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本文(第5讲 概要写作 高频句型高考英语新题型概要写作+读后续写点拨.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

第5讲 概要写作 高频句型高考英语新题型概要写作+读后续写点拨.docx

1、第5讲 概要写作 高频句型高考英语新题型概要写作+读后续写点拨第五讲 高频句型一分类高频句型 一)表现象的句型:1)很普遍is common in our daily life/school life.2 )发生在我们的日常生活中. occurs in our daily life.3 )被普遍接受. is widely accepted. 二)表原因的句型1)的原因是The reason why people is that2 )一些原因可以解释它Some reasons are likely to account for it.The reasons are as follows.for

2、the following reasons.3 ).导致.lead to /result in/ account for/ contribute tobring about. 三)解决方法1 )一个摆脱 的有效方法是One effective way to get rid of is that /+名词/by doing.The solution to the problem is that. 四)建议1 )科学家强烈推荐 Scientists strongly recommend that .2 )建议做.It is advisable to doIt is suggested that w

3、e should do.从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即(should )+do. 五)影响1 )A 在 B 中发挥至关重要的角色A plays a vital role in B .2 )A 对 B 有很大的影响A has a tremendous influence on B ,which A makes a life-changing difference to B 六)观点陈述1 )科学家认为 A 是浪费时间/精力/金钱Scientists consider A as a waste oftime /energy/money.2 )一些人支持 A,然而其他人却反对它Some people

4、welcome A while others disapprove of it.3 )研究表明Studies show/have found that. 七)利弊1 )比较起 A 来, B 有更多优点,它将会使我们在以下的四个方面获益Compared with A, B have more advantages, which will benefit in four ways.Different from some peoples views, the writer believes. 八)好处1 )A 从 B 中获益很多A benefits a lot from B in.2 )A 对 B

5、有很多益处A is beneficial to B in.A is of great benefit to B in.A can benefit B in.Doing A is good for B in. 九)重要性1)A 在 B 中发挥重要作用A plays a vital/significant/important role/part in B .2)A 对 B 有很大的影响In our daily life,., which has a great influence on .3).被看重Its of great importance to . is of vital importan

6、ce in .People should pay more attention to /attach more importance to.More attention should be paid to/more importance should be attached to.Nowadays, we regard., which., as the fifth vital to .and make greater efforts to .besides., . should also be focused.However, it is our choices that can make a

7、 difference. Its vital for . to. 十)结论In brief,. 十一)衔接词1.开场: recently,/ in recent days, nowadays, as we all know,2.层次: firstly/to begin with., secondly/besides/whats more/in addition/more importantly., thirdly/ finally/lastbut not least. ,on the one hand, on the other hand (适用于两点的并列情况)for one thing,

8、for another thing (适用于两点的对立情况)3.转折: but, however, yet.4.并列: and, not only.but also, as well as.5.因果: so, therefore, thus.6.对比: while, instead of.7.让步: although, while, even if.8.事实: in fact, actually,9.包括: including, apart from, besides, in addition to.10.丼例: such as, like.11.因为: thanks to ,because

9、of, owing to.12.总结: in brief/in short, all in all,二小试牛刀(句型练习)1.因此,尝试美白产品很普遍。_ 2.沉默可能发生在谈话中。 _ 3.父母和子女之间交流困难有不同的原因。 _ 4.糖对我们的身体有用,但是过多的糖会危害我们的健康,可能会导致健康问题。 _ 5. 吸引顾客注意力的一个有效方法是:科学地使用色彩。_ 6. 问题的唯一解决途径好像只有靠你自己集中注意力不管环境多么喧闹。 _ _ 7.医生建议人们不要冒健康的风险,而是要爱并且接受他们的自然肤色。 _ _ 8.建议学校立刻安装这种设备。_ 9. 学校欺凌有很大的不良影响。_10.

10、拖延症( procrastination )严重影响着我们的财富和健康。_ 11.他们认为体罚无害且有效。 _ 12.新研究表明他们之间有着相互依靠的关系。 _ 13. 相比之下,纸巾,手动烘干机有着更多的优势,这将在四个方面让学校受益。 _ _ 14.尽管外在美可以快速、轻松地注意到,但是内在美更重要。 _ _ 15.实验表明西柚汁有助于减肥。_ 16.风力是环境友好的,划算的,有利于农村经济,可以创造很多就业机会。 _17.“父亲生活”在孩子的成绩进步中起着重要的作用。 _ 18.但是除了成功之外,失败也应受到重视。_ 三写作框架1) Its said that, which (要点一)

11、However, some have it that _ (要点二) All in all, it still has along way to go before _(要点三)2) People now have complex feelings about_(要点一) . As a saying goes, every coin has its two sides. For onething,_,(要点二) for another, there are so many problem, such as_(要点三) Despite of these, _(要点四)3) _has some c

12、hallenges as well as many advantages. (要点一) Its beneficial to_and _(要点二) However, it faces many challenges, _(要点三)Besides, _(要点四)4) Scientists accidentally found that while studying_(要点一). (要点二) However _ (要点三) nevertheless, the reasons are still mysterious._(要点四) .5) has advantages but it also has

13、its disadvantages. _(要点一) One advantage is that ( 要 点 二 ) Besides, ( 要 点 三 ) But not everyone can get benefitsfrom ,so _ (要点四)四课后练习练习 1 In schools and at home, most of us have been scolded or even got punished for daydreaming. The majority of people say that by daydreaming we waste our time and ener

14、gy in something that is nothing less than unproductive things. But many medical studies have showed something different. Theyve stressed on the fact that daydreaming works wonders on our imagination power, creativity and situation-handling technique. In fact, many problems can be easily solved if we

15、 daydream. The topmost benefit of daydreaming is that your mood gets the right improvement. By separating yourself from the world around you, you tend to enjoy the aloneness in your mind and get peace from daydreaming as you think about something that calms your senses. When you start imagining thin

16、gs while daydreaming, you tend to forget all the stress and tension. Instead, you get happiness from it and this happiness changes into a source of energy that helps you in working in a good mood. Many psychologists have said that people who daydream tend to have a sharper memory. Its true that when

17、 youre daydreaming, you tend to get carried away to imagining various situations, either real or unreal. You tend to act differently in different situations, trying to satisfy your mind by doing what you want in your dreams. When your mind gets satisfied, youre in a better position to concentrate mo

18、re in your work. Since daydreaming activates the nerves of your brain, you tend to have higher attentiveness and your ability to remember things develop. When you daydream, you automatically imagine yourself as your heart says and therefore, you get to know yourself better. You also start realizing

19、the mistakes youve made in life and you start trying your best to avoid repeating them. Such imagination techniques help you to connect yourself with your soul. 【写作指导】本篇文章比较容易理解,文章要点非常清晰,每段话都有自己的主题句。但是,在写作时, 学生应尽量少使用原文语句,而应融入自己积累的语法结构和词汇。同时,各个要点之间的衔接要合乎逻 辑。写作时要通篇考虑文章的开头和结尾,并且个要点之间要保持相对的独立性。 思路: 框架结构

20、:总-分 文章要点:四段要点分别提取。如:waste our time and energy; your mood gets the right improvement. 同义替换:词汇 waste (v.)转换成 waste (n.) ; improvement (n.)转换成 improve (v.). 结构衔接:各段之间是分别列出要点,属于并列关系,用衔接词 Firstly of all. Whats more.Last but not least._练习 2: Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be so successful in life? Everything flows just right for them, the great job, great salary, perfect love, and ideal life. One reason for success is the ability to make correct choices and decisions that lead to positive outcomes. Its based on power of understanding things immediately, withou

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