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1、医学英语试题3医学英语试题(3) A) Bacteremia B) Toxemia C) Uremia D) Septi _mia 35. A cough _y be dry, or it _y produ _ a lot of _. A) sputum B) saliva C) serum D) semen 36. The _ test will measure the amount of air in your lungs and the amount you can breathe out in one second. This will help to determine how yo

2、ur lungs are functioning. A) spirometry B) endoscopy C) hemodialysis D) _nometry 37. A _ refers to a collection of gas in the pleural spa _ resulting in collapse of the lung on the affected side. A) pneumomediastinum B) pneumoperitoneum C) pneumonia D) pneumothorax 38. The secretion of _, a hormone

3、secreted by glands in the mucous membrane of the sto _ch, is stimulated by the presen _ of food. A) pepsinogen B) gastrin C) lipase D) thyrotropin 39. Anterior tibialis _ readings were recorded during the first night to detect periodic limb movements. A) electrocardiographic B) electroen _phalograph

4、ic C) electromyographic D) electro-oculographic 40. If all genes in the hu _n _ are sequen _d, gene therapy will be greatly enhan _d. A) germs B) germino _ C) genome D) germogen Part III Reading Comprehension (50 points) Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each

5、question there are four answers _rked A), B), C), and D). Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. . Passage 1 Asth _ is _nifested by widespread narrowing of the airways that changes in severity, either spontaneously, or as a result of treatment. The reversibl

6、e airway obstruction is caused by _ooth muscle contraction and mucosal ede _. Secretion clearan _ is diminished and production _y be increased. Bronchial hyperreactivity is not unique to asth _, however. A s _ll number of healthy subjects, and as _ny as 50% of patients with allergic rhinitis, _nifes

7、t abnor _l airway reactivity to bronchial challenge. The etiology of bronchial hyper-reactivity is unknown. Possible mechani _s include an increased responsiveness of the _ooth muscle itself, an abnor _lity in the autonomic nervous system control of the _ooth muscle or an increase in the aessibility

8、 of the stimulus to the target _lls. An increase in airway wall thickness and _ooth muscle _ss probably contributes to the reactive state. Irritant re _ptors located in the airways, nose, larynx, and lungs respond to mechanical and chemical irritants, inhalation of dust, and drugs such as histamine.

9、 When stimulated, these re _ptors cause reflex bronchoconstriction through vagal efferent pathways. Several interrelated physiologic abnor _lities our in patients with significant bronchoconstriction. Airway resistan _ increases five to six times above nor _l and specific conductan _ is therefore de

10、creased. Expiratory time is prolonged and the for _d vital capacity is low, averaging approxi _tely 50% of predicted nor _l. The for _d expired volume in one second (FEV1) is diminished, averaging 30% 35% of predicted nor _l while _ximum midexpiratory flow rate (MMEFR) and the peak expiratory flow r

11、ate (PEFR) usually are only 15% 20% of nor _l. Hyperinflation is _nifested by an increase in the residual volume and functional residual capacity (FRC) but diminished vital capacity and elastic recoil. Total lung capacity _y be nor _l or only slightly increased. Pathophysiologic changes include vent

12、ilation-perfusion mis _tching which results in hypoxemia. Increased airway resistan _ leads to progressive alveolar hypoventilation and hypercapnia, while the increased work of breathing results in lactic acidemia. The bined respiratory and metabolic acidosis _y be life threatening. 41. _ can cause

13、asth _, a widespread narrowing of the airways that changes in severity. A) Aging B) Treatment C) Sputum D) Immunoglobulin 42. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE aording to the above passage? A) In asth _, secretion clearan _ is decreased. B) In asth _, airway obstruction is reversible. C)

14、 Bronchial hyperreactivity is unique to asth _. D) The etiology of bronchial hyperreactivity is unknown. 43. Possible mechani _ of bronchial hyperreactivity includes _. A) an increased responsiveness of the _ooth muscle itself. B) inhalation of mechanical and chemical irritants. C) autonomic nervous

15、 system control of the _ooth muscle. D) irritant re _ptors located in the airways. 44. In asth _, the for _d vital capacity averages approxi _tely _ of predicted nor _l. A) 15% B) 20% C) 50% D) 75% 45. Which of the following statements con _rning asth _ is TRUE aording to the above passage? A) Patho

