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1、9单元学案Unit 9 How was your weekend? By Jiang HongliPeriod One(Section A 1a-1c)一、学习目标1. 学会谈论周末所从事的活动2. 学会谈论不久前发生的事情,基本了解一般过去时的用法和意义,及几个动词的过去式变法。二、学习过程一)课前准备1在英语里,“时态”用以表示某个动作、某件事发生的时间,它主要体现在谓语部分,也就是动词上。迄今为止,我们已经学习了两种时态。它们分别是 和 。表示 ,其构成为 表示 ,其构成为 本单元我们将学习一种新的时态:一般过去时。它表示 ,构成为 2预习Unit 9 P53及对应单词,完成下列练习。I

2、. 写出下列动词的过去式。1. clean _ 2. do _3. play _ 4. go _ 5. stay _II. 英汉词组互译。1. do my homework 2. play soccer/tennis 3. clean my room 4.去海边 5. 去看电影 6.上周末 7. 在星期六早上 二)课堂学习过程:1.检查预习作业2.谈论周末经常做的事情。3.组内调查:上个周末做的事情。4.在老师引导下,谈论Lucy上个周末所做的事情,完成听力练习1b。5.小组活动:谈论Lucy的周末(6个时间)。6.假设你是Lucy,向大家介绍一下你的周末。三)课堂反馈:I. 选择填空。( )

3、1.- _ did you go on vacation? - I _ the beach. A. What , went B. Where , go to C. Where , went to D. When , went to( )2.- _ was the weather _ there? - It was hot and humid. A. How , B. What , C. How , like D. What , likes( )3. Danny _ Chinese last week. He _ it every day. A. reads , read B. read , r

4、ead C. read , reads D. reading , read( )4. He _ his homework every Saturday, but he _ it yesterday morning. A. do , did B. does , does C. doing , do D. does , did( )5. I bought some meat _ vegetables. Do you like meat _ vegetables? A. and , and B. or , or C. or , and D. and , orII. 根据首字母提示补全单词。 1. I

5、 played soccer on Friday a_.2. He did his h_ on Tuesday evening.3. I c_ my room last weekend.4. I went to the b_ with Tony yesterday.5. Tina and Tom w_ to the museum just now.III. 动词填空。1. Last summer my family and I (go)to the beach.2. When it (rain),I stayed at home and watched TV.3. We (be)in Dali

6、an last year.4. Ed (be)always late for class last term.5.What day (be)it yesterday?IV.翻译下列句子。1.上个周末你们做什么了? _2.星期天上午,我去打篮球了。I played basketball _ _ _.3.星期六晚上我跟妹妹一起去看电影了。 Saturday night, I my sister.V. 阅读理解。From: BobTo: BenSubject: My weekendDear Ben,Last weekend was very busy for our family, but it w

7、as a little fun. On Saturday my parents went shopping for clothes at the mall. My sister Tina stayed at home in the morning and played the violin. My brother Jim played computer games with his friends. I stayed at home, too. I did my homework. In the afternoon, I went to the park. On Saturday evenin

8、g, my family had dinner at home. Then we went out for a walk. On Sunday morning, my family all stayed at home. My sister and I cleaned our rooms. My brother played the piano. In the afternoon, we visited our grandparents. We were happy to see them. We stayed at their house for dinner. After dinner w

9、e went home. I was tired on Sunday night. So I went to bed early. Yours, Bob( ) 1. Ben wrote the e-mail. ( ) 2. Bobs parents went shopping for clothes on Saturday. ( ) 3. There are six people in Bobs family. ( ) 4. Bob and his brother cleaned their rooms on Sunday morning. ( ) 5. On Sunday afternoon

10、 they visited their grandparents.假设你是Lucy,向大家介绍一下你的周末。 四)当课小结:Period Two(Section A 2a-Grammer Focus) 一、学习目标1. 学会谈论更多过去所从事的活动2. 能交流、调查同学的周末。3. 进一步学习一般过去时的用法、各种句式变法、总结过去时间标志,并能与一般现在时和现在进行时的区别二、学习过程一)课前准备: 预习P54及对应单词,完成下列练习。I.写出下列动词的过去式。do play clean go visit study visit stay have practice II. 短语翻译。1.

11、拜访某人_ 2. practice English 3. study for a math test 4. 去海滩 5. 做我的家庭作业_ 6. 上个周末 7. 举行聚会 8.读书 二)课堂学习过程:1.检查预习作业。2.复习上堂课所学内容:Lucys weekend。3.将自己昨天做的事情列一张清单,小组内进行问答调查: What did you/she/he/they do last weekend?3 听力练习:了解另外三个人Carol, Ben, Emma的周末。2a, 2b.4. Pairwork in groups. 2c.5.做练习:学案Period 2。讲解过去时各种句子的变法

12、(一般疑问句,否定句,特殊疑问句) 和总结一般过去时的时间标志。三)课堂反馈I. 先将下列句子改为一般疑问句,再对划线部分提问。1. I speak English every day. 2. She goes to school every day. 3. Mary went to the movies last weekend. II.用动词的过去式填空。1. Who_ (play) computer games just now?2. We _(go) to the movie house last night. The movie_(be) very good.3. What time

13、_ you_(get) to school this morning?4. Jim_(do)a lot yesterday. He_(study) English and_(cook) dinner. 5. What _ your sister _ (do) last weekend?6. Did you _ (stay) at home last night?III.选择填空。( ) 1.Lily _ the piano every evening. A. practices playing B. practices play C. practiced playing D. practice

14、s plays( ) 2.I helped my mother do housework, _ she was busy _ her work. A. so , do B. because , with C. so , with D. because , to do( ) 3.I _ TV now. Last Friday I _ TV, too. A. am watching , watched B. watching , watching C. be watching , watch D. watched , watched( ) 4. - What _ you often _ last

15、year? - I often read books. A. did , read B. do , read C. did , readed D. does , do( ) 5. Lucy _ tennis last weekend. A. didnt played B. did play C. didnt play D. doesnt play( ) 6. Yesterday I decided _ English well. So I started _ it from then on. A. to learn , practice B. to learn , to practicedC.

