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1、国际贸易实务国际贸易实务(英文版) International Trade PracticeChapter one 1 Why do nations conduct trade with one another?答: A nation conducts international trade because:it has the products and resources that exceed its domestic demand;it wants to get more economic benefits in a larger international market than wh

2、at can be gained in domestic market;it wants to win political support;or it needs to satisfy different tastes, preferences and consumption patterns among its people.2 How many forms are adopted in the process of negotiation?Business negotiations can be conducted in two forms: in words, i.e. face-to-

3、face negotiation or negotiation through telephone, and in writing,i.e. business correspondence which includes letters, faxes, e-mails, telexes,etc. Whatever is chosen for the negotiation of a contract,four main steps are generally followed before a contract is concluded:enquiry,offer,counter-offer a

4、nd acceptance.Chapter two III Explain the following terms1 shipment contract答: Shipment contract is a contract using an Incoterm which indicates that the delivery happens at the time or before the time of shipment.2 symbolic deliverySymbolic delivery is a delivery situation in which when the seller

5、delivers the buyer does not physically receive the goods. This kind of delivery is proved by the submission of transport document by the seller to the buyer.3 arrival contractArrival contract means a contract using an Incoterm which indicates that the delivery happens when the goods arrive at the de

6、stination.4 actual deliveryActual delivery refers to a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does physically receive the goods.IV. Short questions1 What are the two types of trade terms concerning the transfer of risks?答:Shipment contract terms vs. arrival contract terms. Un

7、der shipment contract terms sellers risk will be transferred to the buyer before the goods depart from the place/port of shipment. Under arrival contract terms seller will bear the risk of the goods until the goods arrive the destination.2 What are the differences and similarities between CIP and CI

8、F?答:Major similarities: a. seller should contract and pay for the major carriage. b. Seller is not taking the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the transportation. c. Seller must obtain insurance against buyers risk. Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mode while

9、CFR is only used for waterway transport. b. Under CPT sellers risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first carrier nominated by seller. Under CFR sellers risk will be transferred when the goods pass over the ships rail.3 Who is responsible for carrying out custom

10、s formalities for exports under an FOB contract?答:Seller. According to Incoterms 2000, except EXW and DDP these two terms, all the other eleven terms require the seller to handle the export customs formalities, while buyer the import customs formalities.4 If a Chinese trader signs a FOB Hamburg cont

11、ract, is he exporting or importing? 答:Importing. FOB should be used with a “named port of shipment”, if Hamburg is the port of shipment, from the Chinese traders perspective, he is importing.VCase Studies1. (变形) An FOB contract stipulated, The shipment will be effected in March 2008. If the vessel f

12、ails to arrive at the port of shipment on time, the seller agrees to set aside the goods for additional 27 days, and the buyer will bear all costs of delay. it turned out that under the sellers repeated requests, the vessel named by the buyer finally arrived at the port of shipment on May 1. As a re

13、sult, the seller refused to make the shipment.(1)Was the seller entitled to compensation for the warehouse rent, insurance and interest due to the delay?(2)If the seller had sold the goods to a third party on April 25, should the buyer pay for the delay?(3)If the seller had sold the goods to a third

14、 party on May 1 with a better price, was he entitled to any compensation?析: a案例中提到“shipment will be effected in March 2008”,这种确定装运时间的方式允许在整个3月份期间的任何时间进行装运。也即是说,装运的最后期限为08年3月31日。b文中提到的“additional 27 days”,根据合同卖方同意在买方船期延误的情况下为其将货物保留到4月27日。(1)答案:Yes。答题切入点:a FOB术语关于双方费用划分的规定;b 合同本身的条款规定。(2)答案:No。答题切入点:合

15、同本身的条款规定。(3)这题与第一题相比,不同的一点在于“with a better price”。解答时应对这一点进行分析:在卖方卖出货物获得更高利润的情况下,他是否还应获得相关赔偿?答案:Yes。答题切入点:合同本身的条款规定。4. (日期变形)A Shanghai company signed a CIF contract to sell Christmas goods to a British company. The $1 million contract stipulated, The seller guarantees that the goods arrive at the p

16、ort of destination by December 1, 2008. If the carriage is late, the buyer can cancel the purchase, and get the refund for the payment. So the shipment was made. Unfortunately, due to mechanical problems, the vessel arrived at the destination a few hours late. The buyer refused to accept the goods.

