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Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Vocabulary 导学案人教必修3精品.docx

1、Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Vocabulary 导学案人教必修3精品Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the starsVocabulary导学案【学习目标】 掌握并灵活运用这些单词和词组【重点难点】 能灵活运用这些单词和词组【学法指导】 仔细阅读课文,找出课文原句并归纳语言点的用法课前预习Step 1. 在句子语境中猜出划线单词或短语的中文意思。( )1. The terrorists exploded a bomb in a store. A.爆炸 B.戳穿 C.(情绪)爆发 D.激增( )2. Do

2、nt worry. Im sure things will get better in time. A.终于 B.总有一天 C.及时 D.按时( )3. The big black hen laid a big egg yesterday morning. A.产卵 B.摆,放 C.卧,躺;位于 D.说谎试比较下表:动词原形 第三人称 过去式 过去分词 现在分词躺 lie _ _ _ _撒谎 lie _ _ _ _放/搁/产卵 lay _ _ _ _( )4. Whether we can go outing depends on the weather. A.取决于 B.信任,信赖 C.依靠

3、;依赖 ( )5. The good news cheered the family up. A.使振奋 B.高兴 C.欢呼 D.菜肴,酒菜( )6. Now that you grow up, you should not rely on your parents. A. 现在 B. 那样 C.由于,既然( )7. Many old customs have died out. A.相继死去 B(声音、光线)减弱 C. (程度上)由强变弱 D. 灭绝;消失( )8. World War II broke out in 1939. A.(关系)破裂,结束 B(机器)坏 C. 闯入 D.爆发St

4、ep 2. 短语互译:1.终于,及时_ 2. 冷却,平静下来_3.轮到某人,接着_ 4. 下蛋_5.产生,分娩_ 6. 既然_7.阻止,制止_ 8. 感到高兴,感到振奋_9.爆发;突发_ 10.密切关注;当心;提防_课堂学习Step 1. 根据句意或中文意思或所给的首字母,写出适当的单词。1. The _(气氛) changed as the teacher walked in. 2. With the d_(发展)of modern agriculture and industry, our life has improved a lot. 3. G_(一般) speaking, girls

5、 are better at learning to speak languages than boys. 4. U_(不像)other girls, she prefers toy guns to dolls. 5. The heavy rain p_(阻止) the football game yesterday.6. Try and c_ up a bit; life is not that bad!Step 2. 词汇学习(根据要求填表)n.adj.v.用单词的适当形式填空 (注意词性)1_精力,精神energetic精力充沛的,积极的 He is full of _. Look ho

6、w _he is!2_暴力,暴行violent 猛烈的,激烈的 I hate _. Children should not be allowed to watch _movies.3_伤害,损害harmful 有害的,伤害的;_ 无害的harm Smoking is _ to your health. That is to say, it does _ to your health. 4_依靠,依赖_依靠的,依赖的depend依靠,依赖 She wants to earn a living by herself and be an _ woman. All living things _ on

7、 the sun for their growth.5_出席,到场,存在present 出席的,当面的 There were 200 people _ at the meeting. Your _ is required at the meeting.6_失望_ 失望的;_ 使人失望的,令人失望的disappoint使失望 His _ examination marks made his parents feel very _.7cheer愉快,欢呼_愉快的,高兴的_使快活 She is a smiling, _girl. His words gave her some_. The audie

8、nce _ as he appeared.8_发展_发展中的;_发达的develop发展 China is a _ country, while American is a _country. With the _of the Internet, people can collect information easily.9less 更少的_使减少short_; wide_broad_; strength_ Youd better _ (short) your composition by 200 words.课后巩固:1、 写出本课的新单词及短语的中文意思:1 system _ 11 che

9、er up 21 preventfrom_ _2 theory _ 12 now that _ 22 atmosphere _ _3 violence _ 13 break out _ 23 million _ _4 reaction _ 14 watch out _ 24 globe _ _5 in time _ 15 exist _ 25 thus _ _6 dissolve _ 16 astronomy _ 26 give birth to_ _7 unlike _ 17 astronomer _ 27 in ones turn_ _8 atom _ 18 lay eggs _ 28 f

10、undamental_ _9 harmful _ 19 system _ 29 mammal _ _10 puzzle _ 20 religion _ 30 gravity _ _2、选择单词或短语的正确形式填空。in ones turn in time preventfrom break out be harmful to unlikeas a result of now that give birth to exist depend on1. Keep trying, and _you will succeed. 2. We must _ them _ making trouble. 3.

