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1、高三英语一轮复习高中英语阅读填空训练阅读填空训练(一)In a study just published in the journal Intelligence, using search terms such as “stupid thing to do”, Balazs Aczel and his colleagues compiled a collection of stories describing stupid mistakes from sources such as The Huffington Post and TMZ. The researchers then had a

2、sample of university students rate each story on the responsibility of the people involved, the influence of the situation, the seriousness of the consequences, and other factors.Analyses of the subjects ratings revealed three varieties of stupid mistakes. The first is when a persons confidence goes

3、 beyond their skill, as when a Pittsburgh man robbed two banks in broad daylight without wearing a disguise, believing that lemon juice he had rubbed on his face would make him invisible to security cameras. The confidence-skill disconnection has been named the Dunning-Kruger effect, after a study b

4、y social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger. Dunning and Kruger had Cornell undergraduates perform tests of humor, logic, and grammar, and then rate how well they think they performed compared to other subjects in the study. The worst performing subjects, whose scores put them in the 12th

5、 percentile, estimated that they had performed in the 62nd percentile. Summarizing the findings, Dunning noted, “Poor performersand we are all poor performers at some thingsfail to see the flaws in their thinking or the answers they lack.” When we think we are at our best is sometimes when we are at

6、 our objective worst.As any number of political scandals illustrate, the second type of stupid mistake involves impulsive actswhen we seem unable to keep our behavior in check. In the scandal that became known as Weinergate, former U.S. representative Anthony Weiner sent blue texts and pictures of h

7、imself to women he met on Facebook. (After resigning, Weiner continued his cyber-dalliances, and then fell prey to the Dunning-Kruger effect when he overestimated his support in the 2013 New York City mayoral primary; he received 5% of the vote.)The final variety of stupid mistake involves failing t

8、o concentrateHomer Simpsonesque Doh moments. As arguably the best example from American sports history, in the 1929 Rose Bowl, University of California star Roy Riegels recovered a fumble(失误球) and returned it 65 yards the wrong way. Riegels mistake set up a safety for Georgia Tech, which turned out

9、to be the deciding factor in the opponents victory. Aczel and colleagues analyses revealed that subjects viewed this category of stupid mistake as the least stupid.It is, of course, unrealistic to think that we could ever eliminate human error. To err will always be human. However, this research giv

10、es us a better description of our failings and weaknesses, and a place to start in thinking about interventions and prescriptions to help us err less. This research also reminds us of our shared human weaknesses. We all tend to overestimate our abilities, to make impulsive decisions, and to fail to

11、keep attention. This simple realization makes stupid mistakes seem, perhaps, a little less stupid and a little more human.Title: Why you make breathtakingly stupid mistakes(71)_of the researchCompiling stories about stupid mistakes from some sources.Rating the stories on the factors like responsibil

12、ities, influences, etc.(72)_ how the subjects rate the stories.Types of stupid mistakesConfidence skilldisconnectionIt happens when confidence (73)_ skill. Eg: A man rubbing lemon juice on his face robbed banks by (74)_his head in the sand like an ostrich ( 鸵鸟).The outcome may be just the (75)_ when

13、 we overestimate our skills.Impulsive actsWe cannot put our behavior under (76)_.Eg. Weiner disturbed women by sending blue texts and pictures, which put him at a disadvantage in mayoral primary.(77)_ of attentionThough viewed as the least stupid, it can be a deciding factor in may cases. Eg. Roy Ri

14、egels running the wrong way with a fumble (78)_ for Geogia Tech winning the game.Values of the researchProviding us with a clear image of our failings and weaknesses.Helping us err less though we are (79)_ to stay away from error.Enabling us to evaluate our abilities objectively, make rational decis

15、ions and always get (80)_.(二)How traffic affects our health When talking about traffic problems, we,Jso need to take into consideration the pollution that we are exposed to and the health problems traffic causes. Given below is an in-depth exposition on how traffic afftcts our health and what we can

