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1、videocopy例程修改Video_copy例程修改本实验只要目的:实现在codec engine video_copy例程上的修改,加入简单的图像处理。通过对例程的修改,掌握整个工程所需要的文件,以及文件中的相互关系和开发流程。但是请注意,这里只是开发方式中的一种,也是最简便的一种,所以实现相对而言比较简便,如果想要自己创建工程,还需对其中的文件进一步的理解以及熟悉。1、codecs修改在/home/dvsdk_1_40_02_33/codec_engine_2_10_02/examples/ti/sdo/ce/examples/codecs中,有两个文件夹,分别为viddec_copy和

2、videnc_copy文件夹,这两个文件名分别表示视频的解码和编码。表面上是这样的意思,其实打开里面的源文件,发现只是实现了拷贝的一个动作,并没有涉及到编解码的相关知识。这两个文件夹就是两个codec,我们只需要对其中一个进行修改就可以了。其实在第二步中我们所讲的Server构建的时候,其中有配置文件提到了,这边是调用了两个codec,我们完全可以只调用其中一个。这里为了不带来不必要的麻烦,就没有删除。我们主要在videnc_copy中进行修改,主要修改process函数,其他的都没有改动。主要把其中DMA部分去掉,然后添加我们自己写的算法,如下所示:* = VIDENCCOPY_TI_pro

3、cess = */ /zxj 二值化void image_binarization(char *inBufs,char *outBufs,int size) int i; for (i=0;isize;i+)/这里执行二值化,注意这里是有符号8位整型,图片中是无符号的 if (inBufsi 0) outBufsi=0xFF; else outBufsi=0x0; /zxj 灰度化void image_gray(unsigned char *inBufs,unsigned char *outBufs,int size) int i; unsigned char tmp; for (i=0;is

4、ize != sizeof(*inArgs) | (outArgs-size != sizeof(*outArgs) GT_2trace(curTrace, GT_ENTER, VIDENCCOPY_TI_process, unsupported size (0x%x, 0x%x)n, inArgs-size, outArgs-size); return (IVIDENC_EFAIL); #ifdef USE_ACPY3 /* * Activate Channel scratch DMA channels. */ ACPY3_activate(videncObj-dmaHandle1D1D8B

5、);#endif /* outArgs-bytesGenerated reports the total number of bytes generated */ outArgs-bytesGenerated = 0; /* * A couple constraints for this simple copy codec: * - Video encoding presumes a single input buffer, so only one input * buffer will be encoded, regardless of inBufs-numBufs. * - Given a

6、 different size of an input and output buffers, only * encode (i.e., copy) the lesser of the sizes. */ for (curBuf = 0; (curBuf numBufs) & (curBuf numBufs); curBuf+) /* theres an available in and out buffer, how many samples? */ minSamples = inBufs-bufSizescurBuf bufSizescurBuf ? inBufs-bufSizescurB

7、uf : outBufs-bufSizescurBuf;#if 0 thisTransferSrcAddr = (Uint32)inBufs-bufscurBuf; thisTransferDstAddr = (Uint32)outBufs-bufscurBuf; remainingTransferChunkSize = minSamples; while (remainingTransferChunkSize 0) if (remainingTransferChunkSize maxTransferChunkSize) thisTransferChunkSize = maxTransferC

8、hunkSize; else thisTransferChunkSize = remainingTransferChunkSize; /* Configure the logical channel */ params.transferType = ACPY3_1D1D; params.srcAddr = (void *)thisTransferSrcAddr; params.dstAddr = (void *)thisTransferDstAddr; params.elementSize = thisTransferChunkSize; params.numElements = 1; par

9、ams.waitId = 0; params.numFrames = 1; remainingTransferChunkSize -= thisTransferChunkSize; thisTransferSrcAddr += thisTransferChunkSize; thisTransferDstAddr += thisTransferChunkSize; /* Configure logical dma channel */ ACPY3_configure(videncObj-dmaHandle1D1D8B, ¶ms, 0); /* Use DMA to copy data *

10、/ ACPY3_start(videncObj-dmaHandle1D1D8B); /* wait for transfer to finish */ ACPY3_wait(videncObj-dmaHandle1D1D8B); GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, VIDENCCOPY_TI_process ACPY3 Processed %d bytes.n, minSamples);#endif GT_3trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, VIDENCCOPY_TI_process memcpy (0x%x, 0x%x, %d)n, outBuf

11、s-bufscurBuf, inBufs-bufscurBuf, minSamples); /* process the data: read input, produce output */ /memcpy(outBufs-bufscurBuf, inBufs-bufscurBuf, minSamples); /image_binarization(inBufs-bufscurBuf,outBufs-bufscurBuf,minSamples); image_gray(inBufs-bufscurBuf,outBufs-bufscurBuf,minSamples); outArgs-byte

12、sGenerated += minSamples; /* Fill out the rest of the outArgs struct */ outArgs-extendedError = 0; outArgs-encodedFrameType = 0; /* TODO */ outArgs-inputFrameSkip = IVIDEO_FRAME_ENCODED; outArgs-reconBufs.numBufs = 0; /* important: indicate no reconBufs */ return (IVIDENC_EOK);其实上面标红的部分就是我们加上的主要部分,实

13、现了图像的二值化和灰度化。主要的难点其实是在数据的传送部分。bufs是一个二维指针,这个需要非常注意。还有需要注意的是其中数据的类型,注意char*和unsigned char*的区别。上面程序修改之后,编译codec,没有错误的话,会生成.a64P文件,这个文件供后面Server生成调用。2、Server集成由于我们是在例程上修改的,所以那些配置文件基本上不用动的,如果你想修改包含的Codec也可以进行修改。但是这里我们需要尽快跑通程序,而没有做过多的尝试。在/home/dvsdk_1_40_02_33/codec_engine_2_10_02/examples/ti/sdo/ce/exam

