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1、广东省英语导游词广东省英语导游词【篇一:广东省博物馆英语导游词】 good morning everyone. today we will go to an interestingplace guangdong museum. now, i will tell you somethingabout it.各位清晨好,今日我们将去一个特别风趣的地方 广东省博物馆 ,此刻就让我把它介绍给你们吧! it is located in zhujiang new town. and it is in the centre of theguangzhou. it has 67000 square meter

2、s big. there are eightexhibition halls in the guangdong museum. the exhibition hallsare about geology and land form 、mineral resources 、gem 、medicinal herb 、animal 、ocean and ancient living creature. so,let us go inside! 它坐落于珠江新城,在广州的市中心,它有 67000 平方米大,里面有 8 个展馆,分别是地质地貌馆、矿产资源馆、宝石馆、中草药馆、陆生野生动物馆、大海馆、古生

3、物馆。此刻我们就一同进去看看吧! the appearance of pottery had chose relationship with ourdaily life. now, the pottery always use in decorate.陶瓷器的出现与人们的平时生活有着亲密的关系。此刻的陶瓷往常用于装修。 in the tang and song dynasties, the chinese ceramic industryreached its first peak. since the 9th century, chinese ceramicshas exported on

4、a large scale to east asia, southeast asia andthe east coast of africa. 唐宋期间迎来了我国陶瓷业的第一个展开巅峰。从第九个世纪起,我国陶瓷大批输出外国,远销至东亚、东南亚、非洲东海岸等地域。 in the ming and qing dynasties ceramic industry developedbetter and better in china. and chinese ceramic industry soldall over the world.明清期间,我国陶瓷业展开的愈来愈好。这个期间的瓷器输出也达 到

5、了空前的繁华,中国瓷器的踪迹普及世界各地。 guangdong ceramic industry has a long history, and theybecame special of guangdong. 广东地域的陶瓷业,相同也有着悠长的历史,并且成为了广东的特色。 wild animals are important parts of the global biosphereand friends of humanbeing. so, to protect animals is also protect ourselves ! 野生动物是人类的朋友,是地球生物圈的重要构成局部,因此,

6、保护动物就是保护我们自己! in the mesozoic era, a group of special animals lived on earth.they became stronger and stronger during the jurassic. afterthey had reigned over the earth for about 160 million years,they disappeared from the earth magically. they are the king ofancient animals dinosaur.在遥远的中生代期间,地球上以前

7、居住着一群特别的动物,它们越来越强健,在侏罗纪时占有了世界的统治地位,称霸地球达 1.6 亿年之久,最后又奇特地消逝的销声匿迹,它们就是早已灭绝的往日动物之王 恐龙。 dinosaur lived on earth more than sixty million years beforehuman beings. they lived everywhere. some dinosaurs were assmall as chickens. others were as big as ten elephants. somedinosaurs could even fly. many dinosa

8、urs were gentle and ateplants. others were dangerous and ate meat. dinosaurs all diedout suddenly. nobody knows the reason. however, people canlearn about the lives of dinosaurs from fossils of theirskeletons, eggs and footprints.恐龙生活在地球上的时间超出了六百万年,有些恐龙跟鸡相同小,有些那么跟十只大象相同大,有些恐龙甚至还可以飞。全局部恐龙都很平和,吃的是植物,但

9、有些倒是很危险并且是吃肉的。他们死的很忽然,没有人知道原由,可是人们能够从他们骨骼的化石、蛋和足迹认识到更多相关他们的信息。ok, ou r trip of the guangdong museum is over, let s go to the next place!好了,我们在广东省博物馆的观光就到此结束,让我们去下一个景点吧!【篇二:广东省英文导游词 开平碉楼】kaiping diaolouthe watchtower-like houses in kaiping city【whathow is kaiing diaolou 】【outstanding diaoloustructure

10、s 】 【the li garden 】 good morning! ladies and gentlemen:this morning we ll drive 1.5hours to visit the unique“diaolou houses in kaiping city. you fell puzzled when hearingthe word diaolou, don t you? now let me tell you somethingabout the city of kaiping as well sa what and how these housesare.【what

11、how is kaiing diaolou 】 kaiping is a small city in guangdong province, about 100kilometers to the southwest of guangzhou, with an area of1659 square kilometers and a population of 680 thousand. ithas long been known as the native land of a great manyoverseas chinese, the number totting up to or even

12、 more thanits domestic population. the chinese, you know, are a nostalgicpeople having a strong feeling of wistful longing for home, sothe overseas chinese from kaiping, no matter how long theyhad been away and how far they were away from home, wouldcome back to buy a piece of land to build their ho

13、use and toget married. those houses built by the returned overseaschinese during the late 19th and early 20th centuries are allwatchtower-like, with thick solid walls, small and narrow irondoors and windows, and even with embrasures on the wallsand an observation tower on the top. so, “kaiping diaol

14、ou is a proper name of the multi -storieddefensive country houses of the returned overseas chinese inkaiping city. built of stone, brick or concrete, these buildingsdisplay a fusion of chinese and foreign architectural anddecorative forms, and reflect the significant role theseemigrant kaiping peopl

15、e had played in the development of thecountries they resided, in south asia, australasia, northamerica and other regions of the world. you may wonder why these returned overseas chinese hadtheir houses built into a structure of a watchtower. well, thereasons are clear. first, public order at that ti

16、me was bad andbanditry was a real headache and the better-off returnedoverseas chinese families naturally became targets for robbery;second, the kaiping area is a stretch of low-lying land andfolds were a frequent occurrence. so, these solid and high-risebuildings were good both for defense against

17、bandits and forrefuge from the floods. kaiping diaolou is listed by the chinese state council as a keycultural relic protected by the state. its total number amountedto 3, 300 in the peak years and now the registered number is1833, and twenty of the better ones are inscribed on the worldheritage lis

