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1、课外例子总结1课外例子 People sometimes ask “why waste time studying fossils?” Studying fossils is far from being a waste of time, because many useful facts can be learned from them. Generally speaking, fossils are especially important because they are the only clues to the existence and appearance of life on

2、the earth millions of years ago. When arranged in proper geological order, fossils reveal how life steadily developed from lowly-organized primeval creatures to the complex animals of today. Such knowledge helps us better to comprehend the origins and evolution of life, and this in turn helps to und

3、erstand a little of what we ourselves are. Since different fossil types are found in different strata, certain distinctive fossils can be used to identify different kinds of sedimentary rocks, including those below ground level of separated by miles of ocean. Even rocks at very great depths, when bo

4、red by the drills of engineers, can be identified by their fossil contents. Fossils are therefore valuable aids to mining and petroleum engineers.1. 用省译法翻译下列句子。1)All bodies consists of molecules and these of atoms.2)In case you move matter, work is done.3)When we are again in a position to supply, w

5、e shall not fail to get in touch with you.4)Smocking is not allowed in the store-house.5)It is time for experiment.6)We are enclosing our designs in duplicate.7)The group has a large interest in this department store.8)It was not always fully optimized zed in earlier years.2. 用增译法翻译下列句子。1)We had a s

6、urvey meeting after experiment.2)The crowds suggesting such a research plan melted away.3)If you had not interfered, he would not have made this mistake.4)He has bought a recorder and a television set.5)The rocket landed on the moon.6)The problem was both psychological and physiological.7)Ordinary g

7、lass must be first achromatized to become optical glass.8)Burned, fuel give off heat.3. 用词类转换法翻译下列句子。1) He was always an unwelcome intruder.2) The lower reaches of rivers show considerable variety.3) When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist,his instinct is to win him over with charm and h

8、umor.4) He then acted as a reluctant interpreter for a discussion.5) The more carbon the steel contain,the harder and stronger it is.6) The real victory is not over ones fellow rumors but over ones own body and mind.7) The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match the growth in population

9、.8) Tests showed that the cooling air must flow at a rate of at least 170m3/hr.9) The term laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.10) It is a matter of common observation that gases are perfectly elastic. I. Passive Sentences Examples:1. Heat and light are given us

10、by the sun . 2. More than one hundred elements have been found by chemical workers at present.3. Heat is required to change ice to water. 4. Water can be shown as containing impurities. 5. Work is done, when an object is lifted . 6. The plastics are heated until they are soft enough to be shaped.7.

11、By using this new process the loss of metal w as reduced to 20 percent.8. Cutting tools should be inspected carefully prior to use.9. This kind of tube is characterized by its simplicity of structure.10. Energy is defined as the ability to do work.11. The same signs and symbols of mathematics r used

12、 throughout the world. 12. A right kind of fuel is needed for an atomic reactor.13. Computers are now widely used in different branch of science.14. Great efforts should be made to inform young people of the danger of cigarette smoking, especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit. 15

13、. Account should be taken of the low melting point of this substance.16. Stress must be laid on the development of the electronics industry.17. Radium was discovered in 1898. 18. Some satellites have been launched for communication. 19. Silver is known to be better than copper in conductivity.20. To

14、 explore the moons surface, rocket s w ere launched again and again.21. He was seen designing a new type machine. Exercises: 1. The atomic theory was not accepted until the 19th century.2. The hypothesis will be rejected if it is not proved by any experiments.3. Natural light or “white light” is act

15、ually made up of many colors.4. Rainbows are formed when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.5. With the popularity of USB peripherals, it is believed that USB interfaces would become a standard feature for monitors and many makers have built a USB hub into theirs.6. Attention mu

16、st be paid to the working temperature of the machine.7. This information is sent to Microsoft and used to create a report for you, detailing how well Windows Vista will run on your computer. In addition, this information is used to help us improve the number of devices and applications supported by

17、Windows Vista, to analyze trends, and to improve Windows Vista performance.8. The target detection device antennas are provided around the forward end of the warhead case.9. All radio sets used large, heavy vacuum tubes before transistors were invented.10. The field of visualization should not be so

18、 absorbed by the miracles that are its technical basis.11. With the pressure of movements in the earths crust and the heat this pressure caused, these layers were converted into petroleum12. Blood circulation may be defined as the circular movement of blood around the body.II. Attributive Clauses Ex

19、amples:1. All substances which can conduct electricity are called conductors.2. Ice is frozen water or water that has become solid.3. The force that causes everything to fall toward the ground is called gravity.4. They are especially interested in finding cures for illnesses which western medicine h

20、as found “incurable”.5. Hardened vessel walls cause a rise in blood pressure which may be high enough to term hypertension.6. Acupuncture, which is an old Chinese treatment, is safe, simple and effective.7. Penicillin is an antibiotic, which is one of the most important anti-infective drugs.8. The k

21、ey negotiators resumed their talks, which continued into the night. 9. The company was founded before the Liberation, whose products are well received. 10. The liquid fuel rocket is used in an aircraft as well as for research in the upper air and for putting earth satellites into orbits, which is co

22、ntinually being improved.11. The World War II was more complex than the World War I, which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of markets, resources and territories. 12. There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity.13. OSHA has qualified the noise lev

23、el in industry which has become a major concern and consideration for many hydraulic controls manufacturers.14. A cat, whose eyes can take in more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.15. All the astronauts who have spent time in artificial satellite are trained scientists.16. M

24、any of main lines which pass over the greatest bridges brought into existence without these structures, which thus have justified the immense cost involved.17. Diamonds also have a very high near resistance which causes diamond cutting tools to have a very long tool life.18. Matter has certain featu

25、res or properties that enable us to recognize it easily.19. The bulb is sometimes filled with an inert gas which permits operations at a higher temperature.20. There is a minimum size for the reactor at which the chain reaction will just work.21. A gas occupies all of any container in which it is pl

26、aced.22. The melting point of steel the carbon content of which is higher is lower.23. A polished surface reflects more heat than a dull surface,which(=while a dull surface)absorbs more heat than a polished surface.24. Trams,which disappeared from Britain many years ago,are still used in several Eur

27、opean cities. 25. An electrical current begins to flow through coil,which (=when the coil)is connected across a charged condenser.26. The fact that the new alliance was locally generated and sustained should be a strong inducement to the US whose interests already dictate such support.Exercises: 1.

28、To answer such questions we shall have to do things to substances that will reveal differences not directly apparent.2. Scientists use many tools for measurement. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.3. Friction, which is often considered

29、as a trouble, is sometimes a help in the operation of machines.4. The electricity is changed into the radio-frequency power which is then sent out in form of radio waves.5. A transformer cant operate on direct current, which would burn out the winding on it.6. Matter has certain features that enable

30、 us to recognize it easily.7. The generator is producing electricity, which is used for lighting.8. Pieces of iron which are left in the rain become rusty.9. The factory, which is small, produces a large quantity of machines every day. 10. The individual then exhaled into a spirometer, which measure

31、s volume and rate of air exhalation and these measurements were automatically transmitted to the computer.III. Long Sentences Examples:1. The computer performs a supervisory function in the liquid-control system by analyzing the process conditions against desired performance criteria and determining

32、 the change in process variables to achieve optimum operation.2. A further inference was drawn by Pascal who reasoned that if this “ sea of air” existed, its pressure at the bottom would be greater than its pressure further up, and that there fore the height of mercury column would decrease in proportion to the height above the sea-level3. In this chapter, we

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