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1、消防管道水压和冲洗施工技术措施Project:1263 MW PUNJAB JHANG POWER PLANT, JHANGEmployer:Consultant:Contractor: Subcontractor:Transmittal No.CMEC(S)-PTPL-1161-JDoc No.Jhang -TEC-G011-TJ-027Rev:00TotalPages14Title:消防管道水压和冲洗施工技术措施Method Statement of Fire-Fighting Pipeline Pressure Test and FlushingPreparedbyTECRevCompi

2、led byReviewed byApproved byDateStatusReviewed byCMECNameSignatureAPPROVED BYNESPAK 目录Content消防管道水压和冲洗施工技术措施。Method Statement of Fire-Fighting Pipeline Pressure Test and Flushing 1工程概况Project overview1.1工程概况Project overview巴基斯坦吉航1263MW液化天然气联合循环电站项目,新建1套联合循环机组,包括2套西门子8000H燃气轮机发电机组,2套本森型三压再热无补燃自然循环卧式余

3、热锅炉和一台三压再热纯凝下排汽汽轮发电机组。1263MW Punjab combined cycle power plant, Jhang, is to build 1 set of combined cycle units, including 2 sets of Siemens 8000H gas turbine units, 2 sets of Benson type three pressure reheating non-combustible natural circulation horizontal heat recover steam generator and 1 set

4、of three pressure reheat condensing downstream steam turbine units.1.2工程范围Project scope消防系统可能是最重要的建筑服务,其目的是严格按照该顺序保护人类的生命和财产。它由三个基本部分组成:1.在地下或建筑物顶部的坦克中储存大量水,称为储存罐。2.专门的泵送系统,3.大型管道网络,以消防栓或洒水装置结束(几乎所有建筑物都需要此系统)首先,应进行水压试验,然后在水力试验后进行冲洗;第一阶段我们将冲洗半个区域,在那个部分首先关闭阀门在一个地方,而排放在另一个地方。在第一阶段,没有安装入口的伸缩缝。在第二阶段,对于剩余

5、的一半部分将遵循相同的程序。在第三阶段,冲洗管道后,它将连接到洒水器。这里每个隔离阀将用作冲洗控制阀。冲洗完成后,密封现在未安装的组件并处理相关文件。A Fire-Fighting system is probably the most important of the building services, as its aim is to protect human life and property, strictly in that order. It consists of three basic parts:1. A large store of water in tanks, ei

6、ther underground or on top of the building, called fire storage tanks.2. A specialized pumping system, 3. A large network of pipes ending in either hydrants or sprinklers (nearly all buildings require this system)Firstly, the hydro test should be performed, then flushing after the hydro test; the fi

7、rst stage we will do flushing for half area and in that portion firstly close the valve at one place and the discharge at other. In the first stage expansion joints of inlet are not installed. In the second stage same procedure will be followed for remaining half portion. In the third stage, after f

8、lushing the pipeline, it will be connected to the water sprinklers. Here each isolation valve will be used as flushing control valve. After flushing is passed, seal the components which are not installed right now and handle the relevant document.2 施工准备Construction Preparation2.1 技术准备水压试验及系统冲洗前,首先根据

9、图纸说明和规范,结合现场情况确定施工方案,并进行施工技术措施的编制、施工前的安全和技术交底,并根据工程量作出材料清单。Before hydro test and system flushing, determine the construction procedure according to the drawings and specification requirement, and also combined with the site situation, compile the construction method, give the safety and technology d

10、isclosure, also make the material list according to the project quantity.2.2 作业工机具Operation tools and equipment序号SN名称/规格/型号description单位unit数量qty用途remarks1对讲机radio台set4现场联系site contact2磨光机grinding machine只set4对口打磨fit-up grinding3割炬及氧乙炔皮带hose torch and gas cylinder 副set1管道安装pipe installation4扳手wrench

11、把piece4拆卸阀门,紧固螺栓valve remove, bolt tightening5电焊机welding machine台set1临时管道焊接pipe welding2.3 材料和设备 Material and Equipment序号SN名称Description规格Specification单位unit数量qty备注remarks1水压机hydraulic press/台set1水压试验hydro test2精密压力表pressure gage(0-4Mpa)块piece2水压试验hydro test2.4 安全器具 safety tools and equipment序号sn名称d