16、physiologic changes include ventilation-perfusion mis _tching which results in hyperxemia. B) Total lung capacity _y be nor _l or only slightly decreased. C) The increased work of breathing results in hypercapnia. D) The bined respiratory and metabolic acidosis _y be fatal. Passage 2 Most patients w

17、ho have a hae _temesis are in no doubt that the blood was vomited. However, blood discovered in the mouth _y have originated from the postnasal spa _ or lower respiratory tract. This can cause confusion unless time is taken to elicit an aurate history. The hae _temesis _y consist either of fresh blo

18、od mixed with gastric fluid or changed blood in the form of “coffee grounds”. All such patients should be referred to hospital for admission because hae _temesis indicates a re _nt haemorrhage. The patients esti _te of how much blood has been vomited is seldom helpful in assessing the true severity

19、of the bleed. In contrast, vomitus saved by the patient or produ _d in the presen _ of the practitioner is a useful guide. Hae _temesis _y be aompanied by melaena but because most patients who vomit blood rapidly seek medical attention, it is not always initially present. If no stool has been passed

20、, rectal examination _y reveal melaena. This can sometimes be helpful when there is doubt about the validity of hae _temesis. Malaena without hae _temesis often indicates a less severe bleed. However, when melaena is fresh or has been present for 3 days or less, admission to hospital is still requir

21、ed. A patient with a longer history of melaena who is not anaemic and re _ins otherwise healthy does not ne _ssarily require admission, providing early investigation can be arranged. Confusion can sometimes arise in patients taking iron or bi _uth containing preparations because they both cause dark

22、ening of the stool. Neither gives a positive oult blood test. 46. Aording to the above passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A) All blood discovered in the mouth was vomited. B) Most blood discovered in the mouth was vomited. C) All blood discovered in the mouth originated from the pos

23、tnasal spa _ or lower respiratory tract. D) Most blood discovered in the mouth originated from the postnasal spa _ or lower respiratory tract. 47. Aording to the above passage, what _y the hae _temesis consist of? A) Fresh blood mixed with “coffee grounds”. B) Fresh blood in the form of “coffee grou

24、nds”. C) Changed blood mixed with “coffee grounds”. D) Changed blood in the form of “coffee grounds”. 48. _ is usually helpful in assessing the true severity of the haemorrhage. A) The patients esti _te of how much blood has been vomited. B) The patients esti _te of how much food has been vomited. C

25、) The vomitus. D) The melaena. 49. Aording to the above passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A) Hae _temesis without _laena often indicates a less severe bleed. B) Hae _temesis with _laena often indicates a less severe bleed. C) Malaena without hae _temesis often indicates a less

26、severe bleed. D) Malaena with anaemia often indicates a less severe bleed. 50.Under which of the following conditions the patient should be referred to hospital for admission? A) When melaena is in the form of “coffee grounds”. B) When melaena is fresh. C) When anaemia is present. D) When the stool

27、is dark. Passage 3 HIV-1 has been cultured from lymphocytes, monocytes, and _crophages obtained from blood, semen, and vaginal and _rvical secretions of infected individuals. The virus also exists in a _ll-free form in these fluids. It is not clear whether _ll-to- _ll contact or the exposure of unin

28、fected _lls to free virus is the more mon or efficient way that new infections our. The virus has also been obtained, less consistently, from the _rebrospinal fluid, and rarely in very low con _ntration from the saliva of patients infected by HIV-1. No clearly documented cases of HIV tran _ission vi

29、a body fluids other than blood or genital secretions are known. A second hu _n immunodeficiency virus (HIV-2) was identified in Western Africa in the mid-1980s. While HIV-2 has been associated with AIDS-like syndromes, the vast _jority of HIV-2 seropositive persons are asympto _tic. Whether these se

30、ropositive individuals are infected with a less virulent strain, or simply represent more re _nt exposure to an equally virulent virus, is not yet known. Although HIV-2 shares _ny biologic and geic characteristics with HIV-1, each of the two viruses also has genes that are unique. HIV-2 is more clos

31、ely related to the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Sporadic HIV-2 infections in the United States have ourred in persons of West African origin. HTLV-I (hu _n T- _ll lymphotrophic virus-I), the first pathogenic hu _n retrovirus, was identified several years prior to the recognition of HIV-1 as the cause of AIDS. HTLV-I is endemic in southern Japan and the Caribbean and in _rtain parts of Africa. It is also present among drug abusers in Europe and the United states and thus

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