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1、备战高考阅读基础练习之完型填空老高考备战2021高考阅读基础练习之完型填空(老高考)(A)Ben is trying out for Mr. Zuckerman? My ears 1 at hearing my name. It was Lindsey, the most popular eighth-grader, looking at the tryout 2 for Charlottes Web. What if he ruins the whole play? Hes never acted before.My stomach 3 into a big knot(结). At lunc

2、h I told Trevor, my best friend, that Id join the technical crew 4 .Before long I remembered everyones lines when 5 the actors from backstage. But a week before the 6 , Josh, who played Mr. Zuckerman, broke his leg. Mrs. Stevens 7 called the cast together. We may have to 8 or even cancel the play.Th

3、en I heard Trevors voice. Ben has 9 all the lines.I nodded and recited Mr. Zuckermans longest speech. 10 , Mrs. Stevens started me and Lindsey on the first act. It was a(n) 11 .Maybe we should put off the show, said Lindsey. But Mrs. Stevens 12 Lets see how it goes tomorrow.The next day, she instruc

4、ted me during lunch. I could tell she was 13 . Not until the second act did I remember what she had taught me. It must have made a 14 because Mrs. Stevens clapped. Even Lindsey looked 15 .Before the final performance, I 16 in the boys room. My hands turned cold and 17 . I returned backstage, frozen

5、with 18 . The lights came up. I took a deep breath and walked on. I made it through without 19 a line. As we walked off stage, Lindsey nudged(轻推)me and said, You turned out to be some 20 . I smiled. Maybe next year Ill try out for the lead.1. A. burned B.objected C.appeared D.opened2. A. negotiation

6、 B.schedule C. discussion D. certificate3. A. ran B. burst C. looked D.tightened4. A. though B. instead C. otherwise D.too5. A. considering B.arranging C.observing D. recording6. A. competition B. performance C. experiment D. lesson7.A.sensitively B.immediately C. unwillingly D. eventually8. A. impr

7、ove B. divide C. postpone D. switch9. A. written B.copied C.polished D. memorized10. A. Astonished B. Envious C. Breathless D. Curious11. A. disaster B. fantasy C. honor D. entertainment12. A. escaped B.predicted C. rejected D.promised13. A. thrilled B. disappointed C. concerned D. bored14. A. mista

8、ke B.point C. mess D. difference15. A. relieved B. interested C. amused D. confused16. A. woke up B. gave up C. broke up D.threw up17. A. sweaty B. fragile C. painful D. swollen18. A. caution B. excitement C. fear D. enthusiasm19.A.crossing B. drawing C. forming D. missing20. A. leader B. actor C. i

9、nstructor D. director(B)It was a foggy, rainy day. I had no 1 to drive up the 2 mountain road to my daughter Carolyns house. But she had 3 that I come see something. So here I was, 4 making the journey through fog.Im returning immediately the fog lifts, I 5 when I arrived. But I need you to drive me

10、 to the garage to 6 my car, Carolyn said. Its just about three minutes.After ten minutes, I looked at her, 7 .I thought you said three minutes.She smiled.This is a detour(绕行的路).Then,we 8 the car,and walked along a path9 with plants. Gradually peace and silence filled my mind. Before long I gasped(倒抽

11、一口气)in 10 .On the mountain top were rivers of flowers - from the palest white to the deepest lemon to the most 11 red - like a carpet. It looked as though the rainbow 12 down the mountainside.Who 13 such beauty? How? When? Questions filled my 14 .As we 15 the center, we saw a sign: Answers to the Qu

12、estions You Are Asking.-One Woman; One at a Time; Since 1918. I could 16 speak. She changed the world; I was so 17 ,I finally said. She started almost 20 years ago, but she kept at it. The 18 of it wouldnt let me go.Imagine, I said, if Id had a(n) 19 and worked at it, just a little bit every day, wh

13、at might I have 20 ? Carolyn smiled. Start tomorrow, she said. Better yet, start today.1. A. desire B.ability C. determination D. permission2. A. damaged B. endless C.winding D.ancient3. A. commented B. insisted C. foresaw D. permitted4. A. gradually B. unwillingly C. dynamically D. deliberately5. A

14、. agreed B. guaranteed C. mentioned D. announced6. A. pick up B. take over C. tum in D. send out7.A.tentative B. inspired C. anxious D. curious8. A. operated B.examined C.parked D. fueled9. A. familiar B. thick C.spotted D. equipped10. A. comfort B. regret C. advance D. amazement11. A. representativ

15、e B. evident C. energetic D. vivid12. A. streamed B.put C. fell D.slid13. A. protected B. created C. energized D. acknowledged14. A. spirit B. consciousness C. memory D. mind15. A. located B. distinguished C.approached D.achieved16.A.scarcely B.actually C. honestly D.exactly17. A. mistaken B. impres