12、escription规格specification单位unit数量qty1安全帽Safety Helmet顶piece122安全带Safety Belt条piece113防护眼镜Protection goggles副pair104警告、警示标牌Warning boards块piece55警戒带Cordon/米m若干some2.5 工序交 Process handover2.5.1 参加打压冲洗的设备管道安装完毕,经监理验收后无A类开口项。All the pipe and equipment are completed within the pressure test and flushing

13、scope, and closed all A type open points.2.5.2 水压试验范围内的焊口已结束,并已按规定进行了无损检测且质量合格。All the welding joints are finished within the hydro test and flushing scope and the NDT was carried out and qualified according to the requirement.2.5.3 支吊架安装完毕,配制正确,紧固可靠。Hangers and supports are completed, properly and

14、tightened.2.5.4 对试验设备、压力表、放气管及进水管等设施进行检查。压力表必须经过校验并在检验周期内。Check the testing equipment, pressure gauge, ventilation pipe and filling pipe, the pressure gauge must be calibrated and in the period.2.5.5 参加闭式循环水系统冲洗的人员应配备对讲机(建议使用专用频道),保证通信畅通,无关人员不得干扰通信。Personnel participating in system flushing should b

15、e equipped with the radios, and ensure the smooth communication; unrelated personnel shall not interfere with the communication.2.5.6 通过水压试验后,将完成法拉盛。After passing the Hydro-test, Flushing will be done. 3施工步骤Construction process3.1水压试验Hydro Test3.1.1封闭系统注水应从一些外部水箱供水,并将临时管道连接到封闭水系统的基管,启动外部源填充封闭系统,打开所有

16、通风阀和排水阀。封闭系统。特殊人员应当值班,当水溢出且没有杂物时,关闭阀门。系统主管阀处于打开位置,系统填充后关闭灌装阀和外部水源水箱。Closed system filling water should be supplied from some external source of water tank and connect the temporary pipe to the base pipe of closed water system, start-up the external source to fill the closed system, open all the vent

17、 valves and drain valves of the closed system. Special personnel should be on duty, when water overflows and there is no sundries, close the valves. System main pipe valve is at the open position, close the filling valve and external source water tank after system filled.3.1.2闭式循环冷却水系统最高运行压力为1.37Mpa

18、,试验压力为1.71Mpa。The maximum operating pressure of the closed water system is 1.37Mpa, testing pressure is 1.71Mpa.用打压泵提升压力,在升压时检查系统发现有渗漏现象时立刻停止升压处理,处理完成后在继续升压,将压力提升到1.8Mpa保持10分钟,检查系统如果没有渗漏则打压试验完成。Use the pressure pump to increase the pressure, when the system is found to have leakage during the pressu

19、re increase, stop increasing the pressure and solve it immediately. After the treatment, continue to increase the pressure to 1.71Mpa, and keep it for 10 minutes. If there are no any leaks, it means the hydro test finished.3.2闭式循环冷却水冲洗Fire-Fighting Pipeline flushing3.2.1冲洗方法及其范围Flushing Methodology

20、and its ScopeThe fire water source of the fire pipe is taken from the fire pool and sent to the fire pipe network by the fire pump. The flow rate should be greater than the design flow rate (Q=4500GPM). The flushing is performed in stages. The valve on the pipe is used to segment the fire pipe netwo

21、rk. The flushing water discharge port at one section should be selected from the nearest fire hydrant and temporary discharge. The flushing should be carried out continuously. When the color and transparency of the water outlet are the same as the water inlet, the pipe can be washed until the whole

22、pipe network. The pipe section is flushed and the entire flushing operation is completed. During the rinsing process, the drain line should be unblocked. When flushing, the end valve of the inlet branch should be closed. 消防管道冲洗水源取自消防水池,经消防水泵送至消防管网中,其流量应大于设计流量(Q=4500GPM)冲洗时采用分段冲洗,利用管道上的阀门对消防管网进行分段每一段