14、ples/servers/video_copy/evmDM6467目录下编译,生成.X64P文件。3、应用端程序应用端的源文件主要是app.c和ceapp.c文件。其中app.c是主函数,以及打开文件保存文件的操作。具体的codec engine相关调用全部放在ceapp.c中。在/home/dvsdk_1_40_02_33/codec_engine_2_10_02/examples/ti/sdo/ce/examples/apps/video_copy/dualcpu/evmDM6467目录下,主要修改地方如下:之前是dat文件格式的读写操作,在这里修改成的bmp文件的读写。主要修改后文件如下

15、所示:/* * Copyright 2008 * Texas Instruments Incorporated * * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are * granted through contract. * */* * = app.c = * * Non-Codec-Engine-using part of the Arm-side Linux application,

16、 that at * certain points talks to the Codec-Engine-using part of the Arm-side * Linux application. The latter module is in file ceapp.c. * * The call flow is: app.c functions - ceapp.c functions - CodecEngine libs */#include #include /* Definition of buffer sizes for input data, encoded data, outpu

17、t data. * * Our application reads a raw video file one block at the time at the * input buffer. It calls ceapp to encodes that from the input buffer into the * encoded data buffer. Then it calls ceapp to decode the video data from * encoded data buffer into the output buffer. Finally it writes the *

18、 output block to another file. This flow is illustrated here: * * =(app)= inBuf = * =(ceapp/encoder)= encodedBuf = * =(ceapp/decoder)= outBuf = * =(app)= * * For simplicity, below we define all blocks to be 1K, but those sizes * could be arbitrary (though they must match). * * Note: It is EXTREMELY

19、important that the buffers that hold the data are not * simply malloc()ed, but are actually physically contiguous. This is so * because the buffers are passed on to the codecs running on the DSP * verbatim (there is no buffer copying involved). CodecEngine * (and the ceapp module) provides and API f

20、or allocating such buffers. */#define INFRAMESIZE (1024 * sizeof(char) /* raw frame (input) */#define ENCODEDFRAMESIZE (1024 * sizeof(char) /* encoded frame */#define OUTFRAMESIZE (1024 * sizeof(char) /* decoded frame (output) */zxj#pragma pack(2) /两字节对齐,否则bmp_fileheader会占16Bytetypedef struct BMP /1

21、4字节 unsigned short bfType; /文件标识 2字节 必须为BM unsigned int bfSize; /文件大小 4字节 unsigned short bfReserved1; /保留,每字节以00填写 2字节 unsigned short bfReserved2; /同上 2字节 unsigned int bfOffBits; /记录图像数据区的起始位置(图象数据相对于文件头字节的偏移量)。 4字节 /40字节 unsigned int biSize; /表示本结构的大小 4字节 int biWidth; /位图的宽度 4字节 int biHeight; /位图的高

22、度 4字节 unsigned short biPlanes; /永远为1 , 2字节 unsigned short biBitCount; /位图的位数 分为1 4 8 16 24 32 2字节 unsigned int biCompression; /压缩说明 4字节 unsigned int biSizeImage; /表示位图数据区域的大小以字节为单位 4字节 int biXPelsPerMeter; /用象素/米表示的水平分辨率 4字节 int biYPelsPerMeter; /用象素/米表示的垂直分辨率 4字节 unsigned int biClrUsed; /位图使用的颜色索引数

23、 4字节 unsigned int biClrImportant; /对图象显示有重要影响的颜色索引的数目 4字节 BMP; BMP bmp;/* prototypes of functions defined in ceapp.c: */extern int ceapp_init(); /* initialize the ceapp module */extern char *ceapp_allocContigBuf( /* allocate physically contiguous */ int bufSize, /* buffer of given size; description

24、*/ char *bufDescription /* is used only for print */ );extern int ceapp_validateBufSizes( /* confirm that the enc/dec codecs */ int inBufSize, /* support these buffer sizes */ int encodedBufSize, /* for the raw input video, encoded */ int outBufSize /* video data, and decoded output */ );extern int

25、ceapp_encodeBuf( /* encode raw video data in inBuf */ char *inBuf, /* and store result in encodedBuf */ int inBufSize, char *encodedBuf, int encodedBufSize );extern int ceapp_decodeBuf( /* decode data from encodedBuf and */ char *encodedBuf, /* store resulting raw data in outBuf */ int encodedBufSiz

26、e, char *outBuf, int outBufSize );extern void ceapp_freeContigBuf( /* free the contiguous buffer */ char *buf, int bufSize );extern void ceapp_exit(); /* exit the ceapp module */* * = encodeDecodeFile = * This function reads blocks of the input file one at the time, encodes * each block, decodes it,

27、 and writes the result to the output file. */static int encodeDecodeFile(char *inFileName, char *outFileName) /* pointers to contiguous shared data buffers (shared b/w Arm and DSP) */ static char *inBuf = NULL; /* to contig-alloc for INFRAMESIZE */ static char *encodedBuf = NULL; /* to contig-alloc for ENCODEDFRAMESIZE */ static char *outBuf = NULL; /* to contig-alloc for OUTFRAMESIZE */ FILE *inFile = NULL, *outFile = NULL; int status, n; /* open file streams for input and output */ if (inFile = fopen(inFileName, rb)

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