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1、土木工程专业英语苏小卒课文翻译13151718单元Unit 13 第十三单元Survey测量教学目标了解测量的内容、方法、范围和原理了解常用的测量类型熟悉各种测量方法和类型的词汇熟悉科技类文献的常用句型熟悉map、chart、plot、construction、draw的含义;so far、heretofore、by far的含义;have to do with、be referred to、be related to的含义;compatible with、pertain to 、application to 的含义;layout、staking out 的含义;construction的不同

2、含义。Surveying has to do with(与.有关)the determination of the relative spatial location(相对空间位置)of points on or near the surface of the earth. It is the art(技术)of measuring horizontal and vertical distance between objects, of measuring angles between lines, of determining the direction of lines, and of e

3、stablishing points by predetermined angular and linear measurements(角测量法和线性测量法).测量是关于确定地球表面上或接近地球表面的点的相对空间位置。它是测量物体之间水平与垂直距离、测量线条之间夹角、确定线条方向以及通过预先确定角测量法和线性测量法来建立点的技术。Accompanying the actual measurement(度量)of survey are mathematical calculations. Distance, angles, directions, locations, elevations, a

4、reas, and volumes are thus determined from data of survey. Also, much of the information of the survey is portrayed graphically(图示描述)by the construction of maps, profiles(纵剖面图), cross sections(横剖面图), and diagrams(图表).数学计算伴随着测量中的实际量度。根据测量数据就可确定距离、角度、方向、位置、标高、面积以及体积。而且,测量中的很多信息是通过绘制地图、纵横剖面图和图表,以图示形式被描

5、述。The equipment available and methods applicable for measurement and calculation have changed tremendously in the past decade. Aerial photogrammetry(航空摄影测量), satellite observation, remote sensing, inertial surveying(惯性测量), and electronic distance measurement(电子测距)laser techniques are examples of mod

6、ern systems(现代方法)utilized to collect data usable in the surveying process. The relatively easy access to(利用)electronic computers of all size(各种容量)facilitates the rigorous(精确的)processing and storage(处理和储存)of large volumes of data.对测量和计算,可利用的设备和可应用的方法在过去十年中已经发生了惊人的变化。航空摄影测量、人造卫星观测、遥感、惯性测量以及电子测距激光技术是现代

7、方法中的例子,被用来收集测量过程中可使用的数据。较容易地利用各种容量的电子计算机有助于精确地处理和储存大量的数据。With the development of these modern data acquisitions(收集)and processing systems, the duties of the surveyor have expanded beyond(超出)the traditional tasks of the field(现场)work of taking measurements and the office work of computing and drawing

8、. Surveying is required not only for conventional construction engineering projects(项目), mapping, and property(地籍)surveys, but is also used increasingly by other physical sciences, such as geology(地质学)and geophysics(地球物理学); biology, including agriculture, forestry, grasslands(草原), and wildlife(野生动植物

9、); hydrology(水文地理学)and oceanography(海洋学); and geography, including human and cultural resources(人文资源).随着现代数据收集和处理系统的发展,测量员的职责已经超出了传统的现场进行测量和室内进行计算和制图的任务。不仅一般的建筑工程项目、绘制地图、地籍测量需要测量,而且也越来越多地用于其他的自然科学,如地质学和地球物理学;生物学,包括农业、林业、草原和野生动植物;水文地理学和海洋学;以及地理学,包括人文资源。The tasks in these physical science operations(活

10、动)need to be redefined to include design of the surveying procedure(程序)and selection of equipment appropriate for the project; acquisition of data in the field or by way of remote station; reduction(整理)or analysis of data in the office or in the filed; storage of data in a form compatible with(适合于)f

11、eature retrieval(特征检索); preparation(整理)of maps or other displays in the graphical(绘图)(including photographic摄影) or numerical form needed for the purpose of survey; and setting of monument(界标)and boundaries in the field as well as control for construction layout(施工放样). Performance of these tasks requ