16、 do to avoid some of these effects to live a longer and healthier life.Aches and Pains Driving in a slouched(无精打釆的)position puts pressure on your back and neck. Back pain is often due to poor posture which can have a neu,nti e effect on your health. Your bad posture also puts stress on the joints of

17、 your elbows and knees, causing pain and tiredness to these areas of your body. When you are driving in traffic, you are constantly shifting between the accelerator and brake (in automatic transmission cars), and clutch, brake, and accelerator (in manual transmission cars). This constant shifting pu

18、ts pressure and stress on your knees, causing knee-related problems and aches.What can you do? You can counteract these ill effect and posture problems by sitting upright and having a support for your lower back and neck. Adjust the position of your seat in such a way that you can drive at ease with

19、out any discomfort. The backrest of the seat should be straight up, and not pulled down too much. Respiratory(呼吸的)Problems Exposure to heavy traffic implies exposure to poisonous rases that are emitted by vehicles. It is believed that the transportation sector in the US is resporbible for a quarter

20、of the countrys greenhouse gas emissions. Our lungs arc like sponges, soaking in everything that is breathed in by our respiratory system. The smoke coming out of the tailpipes of vehicles presents a serious threat to human health. Prolonged exposure to traffic emissions can cause,vious respiratory

21、diseases including lung cancer.What can you do? There are ways to avoid breathing in polluted air If you can, avoid driving in parts of your town with heavy traffic congestion. However, if you find yourself driving through such areas, roll up your car windows to minimize exposure to harmflil gases.

22、If you plan to go out for a walk or run, do it in a place where you get loads of fresh air. Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants(抗氧化剂),and exercise regularly so that your immune system is strong enough to fight off potential threats to your health. Travel and traffic are two things that are absol

23、utely unavoidable,and that is why we should try to be as comfortable as possible, to be stress-free and illness-free!How traffic affects our healthPassage outlineSupporting detailsLead-inWhen it (71) to traffic problems, we should pay enouch attention to the pollution we are exposed to and the healt

24、h problems that traffic causes.Aches and PainsProblems(72) a Door Dosition when you are driving can affect your health badly in several ways such as back, neck, even the joints of your elbows and knees.Shifting posture constantly in the (73) of driving will put pressure and stress on your knees, cau

25、sing aches and pains.SolutionsYou can sit upright and have a support for your lower back and neck, j You can make (74) to the position of your seat.You can (75) the backrest of vour seat and avoid pulling it down too much. RespiratoryProblemsProblemsIt is believed that the transportation sector is t

26、o (76) for a quarter greenhouse gas emissions in the US.Our lungs breathe in harmful elements in the smoke from vehicles, damaging our health seriously.Long exposure to dangerous pollutants from vehicles can cause various lung-related diseases, lung cancer (77) .SolutionsYou should try to drive thro

27、ugh the areas (78) from heavy traffic congestion.You must wind up your car windows to keep exposure, to harmfijl pollutants to the (79) .You should choose a place where you get loads of fresh air to take a walk or have a run.You must attach (80) to your diet and regular exercise to fight off potenti

28、al threats to your health. Conclusion t We should try to be stress-free and illness-free while driving or I traveling.(三)New research says 35 percent of child deaths worldwide are caused by hunger. The research comes from poor or middle-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Robert Blac

29、k from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland is the lead writer of the research. He says more than 3. 5 million mothers and children under five die in poor countries each year because of hunger. He says about two million children die from underdevelopment, eit

30、her before or after birth. Millions of others who survive face a lifetime of disabilities or early death and the effects are not just physical. Poor mental development also results from hunger as children grow. Then the cycle of poverty and hunger often continues for their children. Doctor Black say

31、s hungry children can have conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease as a result of hunger. He says the studies show that food programs need to place the greatest importance on the first two years of life. Hungry children can suffer their whole-life damage from age two. It is high time t

32、heir diets were improved. Diets should include foods rich in vitamin A and other vitamins and minerals. The researchers say early help such as this could reduce child deaths by 25%. This research has also faced some criticism. A medical aid group says the researchers underestimate (低估) the number of child deat

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