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三上Unit1 Hello 教学设计.docx

1、三上Unit1 Hello 教学设计 PEP小学英语三(上)Unit1教学设计 教学内容分析: 本单元从英语交际的基础 “打招呼”入手,涉及了自我介绍、打招呼、告别等日常交际用语,让学生在学习英语之初就能体会到语言的交际性目的。此外本单元还呈现了8个学生日常所用的文具单词和26个英语字母歌,使学生对字母和单词有初步的感知,为下一步的学习奠定基础。 单元学情分析:三年级的学生,由于年龄小,生性活泼好动,英语的学习热情很高,可塑性较强。对于大多数孩子来说,也许本单元的第一节课是他们人生中第一次正规的课堂英语学习,因此,第一节课不能急于按教材教学内容进行教学,而是要帮助学生对英语学习有一个大概的认识

2、,并激发其学习英语的兴趣。我们可以利用一节课,以学生已有的经验和知识为切入点,组织形式多样的活动给学生进行英语学习的启蒙,通过英汉对比活动,使学生初步感知英语语音和书面符号,形成初步的英语学习概念。 单元课时分配:第一课时:P4 .Lets talk , lets play and lets sing . 第二课时:P8 .lets learn , lets do and phonics time第三课时:P6 .Lets sing , Lets find out, circle and phonics. 第四课时:P7 .Lets talk , lets play , lets sing (

3、P10) and phonics.第五课时:P5 .Lets learn,lets chant, Read and count , Phonics .第六课时:P10 .Revision, lets check, look and match , phonetics. The First Lesson一、教学内容P6 . Lets sing , P4 . Lets talk and lets play.二、教学目标 1. 按顺序跟唱ABC字母歌,知道英语有26个字母,分大、小写。 2. 能听懂、并在情境中运用Hello! Hi!与别人打招呼。 3. 能够在情境中运用句型Im . 介绍自己,做到

4、自然、大方。三、教学重难点 1. 重点:对句型“Hello! Im .”的理解和应用。 2. 难点:跟唱字母歌曲。四、教学准备 1. 教师:字母歌词及视屏、本课时的人物头饰、畅言教具。 2. 学生:收集生活中一些物品的英文名称并准备展示。五、教学过程 StepI. Warming up 1. Play ABC song , then talk about it.2. Guess and introduce , then greetings each other. StepII. lets sing 1. Sing the song with the flash .2. Try to sing

5、the song with the letters. Step3III. Leading in1. Help the students find the same between English letters and the sequencer.2. Try to say some English in your life .eg. TV, CD, VCD, DVD, OK, UFO, SOS, Wow, Cool, Bye, E-mail , Yeah , Hi. StepIV. Lets talk 1. Talk about some characters that you like i

6、n cartoons . eg. Tom and Jerry , Mickey Mouse and Donald duck , Kitty and so on. 2. Introduce Miss White , Wu Yifan and Sarah with the headwears.3. Try to say “Hello! Hi!” to the new friends.StepV. Practice1. Try to act the new friends and introduce.2. Introduce yourselves to the teacher.3. A game :

7、 Guess who I am with the greeting. StepVI. Summary and homework1. Have a summary about this class.2. Homework : Sing ABC song , try to make a name card.板书设计: Unit1. Hello ! Lets talk. Hello ! / Hi ! ABC song Im Wu Yifan . 教学反思: The Second Lesson 一、教学内容P8 . Lets learn , Lets do and phonics (Aa , Bb ,

8、 Cc)二、教学目标 1. 能听、说、认读单词 bag , pen , pencil box , book . 2. 能听懂Lets do部分的指令,并能按指令做出相应的动作。 3. 能听、说、认读字母 Aa , Bb , Cc , 并能读出这些字母在单词中的发音。 4. 通过观察学习,形成自觉整理书包的好习惯。三、教学重难点 1. 重点:听、说、认读三会单词,字母、音素认读。 2. 难点:听懂指令并做动作。 字母a 在单词中的短音。四、教学准备 1. 教师:字母歌、词卡、教学实物、音素ppt、畅言教具。 2. 学生:相关学习用具。五、教学过程 StepI. Warming up 1. let

9、s sing ABC song .2. Greetings each other.3. Ask some students to introduce themselves to the teacher.StepII. Presentation1. Show and teachShow a bag and say: This is a bag . This is my bag . Do you have a bag ? Show me your bag .bag b-a-g bag ( listen and repeat )2. Ask and answer Whats in my bag ?

