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1、最新人教版英语七年级英语下册阅读理解最新人教版英语七年级英语下册阅读理解一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析)1阅读理解TreeS are importa nt and they Can help US in many ways. However, Some Of them are in dan ger and n eed to be take n Care of as much as possible. Here are some WayS to SaVe trees.USe PaPer wisely. We Can SaVe trees by USing PaPer in a

2、right way. What Can We do? USe both SideS of PaPer Whe n doing the homework. Borrow books to read Whe n you n eed nt buy them. NeVer throw old books away, hut be ki nd to donate them to OtherS who n eed them. In Place of PaPer towels, USe cloth towels.Plant trees. To SaVe trees, its a great idea to

3、PIa nt them. SPring is the best SeaS On to PIa nt trees. If everyOne around US does it, milliOnS of trees will appear and make our world become green and beautiful.Tell people to Un dersta nd the importa nce of trees and help SaVe trees. Try to Write IetterS to government OffiCiaIS (官员 ) and PerSUad

4、e (劝) them to USe as little PaPer as they can.(1)How many WayS are there to USe PaPer wisely?A.Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.(2)What Can We do if We Want to SaVe trees?A.Pla nt trees. B. NeVer buy books.C. Work With the gover nment. D. NeVer do any homework.(3)What does the Underlined word donate

5、mean?A.Lead. B. Sell. C. Throw. D. Give.(4)WhiCh of the following is TRUE?A.All trees On the Earth are in dan ger.B.TreeS Can make our world beautiful.C.To SaVe trees, n ever USe paper.D.People dont n eed to Un dersta nd the importa nce of trees.【答案】(1) C(2) A(3) D(4) B【解析】【分析】本文介绍了挽救树木的几个方法。(1) 纟田节

6、题。根据 USe both SideS of PaPer Whe n doing the homework. Borrow books to read Whe n you n eed nt buy them. NeVer throw old books away, hut be kind to don ate them to OtherS who need them. In place of PaPer towels, USe cloth towels 可知有 4 种方法可以明智地使用纸 张,故选Co(2) 细节题。根据 Pla nt trees. To SaVe trees, its a g

7、reat idea to pla nt them 可知如果想挽救 可以种树,故选Ao(3)词义猜测题。 A导致,B卖,C扔掉,D捐赠,根据 NeVer throw old books away, but be kind to donate them to OtherS who need them 可知 donate 是捐赠的意思 ,故选 DO(4) 纟田节题。根据 millions of trees will appear and make our world become green andbeautiful ,可知树木可以使我们的世界变得美丽 ,故选BO【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题

8、,词义猜测题 2种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案,词义猜测题需要根据上下文提炼相关信息锁定词意。2阅读理解There are all kinds Of ani mals On OUr PIa net. Some are cute, but Some are not. Some are small, but some are big. Here are four of the funni est and frien dliest ani mals. BUt remember, although they look ni ce, it does nt mean they are always

9、 frien dly.Not all dogs are so cute, but most of them are Pretty friendly. When you come near an Un familiar (不熟悉的 ) dog, remember to hold out your hand, so he Can smell you and See that you dont mean to harm him.Cows love to eat grass, and they eat quite a lot! You n eed nt be afraid of this kind o

10、f quiet farm ani mals. BUt dont run at a CoW in a field or touch one, Unl ess you are told by an adult its okay.HOrSeS are big and beautiful ani mals, but they Can be frighte ned easily. A horse might jump UP if he hears a loud no ise, or kick his legs if you come n ear too SUdde nly. All horses, li

11、ke huma ns, are differe nt.ChimPanzees (黑猩猩) make funny faces and PUt On a real show at the zoo, but believe it ornot, they Can be Very dan gerous. And they are strong, too much Stron ger tha n huma ns, so you should n ever make a ChimP mad!(1)WhiCh of the animals Can make faces?A.Cows. B. ChimPa nz