16、 learning , practicing D. to learn , to practice.按要求改写下列句子。1.Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2.He found some meat in the fridge.(一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3.She stayed there for a week. (划线部分提问) _ _ _ she _ there?4.My father visited the Great Wall last Sun

17、day. (对画线部分提问)_ _ your father _ last Sunday?5.How about going swimming?(改为同义句)_ _ going swimming?V.翻译下列句子。1. A lot of girls went shopping on Saturday afternoon. _2. 去看电影怎么样? 3. Tom每天练习弹吉他。 4. 他们正在为自然科学考试而学习。 5. 每个人都喜欢读书。 四)当课小结:Period Three(Section A 3a-4)一、学习目标1. 学会表达自己的观点,交流周末或假期经历,增进同学间的了解。2. 总结动

18、词过去式的变法规则。3学会合理安排周末和假期。二、学习过程一)课前准备:I.按学习时间的先后顺序,到现在为止,我们已经学习了3种时态,分别是: 。 的构成是 , 其中尤其要注意的是,当主语为第三人称单数的时候,句子中的动词要用 。动词变为这种形式的规则有 条,请分别写出来并举例说明: 的构成是 ,其中动词的变化规则有 条,请分别写出来并举例说明: ;的构成是 ,其中动词的变化规则有 条,请分别写出来并举例说明: II. 预习P55页,完成下列练习。用be的适当形式填空。1. I _ a student. My name _ Liu Peng.2. _ your sister an Englis

19、h teacher?3. Where _ he last night?4.I _ in Beijing with my brother last weekend.5.The students _ tired after they ran for an hour.III. 翻译下列短语(用过去时)和句子。1. 为考试而学习 2. 拜访某人 3. 去看电影/海边/爬山 4. 读书/购物/做家庭作业 5. 练习英语 6. 你的周末怎样? 太棒了/非常好/还好! 二)课堂学习过程:1.检查预习作业2.做游戏:What did you do ? 请同学到黑板上画自己上周做过的事情,其他同学猜。(Part

20、 4)3.完成3a、3b。4.回忆一下自己印象最深的周末,跟大家交流一下,再写下来。5.分享个别范文。启发学生深层次思考,合理安排周末,珍惜时间。6回顾我们本单元已学的所有动词及其过去式,总结动词过去式的变法规则。三)课堂反馈:I. 找出本单元我们已学的所有动词及其过去式。_ II. 写出下列词的第三人称单数、现在分词、过去式和汉语意思。 do _ _ _ _have _ _ _ _go _ _ _ _sit _ _ _ _write _ _ _ _study _ _ _ _III. 选择填空。( )1.-What about _ shopping this Sunday? - Fantast

21、ic! Id like _ with you. A. going , to go B. to go , going C. going , going D. to go , to go( )2. After _ lunch, I went to the library and read a book _ Lu Xun. A. have , about B. having , for C. haveing , for D. having , about( )3. What about _ banana juice? A. have , some B. having , any C. have ,

22、any D. having , somefamily. A. cooked , is cooking B. cook , is cooking C. cooked , cooked D. cooks , cooked( )4. He _ his grandmother now. He also _ her last month. A. visits , visited B. is visiting , visited C. visiting , visits D. visited , visited. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It _ (rain) a lot in my hometo

23、wn every year.2. Lucy and Lily _ (get up) very late last Sunday morning.3. My brother _ (not write) to me. Last night he _ (call) me.4. Who _ (come) to visit our school last Wednesday?5. What your father _ (do) last Monday?6. Tom (study) English last night.7. The boys (visit) his uncle last Friday.8

24、. What time _you _(get) to school this morning? 9.They_(be)always late for class last year.10. What day_(be)it yesterday?11. Her friend _ (have) dinner in the restaurant last night.12. Look, the boys _(play) soccer over there.13. I would like _(have) noodles for lunch.14. His brother _ (go) to the b

25、each two weeks ago.15. _ your cousin always _ (study) hard at school?V.情景对话。A: Where _(be) you last night?B: I _ (stay)at home. A: What _(do)you do?B: I _ (do)nothing. I just _(watch)TV.按要求改写下列句子。1.Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2.His father worked all day last Mo

26、nday.(改一般疑问句) _his father _ all day last Monday? 3.I was very busy last week. (改否定句和一般疑问句)I _ very busy last week. _ you very busy last week?4.There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup? .根据上下文填空。 Last Wednesday, I _ up at 8 oclock. I _ some bread. After breakfast, I _ to

27、school by bike. My mother _ the room in the morning. My father _ newspaper in the study. In the evening I _ home, we _ a big dinner together.你朋友的上个周末怎么样?他/她都干了些什么?给大家介绍一下吧。注意时态。 四)当堂小结:Period Four(Section B 1a-2c) 一、学习目标1. 复习一般过去时:意义、时间标志、构成、动词过去式的变法。2. 在学会客观陈述过去发生的事情的基础上,表达自己的看法。3. 以听力材料为基础,能够简单描述某个周末:总体评价和具体活动。二、学习过程一)课前准备:预习P56及对应单词,完成下列练习。I翻译下列短语(用过去时)并作出你对这些活动的评价。fun or not funE.G.:弹吉他 played the guitar fun 去图书馆 _ 打扫房间 踢足球 _ 看电影 拜访某人的朋友 _ 做作业 II完成下列句子1. She studied for the _ (地理) test last week.

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