10、Show a book and say : I have a book . I have an English book. Book b-oo-k book Show me your English book and open your books P8.Look and answer , what else in Zooms bag ?Learn pen and pencil box in the same way .StepIII. Practice1. Listen , point and repeat.2. Work in pairs and try to point and read

11、 the new words.3. Games : close the books and have a test .Listen and show the stationery. Look the word cards , then read them and show Hide and guess : Whats in my hand ?4. Act and introduce with the stationery headwears.StepV. Lets do .1. Listen to the teacher and do the action with the teacher.2

12、. listen to the tape and do the action .3. A game ; Quick action StepVI. Phonics time1. Show three letter babies : Aa Bb Cc , try to read them read them.2. Sounds : show ppt and try to read the wordsa a a / / / ant apple bag man rat cat at add and ran fan fat b b b /b/ /b/ /b/ bag ball boy bat bad b

13、ook boot big c c c /k/ /k/ /k/ cat crayon camp can cool cow call cook car card cab.StepVI. Homework Try to read the new words and sounds.板书设计: Unit 1 . Lets learn Show me your Open your Close your Carry your 教学反思: The Third Lesson 一、教学内容P6 . Lets sing , Lets find out , circle and phonics ( Dd Ee Ff

14、)二、教学目标 1. 能熟练唱ABC song. 2. 能找出所给图中的字母,并能区分英语字母的大小写。 3. 能听、说、认读字母 Dd , Ee, Ff , 并能读出这些字母在单词中的发音。 4. 鼓励学生大胆开口说,不怕犯错误。三、教学重难点 1. 重点:准确唱读ABC 字母歌。 2. 难点:字母的认读。 字母e在单词中的短音。四、教学准备 1. 教师:字母歌曲flash、字母卡片及头饰、音素ppt、畅言教具。 2. 学生:相关学习用具。五、教学过程 StepI. Warming up 1.Greetings each other.2.Ask some students to introd

15、uce themselves to the teacher and try to make the teacher remember you .3. Act Aa, Bb, Cc and introduce with the headwear.StepII. Lets sing 1. Show ABC song and sing the song with the flash.2. Sing the song together.StepIII. Lets find out.1. look at the picture and find out the letters.2. Report and

16、 check the answers. StepIV. Start to read.1. Circle the same letters.2. Try to do some letter exercise on the ppt. StepV. Phonics time.1. Revise then show Dd , Ee , Ff and try to read frequently.2. Sounds : Show ppt and learn d d d /d/ /d/ /d/ dog duck dad dam deep desk deer door dig dolle e e /e/ /

17、e/ /e/ egg elephant end empty bed pen ten get f f /f/ /f/ /f/ foot fall fan farm father finger fish flag flat fork full StepVI. HomeworkTry to sing the song 板书设计: Unit1. Lets sing 教学反思: The Fourth Lesson一、教学内容 P7 . Lets talk , lets play and lets sing (P10)二、教学目标 1. 能听懂、会说Whats your name ? 并能用My name

18、s 作答。 2. 在情境中准确运用主题句型进行交流。 3. 能够在情境中运用Goodbye/ Bye 与他人告别。 4. 能听、说、认读 Gg, Hh, Ii , 并能读出这些字母在单词中的发音。三、教学重难点 1. 重点:在情境中应用主题句型 2. 难点:My names . 的准确读音。字母i 的短音。四、教学准备 1. 教师:字母卡片、音素ppt、本课时的人物头饰、畅言教具。 2. 学生:自制中、英文名片。五、教学过程 StepI. Warming up 1. Greetings each other.2. Ask the students to introduce themsalves

19、 to the teacher . StepII. Leading in 1. Listen and sing “ Hello”2. Ask : How many names ? Who are they ? A new friend.Show a headwear and ask : “Whats your name ? Topic Step3III. Lets talk 1. Ask and answer Hello ! Im Anna . My names Anna . Whats your name ?Help the student to answer : My names . (3

20、-5)2. Act the dialogue with the : -Whats your name ? - My names Mike/ John/Sarah.StepIV. Lets play1. Show some English name on the ppt , then let the students choose one they like .2. Ask and answer in line.3. Make friends , try to find the same name , then say hello to him. StepV. Phoni

