒情短诗,文艺复兴初期时盛行于整个欧洲,其结构十分严谨,分为上下两部分,上段为八行,下段为六行,每行十一个音节,韵脚排列:abba abba,cdc ded。莎士比亚的十四行诗的结构却更严谨,他将十四个诗行分为两部分,第一部分为三个四行,第二部

8、分为两行,每行十个音节,韵脚为:abab,cdcd,efef,gg。这样的格式后来被称为“莎士比亚式”或“伊丽莎白式”。对诗人而言,诗的结构越严禁就越难抒情,而莎士比亚的十四行诗却毫不拘谨,自由奔放,正如他的剧作天马行空,其诗歌的语言也富于想象,感情充沛。 1. When to the sessions of sweet silent thoughtsessions - the sitting of a court. We still use phrases such as quarter sessions in connection with legal sittings. The cour

9、t imagery is continued with summon up in the following line.2. I summon up remembrance of things past,summon up - as in summoning a witness. See above. But there is also the meaning of summoning up spirits, as if remembrances of the past were spirits which could be called back from the grave.remembr

10、ance of things past - the phrase occurs in the bible also. Wisdom of Solomon, OT Apocrypha, 11.12.3. I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,I sigh the lack of = I sigh for the absence of, for the fact that I never attained.4. And with old woes new wail my dear times waste:Shakespeare uses the new/

11、old contrast in two other sonnetsThis were to be new made when thou art old, 2,For as the sun is daily new and old, 76.The freshness of his grief is contrasted with the age of his sorrows, which, to heighten his sense of despair, he dear times waste = the squandering of my precious tim

12、e. waste also conveys the meaning of destruction and barrenness.5. Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow,Then can I weep, from an eye which does not often shed tears. Drowning ones eyes suggests copious weeping.unused - Othello speaks of himself as not often weeping.of one whose subdued eyes,Albei

13、t unused to the melting mood,Drop tears as fast as the Arabian treesTheir medicinal gum.V.ii.135.Men were expected not to weep (then as now). See Laertes words when he cannot hold back his tears for Ophelia. Ham.IV.7.185-9.6. For precious friends hid in deaths dateless night,dateless = without end.7

14、. And weep afresh loves long since cancelled woe,And weep once more over the pain of one or more love affairs, though I have long since written off the sorrow associated with them.8. And moan the expense of many a vanished sight:the expense = the cost, the drain on (my) resources. The phrase probabl

15、y refers more to emotional loss than to anything else, although it does link with line 3 above-I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, especially as sight had an archaic meaning of sigh, though fallen mostly into disuse by Shakespeares time. 9. Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,grievances = griefs; injuries done to me;foregone = in the past, that have gone before. Also perhaps, because of the similarity of the words, with some of the meaning of foredone, killed, dead and gone. Compare:Your eldest daughters have fordone them selves,And desperately are dead. KL.V.3.291-2.10. And hea

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