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B1Unit 2供参习.docx

1、B1Unit 2供参习Unit 2 .Time: 8class hours . Contents:Listening and SpeakingSection A: Deep ConcernSection B: . Suggested Timetable:1.The first two-class-hour for listening and speaking (Unit 2 in College English and Speaking Course Book 1).2.Next four-class-hour session for Section A3.The fourth two-cla

2、ss-hour session for exercises of Section A and Section B: Aims and Requirements:In this unit, the students will be able to1. Learn the Main Idea of the Text Parent-child Relationship 2.Develop Reading SkillsDistinguishing Between Facts and Opinions.3. Learn the LanguageMaster the Key Language Points

3、 and Grammatical Structures in the Text.4.Integrate the Four SkillsConduct a Series of Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing Activities Related to the Theme of the Unit. Focal points and Difficult Points of this unit:. Listening and Speaking: 1.Enable students to open and close a conversation.2.S

4、tudents will be able to distinguish between similar sounds.3.Students will learn about how to improve their conversation skills.Section A: 1. Learn to make a summary.2. Analyze the series of actions according to the time when they happened. 3. Writing a short paragraph with a series of actions accor

5、ding to the order of the sequence, using time markers.4. Grasp some CET-4 words .Section B: Distinguishing between facts and opinions. 1.Grasp some CET-4 words. . Suggested Teaching Procedures and methods:(Underlying approaches: mucative approach 2.Theme-based approach 3. Student-centered and conten

6、t-centered teaching. )(Teaching Aids: 1. Using tape recorder 2. If available, using computer)Listening and Speaking:1. In everyday life, we often have to open and close a conversation. Do you know how to do that in English? (Let the students discuss at first. ) Then listen to some short passages. Th

7、en go back to the previous question. Let the students supplement the answers.2. Before listening to the material ,discuss some questions:Do you often speak English with your classmates and friends?Are you afraid of making mistakes?How can you improve your English conversation skills?3. Then listen t

8、o the material, let the students try to make a summary of the listening passage. Then listen again and do the concerning exercises.4. Let the students form an oral passage about how to improve their conversation skills.Section A: Deep ConcernLead in (and the background information): Tell a story abo

9、ut the generation gap between youngsters and their parents. (Different teachers have different stories owing to different experiences.) Do you think there is generation gap between you and your parents? Can you present some stories between you and your parents?Background information:Generation gap i

10、s a popular term used to describe wide differences in cultural norms between members of a younger generation and their elders. This can be defined as occurring when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior Today we wi

11、ll learn a story about the generation gap between a girl and her parents“A Busy Weekday Morning”.2. Pre-reading activities: The purpose of the pre-reading activities is to help the students focus on the content of the reading passages.Listen to short passage twice and answer questions1. What are som

12、e of the things you think the daughter and her parents might have different ideas about?2. How can the older and the younger generation have real communication with and understand each other?听力原文You are about to read an early morning exchange between a daughter and her parents. You will also hear ab

13、out how they miss connecting with or understanding each other. It is as if they are blind to what is important in each others worlds. This puts them in separate worlds and creates the gap between the older and the younger generation. 3. Work on Section A.Text Analysis of Reading ANarration : time or

14、der , time marker time marker: first , then, after, beforeTime markers in this passage1.the radio clicked was 6:15a.m : get up music shower3.after her shower : put on (T-shirt, jeans, sweater, makeup)4.she looked the clock again; it was late : breakfast , argument on manner, wearing makeup5.S

15、he ran to catch the school busThe content of the passage Time: a morning Character: father, mother, sandyProblem they talk about: (contrast between parents and daughter) music; bathroom; T-shirt; eat standing up; brush teeth; makeupContrast between daughter and parentsa. Rock music blasted forth San

16、dy: It(The music) has a really powerful message.Parents: It was weird and horrible stuff with offensive language. How did the parents react?b. In the bathroom Sandy: The shower felt great and in there she could be alone and sing.Parents: They usually banged on the door to rush her if she stayed in t

17、he shower too long.c. T-shirtSandy: Wearing her old, green T-shirt and some jeans and wrapping her sweater around her shoulder.Parents: It was disgusting.d. Eat standing upSandy: Having breakfast while standing by the sink.Parents: It wasnt healthy to eat standing up.e. Brush teethSandy: Ill brush m

18、y teeth when Im done.Parents: She should brush her teeth when she woke up and then brushed them again after breakfast.F: MakeupSandy: Wearing her makeup (such as eyeliner). All the girls at school did so. Some have tattoos.Parents: Too young to wear that much cosmetic. Wash it off.4. Conclusion we c