11、 Good health _ good food, exercise and getting enough sleep. 4. World War I _ in 1914. 5. He wipes the blackboard _ this week. 6. Although they are twins, they are very _. 7. We cannot _ without food or water. 8. Mrs. White _ to a fine baby last year. 9. _ you have finished your work, youd better ha

12、ve a rest. 10. Your smoking can _ the health of your children. 11. He was late _ the snow. 3. 请做一篇完形填空练习:Carols husband was killed in a car accident last year.Jim, only 52, was_1_home from work. The other driver was a teenager who had _2_a lot. Jim died at once. The teenager was in the _3_ for less

13、than three hours.It was Carols fiftieth birthday, and Jim had two plane tickets to Hawaii in his pocket. He was going to _4_ her. However, he was killed by a drunken driver. “How have you _5_this?” I asked Carol, a year later._6_welled up(涌出) in her eyes. I thought I had said the _7_ thing, but she

14、said, “Its all right. I want to _8_you. The day I married Jim, I promised I would never let him leave the house in the morning _9_ telling him I loved him. He made the same _10_ . It got to be a joke between us, and as we grew older it got to be a(n) _11_ promise to keep.“I remember running down the

15、 driveway, saying I love you just before he drove out of my _12_, or driving all the way to his office just to put a(n)_13_ saying I love you on his car. It was a funny _14_. “We made a lot of _15_ trying to say I love you before noon every day of our married life. “The morning Jim _16_, he left a b

16、irthday card in the kitchen and then left _17_. I heard the engine starting. Oh, no, I thought. I _18_ out quickly and knocked on the car window _19_ he rolled it down. “Here on my fiftieth birthday I, Carol Garret, want you, Mr. James E. Garret to _20_ that I love you! “Thats how Ive survived, know

17、ing that the last words I said to Jim were, I love you!” 1. A. walking B. arriving C. driving D. riding 2. A. drunk B. eaten C. talked D. done3. A. school B. hospital C. office D. prison4. A. surprise B. interest C. disappoint D. frighten5. A. learned B. survived C. existed D. explained6. A. Excitem

18、ent B. Happiness C. Joys D. Tears7. A. sad B. extra C. wrong D. violent8. A. tell B. depend C. cheer D. believe9. A. with B. besides C. after D. without 10. A. idea B. choice C. promise D. mistake11. A. hard B. easy C. silly D. harmful12. A. reach B. sight C. house D. office13. A. announcement B. no

19、te C. advertisement D. picture14. A. game B. activity C. challenge D. test15. A. methods B. stories C. memories D. troubles16. A. married B. worked C. returned D. died17. A. gradually B. quietly C. angrily D. gently18. A. cried B. ran C. watched D. looked19. A. but B. when C. though D. until20. A. s

20、ay B. prove C. know D. admit学后记:成功的体验:存在的问题:答案Step 1. 在句子语境中猜出划线单词或短语的中文意思。( A )1. The terrorists exploded a bomb in a store. A.爆炸 B.戳穿 C.(情绪)爆发 D.激增( B )2. Dont worry. Im sure things will get better in time. A.终于 B.总有一天 C.及时 D.按时( A )3. The big black hen laid a big egg yesterday morning. A.产卵 B.摆,放

21、 C.卧,躺;位于 D.说谎 试比较下表: 动词原形 第三人称 过去式 过去分词 现在分词躺 lie _lies_ _lay_ _lain_ _lying_撒谎 lie _lies_ _lied_ _lied_ _lying_放/搁/产卵 lay _lays_ _laid_ _laid_ _laying_( A )4. Whether we can go outing depends on the weather. A.取决于 B.信任,信赖 C.依靠;依赖 ( A )5. The good news cheered the family up. A.使振奋 B.高兴 C.欢呼 D.菜肴,酒菜

22、( C )6. Now that you grow up, you should not rely on your parents. A. 现在 B. 那样 C.由于,既然( D )7. Many old customs have died out. A.相继死去 B(声音、光线)减弱 C. (程度上)由强变弱 D. 灭绝;消失( D )8. World War II broke out in 1939. A.(关系)破裂,结束 B(机器)坏 C. 闯入 D.爆发Step 2. 短语互译:1.终于,及时_in time_ 2. 冷却,平静下来_cool down_3.轮到某人,接着_in on

23、es turn_ 4. 下蛋_lay eggs_5.产生,分娩_give birth to_ 6. 既然_now that_7.阻止,制止_preventfrom_ 8. 感到高兴,感到振奋_cheer up_9.爆发;突发_break out_ 10.密切关注;当心;提防_watch out for_课堂学习Step 1. 根据句意或中文意思或所给的首字母,写出适当的单词。7. The atmosphere (气氛) changed as the teacher walked in. 8. With the development (发展)of modern agriculture and

24、industry, our life has improved a lot. 9. Generally (一般) speaking, girls are better at learning to speak languages than boys. 10. Unlike(不像)other girls, she prefers toy guns to dolls. 11. The heavy rain prevented (阻止) the football game yesterday.12. Try and cheer up a bit; life is not that bad! Step

25、 2. 词汇学习(根据要求填表)n.adj.v.用单词的适当形式填空 (注意词性)1energy精力,精神energetic精力充沛的,积极的 He is full of energy. Look how energetic he is!2violence暴力,暴行violent 猛烈的,激烈的 I hate violence. Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies.3harm伤害,损害harmful 有害的,伤害的;harmless 无害的harm Smoking is harmful to your health. T

26、hat is to say, it does harm to your health. 4dependence依靠,依赖dependent依靠的,依赖的depend依靠,依赖 She wants to earn a living by herself and be an independent woman. All living things depend on the sun for their growth.5presence出席,到场,存在present 出席的,当面的 There were 200 people present at the meeting. Your presence is required at the meeting.6disappoint-ment失望disappointed 失望的;disappointing 使人失望的,令人失望的disappoint使失望 His disappointing examination marks made his parents feel very disappointed.7cheer愉

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