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1、成人英语教学设计Course Schedule for Adult English 成人英语教学设计课程及教材描述 本课程是成人高校大专非英语专业的基础课程之一,期末全市统一考试。新突出时代特色、天津特色和应用性,反映学员的生活和工作实际。内容上短文与对话围绕同一主题,尽量体现同一语法现象。短文语言都较为规范,既有美国英语也有英国英语。为方便学习和降低难度,除了在词汇表中出现生词外,还在课文旁注释词义。所选材料具有时代性、知识性,兼顾趣味性与可思性。每三单元后有一个练习课。书后附有教参,包括背景知识介绍、译文、讲解等内容。练习少而精,重口语。教学对象:本课程是用成人高校大专非英语专业的学生。

2、课时安排:本课程为一学期课程。每周6个课时。时间关系,每个单元4课时。每三单元后一次练习课。 前两课时为课文讲解,后两课时做课后练习。 教学方式:精讲多练。对课文中常用词汇、语法给予精当的解释、总结;对语法强调模仿运用,避免过多语法讲解。强调练习与每课课文密切配合,并联系前面课文内容。句型操练(DRILLS)通过举一反三的口头盘练,着重让学员掌握英语口语中的常见句型、词组或某种语法现象。练习时通过各种形式提高学员的英语语言水平和综合能力。使学员每学完一课课文,便可以立即运用到实践中去。测试: 平时四个成绩,期末全市统一考试。Unit 1 Greeting and Introduction第一单

3、元 问候与介绍Aims and demands 教学目的与要求:学习问候与介绍等寒暄用语。Contents 内容:1 Dialogue A Meeting People at the Airport2 Dialogue B At a Party3 Passage A A Self-introduction4 Passage B The First Day at Work5 语音基础: 字母、音素Steps 教学步骤:1. 学习对话2. 学习短文3. 做课后练习4. 学习语音,做语音练习Exercises练习项目:I. Decide whether the following statement

4、s are true (T) or false (F) according to the dialogues.II. Choose a better answer to complete the dialogues. III. Useful Expressions. IV. Make a self-introduction according to the following sample.V. Additional Reading: Answer the questions according to the above dialogue.Phrases 词组: make a self-int

5、roductioncommunity collegeforeign trade look forward to make ones dream come true 做自我介绍社区学院对外贸易期望,期待,盼望使某人梦想成真Language points 语言点:1. Mr Liu and his co-worker Miss Wang are at the airport to meet Mr Lee, their new business partner.their new business partner是 Mr Lee的同位语。又如:This is Miss Wang, our sales

6、 sb at the airport 到机场去接某人 “给某人送行”是see sb. off。2. Pardon me, but are you Mr Lee? Pardon me也可以说成Excuse me。3. Im Liu Lei of Tianjin Sunshine Group. 这是主系表结构,是英语简单句五种基本句型之一,主要说明主语的性质和状态,表语也称为主语补语。详解请参考本课语法。课文中有不少同样结构的句子。如:This is Miss Wang, our sales manager.4. And you just call me Sophie,

7、as I said.call在这里意为“称呼”,是动词。它还当“打电话”讲。 e.g. Please tell him that I called him. 请告诉他我给他打了电话。 call还是名词。如:a telephone call 一个电话(即一次通话)4. He majors in foreign trade. 这句的结构也属于英语简单句五种基本句型之一,即主语加谓语动词。称为基本句型,因为它们只是框架,还可以有更丰富的成分。 此句使用的时态是一般现在时。majors是动词major的第三人称单数形式。5. 初次见面和正式场合的问候一般用 How do you do? 比较随意时说

8、Hello.或 Hi. 初次见面还要说 Glad to meet you .之类的客气话。回答时均可重复原问话,语调稍做改变。6Thats very kind of you. 或 Its very nice of you. 等是类似 Thank you. 的感谢的话,回答时说:别客气。 You are welcome.愿意效劳。 Its a / my pleasure.不必客气。 Dont mention it.注意翻译这类句子或短语时只要整体表达,别逐字汉译。7Like most young people of my age, I like listening to pop music. 前