16、sed C. embarrassed D. ashamed18. A. existence B. promotion C. exception D. wonder19. A. vision B. instrument C. appointment D. format20. A. promised B. struck C.accomplished D. contradicted(C)Careers in science are generally believed to be too complex for students who arent talented or clever enough

17、, but Seott Kelly, commander of the International Space Station, would prove its 1 .As a kid, he was 2 and uninterested in science and all other 3 as well. He couldnt 4 what the teachers were saying, spending most of his time in school 5 Therefore, he earned terrible 6 and barely graduated from high

18、 school, and he even thought he would never 7 his dreams.That all 8 when he picked up and read The Right Stuff, Tom Wolfes classic account of the pioneering Americans who first explored space. 9 at last, he was determined to be an astronaut, which meant doing well in science classes. So that day, he

19、 10 his mind to do well in it.After so many years of daydreaming, it wouldnt be 11 . But he started thinking about it like a game. The more he 12 his study skills, the more he 13 and the better he got. 14 , it became a(n) 15 with himself to see how good he could get. No one was more surprised than h

20、im when a 16 daydreamer started getting straight As in science, which is 17 to be an astronaut.So we need to stop 18 the statement that science is just too hard. If youre students who have been told you are not a science people or your brain doesnt think that way, just 19 the comments! Everyone who

21、wants to can learn this stuff - they just have to be 20 to do the work.1. A. unusual B. abnormal C.wrong D. illegal2.A. abstracted B. amazed C. devoted D. confused3. A. schedules B. goals C. subjects D. students4. A. work on B. set about C. think about D. focus on5. A. investigating B. daydreaming C

22、. wandering D. learning6. A. grades B. impression C. contribution D. friends7. A. reach B. acknowledge C. achieve D. observe8. A. finished B. realized C. happened D. changed9. A. Inspired B. Disappointed C. Satisfied D. Shocked10.A. gave up B. made up C. formed into D. got into11. A. possible B. dif

23、ficult C. easy D. wonderful12.A.planned B. practiced C. arranged D. exchanged13. A. gained B. agreed C. performed D. presented14. A. Particularly B. Surprisingly C. Fortunately D. Eventually15. A. principle B. deal C. competition D. compromise16. A. real B. former C. formal D. last17. A. essential B

24、. potential C. convenient D. valuable18. A. commenting B. breaking C. furthering D. making19.A.apply B. ignore C. return D. handle20. A. forced B. expected C. equal D. willing(D)When faced with tough difficulties or troubles, people always give us positive words. 1 can lift our spirits indeed, but s

25、ometimes in some case it 2 depresses us. Psychology calls it “toxic positivity.” What is it? Lets see the following 3 .Between sleepless nights, diapers (换尿布) and feeding times, having small children at home could leave Priscilla Goins feeling 4 . She loved her kids, but it was a lot. “I would somet

26、imes say I just want a minute to myself,” Goins, of Knoxville, Tennessee, said. “People would be like: Oh, youll miss it when theyre 5 or you should value it.” That made her so mad. She doesnt 6 what people say. She disagreed at all. Actually, in those moments, she simply wanted 7 that she was going

27、 through the tiredness 8 .A focus on positive thinking, while putting challenging and 9 experiences to the side, is what some experts call “toxic positivity.” Being cheerful is not a bad thing. Certainly, a 10 attitude can be a gift to those around you, but it shouldnt 11 listening thoughtfully to o

28、thers experiences. When you are choosing to look at 12 from one angle-in this case a positive angle-you are very likely to dismiss or deny an authentic 13 . Thats toxic positivity, which is what Goins 14 when she was looking for a bit of mercy about the 15 of parenting young children. Even if youre

29、trying to 16 someone, ignoring someones tough experiences can leave them feeling that they should 17 negative feelings in the future. 18 trying to find a positive spin, we are supposed to use accepting and comprehensive words. Sometimes we just need to say “Yeah, me too,” or “That makes total sense.

30、” Its allowing someone to express something that is 19 , even if its hard to hear or its 20 .1AModesty BEncouragement CExcitement DAdmiration2Aalso Bever Cjust Dstill3Aanalysis Bstatement Csummary Dexample4Athrilled Bjoyful Ctired Dpanic5Ayounger Bolder Cstronger Dtaller6Adistinguish Bdiscontent Cde

31、ny Drecognize7Acommitment Bconcern Cacknowledgment Dacquisition8Aeventually Bgradually Canyway Dindeed9Acosy Bunforgettable Cjoyful Dtough10Anegative Bpositive Ccritical Dcaring11Atake the place of Btake control of Ctake charge of Dtake advantage of12Aviews Bpositions Csituations Dphenomena13Aexperience Brelationship Cconclusion Dvirtue14Aexplained Breceived Cexpos

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