12、ees. C. Dogs. D. Horses.(2)We Can learn from the PaSSage that .A.cows are usually quietB.all dogs are CUteC.horses n ever kick their legsD.ChimPa nzees are not dan gerous(3)ACCOrding to the passage, you should _When you come near an Unfamiliar dog.A.feed him SOmeth ing B. shout at him C. touch his h

13、ead D. hold out your hand(4) ACCOrd ing to the passage, you should nt IUnIeSS you are told by an adult its okay Whe nyou See a at it in a field or touch itB.hold out your handC.make it madD.make a loud no ise(5)The author WantS to tell US that LA.some an imals are cute, but they are smallB

14、.some ani mals are not cute, but they are tallC.some ani mals are funny, but they are not beautifulD.some ani mals look n ice, but they are not always frien dly【答案】(1) B(2) A(3)D(4)A(5)D【解析】【分析】本文介绍了在农村一些注意事项。( 1 ) 细 节 题 。根 据 由 文中 ChimPanzees make funny faces and PUt On a real ShoW at the Zoo 可知黑 猩猩

15、被 放在动 物 园,给人做鬼脸,故选 BO(2)细节题。根据 YoU need nt be afraid of this quiet farm an imal 可知牛很安静 ,故选 A。(3 ) 纟田 节题。 根据 由文中 When you come n ear an un familiar dog , remember to hold out your hand , so he Can smell you and See that you mean no harm 可知 当 你走近一个不熟悉的狗,记得伸出你的手,他就可以闻你,知道你没有恶意,故选 Do(4)纟田节题。根据 BUt dont

16、run at a cow in a field or touch one, uni ess you are told by an adult its okay可知除非大人告诉你没关系,否则不要在田里追赶牛或碰牛,故选 A。( 5 ) 主 旨 题。 根 据 BUt remember , although they look nice ,it does nt mea n they are always frien dly 可知 但是记住,尽管他们看起来很好,但这并不意 味着他们总是很友好,文章总结了四种友善的动物也有发脾气的时候,所以友善的动物也 不是总是友善,故选Do【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉

17、及细节题和主旨题 2种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案,主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。3.阅读短文,从下面每小题的 A、B、C D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Whats a post OffiCe like in your city? VanUatu is a small island CoUntry in the South Pacific. There is an Un derwater post office. It is about 50 meters off the coast of VanU atu.The post OffiCe looks like a big

18、Can (罐头).It ope ned in 2003. It makes it POSSibie for ViSitOrS to Send POStCardS back home from Under the sea. Its Only OPen for One hour every day. The POStCardS and the StamPS are WaterProof (防水的)Now its One of the busiest post OffiCeS for POStCardS in the world. ViSitOrS from around the world Wan

19、t to experie nce the Un derwater post office. Every week, hun dreds of ViSitOrS post their POStCardS here, Vira TimbaCi says.TimbaCi is in con trol of the Un derwater post office. Its his job to make SUre that the POStCardS are COiieCted on time at 3 Pm each day. SOmetimeS he asks great divers (潜水员)

20、 for help. Swim ming to the post OffiCe is a great Way to See the Sea life, TimbaCi says. Its really beautiful here.In the years SinCe its OPening, there are SeVeral other Underwater PoSt offices. For example, there is One in MaIaySia at a depth (深) Of 40 meters. Its the deepest in the world so far.

21、 BUt the One in VanU atu will go dow n in history as the first of its kind.(1)WhiCh of the following is TRUE of VanUatU Posts Underwater Post Office?A.It is the SiZe of a can. B. It is built Un der the Sea about 50 meters.C. Its the busiest post OffiCe On Earth. D. It has a history of about 16 years

22、.(2)How Iong is the Underwater post OffiCe open a day?A. 30mi nu tes B. 1 hour C. 90 min UteS D. 2 hours(3)ACCOrding to Vira Timbaci, .A. the Underwater post OffiCe is beautiful B. his job is boring and busyC. he enjoys div ing in the Sea D. he collects POStCardS alone(4)What Can We learn from the l