9、面的like是介词 (prep.),意为“象一样”而非动词“喜欢”。又如: Sophies hair style is quite new, like yours. 而后面的like是动词,意为“喜爱”,后面跟名词或动名词作宾语。同样用法的还有后面的enjoy 和look forward to。e.g. The twin sisters look like each other very much. 这对孪生姐妹长得很相象。 I like to imagine(想象)myself can fly like a bird. I like painting. I enjoy playgoing g

10、reatly.Ive been looking forward to this moment for years.Looking forward to seeing you soon.8. I had a dream that 这句话的时态是一般过去时。Had是have 的过去式。9. And you have made my dream come true. 这句话使用的时态是现在完成时。Cultural background 文化背景Greetings and Introductions are an essential aspect of both British and US cult

11、ure the importance of which can never be overemphasized. Introducing yourself and others in the correct way is fraught with various dos and donts of etiquette.In social situations, a man is traditionally introduced to a woman and a younger person would be introduced to an older person. However, in t

12、he business world introductions are based on a persons rank or position in an organisation. Whoever is the highest-ranking person is introduced to everyone else in order of their position. If you introduce two people of equal rank to each other, introduce the one you know less well to the one you kn

13、ow best. There might be occasions where you will have to introduce yourself. For example, if you are meeting a new colleague or an associate, you might start off by extending your hand and saying“Hello! I am .” If you have been introduced earlier to someone, do not assume that the person would remem

14、ber you and be prepared to reintroduce yourself should it be necessary. The British and Americans do shake hands, i.e. when first introduced to new people, but they rarely shake hands when parting. When young people meet informally they sometimes say Give me five! and slap their hands togetherIn an

15、informal situation you may see social kissing (often just a peck on the cheek), this is acceptable between men and women and also between women who know each other very well.Unit 2 Weather第二单元 天气Aims and demands 教学目的与要求:学习问候与介绍等寒暄用语。Contents 内容:1. Dialogue A Talking about the Weather2. Dialogue B Wh

16、ats the Weather Like in Tianjin?3. Passage A The Summer in Tianjin4. Passage B Weather A Common Subject5. 语音基础:音素Steps 教学步骤:1. 学习对话2. 学习短文3. 做课后练习4. 学习语音,做语音练习Exercises练习项目:I.Complete the following dialogues with the help of the Chinese in brackets:II.Substitution Drills.III. Choose the best answer

17、according to passage AIV. Decide whether the following sentences are true or false according to passage B.V. Additional Reading. Decide whether the statements are true or false according to the above passage.Phrases 词组: have a picnic野餐 go outing外出 beach volleyball沙滩排球 get rid of躲避;逃避Language points

18、语言点:1. Its wonderful after the heavy rain last night.“heavy rain” 中的 heavy 是指雨下得很大的意思,在日常口语中heavy 还有其他的意思,如:Im getting heavier and heavier these days. 我最近越来越胖了。The traffic is very heavy at this hour everyday. 每天的这个时间交通总是很拥挤。2. Thats not too bad. 此句不能按字面意思直接翻译,美国人在表达“very good”时,常常更喜欢用“not bad”。因此,根据

19、上下文此处应译成“太好了”3. Besides the seashore, the natural beauty of Tianjin in summer is another attraction. besides 除此之外,包括所指对象,与其相近且容易混淆的except 则不包括所指对象。 如:Besides English we also learn French. 除了英语之外我们还学习法语。We all went to the party except John. 除了约翰我们都去了派队。(约翰没去。)4. Whats the weather like in Tianjin? 这是一

20、句询问天气的最常用的句子。5. People rush to the beach to get rid of the heat waves. 人们都迫不及待地冲向海滩以摆脱热浪。 此句中的“get rid of ”意为 “摆脱” 还可以说:“Its difficult to get rid of the bad habit so quickly.”6. Its the most common subject of conversation. 谈论天气是最普通的话题。subject 在此句中译为“话题”。7. Many people think they can tell what the we