23、处的冲洗水排放口选择最近的消火栓及临时排放处散排,冲洗时应连续进行,当出水口的色度,透明度与入水口一致时方可结束此管段冲洗,直至整个管网中多有管段冲洗完毕,整个冲洗工作结束。冲洗过程中应保证排水管路畅通,冲洗时应将将进户支管末端阀门紧闭。According to the specific situation of the site, it is washed in two stages:根据现场具体情况,分两段冲洗:The first stage: flushing water supply from the fire pump room (A=5463.10, B=5415.80), fir

24、st close the valve (A=5401.00, B=5306.00), (A=5360.25, B=5213.00), (A=5140.25, B= 5252.90), discharged by (A=5257.20, B=5065.70) and (A=5327.30, B=5072.00)第一段:将消防泵房电动消防泵、柴油机消防泵、稳压泵进口管道伸缩节缓装,用消防水池到消防泵房手动隔离阀控制水源,对消防泵房电动消防泵、柴油机消防泵、稳压泵进口管道进行分段冲洗。冲洗时,观测出水口水源和进口水源颜色一致或用透明的水瓶接冲洗出口管道水源,目视观测无颗粒物即为合格。冲洗合格后,封闭

25、缓装件,办理相关资料。In the fire pump room, at present dont install the expansion joints of inlet pipes of electric fire pump, diesel engine fire pump, pressure stabilizing pump. Use manual isolation valve between fire pool and fire pump room to control water source. Perform separate flushing of the inlet pip

26、es of electric fire pump, diesel engine firefighting pump and pressure stabilizing pump in the fire pump room. Before and after flushing, observe the color of water. Use a transparent water bottle to take sample of water after flushing. If no particles are observed visually, it will be qualified. Af

27、ter the flushing is passed, seal the components which are not installed right now and handle the relevant documents.由消防泵房(A=5463.10,B=5415.80)供水冲洗,首先关闭阀门(A=5401.00,B=5306.00),(A=5360.25,B=5213.00),(A=5140.25,B=5252.90),经(A=5257.20,B=5065.70)和(A=5327.30,B=5072.00)排出。The second stage: flushed by water

28、 supply from the fire pump room (A=5465.10, B=5408.40), first closed (A=5378.30, B=5368.00) and (A=5205.30, B=5400.00) and (A=5188.00, B=5427.40) ), (A=5135.50, B=5306.00), open (A=5117.47, B=5252.90) valve, via fire hydrant (A=5109.37, B=5357.80) and (A=5257.20, B=5065.70) and (A= 5327.30, B = 5072

29、.00) is discharged.第二段:由消防泵房(A=5465.10,B=5408.40)供水冲洗,首先关闭(A=5378.30,B=5368.00)和(A=5205.30,B=5400.00)及(A=5188.00,B=5427.40),(A=5135.50,B=5306.00),打开(A=5117.47,B=5252.90)阀门,经由消防栓(A=5109.37,B=5357.80)和(A=5257.20,B=5065.70)及(A=5327.30,B=5072.00)排出。第三阶段:厂区消防管道冲洗合格后,将厂区消防管道与各水喷淋及水喷雾分系统母管连接。预留各分系统隔离阀母管终端出

30、口作为各分系统管道冲洗出口(保证冲洗母管全部冲洗),系统升压后,用各分系统隔离阀作为冲洗控制阀。冲洗时,观测出水口水源和进口水源颜色一致或用透明的水瓶接冲洗出口管道水源,目视观测无颗粒物即为合格。冲洗合格后,封闭缓装件,办理相关资料。The third stage: After flushing of firefighting pipeline in the plant passed, the firefighting pipeline of the plant area is connected to the water spray and the water spray subsystem

31、. The ends of mother pipes of each sub-system are reserved as the pipeline flushing outlets (to ensure the flushing of the main pipes). After the system is pressurized increasingly, each sub-system isolation valve is used as the flushing control valve. Before and after flushing, observe the color of water. Use a transparent water bottle to take sample of water after flushing. If no particles are observed visually, it will be qualified. After the flushing is passed, seal the components which are not installed right now and handle the r

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