19、an get after reading the passage1) Different attitude to things2) Parents are too talkative3) Both children and parents are too stubborn A) Structure of the Text ( a method of analyzing the text structure is employed) Part I (Para.1-4): Direct conflicts between Sandy and her father over her favorite

20、 musicPart II(Para.5-7): Sandy took a shower and got ready to have her breakfast. (过渡段)Part III(Para. 8-25): Sandy and her mother were in disagreement over several minor things, such as eating, teeth-brushing, dressing, and makeupPart IV(Para.26): As she hurried to the school bus, Sandy missed her b

21、rother at college, with whom she often shared her feelings. B) Raise some questions to make students grasp some detailed information in the text (question and answer method is used)Part I (Para.1-4):Questions:-What woke up Sandy? -Why did Mr. Finch shout at his daughter? - Did Sandy agree with her f

22、ather ? Why?Answers: - Rock music woke up her up. - He didnt like the music his daughter listened to; he thought it was horrible stuff. - No, because she thought the music had a really powerful message. Part II(Para.5-7):Question:- Sandy seemed to enjoy the bathroom, but she didnt stay long in it. W

23、hy?Answer:- Because her mother or father would bang on the door to rush her. Part III(Para. 8-25):Questions:-What class was Sandy going to have that day? -From the dialogue between the mother and daughter we know that the mother was very much concerned about the daughter. Was the daughter thankful t

24、o the mother? Why? -At the end of the dialogue Mrs. Finch said to her daughter, “Sandy Finch, youre too young to wear that much makeup.” Why did she greet her daughter by full name?Answers:-She was going to have a music class because her mother reminded her to take the instrument with her. -No. Inst

25、ead, she thought her mother was bugging her. -She was serious and letting her daughter know she was speaking to her as her parentPart IV(Para.26):Question:-Throughout the story the parents and the daughter seem to have different views on things. What do the differences suggest to us readers? Answer:

26、- They suggest that there is a gap between the two generations. 4. Language points 1)concern: (1)to concern oneself with / in / about sth. 忙于;关心 Eg. More and more people are concerning themselves with environmental problems. 越来越多的人关心环境问题。(2)as far as is concerned 就而言;Eg. The rise in interest rates w

27、ill be disastrous as far as small firms are concerned. 就小公司而言,税率上调将是灾难性的。(3)to be concerned in, 与有关/ 有牵连 Eg. He was concerned in the crime. 他与那起罪案有牵连。Everyone concerned in the incident was questioned by the police. 所有与这起事件有关得人都受到警察的盘问。(4)to be concerned with, 关于;Eg. Her latest documentary is concern

28、ed with youth unemployment. 她最近拍摄的那部记录片是关于青年失业问题的。The story is concerned with a Russian family in the 19th century.这个故事讲的是19世纪一个俄国家庭。(5)to be concerned about / for 担忧Eg. He has never been concerned about what other people think of him. 别人怎么看他,他从不担心。 Rescuers are concerned for the safety of two men t

29、rapped in the mine.救援队员们对困在井下的两个人的安全感到担忧。(6)to show / express concern for / about / over 担忧, 关心Eg. A government spokesman expressed great concern for the lives of the hostages. 一位政府发言人对人质的生命表示关切。2)burst(1) burst in on (因突然出现而)打扰,扰乱 Eg. How dare you burst in on us without knocking. 你怎么不敲门就进来了(打扰我们)?T

30、he naughty boy burst in on the meeting.这个淘气鬼(突然窜进来)扰乱了会场。(2) burst into Eg. The aircraft crashed and burst into flame. 飞机坠毁燃起熊熊大火。The trees burst into / bloom / blossom / flower. 树木(突然间)鲜花怒放。Burst into tears / song / angry speech突然哭起来 / 唱起来 / 吵起来(3) burst out Eg. “I hate you!” she burst out. “我恨你!”她

31、喊道。She burst out crying / laughing / singing她突然哭起来 / 笑起来 / 唱起来3) appeal (1) appeal to sb. for sth Eg. The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime. 警方呼吁公众提供这宗罪案的信息。The government appealed for help from Western countries. 政府呼吁西方国家给予帮助。(2) appeal to sb. to do sth Eg. She appe

32、aled to the kidnappers to release her son. 她恳求绑架者释放她的孩子。(3) appeal to sb. Eg. Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you? 出国工作的想法对你有吸引力吗?/你对出国(工作)感兴趣吗?4) rid (1) rid sb. / sth. of sb./ sth. Eg. A huge vaccination program rid the world of smallpox. 一个庞大的接种计划使整个世界摆脱了天花的侵害。She is trying to rid herself o

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