12、ires a familiarity with the uses of surveying, knowledge of fundamentals of the surveying process(方法), and knowledge of various means by which data can be prepared for presentation.这些自然科学活动的任务需要重新定义,包括设计测量程序和选择适合该项目的设备;在现场或通过远距离的测站收集数据;在室内或现场整理或分析数据;以适合于特征检索的形式储存数据;以测量所需的绘图(包括摄影)或数字形式整理地图或其他显示;在现场设置

13、界标和边界并控制施工放样。这些任务的实施需要熟悉测量的使用、测量方法的基本原理的知识以及数据准备表达的不同方法的知识。The earliest surveys known were for the purpose of establishing(确定)the boundaries of land, and such surveys are still important work of many surveyors.最早了解的测量是用来确定土地的边界,这样的测量仍然是很多测量员的重要工作。Every construction project of any magnitude(规模)is bas

14、ed to some degree upon measurements taken during the progress(发展)of a survey and is constructed about lines and points established by the surveyor. Aside from land surveys, practically all surveys of a private nature(私营性质)and most of those conducted by public agencies(公共机构)are of assistance in the c

15、onception(规划), design, and execution (施工)of engineering works.在测量的发展过程中,任意规模的每个建筑项目在某种程度上都是根据所采用的测量方法,然后绘制由测量员确定的线和点。除了土地测量外,实际上所有私营性质的测量和大多数由公共机构经营的测量都对工程的规划、设计和施工有帮助。For many years the government, and in some instances(在某些情况下)the individual states, have conducted surveys over large areas for a var

16、iety of purposes. The principal work so far(迄今为止)accomplished consists of the fixing(确定)of national and state boundaries; the charting(绘制)of coastlines(海岸线) and navigable(适于航行的)streams and lakes; the precise location(定位)of definite reference points(固定基准点)throughout the country; the collection of val

17、uable facts(论据)concerning the earths magnetism(磁力) at widely scattered stations; establishment(建立)and observation of a greater network of gravity station(重力站)throughout the world; the establishment and operation(运转)of tidal and water level (潮位和水位)station; the extension(扩充)hydrographic(与水文地理学有关)and o

18、ceanographic(与海洋学有关)charting and mapping(绘制)into the approximately three-fourths of the world which is essentially(本来)unmapped; and the extension of topographic(地形的)mapping of the land(陆地)surfaces of the earth. 很多年来,政府以及在某些情况下各个州已经对大量的各种用途的区域进行了测量。迄今为止,已经完成的主要工作包括确定了国家和州的边界线;绘出了海岸线和适于航行的河流和湖泊;精确定位了遍

19、及全国的固定基准点;收集了遍布各个分散测站的关于地球磁力的有价值的论据;建立和观测了遍布世界的较大网络的重力站;建立和运转了潮位和水位站;扩充绘制了本来未绘制的约3/4的世界范围内与水文地理学和海洋学有关的图表和地图;扩充绘制了地球表面陆地的地形图。Observations of a worldwide net of satellite triangulation stations(三角测量卫星观测站) were made during the decade 1964-1974. Results of the computations have been completed by 1985.

20、They allow(有助于) determination of the shape of the earth from one to two orders of magnitude(数量级)better than has heretofore(迄今为止)been known. Consequently, surveys of global extent(全球范围)have been performed and will become common in the future.在1964到1974年的十年间建立了全世界网络的三角测量的卫星观测站。到1985年已经完成了计算结果。它们有助于更精确

21、地确定地球的形状,其精度要比迄今为止所知的高出一到两个数量级。因此,已经进行了全球范围的测量,这在将来成为平常事。Thus surveys are divided into three classes: (a) those for the primary purpose of establishing the boundaries of land, (b) those providing information necessary for the construction of public or private works, and (c) those of large extent and

22、 high precision conducted by the government and to some extent by the states. There is no hard and fast line of demarcation(严格的界线)between surveys of one class and those of another(不同类型) regarding the methods employed, results obtained, or the use of the data of the survey.因此,测量被分为三类:(a)主要用于确定土地边界的测量