23、ast paragraph?A.There will be more Un derwater post OffiCeS in the future.B.The Un derwater post OffiCe in MaIaySia will come into USe soon.C.The Un derwater post OffiCe in Van UatU is the worlds first Un derwater post office.D.The Un derwater post OffiCe in Van UatU is much deeper tha n that in Mal

24、aysia.(5)The PaSSage is most PrObabIy from a .A. SCie nce book B. travel magaz ine C. PerS Onal diary D. educatio n n ewspaper【答案】(1) D(2)B(3)C(4)C(5)B【解析】 【分析】文章大意:瓦努阿图是南太平洋的一个小岛国。有一个水下邮局。距瓦努阿图海岸约50米。邮局看起来像个大罐子。 2003年开业,游客可以从海底寄明信片回家,它每天只开一小时,明信片和邮票是防水的。目前是世界上最忙碌的邮局之一。(1) 正误判断题,根据 It opened in 2003

25、. 可知到目前这个邮局已经有 16年的历史了,因此D句的叙述是正确的,故答案是 DO(2) 细节理解题,根据 Its only open for one hour every day. 可知,该邮局每天只营业一小时,故答案是 BO(3) 逻辑推理题,根据倒数第二段的叙述可知,她喜欢在海里潜水,故答案是 Co(4) 细节理解题,根据 Its the deepest in the world so far. BUt the One in VanUatU will godown in history as the first of its kind.它是世界上第一个水下邮局,故答案是 CO(5) 纟

26、田节理解题,根据 It makes it POSSibIe for ViSitOrS to Send POStCardS back home fromUnder the sea.可知游客可以怎样,所以应该是旅游杂志上文章,故答案是 B。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节理解题、正误判断题 H和逻辑推理题。细节理解题要可以直接从文中寻找答案;逻辑推理题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息;正误判断 题属于细节理解题的一种,也需要根据文章内容进行判定。4阅读理解CriCket is Australias most popular SUmmer SPortlt is So popular that ma

27、ny people Say SUmmer does not Start Until AUStraIia plays their first CriCket game of the SeaSon.Its known as the SUmmer of Cricket. Most AUStraIia ns will WatCh games On TV, liste n to the n ews On the radio or play CriCket games themselves.Many eve n go to the StadiUm and WatCh games. They dress i

28、n gree n and gold and Paint their faces to SUPPOrt their teams. Two teams of 11 people play aga inst each other. They take turns at hitting a Ieather (皮制的) ball With a wooden bat (棒),The batsmen hit the ball to score runs. The team that SCOreS the most runs wins.Some of Australias famous people are

29、CriCket players. The sport is Very popular in Other CoUntries like the UK, India, South AfriCa and Sri Lanka. There are more and more CriCket COmPetitiOnS Starting in China. China has a mens and womens CriCket team that is gradually getting better.Men, wome n, boys and girls WatCh cricket. Traditi o

30、n ally it is a sport for men, but recen tly wome ns CriCket has become more popular and there are now PrOfeSSi Onal (职业的) female cricketers, too.The first day of the SUmmer of CriCket is One of the best days of the year, CriCket PIayer and fan Sean Prior said. When Im at work I always have the radio

31、 on listening to the game. CriCket is a big Part of my lire.If you are traveling to Australia, WatCh the cricket! Its just not SUmmer WithOUt it.(1)ParagraPhS 1-3 is about _ .A.Why AUStraIia ns love popular CriCket is in AUStraIiaC.Whe n AUStraIia ns play people WatCh CriCk

32、et(2)WhiCh of the following about CriCket is NoT true?A.There are 11 people play ing the game.B.The PIayerS USe a woode n bat to hit the ball.C.Its a popular game in many coun tries.D.Onlymen PIayed CriCket in the past.(3)ACCOrding to the passage, We Can know that _A.the Winning team has to score the most runsB.AUStraIia ns love CriCket because some famous

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