21、cs time.1.Revise Dd , Ee , Ff , then try to read Gg , Hh, Ii .2.Sounds : Show ppt and learn g g g /g/ /g/ /g/ green gift girl garden glass glue go good goose geth h /h/ /h/ /h/ hand hi happy hat head hello heart help hop hot heni i i /i/ /i/ /i/ in ink big pig bit dig insect inside StepV. Summary an

22、d homework1.Have a summary about this class.2.Homework : Find an English name for yourself , then rend the new sentences 板书设计: Unit1. Hello ! Lets talk. - Whats your name ? - My names Mike .教学反思: The Fifth Lesson 一、教学内容P5 . Lets learn , Lets chant , Read and count , phonics ( Jj , Kk )二、教学目标 1. 能听、说

23、、认读单词 pencil , ruler , eraser , crayon 2. 能熟练吟唱lets chant , 并理解其意思。 3. 能听、说、认读字母 Jj , Kk , 并能读出这些字母在单词中的发音。 4. 通过创设生活情境,使学生在运用中自然、轻松学习英语。三、教学重难点 1. 重点:听、说、认读三会单词,字母、音素认读。 2. 难点:读准 crayon 。四、教学准备 1. 教师:字母卡片、词卡、教学实物、音素ppt、畅言教具。 2. 学生:相关学习用具。五、教学过程StepI. Warming up 1. Greetings each other.2. Ask and an

24、swer : - Whats your name ? - My names . StepII. Revision and leading in 1. Ask and answer with the headwears of school things . eg. S1: Whats your name ? S2: My names Bag. 2. Revise the new words with the cards. 3. Lets do.StepIII. Presentation1. Show and teachShow a pencil and say: I have a pencil

25、.Do you have a pencil ? Show me your pencil .pencil p-en-cil pencil ( listen and repeat )2. Ask and answer Whats in my pencil box ? Guess .Show an eraser and say : I have a crayon, too.- Do you have a crayon , too? - Me too. Show me your crayon . crayon c-rayon (listen and repeat)Look and answer , w

26、hat else ?Learn ruler and eraser in the same way .StepIV. Practice1. Listen , point and repeat.2. Work in pairs and try to point and read the new words.3. Games : close the books and have a test .Listen and show the stationery. Look the word cards , then read them and show Match the pictures and the

27、 words.4. Introduce your school things for us .eg: I have a pencil , a ruler and a crayon.StepV. Lets chant1. Listen and chant.2. Chant in groups. 3. Make a new chant.StepVI. Phonics time 1. Sing ABC song.2. Show three letter babies : Aa Bb Cc , try to read them read them.3. Sounds : show ppt and tr

28、y to read the wordsj j j /d/ /d/ /d/ jump jeep job jog jam juice jacket jeans Jack k k k /k/ /k/ /k/ kite Kate king kiss kick kid bike key cake coke cock StepVII Homework Try to read the new words and sounds.板书设计: Unit 1 . Lets learn pencil I have a/an crayon . Me too. eraser ruler 教学反思: The Six Les

29、son 一、教学内容P10 .Revision, lets check, look and match , phonetics.(Ll Mm Nn)二、教学目标 1. 能听、说、认读本单元8个文具词汇,并能完成音、义、形对应练习。 2. 能听懂Lets check 部分的内容,并能完成相应的练习。 3. 能听、说、认读字母Ll , Mm, Nn,并能读出字母在单词中的发音。 4. 通过学生总结复习活动,使孩子们体验收获的乐趣。三、教学重难点 1. 重点:综合应用本单元的词汇和句型进行交流。 2. 难点:字母Aa Nn 的准确听、说、认读。四、教学准备 1. 教师:字母卡片、词卡、教学实物、音素

30、ppt、畅言教具。 2. 学生:相关学习用具。五、教学过程StepI. Warming up 1. Greetings each other.2. Ask and answer : - Whats your name ? - My names . StepII. Revision and lets check .1. Ask and answer with the headwears of school things . eg. S1: Whats your name ? S2: My names Bag. 2. Revise the new words with the cards. 3. Look and match. StepIII. Phonics time 1. Sing ABC song , then revise AaKk.2. Show three letter babies : Ll ,Mm, Nn, try to read them .3. Sounds : show ppt and try to read the wordsl l l /l / /l / /l / long leg lamp lip look ladder lemon lion lett

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