23、;(b)为公共或私人工程的建造提供必要信息的测量;(c)由政府以及在某种程度上由州进行的大范围和高精度的测量。不同类型的测量在采用的方法、取得的成果或测量数据的使用方面没有严格的界线。Different types of surveying undertake(承担)the tasks of three classes. Geodetic surveying(大地测量) is employed in the third class, which takes into account the true shape of the earth. Surveys making use of the p

24、rinciples of geodesy(测地学)are of high precision and generally extend(遍布)over large areas. Where the area involved is not great, as for a state, the required precision may be obtained by assuming that the earth is a perfect sphere(球体). Where the area is large, as for a country, the true spheroidal(椭球体

25、)shape of the earth is considered. Surveys of the latter character have been conducted primarily through the agencies of governments. In the United States such surveys have been conducted principally by the U.S. National Geodetic Survey. Geodetic surveys have also been conducted by the Great Lake Su

26、rvey, the Mississippi River Commission, several boundary commissions, and others.不同类型的测量承担着这三类任务。大地测量被用于第三类的任务,它考虑了地球的实际形状。利用测地学原理的测量具有很高的精度,且通常遍布很大的范围。对包含的范围不大如一个州时,则可通过假定地球完全是个球体可以得到所需的精度。对范围较大如一个国家时,则要考虑地球实际的椭球体形状。对后者特征的测量主要通过政府机构进行。在美国这样的测量主要由美国国家大地测量局进行。大地测量也已由大湖勘测局、密西西比河委员会、一些边界线委员会以及其他机构进行。Th

27、ough relatively few engineers and surveyors are employed full time in geodetic work(测量工作), the data of the various geodetic surveys are of great importance in that they furnish(提供)precise points of reference to which the multitude of(大量)surveys of lower precision may be tied(连接). For each state, a s

28、ystem of plane coordinates(平面坐标系统)has been devised(建立), to which all points in the state can be referred without an error of more than one part in 10 000 in distance or direction arising from the difference (差异)between the reference surface and the actual mean surface of the earth.尽管较少的工程师和测量员专职从事测量

29、工作,但是各种大地测量的数据很重要,它们提供了精确的基准点,大量较低精度的测量可与其联测。每个州都已建立了一个平面坐标系统,州内各点均可以参考这一坐标系统,基准面与实际的地球平均面之差所引起的距离或方位的误差不会大于1/10000。That type of surveying in which the mean surface of the earth is considered as a plane, or in which its spheroidal shape is neglected, is generally defined as plane surveying. With reg

30、ard to horizontal distances and directions, a level line(水平线)is considered as mathematically straight, the direction of the plumb line(铅垂线)is considered to be same at all points within the limits of the survey, and angles are considered to be plane angles. By far(到目前为止)the greater number of all surv

31、eys are of(属于)this type. In general the surveys necessary for the works of human beings are plane survey. The shape of the earth must be taken into consideration only in surveys of precision covering(涉及)large areas.认为地球的平均面是一个平面或忽略椭球体形状的测量通常定义为平面测量。关于水平距离和方向,水平线在数学意义上被认为是直的,铅垂线的方向在测量限制范围内的所有点上被认为是相同

32、的,而角度被认为是平面角。到目前为止,大多数的测量都属于这种类型。通常对人类工程必需的测量是平面测量。地球的形状只在涉及大范围的精确测量时才被考虑。The operation(工作)of determining elevation is usually considered as a division(一部分)of plane surveying. Elevations are referred to(与.有关)a spheroidal surface, a tangent at any point in the surface being normal to(垂直于)the plumb li

33、ne at that point. The curved surface of reference, usually mean sea level(平均海平面), is called a “datum” or curiously and incorrectly, a “datum plane”. The procedure ordinarily used in determining elevations automatically takes into account the curvature(曲率)of the earth, and elevation referred to the curved su

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