17、As a result, the goods had to be sold on the spot, and the seller lost $700,000.(1)Was the arrival date clause consistent with CIF term under Incoterms 2000?(2)What trade term is proper for the obligation concerning arrival time?析:卖方受损的原因是货物达到目的港的时间晚于合同规定的时间,因此买 方拒收货物。从表面上看,似乎问题就是出在卖方违约上,但如果仔细分析就会发现

18、, 该合同本身的内容就存在自相矛盾的问题。合同用的是CIF术语,卖方在货过船舷时风险就转移。卖方既不承担运输途中的风险,也不保证货物是否能抵达目的港。CIF合同本质上是一个“shipment contract”。但加上一条保证到岸时间的条款后,合同的性质发生了变化:它变成了一个“arrival contract”。也就是说,在货物按时抵达目的港之前的一切风险都由卖方承担,否则卖方就是违约。(1)答案:No.答题切入点:a CIF术语对双方风险及义务的划分,点出“shipment contract”这一概念;b 解释“arrival date” clause对合同性质的改变。(2)答案: DES

19、。答题切入点:对比两个术语在义务、费用划分上的相似程度。Chapter threeIII Explain the following terms inquiry答: An inquiry is the act of a potential client asking for information from the counterpart to his intention in buying or selling a certain commodity.2 offer答: An offer is a sufficiently definite proposal addressed to one

20、 or more specific persons for concluding a contract, necessarily indicating the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance.IV Short questions What are the four components of the standard form of a price?答: A code of currency, a number, a unit and a trade term. What are the difference

21、s and similarities between commission and discount?答: Similarities: Both commission and discount are used as incentive to promote transactions.Differences: a. Commission payment is an add-up on top of the original price, while discount a reduction; b. Commission mainly applies to transactions which

22、involve middleperson or agent. Discount can be used without particular prerequisites.VCase Studies1.AC Company offered to sell goods at USD100 per case CIF New York. The importer requested a revised quote for CFRC5%. The premium rate for insurance was 1.05% and mark-up for insurance was 10%. To get

23、the same export revenue, what would be ACs new offer?A: CFR = CIF x ( 1- U x R) = USD100 x (1-110% x 1.05%) = USD98.845CRFC5 = CFR / (1- C%) = USD98.845 / (1-5%) = USD104.047ACs new offer would be “USD 104.047 per case CFRC5% New York”. 2 The price quoted by an exporter was USD450 per case FOB Shang

24、hai. The importer requested a revised quote for CIF Auckland. If the freight was USD50 per case, 110% of the value was to be insured, and the premium rate for insurance was 0.8%, what would be the new price?A: CFR = FOB + F = 450 + 50 = USD500CIF = CFR/(1- U x R) = 500/(1- 110% x 0.8%) = 500 / 0.991

25、2 = USD504.44The new offer would be “USD504.44 per case CIF Auckland”.Chapter fourIIICalculationCompany C has a contract to export 10 metric tons of Seafood, to be packed in cartons each of 40 lb.(1lb 0.45358kg), with a 5% more or less allowed both in quantity and in amount.1 How many cartons of Sea

26、food can Company C deliver at most?2 How many cartons of Seafood should Company C deliver at least?解:1lb 0.45358kg so 40 lb 18.144kgMaximum: 101000kg (1 5%) 18.144578.7 (Attention: 0.7 should be deleted here)578 cartonsMinimum: 10 1000kg (15%) 18.144523.6(Attention: 0.6should be added here)524carton

27、sAnswer: ) At most, Company C can deliver 578 cartons of Seafood.) At least, Company C should deliver cartons.IV Explain the following terms1 quality latitude答: Quality latitude means the permissible range within which the quality of the goods delivered by the seller may be flexibly controlled.2 qua

28、lity tolerance答: Quality tolerance refers to the quality deviation recognized ( some industry), which allows the quality of the goods delivered to have certain difference within a range. more or less clause答: “More or less clause” refers to the stipulation constituting part of the quantity cl

29、ause in the contract that allows the seller to deliver the goods with a certain percentage of more or less in quantity accordingly.The use of “more or less clause” is for the sake of efficient.4 F.A.Q.答:F.A.Q. is the abbreviation of “fair average quality” F.A.Q. is a kind of standard used to indicat

30、e that the quality of the product offered is about equal to the average quality level of the same crop within a certain period of time (e.g. a year.).VI. Case Studies1 A Beijing company signed a contract to import wool from Australia. The quantity was specified as “20 M/T”. When the wool was deliver

31、ed, it had a regain of 33%.(1) What is a regain?(2) Why did the buyer get a bad deal?(3) If the standard regain is 10%, and actual regain is 33%, what is the conditioned weight?析:本题的解题要点:a. 文中提到合同约定的数量是“20MT”,应理解为净重。因为计算重量的方法有毛重,净重,公量等,而根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约第五十六条,如果价格是按货物的重量规定的,如有疑问,应按净重确定。b. 合同商品的羊毛,具有较强

32、的吸湿性,其所含的水分受客观环境的影响较大,故其重量很不稳定。为了准确计算这类商品的重量,国际贸易中买卖双方通常会约定标准(公定)回潮率, 采用按公量计算的办法。(1) 答案:回潮是指货物(纤维材料)在环境温度下吸湿含水的现象。 回潮率则是指货物(纤维材料)含水重量占货物(纤维材料)干重的百分比答题的切入点:回潮(率)的概念(2) 答案:买方这笔交易不划算。因为合同中没有明确规定计算重量的方法,只能按净重计算。因此当卖方实际交货的羊毛,因具有较强的吸湿性而其所含的水分高达33%是,买方也别无他法,只得按净重(连带33%的水分)计算付款。 Conditioned Weight = Dried Net Weight x(1+ Standard Regain) 1+ Standard Regain ReRegain1+ Actual Regain= Net Weight x Dried Net Weight = Net Weight /

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