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A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2.docx

1、A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2Contents11 some, any etc. and relatives101. some, any and compounds, e.g. somebody, anything, somehow102. Relatives: defining, non-defining and connective103. Relatives: defining, non-defining and connective104. Relatives: non-defining and connective105. what a

2、nd which106. whatever, whenever, whoever etc.107. Relative clauses replaced by infinitives12 Prepositions108. Prepositions: at, to; preposition/adverb: in109. Prepositions and prepositions/adverbs: at, by, in, into, of, off, on, out (of), to, under, with110. Prepositions and prepositions/adverbs: at

3、, by, during, for, from, in, of, on, over, since, till, under, with111. Prepositions and prepositions/adverbs: about, at, away (adverb only), by, for, from, in, into, on, out, to, under, up, with, over112. Use and omission of prepositions113. till/until, to, for, since, then, after, afterwards13 Aux

4、iliaries + perfect infinitives114. Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives115. Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives116. Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives14 Present, past and perfect tenses117. The simple present and the present continuous118. The simple present and the present continuous119. The simple past

5、and the past continuous120. The simple past and the past continuous121. The simple past and the past continuous122. The present perfect with for and since123. The present perfect and the simple past124. The present perfect and the simple past125. The present perfect simple and continuous126. The sim

6、ple past and the past perfect, simple and continuous127. Questions128. Questions129. Mixed tenses, letters130. Mixed tenses: letters131. Mixed tenses: telephone conversations15 Future forms132. The present continuous and the future simple133. The present continuous and be going to134. be going to an

7、d will + infinitive135. The future continuous and will + infinitive136. The future continuous and will (mostly negative)137. The future perfect138. The present simple and continuous, the future simple and conditional16 Conditionals139. Conditional sentences: type 1140. Conditional sentences: type 21

8、41. Conditional sentences: type 2/type 3142. Conditional sentences: type 3143. Conditional sentences: mixed types144. Conditional sentences: mixed types145. Conditional sentences:146. Conditional sentences:147. will and shall148. would and should17 Gerund, infinitive and present participle149. Gerun

9、d, infinitive and present participle150. Gerund, infinitive and present participle18 Unreal pasts and subjunctives151. Unreal pasts and subjunctives152. would rather + subject + past tense153. wish + subject + past, past perfect or conditional19 The passive154. Active to passive155. Active to passiv

10、e156. Active to passive with phrasal verbs157. Active to passive with changes of construction20 Indirect speech158. Indirect speech: statements159. Indirect speech: statements160. Indirect speech: questions161. Indirect speech: questions, advice, requests, invitations, suggestions162. Indirect speec

11、h: commands, requests, invitations, advice163. Indirect speech: commands, requests, advice, suggestions164. Indirect speech: mixed types165. Indirect speech: sentences with let166. Indirect speech: sentences with must, neednt and have to167. Indirect speech to direct speech21 Time clauses168. Time c

12、lauses169. Time clauses170. when, whenever and as (= while, because)22 Phrasal verbs171. Combinations with get and be172. Combinations with look and keep173. Combinations with go and come174. Combinations with take and run175. Combinations with turn, call and break176. Combinations with give, put an

13、d make177. Combinations with clear, cut, fall, hold, let and hand178. Mixed combinations179. Mixed combinations180. Mixed combinations181. Mixed combinations182. Mixed combinations with compound prepositions/adverbs183. Substituting phrasal verbs for other expressions184. Substituting phrasal verbs

14、for other expressions185. Combinations with off and on186. Combinations with up187. Combinations with out188. Combinations with down, away and over189. Mixed combinations used in a connected passage190. Mixed combinations used in a connected passageKey11 some, any etc. and relatives12 Prepositions13

15、 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives14 Present, past and perfect tenses15 Future forms16 Conditionals17 Gerund, infinitive and present participle18 Unreal pasts and subjunctives19 The passive20 Indirect speech21 Time clauses22 Phrasal verbs11 some, any etc. and relatives101. some, any and compounds, e

16、.g. somebody, anything, somehowInsert some or any, making the appropriate compounds if necessary.1. Theres _ some milk in that jug.2. She wanted _ some stamps but there werent _ any in the machine.3. Im afraid there isnt _ any coffee left; will you grind _ some ?4. Is there _ any one here who speaks