18、t by unesco. org (united nations educational,scientific and cultural organization). these buildings take threeforms: communal tower jointly built by. several families for useas temporary refuge, residential tower built by individual richfamily and used as fortified residence, and watch tower forguar

19、ding against bandits. in the 1940s during the war ofresistance against japan, some of these towers becamestrongholds for p eople s militia.【outstanding diaolou structures 】 the diaolou structures in zili village, 12 kilometers away fromthe kaiping city center, are the most magnificent and bestpreser

20、ved. there are 15 in all, which are all listed as keycultural relics protected by the state. among them the mingshilou is the best of all. built in 1925, it is a 5-storeyedreinforced concrete structure, with an hexagon observationpavilion on the top and a blockhouse built on the outside wallsat each

21、 of the four corners on the fifth floor. this huge andimposing tower is installed with heavy iron doors and strongiron windows, and is luxuriously decorated and well furnished. other well-known diaolou structures are the yinglonglou inchikan town, the ruishilou in yan gang tonwdn tahe fangshedenglou

22、 in tangkou town. they were built in different years bydifferent families and so are different in architectural style. theyinglonglou, built during the jiajing reign of the ming dynastyin the middle of the 16th century (1522 - 1566), is the oldestdiaolou structure and is free from foreign influence

23、inarchitectural style. the ruishilou, a 9 storied 25-meter highreinforced concrete structure, is the most luxury and is laid outand furnished in the traditional chinese pattern. the fangshidenglou, a reinforced concrete structure built in 1920 by thefang family, is typical of the diaolou structure a

24、s a watchtowerfor it was located in an open land and was provided withelectric generator,searchlights and guns.【the li garden 】 another tourist attraction in kaiping city is the li garden. it wasa private residential garden built in 1926 1936 by an americanchinese, xie wei li 谢维立 by name. the garden

25、 s name “li 立 was derived from the name of its owner and it gives expression to the meaning of a chinese idiom xiu shen li ben修身立本 , which is written on an archway in the garden,meaning that cultivating one s moral and character is the keyto success in one s life and work. this idea of the owner s i

26、salso embodied in many other inscriptions and couplets writtenin the garden. the li garden is laid out in the way of traditional chinesegardening but many of its structures are built in western styles,such as the two roman-styled structures popularly known asthe bird s nest and theflower rattan pavi

27、lion. the gardencovers an area of 19, 600 square meters, with a man-madestream running through and cutting it into two parts, which areconnected by arch-bridges. along the stream are pavilions, ahundred-meter-long corridor, archways, residential housesand other structures.the residential buildings i

28、n the villa area are also combinations of chinese and western architectural elements.while their main structures are foreign-styled, some are roofedlike a chinese palace, and inside they are decorated andfurnished with both chinese and foreign artifacts: westernfireplace and pendent lamps, italian c

29、eramic tiles, chinesewooden furniture, wall paintings depicting chinese folk stories,chinese gilded wood-carvings etc.the li garden is indeed aparagon of harmonious combination of the chinese andforeign cultures. ladies and gentalmen: we are now approaching the zili villageand, in ten minutes, we ll

30、 leave the bus for a close look at thediaolou towers. we ll stay in the village for one and a half hoursand will be back to the bus at 11 o clock. since the billage isquite a big place and one can get happily lost, iwould suggestyou keep together.miss wang will be taking the lead, pleasefollow her,

31、and i will bring up the rear. thank you! 开平碉楼与立园【概略】 【自力村调楼群】 【开平立园】【概略】开平市位于珠江三角洲西南部,东北距离广州 110 公里。开平市是有名的华侨之乡,更是有名遐迩的碉楼之乡。中国人向来拥有激烈的思想情绪,好多华侨将自己的存储汇回家乡,或许亲身归国筹办“三件事 :买土地、建房屋、娶妻子。因为开平侨眷、归侨生活比较富饶,当时的社会较为杂乱,常常惹来匪患。同时因为开平川势低,常常发生洪涝。因此,明末清初就有乡民建筑碉楼,用来防涝防匪。开平碉楼是集防卫、居住和中西建筑艺术于一体的建筑集体,被誉为“华侨文化的模范之作 、 “世界建

32、筑艺术博物馆 。开平碉楼在鼎盛期间达 3300 多座。当前,登记在册的有 1833 座。开平碉楼是国务院宣布的国家要点文物保护单位。当前开平碉楼已申报世界文化遗产。从功能上,实用作家族居住的居楼、村人共同集资兴建的众楼以及主要用于打更放哨的更楼三大类。在 20 世纪二三十年月,开平碉楼更成为共产党的地下活动场所。【自力村调楼群】自力村碉楼群是开平最精巧、保留最完满的碉楼群,它位于开平市塘口镇,东距开平市里 12 公里。自力村现存 15 座,所有是全国重点文物保护单位,此中最精巧的碉楼是铭石楼,建于 1925 年,是钢筋混凝土构造的居楼。楼高 5 层,顶部各种有一中西合璧的六角形眺望亭,第五层四角均建有角堡 (别名 “燕子窝 。) 铭石楼楼身宽大,外形壮观,有厚重的铁门和稳固的铁窗,内部摆设豪华,生活设备齐备。除铭石楼碉楼外,还有登记在册的碉楼 1833 座,而此中最出名的除上边讲到的铭石楼外,还有赤坎镇迎龙楼碉楼、蚬冈镇瑞石楼碉楼,塘囗镇方氏灯楼,他们因为建筑年月不一样或因不一样的家族建筑,因此建筑风格各异。此中迎龙楼碉楼是开平最早的碉楼,建于明朝嘉

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