21、ather is going to be like. 许多人都认为他们能预测天气。tell 在此译为“预测”, tell 的其他用法还有: The boy can already tell the time now. 这孩子已经认表了。Can you tell who is over there? 你能看清那边是谁吗?Her face told her joy. 看她表情就知道她有多高兴。Every shot told. 弹无虚发。Dont tell me you did it. 该不会是你干得吧!(表示惊讶)tell noses 数人数Cultural background 文化背景Weat

22、her is the common topic in western life, and it is not related with personal business. Therefore, talking with other people about the weather is the typical feature in western communication, especially in Britain. The topic on weather is limitless. In talking about weather youd better have your own

23、opinions instead of only repeating the content of weather forecast. The most important rule in the subject is showing the agreement to others comments. For example, some people says: “Nice day, isnt it?” You should reply without hesitation: “Isnt it lovely?”Unit 3 At a Restaurant第三单元 在餐馆Aims and dem

24、ands 教学目的与要求:学习问路用语。Contents 内容:1. Dialogue A What Would You Recommend? 2. Dialogue B A Wonderful Dinner3. Passage A An Intelligent Owner4. Passage B Fast Food Restaurant5. 语法: 词性 名词、代词、数词 Steps 教学步骤:1. 学习对话2. 学习短文3. 做课后练习4. 学习语法,做语法练习Exercises练习项目:I. Substitution DrillsII. Complete the following di

25、alogue with the help of the Chinese given in the brackets:III. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to passage A.IV. Choose the best answer according to passage B.V. Additional Reading. Choose the best answer according to the above passage. Phrases 词组: local sp

26、eciality 特色菜;土特产 be famous for 因 而出名;闻名 be ones honor to do sth. 某人有幸做某事 help yourself to 自取(所需);随便用(餐) a traditional Chinese dish 传统的中国菜 be called 被称为;叫. Language points 语言点:1. “Goubuli” Baozi: Its great pity if a tourist leaves Tianjin without tasting “Goubuli” Baozi. Its one of the famous special

27、ities in Tianjin. A bite will give one an unforgettable pleasant experience. The great taste of this snack rests in the material, the seasoning, mixing and preparing the dough. The buns covering also requires a lot of skill, as there should be at least 15 layers on one bun.2. A table for three, plea

28、se. 是省略句,全句应为:Do you have a table for three, please?意思是请安排一张供三人用餐的桌子。3. by the window靠窗的桌子在询问客人愿意坐在儿时,可以用下列句型进行询问:Where would you like to sit? Do you have any preference as to where you sit? Do you have a preferred table? Do you have any favorite table? 而各种餐桌的说法有: A table for two ( four, ten ) 二人(四人

29、,十人)桌 A window table 靠窗的桌子 An aisle table 靠过道的桌子 A table in the corner 靠墙角的桌子 A reserved table 有人包了的桌子Cultural background 文化背景1. Table Manners: It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. When the hostess indicates that the dinner i

30、s over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests should rise from theirs at the same time. It is polite for the gentlemen to help replace the ladies chairs after they rise. In formal society the gentlemen stay around the table for a brief period of conversation before joining the ladi

31、es in the drawing-room, but this custom is not observed in many places. Guests follow the hosts and hostesss custom in such matters. Should it be absolutely necessary for you to leave the table during the meal, you should ask the hostess to excuse you.2. Chinese food may be served in the following order:1) assorted cold dish (拼盘)2) sharks fin soup (鱼翅)3) chicken dish (鸡)4) prawn dish (虾)5) duck or pigeon dish (鸭或鸽)6) clear soup (清汤)7) fish (鱼)8) rice (米饭)9) dessert (甜点)10) fruit (水果)11) hot tea (茶)3. Western food may be served in the following order:1)

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