17、 Italian?5. Id like to buy _ some new clothes but I havent_ any money.6. Theres _ some gin in the cupboard but there arent_ any glasses.7. They cant have _ any more strawberries; I want _ some to make jam.8. _Some one I know told me _ some of the details.9. Have you _ any idea who could have borrowe

18、d your bicycle?10. I saw hardly _ any one I knew at the party, and I didnt get_ any thing to drink.11. When would you like to come? _Any day would suit me.12. Are there _ some/any letters for me?13. Dont let _ any one in. Im too busy to see _ any body.14. _Some thing tells me youve got_ some bad new

19、s for me.15. I cant see my glasses _ any where.16. We didnt think hed succeed but he managed _ some how.17. Youre looking very miserable; has _any/ some thing upset you?18. If you had _ any sense you wouldnt leave your car unlocked.19. Scarcely _ any one was wearing a dinner jacket.20. _Any one who

20、believes what Jack says is a fool.21. She put her handbag down _ some where and now she cant find it.22. Will you have _ some pudding or _ some fruit?23. Havent you got_ some friends in Rome? I feel sure you mentioned them once.24. Havent you got _ any friends here? You should join a club and get to

21、 know people.25. I see you havent _ any maps. Would you like to borrow _ some/any of mine?26. _Any one can tell you how to get there. (Everyone knows the way.)27. Come and have supper with us if you arent doing _ any thing tonight.28. I _ some how imagined the house would be much larger.29. All the

22、salaries are being paid much later now; its _ some thing to do with the computer.30. He lives _ some where in France now.31. You cant expect just_ any student to solve the problem. It requires a mathematician.32. Hes not very well known here but hes _ some one (an important person) in his own countr

23、y.33. Where shall we sit? Oh, _ any where will do.34. Is there _ some one moving about downstairs? I heard _ some thing falling.35. Is there _ any one living in that house? It looks deserted.36. Would you like _ some/any thing to drink? Theres _ some very good beer in the fridge.102. Relatives: defi

24、ning, non-defining and connectiveRead the following passage and then do the exercises on it. In answers to questions, use a relative clause.Example:Lucy was shaking the mat out of the window of the flat. Tom happened to be passing underneath. Suddenly Lucys baby gave a cry and she dropped the mat. I

25、t fell on Tom and knocked his hat off.(a) What mat are we talking about?The mat that/which Lucy dropped or The mat that Lucy dropped or The mat that fell on Toms head.(b) Who was Tom?The man who was passing underneath or The man (that/whom) the mat fell on or The man whose hat was knocked off.1. Mr

26、Black usually catches the 8.10 train. This is a fast train. Today he missed it. This annoyed him very much. He caught the 8.40. This is a slow train and doesnt reach London till 9.40. Mr White usually travels up with Mr Black. Today he caught the 8.10 as usual. Mr White normally borrows Mr Blacks pa

27、per to read on the train. As Mr Black was not there today he borrowed a paper from another passenger, Mr Brown.(a) What is the 8.10? The 8.10 is the train (which/that) Mr Black usually catches.(b) What is the 8.40? The 8.40 is the train (which/that) he caught today.(c) Who is Mr White? Mr White is a

28、 man who usually travels up with Mr Black.(d) Who is Mr Brown? (Connect him with Mr White.) Mr Brown is the man whose paper Mr White borrowed.Combine the following pairs of sentences into one sentence (one for each pair) using relative pronouns:(a) Mr Black usually catches the 8.10. This is a fast t

29、rain. Mr Black usually catches the 8.10, which is a fast train.(b) Today he missed the 8.10. This annoyed him very much. Today he missed the 8.10, which annoyed him very much.(c) He caught the 8.40. This doesnt get in till 9.40. He caught the 8.40, which doesnt get in till 9.40.2. Mr Penn has two um

30、brellas, a brown one and a black one. Today he took the black one but left it in the bus on his way to work. When he was putting on his coat after his days work, he saw a dark blue umbrella hanging on the next hook and took it, thinking it was his. Actually it belonged to Mr Count.(a) What was the brown umbrella? The brown umbrella was the one (which/that) Mr Penn left at home today or the one (which/that) he didnt take today(b) What was the black umbrella? The black umbrella was the one (which/that) he took or the one (which/that) he left on the bus.(c) What wa

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