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1、When I was preparing the postgraduate entrance examination of NNU(Nanjing Normal University),some of these following concepts had been tested,but theres no specific or clear explanation in the textbook required by the university.As in preparing the second-round examination I read them in other relev

2、ant books, I wrote down here for your reference.Hope they are useful to some of you.1. Acculturation(同化过程) is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group.2. Adjacency pair(相邻语对);a sequence of two utterances by different speakers in conversation.

3、The second is a response to the first, such as question/answer sequences and greeting/greeting exchange.3. affix: a bound morpheme that is attached to a stem and modifies its meaning in some way.4. agreement (concord)(一致): a grammatical phenomenon in which the form of one word in a sentence is deter

4、mined by the form of another word which is grammatically linked to it. E.g. in the sentence The boy goes to school every day.There is an agreement in number between boy and goes.5.articulators(发音器官): the tongue,lips,and velum, which change the shape of the vocal tract to produce different speech sou

5、nds.6.aspect(体): the grammatical category representing distinction in the temporal structure of an event. English has two aspect construction-the perfect and the progressive.(完成体和进行体)7.aspiration(吐气); the puff of air that sometimes follows the pronounciation of a stop consonant. E.g. /p/ in the word

6、 pit.8.consonant(辅音); a speech sound produced by partial or complete closure of part of the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible friction. Consonants are described in terms of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation.9. converstional implicature(会话含义): mea

7、nings that are explicable in the light of converational maxims.municative competence(交际能力); the ability to use language appropriately in social situations. 11. constituent(成分): a syntactic unit that functions as part of a large unit within a sentence; typical constituent types are verb phrase, noun

8、phrase, prepositional phrase and格):the grammatical category in inflectional languages by which the form of a noun or noun phrase varies for grammatical or semantic reasons. English has only one case distinction in nounsthe genitive case(所有格), but English pronouns have three forms tha

9、t correspond to three of the six cases in Latin.13.clause(小句): a grammatical unit that contains a subject and a predicate. It may be a sentence or part of a sentence.14.closed class(封闭词类): a group of words whose membership is small and does not readily accept new members.15.coinage(创新词): the constru

10、ction and addition of new words.16.distribution(分布): the set of positions in which a given linguistic element or form can appear in a language.17.duality(双重结构): a type of double-layer structure in which a small number of meaningless units are combined to produce a large number of meaningful units.18

11、.entailment(包含); the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one(the second) is inferred from the truth of the other.19.euphemism(委婉语): a word or phrase that replaces a taboo word or is used to avoid reference to certain acts or subjects,e.g. powder room for path sente

12、nce(花园小径句): a sentence in which the comprehender assumes a particular meaning of a word or a phrase but later discovers that the assumption was incorrect, forcing the comprehender to backtrack and reinterpret the variation;(自由变异) a relation between two speech sounds such that either

13、one can occur in a certain position and the substitution of one for the other never makes any difference in the meaning of the word. For instance, the unexploded(失去爆破) stop /d/ in the phrase Good morning is in free varitation with the exploded(爆破)counterpart.22.inflection(屈折变化): the morphological pr

14、ocess by which affixes combine with words or stems to indicate such grammatical categories as tense or plurity.23.government(支配): the grammatical phonomenon in which the presence of a particular word in a sentence requires a second word which is grammatical linked with it to appear in a particular f

15、orm. E.g. a preposition or a verb requires that the pronoun following it be in the objective form,as in with me,to him.24.language universal (语言共性): any property that is shared by most,if not all, human lanugages.25.lingua franca: ( 通用语) A language variety used for communication among groups of peop

16、le wo do not otherwise share a common language. For example, English is the lingua franca of the international scientific community.26.macrosociolinguistics; The study of the effect of language on society.27.microsociolinguistics: The study of the effect of any and all aspects of society,including cultural norms, expetations and contexts,on the way language is used. It is often simply called sociolinguistics.28.paradigmatic rela

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